Sunflower | KuroKen

By keijii_akaashi

22.8K 1.2K 898

Angst 1/3 More

Sunflower 🌻
Part 1 🌻
Part 2 🌻
Part 3 🌻
Part 4 🌻
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Special Part
Special Part 2: Kenma's Birthday
Happy 4k Reads + Special Part 3
Christmas and New Year Special

Part 11

783 49 3
By keijii_akaashi

Note: Welcome Back to me! Yey! Did someone miss me? I was a bit feeling well today tho I'm still not fine. But anyways, here you go!


3 days had passed, Akaashi sighed after drinking from his canned cola.

It's already 10:37 pm and Akaashi was sitting on the garden's bench in the backyard of the hospital. It's close to Kenma's room.

Since Kenma vomited with blood 3 days ago, it seems like everything has become more painful.

He remembered a heart breaking scene he witnessed that night.


Akaashi opened his eyes because of a bothering sound. He tilted his head a bit and looked at the surroundings when his eyes caught Yuuji who's just looking at Kenma. He was crying and sobbing lightly.

It was his first time seeing Yuuji's tears streaming down his cheeks while biting his lower lip and preventing himself from letting out sobs. As his friend, Akaashi felt how frustrating it was for Yuuji, it was like his heart was being crushed into million pieces just by looking at them.

He saw Yuuji hold Kenma's hand gently. "Why does it have to be you?" He whispered but it was enough for Akaashi to hear.

Akaashi accidentally moved his leg that made Yuuji look at him, he immediately closed his eyes. But in Akaashi's peripheral vision, he saw how fast Yuuji wiped his tears before standing up.

"I know you're awake, you can't sleep?" Yuuji asked. His sniffs didn't escape Akaashi's ears. He opened his eyes and got up from his sleeping position.

"Yeah, how about you?"

Yuuji shook his head. "I don't feel sleepy at all."

Akaashi wanted to snort and laugh at Yuuji after saying that but he chose not to. It's like Yuuji's body and mind are contradicting himself. He looks exhausted and there are dark circles under his eyes and his oh-so-messy hair.

Akaashi felt a tremendous pain in his chest while looking at the both of his friends suffering in their own ways.

Kenma, who looked like he's peacefully sleeping in his hospital bed vomited two times today, with blood. Yuuji and Akaashi witnessed how Kenma bare the pain while vomiting all of the flower petals and blood but what amazed him was there's no hate or regret in Kenma's eyes. But he was sure, if Kenma was feeling a lot of pain, Yuuji would suffer it, double.

That scene kept him awake until the sun rose the next day.

At 7:30 am, Kenma woke up and immediately removed his oxygen mask from his mouth and coughed.

It was alarming that it made Akaashi run to the cabinet to get the yellow basin in case Kenma vomited with liquid but both of them were glad that he only vomited petals.

"Are you alright?" Akaashi asked. Kenma slowly nodded his head. "I'm fine... I guess." He said with his cracked voice.

It broke his heart seeing his friend lie over something he couldn't hide. It was really obvious he's in a lot of pain. He took a glance at Yuuji whose face is emotionless but he was sure that seeing Kenma like this is squeezing his heart.


Akaashi snapped back into reality when Tsukishima sat beside him.

"You seem problematic, Akaashi-san." Kei looked at him with a serious expression before looking at the sky.

He lowered his head and looked at the cold canned cola in his right hand.

"This situation frustrates me. It was really painful to see Yuuji and Kenma suffering the pain." Akaashi drank in his cola after speaking.

Kei remained silent.

"I really want to help them. I want to ease their pain in any way I can..." Akaashi can feel the liquid building up under his eyes. He squeezed his eyes shut and finished his cola.

"Kenma's decision is really... I don't get it. I don't like it." Akaashi shook his head multiple times.

"No one likes his decision, Akaashi-san." Kei said. "I didn't like it that I wanted to schedule his operation to remove the flowers from his lungs and heart without his consent." He laughed at his own words.

"But... after hearing his reasons, I somehow got his point." He flicked his glasses and looked at Akaashi.

"Kenma-san is a smart person, he sees things clearly and calmly thought of the best solution that'll benefit everyone." Kei said.

Akaashi knows it best. He'd been Kenma's friend since their third year highschool. He knows Kenma decides not for himself but for everyone's sake.

Kenma was the nicest person he had ever met in his life, even though he looks uninterested, Akaashi was sure that he cares the most, especially when it comes to his loved ones.

"I know, one of the reasons why he chose not to remove the flowers from his chest was because of me." Kei said that made Akaashi stilled.

"It was just a feeling but I know that being in a relationship with Kuroo-san affected Kenma-san's decision."

Akaashi patted his shoulder, "Tsukishima, it wasn't your fault, it's no one's fault." He patted Kei's shoulder once again before leaning his back on the bench.

"Even if you're not in a relationship with Kuroo-san, I'm sure Kenma will choose not to remove the flowers. Kenma is the type of person who'll choose the option that'll never hurt anyone. This has nothing to do with you being in a relationship with Kuroo-san." Akaashi smiled a bit before crossing his leg to another.

Kei chuckled, "I know, I'm trying to tell that to myself. But it's just I can't bear it here." He succor his hand on his chest where his heart is.

"Knowing that someone is going through a lot of pain because of me, I really feel guilty."

Kei was startled when he felt a slap on his back. "You're being negative, Tsukishima. Stop thinking about it that way, it'll make you feel much worse." Akaashi smiled a bit.

"Just as you said, no one wants this situation so pull yourself together." Akaashi blew a loud sigh. "Kenma... way back highschool... He really adores the sunflowers. I asked him why and he said 'Kuroo always gives me sunflowers every single day'" Akaashi paused for a while before continuing.

"He's such a gentle person that he doesn't want anyone to get hurt because of him." Akaashi intertwined his fingers.

A cold breeze of wind sent shivers to the both of them

"Then when we started the Belle Fleur, it's like he grew more attached to the plants. Each day, he waters them after he flops his backpack on the sofa at the moment he enters the shop." Akaashi looked at the starry sky as he remembered Kenma's morning routine at their shop.

"I never thought this would happen to him." Akaashi's voice cracked.

The pain was vestige when Kei heard those words. Tsukishima kept himself quiet.

"He's too young... he hasn't even reached 30." He lowered his head and rested his both elbows in his knees, his hands were covering his mouth. It feels like any moment, Akaashi could cry.

The situation was really hurting him.

"I... I don't want to lose a friend... Not Kenma. Not anyone."

Kei could feel how frustrated Akaashi was. He saw his hands trembling. "I couldn't bear to see them looking like this, Tsukishima. Tell me what should I do?" His eyes settled on Kei's golden brown ones.

Akaashi's eyes scream sadness and worries.

"I, uhh I don't know..." He stuttered.

"This situation is making everyone suffer. I wish something like this didn't happen." Akaashi hoped. He tumbled his eyes with his fingers and chuckled. "I'm sorry you had to hear my rants. It's just that, seeing them being in pain makes me suffer too. My friends are as valuable as my life."

Kei just looked at Akaashi. "Losing them will be the death of me." With that, Akaashi smiled.

Friendship is really something that all people should treasure. The bond between Akaashi and Kenma was really something.

'So that's what it feels like to have a genuine friend, huh?' He thought.

"I better get back inside, Tsukishima." With that Akaashi stood up and walked his way inside the hospital. He followed him using his eyes.

While looking at the sky, his phone in his pocket beeped. Kei took it out.

'3 new messages from Kuroo'.

He sighed before opening the texts.

From: Kuroo (Sent at 6:57 pm)

[Please talk to me, Kei.]

From: Kuroo (Sent at 8:39 pm)

[What did I do wrong? Please tell me.]

From: Kuroo (Sent at 10:54 pm)

[Kei, what's wrong? Please, I'm begging you.]

He lightly shook his head before composing a text. Kei sneered after sending the message. He decided to go back inside to wrap his things up to go home. But after a minute after he sent the message to Kuroo, his phone beeped multiple times so while walking, he turned off his phone.


The next morning, Yuuji woke up with a loud chirp. He rubbed his eyes before looking at the window where the chirps are coming from.

He saw two birds with golden and black feathers, chirping loudly while looking inside the room. He set his eyes to Kenma and saw a baby bird in his head, his eyes caught Neko-chan who's purring in his sleep while leaning at Kenma's lap.

"Good morning." Kenma greeted, "Did you sleep well?" The pudding head smiled slightly. The bird in his head chirped while tilting its head.

"Good morning..." He trailed, Yuuji returned his eyes on the window where the other two birds were, now there are three birds, alternately chirping like they're talking.

"Aren't they pretty? This one likes sitting in my head."

The baby bird chirped, it was shrill. But at the same time, Kenma giggled.

Yuuji's heart stilled as he saw how Kenma laughed as he patted the bird in his head.

A heartwarming scene for an early morning. He sat on the sofa and watched Kenma when the door suddenly opened.

Akaashi stepped inside with two bento boxes in his right hand. "Morning-" He stopped midway when he saw Kenma. "Where did that bird come from?"

"You opened the window after I took my medicine and left, this bird just flew into my head. Isn't it cute?" Kenma smiled while looking at Akaashi. "There are a whole bunch of them on the window."

Akaashi could hear chirps as he looked at the window where there are 4 similar colored birds.

Yuuji, who was just looking at them, stood up to get one of the bento boxes from Akaashi's hold. "I'm hungry."

"What's with the birds, Yuuji?" Akaashi whispered, his eyes are still on Kenma.

Yuuji shrugged while opening the bento, "I don't know I just woke up. But Kenma's happy with the birds so I don't mind."

Akaashi nodded slowly. He flopped on the sofa beside Yuuji who's already eating his bento.

"East slowly, glutton." He said before munching the sliced chicken fillet.


After they ate, Kenma fell asleep but the baby bird remained on Kenma's pillow.

Akaashi sighed as he entered the room, he just got back because he brought the bentos home.

Yuuji gestured his hand to Akaashi to come near him. "What? I swear, if this isn't important I'm going to kick your balls." Akaashi said in a serious tone.

Yuuji frowned but he pointed his index finger to the baby bird that's seated on Kenma's scattered hair.

"Isn't it a bit disturbing? That bird was there for an hour." He whispered.

Akaashi made a face while looking at him, "I thought you don't mind?"

"I really don't mind but that bird was there for so long." Yuuji tsked.

"Are you jealous? Well, if you are, don't be. It's just a bird. But it's cuter than you." Akaashi said without showing emotions in his face.

"Why would I get jealous over a baby bird?" Yuuji asked but he gulped after thinking about it.

"Shhh, you'll wake him up." Akaashi enlarged his eyes at Yuuji as he put his index in his lips.

Yuuji was about to speak when the door suddenly opened. The copperhead entered, "good morning, I just finished my rounds." Shirabu's eyes caught how close Akaashi and Yuuji were.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" He asked.

"We're whispering, shhh! You'll wake Kenma." Yuuji shushed.

Shirabu wrinkled his forehead while looking at them.

"Right, I thought it's Tsukishima's round. Where's he?" Akaashi asked before sitting on the edge of the sofa, giving him and Yuuji a distance.

"Oh, he returned to his house just this hour so he asked me to check up on Kenma. How's he?" He asked.

Akaashi frowned while his mind was repeating what Shirabu just said. He wanted to ask why but knowing Tsukishima, Akaashi was sure that he didn't tell anything why he returned home all of the sudden.

Shirabu looked at the sleeping pudding head but his attention was caught by the little bird laying on his scattered hair.

He walked to Kenma's bed and looked at the baby bird that's sleeping. "This is a goldfinch." He pointed the baby bird. "It's still a baby, so tiny."

"Uh, what's a goldfinch?" Yuuji asked.

Shirabu carried the bird gently, it chirped loudly as he placed the baby bird on his palm.

"This is a baby goldfinch. Babies of this kind are really tiny and their feathers are much golden in color than an adult goldfinch. They're especially attracted to sunflower seeds." He tickled the baby bird on its head but he stopped at the moment he realized something.

'The bird was on Kenma's side... Which means the bird was attracted to Kenma's sunflower inside him?' He asked in his mind.

While the two were frowning while looking at him.

Shirabu's eyes narrowed and brought the bird to Kenma's chest. His eyes widened when the bird started to peck softly at Kenma's chest.

His lips parted as he glanced at the window. There are two more adult goldfinches chirping.

"What was he doing?" Akaashi whispered to Yuuji. He shrugged before whispering, "I don't know but he looks crazy."

Shirabu just observed the bird pecking its tiny beak onto Kenma's chest but as he brought his face closer, he could smell a fragrant scent coming from Kenma.

It's like Shirabu was smelling a sunflower fragrant oil from Kenma.

Note: I know, I know it's still lame. I apologize, I've been distracted these days and sadly, it affected my story. Btw, the story extended a few more parts and I hope you won't get tired reading this story. That's all I hope you had a great day.  

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