OMEGA - TaeKook


115K 7.2K 1.5K

Taehyung is a little too good at getting on Jungkook's nerves. More

apology and rules/warnings
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six

twenty four

2.2K 158 30

Around one am Jungkook flutters his eyes open, squinting as he looks at the tv-screen. The movie having finished a long time ago. He's vaguely aware he's lying on top of somebody, remembering the events from earlier today he's everything but surprised to see he's lying on Taehyung.

Kinjo is asleep in the chair.

Carefully he gets up, lifting the young omega from where he's seated, not wanting him to hurt his neck or back which he definitely will when sleeping in straight up. When walking to the bedroom he feels the younger shift in his arms, inhaling a few times before nuzzling against his chest and sleeping on. Kinjo explained it's something to do subconsciously, they sniff the scent to make sure they recognise and trust the scent of whoever is around them.

Putting the boy in bed he takes off his pants and tucks him in, turning on a night light he leaves. Noting himself to remind the omega to brush his teeth extra well tomorrow.

Returning to the living room he turns off the tv and scoops up Taehyung in his arms. The brunette is quite a bit heavier than Kinjo but nothing Jungkook can't handle.

He's surprised to have the same display of trust shown again. Taehyung sniffling in his sleep before deciding he trusts the scent and dreaming on. He shouldn't be surprised, but he is. At times he forgets Taehyung's an omega as well. He had said it this morning, he had said he's an omega and does everything an omega does. Smiling down at the shorter he can't help but be happy that the omega wolf trusts him.

He doesn't undress Taehyung besides socks, he doesn't go lie down besides him even thought he's almost a hundred precent sure the omega wouldn't mind. He doesn't want to assume that he's okay with it. So instead he grabs a spare blanket and goes to to the bathroom where he brushes his teeth,

Once settled on the couch he dozes off only to be rudely awakened again after what feels like five minutes. In fact it's been two hours. A bit startled he looks up at Taehyung who seems to barely be awake. The omega mumbles something incoherently before tugging in his arm.

He's confused but eventually understands that he needs to get up. When he does he's being tugged along to the bedroom where he's pulled into bed. A smile appears on his face when the shorter cuddle's in to his side, pushing his face against his chest and sighing contently.

He feels like an alpha, he feels like someone his omega can cuddle into at night to feel warm and safe. The previous events haven't changed anything.

Besides the fact that Taehyung seems to be able to turn him into an obedient little lap dog, the omega doesn't question the alpha's strength. He feels safe with him, so much that he even seeks his out.

He feels happy about this, though he fears how he'll feel about everything tomorrow.

Due to them falling asleep in front of the television, no one had thought about setting an alarm for the morning.

Jungkook and Taehyung are rudely awakened by the door slamming open. "Jungkook - and Taehyung?"

The two look at each other before at their intertwined bodies, taking in the current position.

"Anyway, it's already past ten, we overslept." Kinjo mumbles before shutting the door and claiming the bathroom first. Distancing himself from the awkward tension in the room, leaving the two elder's to untangle themselves.

"Good morning." Taehyung says and Jungkook mutters the same words in reply, deep in thought as he still doesn't feel shame about what happened yesterday. Shouldn't he be worried about his strength? Strangely enough he feels calm.

"I'll go make us breakfast." He mutters while raising from the bed, freezing when he feels a hand on his wrist.

"Thanks for letting me stay the night." Taehyung smiles kindly as he speaks, only confusing Jungkook more. Why did his heart skip a beat and why does he never want to leave his house ever again. He wants to stay inside with the omega and leave the bubble they created intact.

He smiles before walking off, wondering what the hell he is going to do with himself.

Leaving the house certainly made his mood go down. Outside is he not only surrounded by all these people, but they bring along the pressure of needing to be perfect. Quickly, he finds himself moving back into his rather cold alpha role. Silently listening to the omega's talk as he drives them to school. First they drop of Kinjo and then drive to a different building where their dance classes are.

"You're awfully silent." Taehyung asks but all he offers in reply is a soft hum. Once in a parking spot he stops the car, not even bothering to look like he's about to get out. Instead he stays seated, watching the omega leave the car. Dipping his head down to peek inside.

Society pressure suddenly seems twice as heavy, he feels ashamed for what he's done. All around him he can see alpha's that never did things like he did. He was weak, he had a moment of weakness and gave in to an omega. He can't let that happen, he's the strongest, he's in charge.

"You coming?"

He can't even look at the brunette, he's pathetic, weak.

"You can go ahead." He says, too ashamed to say he doesn't want them to arrive at the same time. He can't have people gossiping about why they would arrive laten together, the conclusion to draw out of that is a pretty obvious one.

Taehyung frowns. "Ah, I see." The door is slammed shut and off is the omega.

He releases a breath he was holding, looking down at his trembling hands. Wishing yesterday never happened, wishing he hadn't been weak. How can he go out there and walk around with his held high, knowing the things he let that omega do.

Either that, or find out how he can rid himself of this suffocating fear of weakness.

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