Teddy where are you? (tk) ✔

By Giggling_Pillow

383K 29.9K 15K

" What do you want!?..St-Stay!! back " Jungkook snarls, pupils dilated in fear , his hands trembling pushing... More

^.^ Fools
‹•.•› weird
◐.̃◐ k
'︿' miserable
(。ŏ_ŏ) whoa
≧∇≦ Shy Baby
(⌒o⌒) warm
Friends ^ω^
hugs ♡
Calm before the storm
Not a dream
Good morning
Hell no!!
Life like hell
Life regrets
Important notice
Show me
Day 1
Day 1.2
Day 1...continue
Scent of Burnt toast
New home
Feeling of bite
Garry and Pancakes
New Chance on New Year
Second chance
Final Day
Burning planets
Maple leaf 🍁
New story

:-P Chimmy

7.5K 576 168
By Giggling_Pillow

He turns straining his neck with lips firmly pressed, hands gripping the window desperately, legs shaking and he shreaks in horror dauntingly he watch his own head, cropped and bloody laying beside his leg, eyes close but staring under the blood covered eyelids, crimson staining his trousers and the floor with foul stench of never ending agony of blood and rotten flesh tingling his nostrils making him gag.

He don't get time to get over his current shock when the bloody head suddenly laughs open mouth leaping forward and bites his leg with its rotten teeth and he falls backward with a loud shriek of fear out the window

That's what he thought will happen so within half heartbeat he jumped out of window without even checking what touched his leg, running with desperate arms waggling over his head as his legs run until he is out in front of Jimin's apartment banging on the door without a break, bawling feverishly at the doorstep looking back for any jumping pathetic wobbling piece of his own head laughing all bloody coming to bite him.

Judging from commotion and banging from inside, Jimin seem to have tripped more than twice and probably broke something by the loud thud he heard over his own banging.

His eyes closed tightly as he keeps knocking gaining attention of neighbours who looks scared and worried but Jimin opens the door in time to be greeted with a blow on his nose as jungkook didn't stop knocking, falling back with a groan as he spends no time and jumps inside locking the door and hugs the life out of him.

He whimpers and sobs finally feeling safe in warm embrace of older who soon comfort younger on his lap whispering soothing words in his ears cradling him.
It took only few minutes to finally calm him down, croaking and sniffing  everything that happened today in his apartment to older.
He didn't say anything about his other nightmares, he feel like the words chocked in his throat even if he wanted to speak.

Jimin lives alone in his apartment so he place the big sniffing baby on sofa and clean his face, offering him food.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that "Jungkook mumbles sipping water with a pout making Jimin coo

"it's okay, I don't mind. you must have gone paranoid " Jimin sweetly smiles and though jungkook is not convinced with paranoid part he smiled back.

"Do you want to stay for tonight or want me to accompany you home? " Jimin asks after an hour of talking about school and friends laughing like they no one was crying and comforting someone some time ago

Jungkook thinks for a minute then sitting straight he speaks "will you stay over? I'd like to go back otherwise I'll be paranoid, the cold breeze could be from ventilator or I forgot to turn off A.C"

"sure thing, we should stop watching creepy things before sleeping "Jimin cheekily smiles nudging younger who huffs embarrassed

Eventually they both walk and goof around on empty streets reaching Jungkook's apartment. Window is open, lights on, everything is as left.

With deep breathe he opens his unlocked door with its hinge broken and stuck which caused the door to not open in first place.
When he further inspected, AC was indeed on, and what fell on his leg was the book by the table, it probably fell due to the sudden rush he caused to reach window .

He laughed at himself shaking his head and jimin made himself comfortable waiting for him to calm down from self idiocy .

"I'm gonna switch to avengers instead of horror stories, they are messing with my head " Jimin agrees, both enjoying ice cream.

They ended up with pillow fight and chasing each other round the whole house, messing up and tripping over everything, loosing their breathe laughing.
Soon jimin catch him and sits on top, holding his hands beside his head to not let him escape as they both continued to laugh

When laughter died down they both blushed on their position  and got off with a small smile, they called it night and went for bed.
Jungkook offered to share bed with older who he agreed, they have shared bed countless times before.

Right now Jimin is brushing his teeth in jungkook's bathroom in pj he left at his home last stay while jungkook also in his pj is cleaning up the mess they created.
He finally plopped down on bed and his eyes catches the Teddy bear laying by headboard upright.

Whilst Jungkook called the carpenter to book appointment for his door to be fixed

Jimin comes just in time ruffling his hair and plops down just beside him, noticing the Teddy bear with a teasing smirk .

"oh ho~ little kookie loved the gift from admirer that he can't keep it away from him even in sleep " he wiggles his brows making jungkook laugh.

"no hyung, I don't remember keeping it here plus why would I fall for someone I don't know so this admirer thing means nothing,
wait let me take this somewhere else " Jungkook gets up holding the teddy in his hand as he marching toward living room and tossing it over the couch.

He yawns and graze his tounge over his lips, making his way back to bed leaving the soft toy alone on couch in his dark living room   

As it's brown button eyes flashed blood red

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