It's Too Late

By CherryBlossom2214

1.5M 44K 3K

He rejected me, all my life I have dreamed of my mate and our lives together. But he rejected me, I knew my f... More

Chapther 0.1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: The End
Dorothy's Story: Comming Soon
New Year's Bonus Chapter

Chapter 18

25.2K 803 35
By CherryBlossom2214

~Erick Finn~

My mind was going wild with all the scenarios playing inside my head of meeting my daughter. "Erick don't be so nervous, she really wants to meet you." That didn't help at all. Fiona looks down and my hands and she gives a sad smile.
"You still wear her ring after all these years." It was a golden ring with my mate's fingerprint on it and engraved on the inside stands 'Forever in my heart'. She has the same golden ring only thinner with my fingerprint on it with the same engraving. It was our promise rings. I never took it off, no matter what anyone said. "I could never remove it." Fiona chuckled, when she sees my fiddling with it. A clear sign that I was stressed.
"I think Stacy is just as stressed as you. She got her nerves from you." I chuckled as well, Julianna was a very calm and collected woman. The opposite of me, I was a ball of nerves and all over the place. Especially when it came to her. "I'm so scared this is all just a dream."
"I promise it ia not Erick, you'll see your girl soon."

We reached the castle and all my nerves that I got under control, flooded.
"I can't do this! What if I am not what she expected? What if she wants nothing to do with me?" Things only went downhill from there with my thaughts. "Erick." Dracula says to catch my attention. "She will love you, don't worry." Dracula saying that made me feel a little bit better. Fiona smiled like a crazy woman.


"They are here Ana." My nerves went all over the place. My calm demeanor was completely broken. "Do you think he will like me? What if he doesn't want to see me because I look too much like my mother and he will resent me for that? Oh Leo I can't do this!" I rant. Leo cups my face with both hands. "Look at me, beloved." I did, his red eyes seems to calm me down. "Now breathe. Everything will be fine." That helped a little. "You sure you don't want me there with you?" I nod me head. "I'm sure."

~Erick Finn~

"King Erick, welcome to my home." The current king, King Vladius Leonard, greets me. "Thank you for having me in such short notice." I wouldn't admit this to Dracula at all, but his son is way more intimidating and powerful than when he was when he was king. "Please follow me, Anastasia is waiting for you." I follow him to wherever my daughter is waiting. We finally reached the door of the room where she was waiting. "I'm sure I don't need to say this, but if you hurt her in any way I will never let you see her again." He says before walking away. He was really protective of Anastasia, that much he could see.
I look back at the door, my breathing was anything but normal.
This is the moment I've dreamed of for about 18 years!


I am waiting in the piano room, the room just has that calming effect that I hoped will help me calm down and my father if he was even nervous at all. There came a knock from the door. My whole body froze as I stare at the door.
"Come in."
Oh dear! I was beyond nervous. The door slowly opens and then I see him and when I saw his eyes there was no doubt that he was my father.
It was like we practiced this very moment because we ran to each other the exact same time, tears forming in our eyes. He embraces me into an earth shattering hug and I hold onto him for dear life.
"I thought I would never find you." He cries into my shoulder. "They told me you were dead."
"They lied." I whisper, my own tears flowing onto his shoulder.

We cried in each others arms for a long time, but now we were settled down. Well as much as we could, I was still very nervous. "Soo, uhm, the king, does he treat you well?" My father ask. Thinking of Leo made me smile. "Oh yes, I love him very much." He chuckled. "Having a mate is absolutely wonderful." I pursed my lips. "Well, he is actually my, uhm, my chosen mate." He frowns. "I don't understand?" I brace myself to tell him.
"Well my original mate, he rejected me. Leo..."
"He what!?" My father stands up from his chair in rage. His organge eyes now shined and reminded me of fire. "How dare he, who is he!? I will chop hom to pieces!" My father yells as he paced back and forth yelling how any man would dare refuse me. "Father it is fine, really. Leo saved me and I grew to love him. My wolf and I have already accepted him as our mate." My father slowls down and watch me with worried eyes. "I just..." He sits down next to me. "You must have been in so much pain." He starts to cry and I hug him, not knowing how else to make him understand that everything is fine. "It's oky, I'm glad I have someone like Leo to love." He kisses my head. "I guess so."
He then looks at the room. "This is a really nice room." That got me excited. "Oh yes, Leo designed this room for me. I play the piano alot." He smiled also excited. "I see some of my genes you got. Your mother couldn't play an instrument to save her life." he stands up and his fingers glazed on the piano. "You can play if you want, show off your skills." I tell him and he smirks. "Now that is a challenge I will not back down on."
He sits down, plays a few notes, just like I do and then he begins.

Chopin~ Etude Op. 10 No.4

My mouth fell open at how beautiful and fast he was playing. On instinct I closed my eyes and listen to how he played, completely lost in the music. He lifts his hands to end the song and I clapped. "Oh wow you play so amazing!" He gives that proud cocky smile. "Of coarse I do, I'm an elf king. We are fluent in every instrument my nature. It is the same as eating for us really. It just comes naturally."

We talked a while, mostly about me. He didn't let me ask questions, he was simply bubbling over with questions so I waited my turn. A knock from the door stopped our conversation and we see Leo enter.
"I see everything is going oky?" I love this man. "Dad, would you like to join everyone else for now, I know Leo has dinner planned?" There was tears forming in his eyes. "Dad. How many times have I dreamt of you calling me that and now I finally hear it." I like how open my father is with his emotions. I gave him a smile, "Don't go al teary at me now, Dad." He wiped the tears away. "Let's go have dinner, I am starving!"


Father and Daughter finally reunited once again!

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