Snowbird/Fairgame Oneshots (B...

By AlphaWolf0215

68.2K 1.2K 1.6K

This started off as a Snowbird (Qrow x Winter) book...but I fell IN LOVE with Fairgame (Qrow x Clover), so th... More

Undercover Mission
Snow White Queen
Author's Note
An Idea
And The Winner Is....
It's a.....a bruise.
RWBY cereal!!!!
Snowbird on RWBY Chibi.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Happy Father's Day!
Winter's Secret
Sick Birdie
Two Ships
Fair Game: Qrow Done F'd Up
Lucky Snowbird: Starry Night
Lucky Snowbird: Cute Stuff
Fair Game: Date Night and A Street Fight
Fair Game: Caretaker Qrow
Lucky Snowbird: Cozy Night In
Snowbird Baby
Fair Game: AAAAAAAHHHHH!๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Fair Game: Lung Infection
Extra: Art
Fair Game: Sparring Match
Fair Game: Wedding
Lucky Snowbird: Birdnapped
Fair Game: You Need A Break
Fair Game: I'm So Cold
Fair Game: Meet The Parents
Fair Game: Team CPPR
Fair Game: A Kiss From A Rose
Snow Day
Extra: New Story
Fair Game: Fragile Little Rose
Fair Game: We Are Family
Fair Game: Anniversary
Lucky Snowbird: Recovery
Fair Game: Nightmares
Fair Game: Lunch Date
Fair Game: Calling In Sick
Fair Game: Ace Op Betting Pool
Fair Game: Good Luck Isn't Always A Good Thing
Fair Game: Good Luck Isn't Always A Good Thing pt.2
Fair Game: Bird's Nest
Fair Game: Bird's Nest pt.2
Fair Game: Bird's Nest pt.3
Fair Game: Bitten
Fair Game: Bitten pt.2
Fair Game: Sick Child
Fair Game: Waking Up Next To You
Soulmate AU
Lucky Snowbird: Destress The Ice Queen
Fair Game: Faint
Fair Game: James Is NOT Okay
Fair Game: Not A Normal Stomach Ache
Fair Game: Don't Mess With Joanna's Boys
Fair Game: Birdflu
Fair Game: Some Dads Are Good, Some Aren't, But You're The Best
Fair Game: Tonsillitis
Fair Game: Give Him Back!
Fair Game: It's Just A Sprained Ankle
Fair Game: Heat Exhaustion
Fair Game: A Near Drowning Experience
Fair Game: Hoodie Thief
Fair Game: Coma
Fair Game: Coma pt.2
Fair Game: Lepidopterophobia
Fair Game: Headcanons
Fair Game: Clover's Parents
Fair Game: Father/Son/Son-In-Law Camping Trip
Fair Game: I'm Sorry
Fair Game: I Can't Breathe
Fair Game: Please Hold Me
Fair Game: Framed
Fair Game: Framed pt.2
Fair Game: Framed pt.3
Fair Game: Taking Care Of Daddy
Fair Game: Prank War
Fair Game: A Familiar Kind of Tenderness
Fair Game: Avalanche
Fair Game: Sweet As Roses
Extra: Face Reveal
Fair Game: Back From The Dead
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding (Characters)
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.1
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.2
Fair Game: The Bird At My Window
Fair Game: Warm Baths and Foot Massages
Fair Game: Family Time
Fair Game: Sickness and Helplessness
Fair Game: Here For You
Fair Game: Clover Doesn't Like Horror Movies
Fair Game: OTP Cuteness!
Fair Game: Sick and Stubborn
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.1
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.2
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.3
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.4
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.5
Fair Game: Attention
Fair Game: This Isn't A Joke
Fair Game: Raspberry Cheesecake
Fair Game: Lover's Quarrel
Fair Game: Nightmares Are The Worst
Fair Game: A Much Needed Vacation
Fair Game: Don't Sneak Up On An Ace Op
Fair Game: Baby's Bad Dreams
Fair Game: Soulmate AU
Fair Game: Fever Dreams
Fair Game: Fever Dreams pt.2
Fair Game: Unconscious Birdie
Fair Game: Unconscious Birdie(Alternative Ending)
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped!
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.2
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.3
Fair Game: Qrow Is A Crow
Fair Game: Qrow Is A Crow pt.2
Fair Game: Deadly Shrimp
Fair Game: Missing Child
Fair Game: Wisdom Teeth
Fair Game: Qrow Can't Swim
Fair Game: It's A "Bruise"
Fair Game: It's A "Bruise" pt.2
Fair Game: The Flu Sucks
Fair Game: The Flu Sucks pt.2
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.2
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.3
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.4
Fair Game: Roommates pt.1
Fair Game: Happy Father's Day
Fair Game: Roommates pt.2
Fair Game: Roommates pt.3
Fair Game: Roommates pt.4
Fair Game: Roommates pt.5
Fair Game: Roommates pt.6
Fair Game: Late Night Cuddles
Fair Game: OTP Cuteness 2
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.1
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.2
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.3
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.4
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.5
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.6
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.7
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.8
Fair Game: Poison Ivy
Fair Game: Poison Ivy pt.2
Fair Game: Tortured Bird
Fair Game: Tortured Bird pt.2
Fair Game: Save The Crow
Fair Game: Caught In The Act
Fair Game: Rainy Days
Fair Game: Otp Cuteness 3
Fair Game: "F**k You!" "...okay."
Fair Game: You Look Good In A Cape
Fair Game: Fighting The Flames For You
Fair Game: Sticky Situation
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.1
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.2
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.3
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.5
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.6
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.7
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.8
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.9
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.10
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.11
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.12
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.13
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.14
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.15
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.16
Fair Game: Qrow's Past pt.1
Fair Game: Qrow's Past pt.2
Fair Game: Fem!Clover
Fair Game: Birds of a Feather Don't Always Stick Together
Fair Game: Getting Caught๐Ÿ™„
Fair Game: A Blessing In Disguise
Fair Game: Random Stuff
Fair Game: Spending Time in Argus
Fair Game: Strep Throat
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.1
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.2
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.3
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.4
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.5

Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.4

135 4 9
By AlphaWolf0215

A/N: Vigilante AU.

Qrow's nieces and their dad lived in Patch, which is a small island off of Vale. There was a bridge connecting Patch and Vale, so Qrow simply had to drive there. He had broken five ribs a couple days ago and was still healing, so he really hoped his nieces won't tackle him like they usually do. When he gets to their house, Ruby and Yang are sitting on the porch waiting for him.

"YAYYYY, UNCLE QROOOOWWWW!" Ruby squealed happily, running towards her uncle.

As she leaps towards Qrow, ready to tackle him with a big hug, he dodges to the side causing Ruby to face plant on the ground.

"Haha! That was hilarious!" Yang laughed.

She sneaks up behind Qrow and gives him a tight bear hug, causing him to yelp in pain, making her immediately let go.

"Woah, what's up, Uncle Qrow?" Yang asked seeing her uncle bent over holding his ribs.

"Oh nothing...I just...maybe...ow...uh, fell down the stairs and broke a few ribs a few days ago. But...uhg...I-I'm totally fine, there's no need to worry." Qrow replied.

"Sh*t this hurts." he hissed through gritted teeth.

"Ya know, Uncle Qrow, you coulda just warned me about your broken ribs, now I have grass in my mouth, PLEHG!" Ruby said spitting out grass.

"Sorry, kiddo, you were coming at me pretty fast." Qrow said standing straight.

"Seriously, Uncle Qrow, are you okay?" Yang asked.

"I'm just sore, I'll live." Qrow answered, brushing off his niece's concern.

"Well, lets get inside so you can take it easy." Ruby said grabbing Qrow's hand.

Inside, Qrow sits on the couch, and Ruby and Yang sit next to him.

"So, how exactly did you fall down the stairs?" Yang asked her uncle.

"I, uh, lost my footing while walking down the stairs and just fell." Qrow explained.

"You should really be more careful. You could've really seriously gotten hurt." Ruby told him.

"I'll be more careful, I promise." Qrow said ruffling Ruby's hair.

"Happy birthday, by the way." he added.

"Thanks! The party's tomorrow. All my friends are coming. Jaune, Phyrra, Nora, Ren; Yang's girlfriend, Blake, and my girlfriend is coming as well." Ruby said excitedly.

"You have a girlfriend? Since when?" Qrow asked, intrigued.

"Since three months ago. We met on Instagram, she lives in Vale. We've texted, called, and video chatted a lot, but tomorrow is going to be the first time we'll see each other in person. I'm so excited!" Ruby explained.

"What's her name?" Qrow asked.

"Penny Polendina." Ruby said showing Qrow a picture of Pietro's daughter, Penny.

"Oh, I know her dad." Qrow replied.

"*gasp* You do!? Cooool!" Ruby said.

"Yeah, and I've met her a couple times. She's a nice kid, you guys are perfect for each other." Qrow said.

Ruby smiled widely, hugging Qrow's arm. The next day, all of Ruby and Yang's friends arrive.

"Pennyyyyy!" Ruby cheered running up to her girlfriend.

She jumps into her arms and gives her a big kiss on the cheek.

"Hello, Ruby." Penny greeted smiling.

"Come on, meet everyone!" Ruby said dragging Penny to where everyone else is.

"This is my dad, this is Yang, this is Jaune and Phyrra, this is Ren and Nora, this is Blake, and of course you already know my uncle, Qrow." Ruby told her.

"Oh, hello again, Mr. Branwen! How are you?" Penny waved.

"I'm good." Qrow replied.

While the kids were all playing games in the back yard, Qrow and Tai sat on the porch, drinking lemonade.

"How did it really happen?" Tai asked.

"Huh?" Qrow said confused.

"Your ribs. You didn't fall down stairs, did you?" Tai said giving Qrow a skeptical look.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I fell down the stairs, how is that so hard to believe?" Qrow replied avoiding Tai's gaze.

"Fine...don't tell me. If you don't trust me, that's completely fine." Tai said passive aggressively.

He goes inside to get the cake. Qrow sighs, running his hand over his face. He didn't enjoy lying to his family, but he couldn't really tell them that he's a crime fighting vigilante. Tai returns with the cake and sets it on the picnic table in the back yard. By the time Qrow reached the table, all the kids were chatting about something as Tai passed out slices of cake.

"Harbinger is the coolest most awesomest hero ever!" Ruby said.

"You like him?" Qrow asked her.

"Oh boy, she just doesn't just like him, she's obsessed with him. Rubes here is a Harbinger super fan." Yang told him.

"Ooh, you and Penny live in Vale, have you guys ever seen him?" Ruby asked them.

"Ummm...." Qrow said.

"Well, we haven't seen him in person, but we have seen him on the news and in the paper." Penny told Ruby.

"Yeah, we have." Qrow agreed.

"Aww, you would tell me if you've seen him in person, wouldn't you?" Ruby replied.

"Of course." Qrow and Penny both said.

"Hey, Uncle Qrow, are you dating anyone?" Yang asked, giggling a little.

"No." Qrow said groaning and rolling his eyes.

"Why not!? You're so handsome!" Nora said, quite loudly, which is her nature.

"Look, I don't think it's any of your business whether or not I date." Qrow said, trying to end the current conversation.

"I think we should set your uncle up on a dating website!" Nora suggested.

"YES!!" Yang agreed, high-fiveing Nora.

"Yang/Nora, leave him alone." Blake and Ren told their girlfriends.

"Aw, come on, it won't hurt him." Yang said as she and Nora started dragging Qrow into the house.

The next hour was spent setting up a dating profile for Qrow on the computer.

"There. Happy now?" Qrow grumbled.

Nora and Yang nod happily, grinning from ear to ear. Then suddenly there's a notification ring from the computer.

"Oh my god, you already got a match!" Nora exclaimed.

"Ooooh, lets see who it is." Yang said taking control of the computer.

"Hmm, his name is...Clover Ebi. Wow, he's hot! Uncle Qrow, look at this hottie, you have to talk to him." she told him.

When Qrow saw the photo of his match, his face immediately turned red.

"Eeeek! He's blushing! He likes what he sees!" Nora screeched.

"Talk to him! Talk to him! Talk to him! Talk to him! Talk to him!" Nora and Yang shouted, with an annoying amount of energy.

"If I agree to talk to him, will you shut up!" Qrow snapped.

"Yep." Yang replied.

"Uh-huh." Nora nodded.

Qrow messages "Hi." to get the teen girls to leave him alone. He wondered why they were so invested in his love life. After all, Nora hardly knew him, why was she so adamant about him dating? But besides all that, they weren't wrong, this Clover guy was pretty handsome. There shouldn't be any harm in talking to him, it's not like anything's gonna happen.

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