More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 37

2.1K 15 0
By snowfluke



Kasie's P.O.V.

Finally it's December. I love the holidays. There's always, snow, Christmas trees, Christmas, seeing our families, spending the holiday with oth friends and family, and everyone's favorite PRESENTS! I always love the saying : Giving is better than receiving. But either way, I still love it. And I can't wait to see my friends and have a bountiful feast. With Niall around, that's for sure.

I forgot to mention that Little Mix's tour is over. For now the group is heading home to their families, and I'm tagging along with Perrie. Since we're going to see the lads, why not. I just can't wait to go home... oh wait. What about my family? Hmm... maybe I'll call them just to make sure they'll  be fine with it. My mom is the only one their, since my dad has passed away when I was a little girl. Mom it is then.

"Kasie, take a seat. The plane is about to take flight." Perrie said. She was already in our row. And the plane is about board.

"I'll take a call first.Is that alright?" I asked for her permission. She nodded. I smiled thankfully. "Thanks, I'll be back in a few." I slowly walked to the back. It was first class, so it was only us. And no, Perrie tricked me into first class.

When it was just me, I got my phone and dialed my mom.

Ring.. Ring... Ring...

On the third ring, she finally picked up. Great.

"Kasie darling? Is that you?" My mom's mellow voice rang through the phone. Tears of joy filled my eyes. It's been a long time since I've heard from her. Three months to make that clear.

"Yeah mom. It's Kasie. I missed you so much." I said. My voice turned high pitched because of the tears.

"Oh Kasie hun, don't cry. I miss you too. How are you?" My mom asked. Shushing me, so I wouldn't cry no more.

"I'm good mom." I paused and took a deep breathe. "Mom, I was wondering if I could go to my friends house for Christmas?"

"It's fine hun. To be honest dear, mommy isn't done yet with her job. They wouldn't let me go yet. I guess it's fine. I'm sorry if I can't come on Christmas day." She apologized. I know that she's feeling sorry for me. I know my mom very well to be exact.

Inside, I felt like I was going to be alone. But I completely understand my mom's situation. Going to work, and sometimes even double shifts, just to live.

"I understand mom. Good luck on your work. Got to go now."

"Hun, I'm sorry. I promise to make it up to you. I love you more than anything in the world." She said.

"Love you too mom. Bye."

"Bye hun."

I pressed end and slowly slid my phone back into my pocket. The thought of my mom not spending Christmas with me hurts. It was one of the only times I could go and see her. Oh well, too bad for me.

After that scene, I went back to the seats. Perrie was there on her laptop, tweeting again. When I took my seat, she turned and faced me. She looked upset when she saw me. She's pitying me too I guess. I know I was still crying. Anyone would, knowing that their mom couldn't spend Christmas with them.

"Kasie, are you alright?" Perrie asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I cleared the lump in my throat, so I could talk. I wet my lips and hiccupped. "No, I'm most definately not." I cried and she pulled me into a hug. I hugged back tightly. "I...ju...just...want to...go home..."

"Oh Kasie, tell me what happened. And who did you call?" Perrie asked me, she has been the best friend I had these past months. She like my sister. I cried even more, and she rubbed circle in my back. "Just let it all out now. Perrie is here for you."

" mom..." I managed to say and hiccupped most of the time.

"Here drink some water and wipe your ears now." She handed me a glas of water. I drank it, sipping every last drop. Then she got a napkin and wiped my tears. I sighed,looked down. "All better now?" She asked, I nodded.

"Then... I asked if I could stay with you guys for Christmas. I was expecting a 'no' but she allowed me."

"That's great hun. What's wrong with that?" Perrie kissed me on the forehead. Hugging me closely.

"I'm not finished. Let me continue okay. When she said yes, I know something was up. I asked her, then she told me, that she still has to work. Her bosses won't let her leave yet. So she said she couldn't even pay a visit on Christmas. This is the first time that ths ever happened. And this was the only time of the year that I could see my mother. But clealy, I can't see her this year." I spilled everything out. Eventually I cried my self to sleep whie Perrie was cradling me.

I just want to forget about that call. And just believe that none of this happened.


Perrie's P.O.V.

It was almost hours and the plane is almost to London. I can't wait to see my Zaynie.  But I feel slightly bad for Kasie. Her mom can't go see her on Christmas day. Well, One Direction and their girlfriends, will have to do then.

@zaynmalik: Can't wait to see you @PerrieEdwards xx

How sweet. Zayn decided to tweet me. He's so kind.

@PerrieEdwards: Aw! I can't wait too!! @zaynmalik xx <3

@NiallOfficial: Stop the Twitter PDA please :) @zaynmalik @PerrieEdwards

@zaynmalik: @NiallOfficial You're just jealous that I have a girlfriend :p

@Harry_Styles: Okay no more PDA and fighting :D @zaynmalik @NiallOfficial

@Louis_Tomlinson: I don't know about you guys, @Harry_Styles @NiallOfficial @zaynmalik ,but I can't wait to see my queen @EleanorJCalder :)) xx

@Real_Liam_Payne: I agree with you @Louis_Tomlinson I just wanna see my girl too!!

@DaniellePeazer hurry babe xx

@PerrieEdwards: Guys! Pick us up in an hour! We're just an hour away from London. See you there :) <3

I signed out of Twitter and looked out the cold window. It was snowing and you really see the cluds up here. That is one reason why I like it on planes. Like you're on top of the world. And everyone looks smaller by comparrison.


"THANK YOU FOR RIDING WITH US TODAY. WELCOME TO LONDON. HAVE A GOOD DAY!" Said the flight attendant throught the speakers. It woke me up from my little snooze. I shook Kasie so she would wake up. She finally did.

"Huh?" She asked. She was clearly still tired.

"We're here now."

"Oh let's go then?"


We made our way down the plane and headed to ecurity check for our bags.

A crowd of people were in the airport. We stood there looking for the lads. I hope they're here already

"Ow!" I shrieked, becaue someone bumped into me. Rude much.

"Oh sorry, PERRIE!!" Two girls shrieked. Then I realized that It was Eleanor and Danielle.

"Oh my god! You guys are here!"

"Yes we are. Lou and Li are picking us up. I guess that Zayn is here for the both of you?" Danielle chuckled.

"Cool, so how are you guys?"

"Good." Eleanor said and Danielle nodded.

"Is Kasie alright? She seems quiet." Danielle whispred to me. I can sense he worry in her voice.

"It's complicated, I'll tell you guys later."

"Okay." The chorused. We all took a glance at her and looked back at each other. She had her iPod was at full blast so she didn't turned around to looks at us.

"MY GIRLS!" The whole band came in.

The pulled us into a huge group hug. Kasie just avoided the hug and sat on the benches while we hugged.

The lads gave me a worried look, I shook my head and grabbed Kasie's arm. I dragged her outside to the van and we sat there. They just followed us to the van. It was silent during the whole ride. I guess there are such things as an awkward moment.


Zayn's P.O.V.

We all arrived at our flat. Yeah, we all chipped in to buy our flat. I was huge, that's for sure. The bags set aside for a while. Everyone plopped on the couches, because all of us were knackered. Even though we didn't do anything, it was still a long ride home.

Kasie still didn't tak to anyone. Hmm...I know Perrie knows the reason, but she won't tell us. Apparently, Perrie made a promise to Kasie. That she'l keep it a secret for now.

"Everyone is tired right?"

"Yes" The all grunted.

"So, how was America?" I asked Perrie, since they toured there. I've never been there before, so I want someone to tell me all about that place.

"Oh, America was great. I love New York, and the Staples Center. That place is more busy than London. And it's so crowded there. But it was one of the best experiences I have ever had." Perrie explained almost everything she likes. Now Im siked to go there someday.

"How was Australia?" Liam asked Danielle. I remember that Danielle went for a show there. She is a dancer after all.

"Australia. well it's hot there. And it doesn't snow either. But the beaches are simply incredible. It's a great place to surf too. And the Sydney Opera house looks so beautiful. I love the food there too. Then the manager gave me a bottle of Vegemite. I don't know what it tastes like though. But Aussies love it." Danielle said in astonishment. She really enjoyed Australia for sure.

"And how was Russia?" Louis asked Eleanor.

"Russia was cool. It snowed tere even before November. The people had cool accents and clothes. I love the malls there." Eleanor summed up. 

"You girls totally had an adventure without us." Niall chuckled.

"Oh yes we did!" Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle squealed and high-fived each other. While Ka"Who'sie just sat there.

"Kasie, are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Hmm... oh yeah. That's the second time someone asked me that just today." She answered, She like, forced a smile at us.

"If you say so, love." Louis said.


"Who's damn phone is ringing?!" Kasie complained. She's back alright.

"I don't know, if someone doesn't answer it I'm gonna die!" Louis exaggerated.

"Where is it? Oh god!" Liam stressed. His phone. The ringing is so annoying!

"Liam! Look for it!" Danielle whinned.

"Hurry up!" Niall yelled.

"Oka okay, found it already. Sheesh don't be so pushy." He hissed and walked out into the kitchen to answer the call.

No more ringing :)

Okay, who would call?

Liam's P.O.V.

I walked into the kichen to answer my phone. It annoyed everyone so I moved here.


"Liam, it's Simon." A deep voice said. It was Simon. The guy who discovered One Direction.

"Oh hey Simon. What can I do for you?"

"Well, it's something I can do for you." He said. He's up to something. 

"Hmm...okay. What are you gonna do for us?"

"Can you boys go to the address I'm gonna text you?" He asked.


"And pack some clothes, which will last for like two weeks or three. Okay." He clariffied.

"Okay, I'll tell the boys."

"Excellent, be there in two hours." He ordered.

Then the call was ended. He's hiding something.

I slid my phone back into my pocket. Then went back to the living room were everyone sat.

"There is no way carrots are better than strawberries!" Eleanor shouted.

"Yes there is!" Louis shot back.

"Guys" I said. "Sorry to interrupt but we need to pack, now."

"What for?" Niall asked.

"Simon told me to. So chop chop now."

"Okay dad." The lads whispered under their voices. The girls giggled at what they said.

"I heard that!"

"You were supposed to anyway." Zayn snickered. I just rolled my eyes at them. The usual behavior of my four munchkins.


"Everyone ready?"

"Yes dad" They all chorused. And the girls went along with the lads. Now I have seven muchkins. Oh goody.

"Okay, let's go before Simon complains."

Everyone went into the van and I gave the chauffer, sent by Simon, the address of the house. The chauffer nodded and drived there, Thehouse was a bit far, considering, it'll be an half hour drive. 


"WAKE UP LIAM!" Niall and Harry shook me, back and forth. I feel a little dizzy after that.


"We're here." Danielle added.

I got up and went out of the van. Since I was the last to get off. A butler carried ur bags into the house. No, it's not a house, more like mansion. It's bigger than our flat, and that's not an understatement. Flowers surrounded the sides of the path way to the main door. The gate was like huge. There were a lot of trees and there was a pond near the gate. This place is a huge garden. The house was all modern style. But it was simple. When we all reached the door, more butlers opened it for us. How polite. When we first entered, stairs were there. And a huge chandelier bountied on the ceiling. Then in the middle was seats and benches. On our right was the living room, on the left was the kitchen. There were more rooms, but it was hard to describe them all. This was like a palace. 

The first thing I noticed was there were no photos of anyone on the walls or tables. Mysterous. If Simon owned this place it would have photos, but it doesn't. Strange.

"Boys! Welcome." Simon walked towards us and gave us a brief hug.

"Nice to see you again Simon." Kasie greeted.

"Nice to see you too love. Follow me." He motioned us to follow him to the living room. The living room is so cool. "Sit, sit." He ordered.

"Thanks for having us here."

"My pleasure. And you would be shocked to know who owns this place." He chuckled.

"You don't own this?" Harry looked confused.

"Of course not. But you'll find out soon." He said, with a mischievous smile on his face.

Who owns this place?

Dani's P.O.V.

Just finished with my charity work. I donate money to a lot of charities. Especially the one for cancer. I really hate it when people are sick. So I donate stuff, money, clothes, and food. I even do charity shows for them. It just brings me to smile when people smile. That's why I love my job. I bring happiness to them by being my careful self. Surely all the money will go to use. Now it's time for me to get my break. It's been five days after the tour. And five days of charity. So yeah, I can take my break. Its the holidays so enjoy it.

I walked out with my friends Mich and Kenzie. We were going back to my flat to rest and celebrate Christmas. It's two weeks before Christmas. Well, preparations must be made then.

"That was fun."

"Yep, those children were happy to see you again." Kenzie praised. 

"No wonder people like you." Mich complimented.

"Thanks, and thanks for helping me."

"No problem" The said in chorus.

"So Christmas at my place right?"

"Yeah, where else." Kenzie stuck her tongue out. Kezie, same old her.

"Okay, so it's just the three of us right?" Mich questioned.

"Yeah why?"

"I just hate it when many people are there." Mich said pridefully.

"Whatever you say Mich." Kenzie patted him the back.

"I'm serious." Mich pouted, he was having a little break down.


He just rolled his eyes and smirkered. Me and Kenzie giggled at him. He's sorta funny. Yeah he's a cool bro. Just kidding, he's my bff.

It started to snow again. I love snow so much. It's like rain, but more slower and more beautiful. You can just enjoy the moment.

We walked home, together. It was only 3:46 in the afternoon. Half of my day dedicated to children. I love my life. 


"Does those flowers really bloom in Winter?" Kenzie pointed out the flowers on my path way. Those flowers are really pretty even if it is fake.

"Kenzie, those flowers are made of plastic ya know." I chuckled. She approached the flowers and tapped them.

"Oh yeah. Cool." She smiled at the flowers. Me and Mich practically fell on our butts laughing. She rolled her eyes and continued to the door step. "Are you gonna open the door or not?"

"Haha, coming Kenzie." I shouted.

We made our way to the door step. I got my key from my pocket and slid it into the key hole. We stepped  inside , finally relief from the cold. And we hung our coats on the wrack and wore our slippers. Much better and warmer. 

I heard some wvoices from the living room. Unfamiliar ones too. Who could it be?

I noticed that Kenzie and Mich had worry faces. What for? Meh, I'm gonna check out who's in my house. I walked towards the living room, but Kenzie and Mich held me back. I gave them a curious look and shook them off.

In my curiousity, I couldn't help myself to go and check it out. When I walked in the living room, the noise stopped. Everyone's attention was on me. I just stood there awkwardly. Okay, who are they? I don't recognize any of them. 

How did they get in my house?

Who let them in?

"Dani! it's not what it looks like." A curly haired boy shouted. He has green emerald eyes and he was a brunette. Who is he?

"Who are you? Who are all of you?"

"Huh? Is this a game? Are you serious Dani?" A messy haired boy, who also had brunette hair. His eyes were greyish blue. Who is he?

"No, and answer my question who are strangers?"

"Dani, darling!" Simon walked in. He knew them?

"Hey Simon, who are they?"

"Dani, are you sick?" Simon asked placing his hands on my forehead and neck.

"No, I'm fine, but who are they?"

"You don't remember us?" A boy with dark black hair said. He had brown eyes, and a weird smirk. Again who is he?

"Like I said, who are you? I haven't met you guys before."

"Are you sure or you're just making this up?" A boy with brunette hair and brown eyes. Who is he?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Please remember us. I don't know what I'd do if you forget any of us." A boy with an Irish accent begged. He has blonde hair, sea blue eyes, and braces. Who is he?

"I don't know any of you okay."

"This is serious." Simon paced around walking in circles. "How could she just forget you guys?"

"We don't know!" The boys shouted.

"Uhm...guys." Mich said, walking into the living room. Followed by Kenzie. "There's something we haven't told you guys. And you guys would want to hear this. It'll be a long story."



Sorry, I have to review for my exam. I haven't studied yet :/

So the question is:

What happened to Dani?

How did she forget?




Okay commen below what you think :)

I have a week of exams and I plan to study! Hahaha I hope.

Okay my usual:

5 VOTES 5 COMMENTS :))))))

Wish me luck! Don't hate me if I don't update soon :(

Tests, wouldn't life be so easier? YES!



Rissa :)) xx <3

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