Star Slayer | Ahsoka X Reader

Von cheesEPIC

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(updating frequently) In this story, you play the role of the 16 year old DOOM slayer in the Star Wars univer... Mehr

Chapter 1 - Hell On Earth
Chapter 2 - Priests
Chapter 3 - Journey Back Home
Chapter 4 - Master
Chapter 5 - Remember
Chapter 6 - Anger
Chapter 7 - Exultia
Chapter 8 - Hell
Chapter 9 - Return
Chapter 10 - Past
Chapter 11 - Training Discovery
Chapter 12 - Panorama Trouble
Chapter 13 - Trandoshans
Chapter 14 - Ahsoka
Chapter 15 - Rescue
Chapter 16 - Med Bay
Chapter 17 - Blame
Chapter 18 - Forsaken Word
Chapter 19 - Missions
Chapter 20 - Carlac
Chapter 21 - Padmé's Introduction
Chapter 22 - Terror Dome
Chapter 23 - Christophsis Crisis
Chapter 24 - Christophsis
Chapter 25 - Teth
Chapter 26 - Stinky
Chapter 27 - Prophecy
Chapter 28 - Questions
Chapter 29 - Meditation Trouble
Chapter 30 - Fake Friend
Chapter 31 - Lower Levels
Chapter 32 - Super Gore Nest
Chapter 33 - Aftermath
Chapter 34 - An Eventful Morning
Chapter 35 - Fun In Bed
Chapter 36 - Unexpected Departure
Chapter 37 - ARC Complex
Chapter 38 - Sentinel Prime
Chapter 39 - Council Report
Chapter 40 - Repaying Nightmare
Chapter 41 - The Gathering
Chapter 42 - Return Encounters
Chapter 43 - 79's
Chapter 44 - Hangover
Chapter 45 - The Show
Chapter 46 - Rescue Operation
Chapter 47 - Healing
Chapter 48 - Lethal Mistake
Chapter 49 - Broken and Breathless
Chapter 50 - Repaying Questions
Chapter 51 - Happy Together
Chapter 52 - Distress Call
Chapter 53 - Mortis
Chapter 54 - The Force
Chapter 55 - Dark Side
Chapter 56 - Ghosts of Mortis
Chapter 57 - Apology
Chapter 58 - Meditating Realisation
Chapter 59 - Separate Missions
Chapter 60 - Barracks and Blindness
Chapter 61 - Traitorous Loss
Chapter 62 - Distractions
Chapter 63 - Funeral
Chapter 64 - Resurrection
Chapter 65 - Phobos Facility
Chapter 66 - Lightsaber Training
Chapter 67 - Bane's Holocron
Chapter 68 - Children Of The Force
Chapter 69 - The Other Hole
Chapter 70 - Panorama Savage
Chapter 71 - Lux Gets Roasted
Chapter 72 - Lux Gets Bullied
Chapter 73 - Sacrificial Delay
Chapter 74 - Cyberdemon Alignment
Chapter 75 - Corrupted Control
Chapter 76 - Meditating 79's
Chapter 77 - Hungover Duel
Chapter 79 - Underground
Chapter 80 - Virus
Chapter 81 - Talk
Chapter 82 - Morning
Chapter 83 - Rich Dress
Chapter 84 - Naboo
Chapter 85 - Worrying Talk
Thank You.
Chapter 86 - Past Marauder
Chapter 87 - Divinity Meltdown
Chapter 88 - Seraphim
Chapter 89 - Divinity Machine
Chapter 90 - Unnecessary Trial
Chapter 91 - Nekravol Kidnapping
Chapter 92 - Rage
Chapter 93 - Icon of Sidious
Chapter 94 - Urdak
Chapter 95 - Reunion
Chapter 96 - Icon
Chapter 97 - Portal
Chapter 98 - The Blood Swamps
Chapter 99 - Ahsoka
Chapter 100 - Peace
Chapter 101 - Helping Decision
Chapter 102 - Hell's Diner

Chapter 78 - Blue Shadow Virus

587 10 5
Von cheesEPIC

Me and Ahsoka stepped into the briefing room together where we were greeted by Master Windu and commander Cody.

"Hello, master." Ahsoka said as we walked over to them.

"Hello padawan Tano. We have a mission for the two of you." He said. "There have been reports of something in the water killing all plants and animals on Naboo. A local farmer has reported sightings of ships entering and leaving a forest near to her farm. We are sending you two over to investigate."

"Yes Master Windu." Ahsoka said before she took my hand and led me out of the room. We then headed back to our room to get ready.

"I'm going to take everything just in case shit does go down." I said as I began to put my suit on.

"Better had really." Ahsoka said as she watched me get into my suit since she was already ready.

Once I had put my suit on, I stood next to Ahsoka. She leaned up and kissed me on the lips and smiled.

"Let's get going." She said as she led me to the door. Vega told us that our ship to Naboo was waiting in the hangar, so we went there. Upon entering the hangar, we saw a two person fighter waiting for us.

We walked over to the fighter and got into it before taking off. It wasn't like a y wing fighter though, the seats were side by side like in a car, so me and Ahsoka were next to each other.

We went into space and set the coordinates for Naboo before jumping into hyperspace.

As soon as we were in hyperspace, Ahsoka turned to me and smiled.

"We're not having sex." I said.

"Didn't think we were going to." She said as she brought my head into hers and kissed me on the lips. We held our lips together for a long time with Ahsoka's tongue in my mouth.

We made out for a good few minutes before slowly backing out.

We gazed into each others eyes and smiled.

"We should do this more often." Ahsoka said.

"I agree." I replied as I pressed my lips back against Ahsoka's. This time in a shorter yet still passionate kiss.

After we backed out again, Ahsoka rested her head against my neck and sighed.

"Why can't we just get more time together?" Ahsoka said.

"We literally are by each others side all day every day, even when we're in the shower." I said.

"I know, but, peaceful times like this when there's nothing to worry about."

I sighed as I kissed the top of Ahsoka's head.

"There's a war going on right now. As soon as it's over, we can move out onto Alrderaan or Lothal or wherever you want and live the rest of our lives there, and that day is only going to come sooner if we finish this war sooner."

Ahsoka sighed again.

"I guess you're right." Ahsoka said as she took her head off of my shoulder. "It's just, I've never been more passionate about something then my love for you, and my entire life, the Jedi, are against it. The sooner that day comes and I can just leave the life of the Jedi behind, the sooner I will be free."

I sighed as I brought Ahsoka's head into my chest. I hugged her tightly and we stayed like that for a few minutes until our ship came out of hyperspace.

Ahsoka got out of my arms and began to pilot out ship down to the surface and into the main building thing of Naboo.

We got out of the ship and were immediately greeted by Padmé and her main guard who's name I've forgotten.

"Hello Ahsoka, it's so good to see you." Padmé said as she and Ahsoka hugged.

"Good to see you too Padmé." Ahsoka replied as they backed out of the hug.

"Sorry to interrupt but we must depart immediately. If this is what we suspect then the entire galaxy could be at risk." Padmé's body guard said.

"Sure. Where we going?" I asked.

"A forest near a farm. The farmer there has reported that all of her cattle which drank water from the river died and any plants she watered with the water died as well. If what we suspect is true, then, like Captain Typho said, the entire galaxy could be in danger."

"We best get going then." Ahsoka said.

Padmé smiled before leading us to a ship. The three of us got in and took off, as Captain Typho had to stay behind and continue to protect the palace.

Nobody really said anything on the way to the forest, until we got there.

"Just looks like a forest to me." Ahsoka said.

"Vega, scan the area." I said.

"My scans indicate that there is a facility in the forest ahead, manned by at least 100 battle droids and one life form which I am unable to identify."

"Well that answers our question." Padmé said as we got off the ship.

We were immediately greeted by an anxious and scared farmer.

"Who are you! What has happened to my herd!?" They shouted.

"I am queen Amidala, and we are here to help find out the cause of these events." Padmé said.

"I saw a ship land in the forest that-a way!" The gungan farmer said as she pointed into the forest.

"Thank you. We will be sure to update you on our findings." Padmé said before walking off towards the forest.

Me and Ahsoka followed close behind.

Upon entering the forest, we didn't see anything at all, until Padmé stopped. "This doesn't seem right." She said. Just as she did, the ground below her began to rise up and what looked like a camera on a stick appeared.

"Don't move." Ahsoka said. "Get down." She said to me as she herself hit the deck. I did so to and barely got down before the camera saw me. We heard it spin a few more times before going back into the ground.

"That was close." Padmé said as she walked over to us.

"Too close." Ahsoka said. "(Y/n), stay here, you'll make too much noise and are too big to hide easily. You'll more than likely alert the guards to our presence." Ahsoka said.

"Sure." I reluctantly said as I took my Vega chip out again. "Tell me about anything you find." I said as I handed Ahsoka the chip.

"Will do." She replied as she put the chip into her comm link before walking off with Padmé.

Ahsoka pov

Me and Padmé walked further into the forest, making sure to avoid any cameras we came across.

Soon, we came to a metal patch on the floor.

"Vega, scan the place." I said.

"There is an elevator shaft just next to you embedded in one of the trees."

Padmé walked over to a tree and pushed something, causing the metal patch on the floor to rise up into the air, revealing am elevator.

"(Y/n), we've found an elevator." I said down my comm link.

"Great. Wait for me to get to you." He said.

"No, we can still be quiet about this. Stay where you are."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Ok, but if you get into trouble, just hit the chip and Vega will tell me exactly where you are and I will come get you."

"Ok. See you soon (y/n)."

"Bye 'Soka. Love you!"

"I love you too!" I replied before hanging up. "You ready to go in?" I asked Padmé.

"Of course." She replied as we stepped in. Padmé pushed the button and we began to go down into the facility.

After a fairly short elevator ride, we arrived in the facility. The doors opened and there was nothing, for now.

Me and Padmé snuck out of the elevator and instantly headed for cover as we could hear some droids walking our way.

Soon enough, the droids past by us, unaware of our presence.

Once they'd past, me and Padmé continued to sneak our way through the facility, avoiding any droids we came across.

Soon, we came to a large door with an even larger room inside. From here, we could see some Blue skinned creature working on a blue capsule thing with hundreds more behind him.

Padmé gasped as she saw them.

"The blue shadow virus." She whispered.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's a virus which killed almost everything, but it was only water borne so it was containable, but I think he's been able to make it airbourne."

"That's not good. Who is he?" I asked.

"Dr Vindi. He was presumed dead years ago, but it seems the little rat's still alive."

"Should I change that?" I asked.

"No, we have to capture him." Padmé said.

"And how do you suppose we do that?"

"I don't know." Padmé said.

"Hands in the air!"

We both stood up in a hurry and saw a super battle droid aiming his gun at us. I put my hands above my head and gently tapped my Vega chip to tell (y/n) that we needed help before complying with him.

"Ah, I see that you've finally found me." Dr Vindi said as he walked over to us.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Padmé asked.

"So naïve, queen Amidala. Come, let me show you my latest creation."

Dr Vindi led us into his lab, with our hands now in cuffs and shock collars around our necks.

"The Blue Shadow Virus, although long thought to be eradicated, but I have brought it back to life! And now, it is airborne, so nothing can stop me!" He yelled with a manic laugh.

"You won't get away with this." Padmé yelled.

"Oh no? And who's going to stop me." He teased. Before either of us could respond, the alarms started blaring as red flashing lights went off.


(Y/n) pov

I was waiting for about 10 minutes and got nothing from Ahsoka when suddenly Vega turns on.

"Ahsoka has slapped her chip and is now within close proximity of several battle droids. It looks like she has been captured and is being escorted by them."

I clicked my knuckles and stood up.

"Well, it looks like everything down there is gonna get messy, very quick, be it now, or when we get back to Coruscant." I said as I walked over to where Ahsoka got in. The elevator was still up so I got in and went down.

I drew my super shorgun and prepped myself to fight on the way down.

Once the elevator was at the bottom, Vega's battle HUD fired up and told me where everything was, just as the doors opened up, revealing and entire squad of super battle droids.

I cocked my shotgun and smiled.

"This'll be fun." I said to myself, before letting the carnage and chaos ensue, just as I like it.


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