Firewall {One Direction a.u.}

By courtneynotcox

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I put on my best fake smile. "Good morning Mr. Styles. Mr. Payne says that you needed some assistance with yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3

Chapter 41

1.6K 34 3
By courtneynotcox

Harry's POV

I left Morgan and her family about three months ago. I had the most amazing time with them during that week and I never wanted to leave. Half of it was because I was having so much fun, the other half was that I never wanted to leave Morgan again. It's now June, and it's getting super busy and stressful at work.

Morgan is currently on the phone with me, talking about how she wants to quit her job with me. She got into law school and I am incredibly proud of her for figuring out that's what she wanted to do. The first night I was at her house, I made a joke to her about it, but then she mentioned to me that she wanted to be a lawyer when she was younger and my comment made it fresh in her mind again.

"Darling, I'm happy you're pursuing your dream, but why do you have to stop working for me?" I ask while looking through and responding to emails.

She groans and lays back on her bed, bringing her phone in the air so I'm still looking at her pretty face. "I told you already, please listen." She says angrily and I start to feel bad about only half paying attention. "I'm going to download a virus on your computer to make you pay attention to me."

I stop with my emails, locking my computer and turning around in my chair so my sole focus is on my girlfriend. "I'm sorry, my love. You have my full, undivided attention now."

"As I was explaining earlier," I can see her trying not to roll her eyes. "I got into an accelerated program so I finish in two years instead of three. All of my focus goes to that because it's the same amount of work in less time than normal. I don't have time to work, Harry. I'm sorry, but at least this time you have three months to replace me." She tries to make a joke, but I get scared. I hated the time when she left and I'm still nervous she'll do it again.

Instead of giving her a verbal response, I just nod.

"Babe." My head snaps up at the pet name and I get a huge smile on my face. It's rare that she lets me call her something like that, let alone called me that. She has some weird aversion with pet names. The only person she has ever called by a nickname besides this is Stephen. I'm glad she lets me call her darling because she used to not like that. "Come visit. I would come out, but my house is more fun in the summer, plus Stephen has school still. You could bring Niall and Louis and we could just have a lot of stress relieving days." She suggests with a really bright smile. "If you want, I could send the jet." Morgan winks at me.

Knowing she was joking, I let out a laugh. "My love, I can get my own jet if I want it. I prefer flying commercial."

"Wow look at you, so environmentally conscious. What an amazing boyfriend I have." She says sarcastically. Morgan is one of those people to only use luxuries when absolutely necessary so when she comes to visit me, she'll fly commercial.

I feign hurt and dramatically place my hand on my chest, over my heart. "Right in the heart, darling."

We both laugh and I sit back a little further in my chair, feeling more relaxed. "Please come visit. I miss you." She says with a frown that just about breaks my heart. Little does she know I already have a ticket for tomorrow. Even though long distance sucks, a great part is to be able to take her by surprise like this.

Along with my overall plan being different, my family is also accompanying me. I can't wait to see her face when she notices us.

For the time being, I put on a sad face. "I'm sorry, darling. I wish I could, but it's our quarter end so everything is super busy." Not technically a lie. It is quarter end, but I got all that shit done already, thank God.

Her frown only gets deeper and I start to feel bad. Everything in me has to take a moment to stop myself from spoiling the surprise. I could always tell her I'm coming and then just surprise her with my family, but I would rather completely surprise her.

"It's okay, I get it. I just really miss you and I think Stephen does too. He doesn't say it to me, but he always asks about you and I overheard him telling his friends about you." She tells me making my smile grow wide.

"I miss you both too, so much. How are his friends? You like them?"

Morgan nods with a small smile. "Yeah they seem like nice kids. I'm just afraid that they're using him for the money because that's what I experienced growing up. And I know that's irrational because they were all friends before they came over for the first time, but I can't help it." She runs a hand over her ponytail tugging a little bit.

"Stop tugging on your hair." I tell her. I noticed it was a habit she has when she's stressed. She only does it every once in a while, but it still bothers me a little because I don't know if it hurts her or not. "Darling, I'm sure they're great and it's okay to be stressed over it. Just don't worry about it too much, they're you and don't really understand money yet. Be happy he's making friends."

I see her process what I'm saying before nodding again. "Yeah, I'll be happy he has friends." She repeats me.

As I'm about to talk again, Niall knocks on my office door and pokes his head in. I wave my hand at him, silently telling him to wait outside. "I have to go, darling. Meetings. I love you and miss you so much."

"Okay, bye babe." She says again, making another smile grow on my face.

Niall can wait a few minutes. "Hold on," I cut her off, "why are you calling me that all of the sudden? Not that I mind, I love it, but I am curious."

"I'm trying to get over my hatred of pet names and you were so happy when I called you babe a few minutes ago so I figured I could try again." She shrugs as if this isn't a big deal. In my mind it is because I don't like that she only calls me Harry, and the occasional Mr. Styles when she's mad or playful. 'Babe' just sits right with me.

"Well I love it, darling. And I love you. Talk to you soon." I tell her.

She responds the same and hangs up the phone, making me sigh and let Niall in.

He walks into my office with enthusiasm. "Harry, pal!"

"What do you want?" I ask, not happy that I had to hang up the phone on my girlfriend to talk to him.

"I was thinking-"

"Big day for ya, huh?" I tease him.

Niall rolls his eyes and curses at me. "As I was saying," he says in a very sassy tone, "if it's okay with you, Louis and I want to hop on that trip with you tomorrow."

I take a moment to think about it and then I agree. "That sounds great, actually. More surprises for Morgan. She'll love it. But Niall I swear to God if you ruin this, I will fire you." I threaten him with meaning.

He throws his hands up in surrender. "Sure thing, but how do you know your plan will work?"

"Like last time, I conspired with her brother. It worked last time, so this time should work too. I'm just so excited to see her again."

"Aw a cute love sick puppy." Niall grabs my face with one hand, squishing my cheeks together before I slap it away.

"Out." I order him and point to the door. "I actually have work to do now."

For the next few hours, I spend time finishing up my work for the day and going home. Walking in, I'm only brought good memories from when Morgan was here with Stephen, and some previous to that.

As I prepare dinner, I'm reminded of how much I actually miss her. I miss her laugh, her smile and when she talks about nothing but has a special look in her eyes. Sure, I can get that over the phone but it's not the same. I miss her physical touch, whether it be sexual or not.

Brian has been missing her too. He speaks about her and asks about her constantly. Even though I'm excited to be seeing Morgan in person again, I think Brian might have me beat and that's hard to do.

The knocking on the door wakes me up in the morning and I know exactly who it is. "Get up, get up! We have a plane to catch, little brother!" Gemma screams through the door.

I get up, letting her in and tell her I'll be ready in five minutes. Our flight is at 10:15 am and gets us to JFK in New York around 1 pm their time, which works out perfectly.

At the airport, my family gets breakfast as we wait for our plane to be boarded. I bought us first class seats. Sure, I fly commercial, but it's almost an eight-hour flight and I want my friends, family and I to be comfortable.

We finally land after what feels like ten hours and I'm excited to see my girlfriend. I don't want to show it, but I suck at hiding my emotions, especially regarding one girl in particular.

"You're bouncing like a little boy on Christmas." My grandad says to me while lightly slapping me on the back.

I turn and give him a big smile. "It's because I'm seeing the girl I love today."

"I know, I just thought I would point it out because it's cute." He gives me an even bigger smile. As I noticed before, Brian is just as excited as I am because he hasn't seen her in six months, if not more.

Turning towards Niall, I see him quickly face his phone towards the ground instead of on me. I give him a look and he just winks at me, making me scoff and ignore him.

After we all collect our bags, I text Charlie to make sure the plan is still on.

I get a confirmation so we make our way to the hotel that all of us are staying at, including Morgan, Stephen and her brothers for the night. Walking into the room, I look around and smile. It's a nice suite with two rooms, a living room and a small kitchen. Perfect for everyone to gather before bed and then Stephen gets his own room while Morgan and I get ours. As much as I love that boy, I have some catching up to do with his mom.

Everyone follows my instructions so the plan works out properly. This is probably the most elaborate thing I've ever done for a girl and I cannot wait to see her face when it happens.

We're all standing on a crossroads and I see Morgan pass. My family and friends follow behind me, as I follow behind her. When I get close enough, I tap her on the shoulder. "Excuse me, my family and I would like to know the way-"

I'm cut off by a hug that knocks the wind out of me. "Oh my God! What are you doing here?" She looks up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers. "Wait, everyone is here?!" She realizes and lets out a laugh, a huge smile forming on her face making my heart melt.

Morgan gives everyone a hug, followed closely behind by Stephen.

"Nice job, Harry." Charlie compliments me with a hug.

"Thank you, but it was a lot of your doing as well."

He nods and I greet Thomas. Then, I introduce the two to my family.

For the next few hours, everyone gets along and Thomas seems taken with my sister which makes me roll my eyes. If she wasn't with her incredible boyfriend, I would be angry, but I know she's just being friendly.

Now, we're on the private boat I rented so we could take a tour around the Hudson and see the Statue of Liberty. Niall and Louis are about as excited as Stephen is which is always fun. Having people around him with the same energy, even though they're much older, must be great for him.

The boat is much nicer than I thought it would be. A perk is that they have beer and wine for everyone to indulge on, especially because no one has to drive.

As we approach the statue, Stephen gets up and runs to the railing, making Morgan nervous until he stops, turns around and throws one hand up in the air, the other clutching a fake book. It takes me a second to realize he's posing at the statue.

All of us break out laughing, Morgan pulls out her phone to take a picture. Louis and Niall jump in the picture with him, making Stephen smile wider than before.

I love this family more than I can put into words. It makes me so happy that they all get along and don't have to fake it.

At the end of the boat ride, I can tell everyone is either tipsy or drunk, with the exception of Stephen and Thomas.

Because he's in this state, Niall pulls Morgan aside and shows her something on his phone. This causes her to let out a small laugh and then come and give me a tight hug around my waist. "I missed you too." She tells me and places a kiss on my clothed chest. I give her a weird look and she squeezes me a little tighter. "Niall showed me a video of you practically jumping from excitement when the plane landed," teasing me with a small smile.

Rolling my eyes, I bend over and give her a kiss. "I'm glad you missed me as much as I missed you."

"I love you." She says, making intense eye contact. This is followed by a whisper of, "The only part of the long distance that I might like is our first night together. We have a lot of catching up to do," and a wink.

My jaw drops and I let out a laugh. "Darling, don't be so crude. We're in front of our families." I whisper back, jokingly of course. I agree, we do have a lot to catch up on.

"But you love it." She kisses my neck, shrugs and walks away, making me become frustrated with the fact I have to wait a little while longer before I can take her to bed.

Morgan and I make our way to our room. Charlie says that he has an extra room to take Stephen off of our hands for the night. I go to decline, but Morgan accepts quickly, thanking her brother. She pulls me into our room and places her lips on mine in a feverish kiss.

The rest of the night is spent between the sheets, with some talking and cuddling in-between. What a way to end one of the best nights ever.

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