The Here and Now [Legolas and...

By Forever1912

50.6K 1.5K 575

This is the sequel to What Once was Lost. After finding Aragon in the north, many months passed by. Legolas g... More

1: Journey to Rivendell
The Council of Elrond
Mines of Moria
Yet Hope Remains
The Breaking of the Fellowship
2: The White Wizard
Home of the Horse Lords
Warg Riders
The Brightest Stars
The Battle of Helm's Deep
Worth Fighting For
3: The Death of Saruman
The Victorious Dead
Minas Tirith
Flame of the West
And the Dead Kept It
The Pelennor Fields
The Unexpected Courage
Men of the West
"All Turns to Sliver Glass"
The Days of Peace
Epilogue: The Sun Sails
Author's Note: A New Book
Author's Note: Sneak Peak

Our People

2.3K 69 20
By Forever1912

Sorry it took so long... It was the first week of school for me. I didn't have the time. School comes first...I guess. Here it is! The next chapter is coming in one or two days. I hope you enjoy! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3

They road down the great river of Anduin. Tauriel felt the wind move through her hair, the sound of the water hitting against the boat. Then she heard a sound, it came from the forest. She glanced quickly to pick up any movement, there was nothing, but she felt it. She felt something was coming. "Legolas. " she muttered as he glanced back at her. "Do you feel it?" He looked back at her, "something sutures in the east. Hidden from us." Tauriel looked down, "to many things are hidden. To much regret." She glanced at Aragon as he taped Frodo on the shoulder. "Frodo. The Argonath! Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin."

Tauriel breath with enchantment, " Argonath." She whispered. The Fellowship looked up in awe at the towering splendor of the Argonath. Two majestic statues, carved out of the mountain, proudly stand on each side of the Anduin. Their left arms are held aloft, their palms facing outwards in gesture of warning.

The fellowship reached the shores, Aragon looked to the forest, "We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the north." Tauriel whispered to Aragon, "nightfall is to late, we must move now." Her worried eyes gazed upon the stilled forest, "Oh, yes?! It's just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil? An impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks! And after that, it gets even better! Festering, stinking marshlands far as the eye can see!"Gimil muttered as he coughed out a puff of smoke. Aragon faced Gimil, "That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength Master Dwarf." Gimli widen his eyes, "Recover my...?!" He mumbled as he placed the pipe towards his mouth. Legolas looks into the forest around them, then turns to Aragorn, "Tauriel is right, we should leave now." "No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness." Legolas sighed looking back at the forest, "It is not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near... I can feel it."

"No dwarf need recover strength!" Gimli mumbled as Pippin faced him, "pay no heed to that, young hobbit." Merry returned with some wood for the campfire, as he looks around he muttered, "Where's Frodo?" Sam, who was half-dozing, rouses with a start. Aragorn looks over the camp. His gaze stops on Boromir's shield, lying with the baggage. "Tauriel, where is she!" Legolas said with hast.

In the forest, Frodo wanders around. He stands by an immense stone head, lying with its side on the ground. Boromir, gathering wood, sees Frodo and approaches him. "I know why you seek solitude. You suffer, I see it day by day. You sure you do not suffer needlessly? There are other ways, Frodo, other paths that we might take." Frodo slowly backed away as Boromir approached closer. Tauriel ran through the woods to do a gaze around the shore until she heard a voice, Frodo. "I know what you would say. And it would seem like wisdom but for the warning in my heart." Frodo said. Tauriel travels closer to the sound to see Frodo and Boromir. "Warning?" Boromir breathed, "Against what? We're all afraid, Frodo. But to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have. Don't you see that is madness?" "There is no other way!" Frodo raised his voice, as Boromir smiled intently. But it was soon turn to rage, "No!" Frodo shouted and stepped back. "Why do you recoil? I am no thief." "You are not yourself." Frodo commanded. "What chance do you think you have? They will find you! They will take the Ring and you will beg for death before the end!" Frodo turned around and started to run, "You fool!" Boromir shouted as he chased after Frodo, as he grab his leg, he screamed, "It is not yours save by unhappy chance. It could've been mine! It should be mine! Give it to me!" He turn Frodo over to grab the ring. "Give it to me!" "No!" Frodo screamed.

"Give me...Give me the ring!" "No!" Frodo slipped on the ring then kick Boromir trying to escape. Boromir looks around desperately calling, "I see your mind. You will take the Ring to Sauron! You will betray us! You go to your death and the death of us all! Curse you! Curse you! And all the halflings!" Boromir slips and falls to the ground. The madness of the Ring leaves him as he comes to his senses. Tauriel looked at him in dispare, "Frodo? Frodo?...what have I done?...please...Frodo! Frodo, I'm sorry!" Tauriel cried, "Boromir!" Boromir looked up as he stood on his feet, "Tauriel! I, I never meant for this to happen!" Forgive me, I was to blind to see!" Tauriel took Boromir's hand.

Frodo ran through the "shadow world," climbing up onto the Seat of Seeing atop Amon Hen. He looks over the stone and sees the Dark Tower from afar. The image rushes towards him and his vision rise to its pinnacle where the burning Eye of Sauron stares back menacingly, the Dark Lord speaking to him in black speech. Frodo, rushing to remove the Ring, falls off the Seat of Seeing and lands on his back beneath it. He sits up, trying to catch his breath. Aragorn approaches. "Frodo?" Aragon breathed as Frodo turns around gasping, "It has taken Boromir." Aragon carefully step towards Frodo. "Where is the ring?" "Stay away!" Frodo shouted, he scrambles up and retreats from Aragorn, and in under the Seat of Seeing. Aragorn comes after him. "Frodo I swore to protect you." "Can you protect me from yourself?" Frodo muttered as he opened his hand to reveal the ring.

"Would you destroy it?" Aragorn gazed upon the Ring as he slowly approaches Frodo. The Ring began to whisper his name. He reaches out, with both hands, Aragorn closes Frodo's hand over the Ring and pushes it to the hobbit's chest. "I would have gone with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor." Aragon lets go of Frodo's hand, "I know. Look after the others, especially Sam. He will not understand." Aragorn nods with tears in his eyes, but then sees Sting glowing blue. He stands suddenly, "go. Frodo." As he draws out his sword. "Run!" Frodo ran to the shores.

Frodo turns around and leaves. Aragorn walks out from beneath the Seat of Seeing and finds a troop of Uruk-Hai advancing towards him. He held his sword to his face. They attack. He cuts several down, but they force him up the stairs of the Seat. Further down in the forest, everyone is around looking for Frodo. Sam searches frantically. "Mr Frodo!" Sam cried The leader of the Uruk-Hai demanded, "find the halfling! Find the halfling!" Aragorn jumps from the top of the Seat of Seeing and onto the Uruk-Hai before Legolas and Gimli run forward from behind the Seat. Legolas shot three Uruk-Hai; Gimli smashed his axe on the filth. "Aragorn! Go!" Legolas shouted as he shot another orc.

Frodo runs and hides behind a tree. Some of the Uruk-Hai run past, not seeing him. Across the way, Merry and Pippin hide in a space under some fallen tree trunks and bushes. "Frodo!" Merry whispered, "hide here quick! Come on!" Pippin smiled, Frodo looks at them, anguished, then shakes his head. Pippin's face fell as he ask Merry, "what he doing?" There was a silence as Merry breathed, "he's leaving." Pippin muttered "no!" Merry comes after him, and they are out in the open. Several Uruk-Hai are coming down the hill, towards where they stand. They stare at them, then Merry turns to Frodo. "Run Frodo! Go!" Merry cups his hands and calls out to the Uruk-Hai, "Hey! Hey you! Over here!" Pippin came out shouting as well. "Hey, over here! This way!" Both hobbits run away from Frodo. The Uruk-Hai troop follows them. Frodo stares after them, unsure of what to do, then he makes a decision and runs in the opposite direction. "It's working!" Pippin shouted, "I know it's working! Run!" Merry cried as they ran.

Merry and Pippin run across an old stone bridge. At its far end, they stop and see Uruk-hai running towards them from another direction. The Uruks are closing in, both in front and behind. An Uruk runs up to them, raising his axe. But Boromir and Tauriel came charging in. Tauriel slashed an orc with her dagger grunting. Boromir knocks an Uruk back, and kills him with his sword. He throws a knife at another. Tauriel rolled and quickly pulled out her bow to shoot the filth. Back at the Seat of Seeing, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli continue to fight the Uruk-Hai. In one smooth move, Legolas stabs one Uruk with an arrow then shoots it out at another. Aragorn stabs one behind his back. Uruks in a row, then one who has closed in on Aragorn. Three loud ox-horn blasts are heard. "The Horn of Gondor!" Legolas shouted as Aragon ran shouting "Boromir!" They run down the hills of Amon Hen towards the sound, but Uruks are between them and Boromir. A visual sweep shows some running towards Boromir, down the stone steps; the others attack Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli as they struggle to follow. Boromir sounds the horn of Gondor again.

Tauriel shouted to the hobbits, "run. Run!" The Uruks attack Boromir. He kills two more. Lurtz walks slowly into view, lifts his bow, aims a big black arrow, and shoots it into Boromir's left shoulder. He gasps for breath and the hobbits look at him in shock. Tauriel couldn't move. Everything in her view went blurry and dull. All she could think about was the moment. Kili!


Kili fought the orc with all his might. But Blog held Kili by the neck and was about to sick a blade in to his body. Tauriel had the will to stand up, and as she did she grabbed on to the back of the orc and tried to pull away the blade. But she got pushed off as she rolled to the edge. It was silent, the world was silent. Blog smiled before he stuck the blade into Kili's body. Tauriel gasped in horror as tears ran down her face. Everything happen so slowly, all the sounds of the battle had dulled down. Kili looked at Tauriel as if he was trying to say something to her, nothing came out. She looked at him one last time before Kili looked up to the heavens breathing deeply. As he close eyes a single tear ran down his cheek, he let go.

[End of Flashback]

Boromir drops to his knees, as he begins to breathe hard, and looks at the hobbits. Uruks come closer, but he gives a battle cry, rises, and swings his sword at one, who falls. Lurtz growls, lifts his bow, and shoots again. A black arrow flies into Boromir's stomach. He drops to his knees again, gasping. Tauriel ran to the leader and pulled back her bow. Only to hit him in the leg. She grunted in frustration, everything was still blurry. Boromir swings his sword at another Uruk and gets back up. Lurtz shoots him one more time, in the chest. Boromir falls on his knees and stays there, swaying a little and blinking.Merry and Pippin look at him in shock. With all the courage they can find, they take up their swords and attack the Uruk-Hai with a cry.

They never have the chance to strike. The Uruk-Hai lift them up and carry them off. Merry and Pippin wave their arms frantically. The Uruk-Hai troop walks past Boromir. Boromir stares after the hobbits, helpless. Lurtz the leader of the Uruk-Hai now left alone, stops ten feet from Boromir and takes aim with his bow again. Boromir swallows and stares back at him. Just as Lurtz is about to let go of the arrow, Aragorn crashes into him, and the arrow flies off harmlessly.
They start a fight. Aragorn loses his sword and is thrown to the ground. When he gets up, Lurtz throws his shield at Aragorn and pins him by the neck against a tree.

Lurtz raises his sword and strikes, but Aragorn slips beneath the shield and dodges. Aragorn pulls out a knife and stabs Lurtz in the leg. Lurtz roars and knocks Aragorn to the ground, making him roll a few feet away. Lurtz then pulls the knife out of his leg and throws it at Aragorn, who has found his sword and uses it to bat the knife away. Aragorn closes in on Lurtz and in a flurry of swordplay, slices his arm off and then stabs him in the chest. Lurtz grabs Aragorns sword and pulls himself up onto it, closer to Aragorn, snarling. Aragorn grimaces, pulls his sword out of Lurtz, swings it wide, and hacks off the Uruk's head. The rest of Lurtz's body falls to the ground. Aragorn pauses a moment, panting. He then notices Boromir. Boromir, pale and bloodied, is now lying on his back, his head close to a tree.

Tauriel ran to Boromir, "Tauriel." He gasped. Tauriel looked at him as her cheeks soaked with tears. "Tauriel, I do not regret any part of my life. Don't live your life with reget, I see the way you look at him." She faced him, "I have more regret in my life then I could see. You were noble to you people." Boromir smiled as he gasped. "May your people be proud." She muttered as she kissed his forehead. Legolas came running with great sorrow. Tauriel got up and walked into Legolas's open arms.

"No!" Aragon breathed as he ran to Boromir, "they took the little ones!" Boromir stuttered. "Be still." Aragon whispered, "Frodo, where is Frodo?" Aragon looked up, "I let Frodo go." "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him." Boromir said with shame. "The ring is beyond our reach now." "Forgive me, I did not see it. I have failed you all." Boromir cried as Aragon shook his head. "No, Boromir, you fought bravely! You have kept your honor." Aragon reaches out to pull the arrows from Boromir, but Boromir grabs his arm to stop him. "Leave it! It is over. The world of Men will fall, and all will come to darkness... And my city to ruin." Aragon whispered to Boromir, "I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail!" Boromir looked up, "Our people?" Then repeated with pride. "Our people." He reaches for his sword, as Aragorn places the hilt in his hand as Boromir clasps it to his chest. "I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king!" Was his final words, Boromir passed on to the heavens. Aragorn touches his hand to his forehead, then to his lips in respect. "Be at peace, son of Gondor." He bends and kisses Boromir on the brow. Legolas and Tauriel both closed their eyes, and bowed their heads in respect as they gave a prey in elvish. "Hiro hyn hîdh ab'wanath.(May he find peace after death.)" Gimli bows his head and turns away. Aragorn stands up, looking into the forest with a tear running down his face.

Tauriel fear has grown inside of her, ever since Kili died. She couldn't sleep for weeks. She couldn't see a sight of a life being taken. Not just any life, the life of the people she loved. The fear grew in her her heart, all she could do was breath.

Thank you for reading! One more chapter till The Two Towers! The next chapter is called The Breaking of the Fellowship. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3xx forever1912

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