Beyond Pokemon

By NasukraBTsuki

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In the world of Pokemon, there are some adult situations the cartoon failed to touch on. Many fail to realize... More

Chapter 1. Big Brother Charizard.
Chapter 2. Showdown
Chapter 3. Unsatisfied
Chapter 4. No "I" in Team
Chapter 5. Gyarados
Chapter 6. Sail away.
Chapter 7. First Pokemon
Chapter 8. Lake 0
Chapter 9. What?!
Chapter 10. Mega-Evolution?
Chapter 11. Too Much
Chapter 12. Return to Sender
Chapter 13. Back on Track.
Chapter 14. These Boots
Chapter 15. Invasion of The Pokemon League
Chapter 16. First Steps.
Chapter 17. Disagreeable Situations
Chapter 18. Takes a Ghost to Catch a Ghost
Chapter 19. Kyla vs Chad
Chapter 20. Blare's Match.
Chapter 21. Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 22. David vs Hermit
Chapter 23. Tsunami
Chapter 24. David vs Kyla, The Final Battle
Beyond Pokemon/ Part 2/ Interlude/ Announcements and Q/A
Part 2, Chapter 1. The Return
Part 2, Chapter 2. Back to School
Part 2, Chapter 3. Lesson Plan 1, The Bully
Part 2, Chapter 4. Class Assignment
Part 2, Chapter 5. A Close Call/ A Reluctant Bandit
Part 2, Chapter 6. Search for Salvation.
Part 2, Chapter 7. Evaluation Day
Part 2, Chapter 8. Rebellious and Abandoned
Part 2, Chapter 9. When You Thought You Could Rest.
Part 2, Chapter 10. Rise of Moltres, Part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 11. Rise of Moltres, Part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 12. A Loyal Enemy, A Jealous Friend.
Part 2, Chapter 13. Offical Challenge, Part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 14. Offical Challenge, Part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 15. When In Oblivia
Part 2, Chapter 16. Uphill All The Way
Part 2, Chapter 17. Land Ahoy!
Part 2, Chapter 18. Professor Elm
Part 2, Chapter 19. The Rising Tides
Part 2, Chapter 20. The Violet Tower, part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 21. The Violet Tower, part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 22. Ruins of Alph.
Part 2, Chapter 23. Guardians of the Sky and Sea.
Part 2, Chapter 24. Blare's Shocking Discovery
Part 2, Chapter 25. Fire & Ice
Part 2, Chapter 26. Adding Gas to Fire
Part 2, Chapter 27. Family Bonds
Part 2, Chapter 28. A Night Under The Stars
Part 2, Chapter 29. Surf's Up On Love
Part 2, Chapter 30. Road to the Battle Tower
Part 2, Chapter 31. Registration Day.
Part 2, Chapter 32. Battle Tower, Bracket J.
Part 2, Chapter 33. The Pokemon Cafe
Part 2, Chapter 35. SPTU Investigation
Part 2, Chapter 36. Bracket G, Sue's debut
Part 2, Chapter 37. Respect Is Everything.
Part 2, Chapter 38. Bracket F.
Part 2, Chapter 39. Giga-Evolution
Part 2, Chapter 40. Next Level!
Part 2, Chapter 41. Bracket C, Blare Vs. Grace
Part 2, Chapter 42. Bracket B, Ghost From The Past
Part 2, Chapter 43. Zoey's Truth.
Part 2, Chapter 44. Ark's Judgment
Part 2, Chapter 45. Bracket A, Mind & Muscel
Part 2, Chapter 46. Bracket A, Beauty & Brains
Part 2, Chapter 47. Hoss.

Part 2, Chapter 34. Casting the Net.

29 3 0
By NasukraBTsuki

With Bracket I schedualed for the next day, Hermit wastes no time, although reluctant, he calls his contact. Hermit informs her of the situation and his location. With barely a blink of an eye, she appears in front of Hermit and Jenny.

Jenny's eyes widen.

"Hey there! I'm Angela!" She says with a smile.

Hermit points to where the suspect disappeared. "Can you track that teleport?"

Angela chuckles. "You know I can." Her eyes glow a bright blue as she traces the teleport energy. Finally she points to one of the cruise ships. "The trainer went to that ship."

"That is Bracket A's ship." Jenny says.

As they talk, Kyla and the others trainers exit the Battle Tower to return to their ships for the day. Several trainers catch Angela's eyes, but none of them as much as Zoey. As Zoey walks, she glances back at Angela, their eyes meeting for a mere second.

"Well.. that is interesting." She mutters under her breath.

Hermit groans. "Sorry to call you out for something so simple. We will begin a full sweep of that ship immediately. I imagine you would like..."

Angela smirks. "You imagine wrong. I will be staying around for now. Do me a favor and tell Jordan and David I need accomidations prepared." With that, Angela walks off, following the group of trainers.

"What was that?!" Jenny asks.

Hermit shrugs. "She found something to keep her attention."

Jenny shakes her head. "I mean, how do you know a cutie like that?!"

Hermit sighs heavily. "When I became an inspector she was joining. We are currently the two highest ranked officers in the SPTU, not to mention members of the Pokemon League."

"Is that why you are always so straight to the point?" Jenny asks.

Hermit nods. "She used to be my superior officer. Even a single mis-thought and she would have eaten me alive like so many before me. Now, however, we are the same rank. The only difference is she works alone."

Angela's eyes remain locked on Zoey, only darting away to rest on Kyla, Blare, and a few other trainer. She smiles wide. "What a group! I am actually excited to see what happens next." She thinks to herself.

As the trainers slowly board their respective ships, Kyla's silver Pokeball begins to glow.

Kyla hears the voice of Lugia in her mind. "I hate to bother, but you are being followed."

Kyla looks around. "What do you mean, 'being followed'?" She asks in thought.

"Their is a psychic trainer following us. It would seem she can sense how many legendaries each trainer has in their position."  Lugia replies.

Kyla boards her ship and retreats quickly to her cabin, not looking behind her. As Kyla opens her cabin door and shut it behind her, she does not hear it close. She spins around quickly to see Angela standing in the doorway.

"I see the Pokemon League has employeed more attractive trainers lately." Angela chuckles, stepping slowly into the cabin and shutting the door behind her.

Kyla puts her hands behind her back, turning the dial on her stun gloves. "I would have welcomed you in, had you asked."

Angela smiles, stopping a foot from the door. "And now you think me a threat?"

Kyla glares at her. "Look at it from my point of view."

Angela closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them again. "I guess I better explain before you shock the hell out of me. Hermit called me because your mysterious trainer teleported to this ship."

Kyla slowly shows her gloves and turns the dial back. "You spooked the hell out of my friend..."

"Lugia.. yes I know of him. Needless to say, I can see all your Pokemon, not just the Legendaries. The same is true for all the other trainers." Angela says, raising an open palm. "And the only reason I came here was to tell you, when your back is against the wall accept the blessing even." Angela turns to the cabin door.

Kyla sighs. "Riddles are so much fun." She says sarcastically.

Angela opens the cabin door, looking back at her. "Sometimes riddles are the only way to relay the future properly. Otherwise, we would all jump ahead of fate." With that, Angela walks out, closing the door behind her.

Angela strolls slowly around the ship, passing each cabin door with a steady stare. She walks all the way around the ship before giving out a heavy sigh.

"The trainer is in none of these cabins.. That must mean.. they purposely teleported here to throw me off their scent." Angela groans. "I hate smartasses."

The captain, of the ship, walks down a flight of stairs. He turns and walks straight towards Angela. "Captain Angela, I presume?"

Angela turns with a smile. "Yes, Captain?"

"I have been instructed to secure you accommodations aboard the ship." The captain motions to the stairs he came from. "Please, follow me."

Angela follows the captain up the stairs, as another trainer glances suspiciously at her before turning a corner.

He takes out his phone and sends a text that reads, "Update, boss?"

A text quickly returns with, "No change, continue as planned."

The man shrugs with a smile and puts away his phone, continuing on his original path.

Meanwhile, Kyla lays on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her foot shakes wildly as she thinks about what Angela said. Finally she leaps up, exiting her room. When she does, she bumps into one of the other Bracket A trainers.

The man groans. "Watch out, lady." He glares at her for a moment. "Are you okay?"

Kyla nods. "Yes.. sorry.. I should have been looking where I was going."

The man chuckles. "You think people would notice a big guy like me, but this actually happens all the time."

Kyla looks the man over quickly and then looks around. "You say this happens all the time?"

The man nods with a smile. "It is very strange, I know. It is almost like I am invisible."

"Specifically when you have taken interest in someone?" Kyla asks, locking eyes with him.

Then man backs away slightly. "No no. I promise I mean no ill will."

Kyla smiles. "Good! Cause I have a lot on my mind, and I really do not have time to chat." Kyla walks to the rail and releases Lapras into the water below. Kyla looks back at the man. "What was your name?"

The man smiles. "They call me Hoss, Hoss Blocker."

Kyla grabs hold of a rope, on the side of the ship. "See you at the battles, Hoss." Kyla then rappels herself down onto Lapras' back and rides off, back to shore.

Hoss watches for a moment then turns to see the blue haired trainer standing against the wall.

"What do you think, Hoss?" He asks.

Hoss smiles, cracking his knuckles. "She will be a fine opponent."

The man smiles with a slight chuckle. "She must be very talented to have impressed you so much."

Hoss nods. "She looked me straight in the eye with no fear of my size. She has seen and dealt with worse than me."

The man pulls out a tablet and looks Kyla up. "From her file, it says she from the Oblivia Region, two time tournament champion, current member of the Pokemon League, and.. Oh! Her emergancy contact is none other than David Brown!" The man puts the tablet away, breaking into a hysteric laughter. 

Hoss groans. "What is so funny this time, Victor?"

Victor turns away, waving his hand. "This will be a true challenge, and I am just excited!" He then walks off, leaving Hoss to continue to watch Kyla heading to shore.

On the shore, David waits as Kyla rides up and jumps off of Lapras, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Ready for a little break?" David asks, with a smile.

Kyla gives him a long forceful kiss, pulling back with a smile. "Lead the way." She says softly, recalling Lapras as they walk off, arm in arm.

On board the ship, Angela is introduced to her cabin and closes the door. Being alone, she calls out an Alakazam and Gengar. 

"Let's begin, quickly." Angela says softly.

They three sit cross legged, on the cabin floor, with their eyes closed. Slowly, they begin to levitate above the floor, each being surrounded by a different colored ora. 

Angela opens her eyes, they crackle with energy, shining bright blue. She smiles slightly, with a confident chuckle. "Found you."

Suddenly the room becomes pitch dark and a red orb surrounds them. 

"I am so sorry, but I can not allow you to stop us." A child's voice echos through the darkness.

Angela stands and tries to get through the red orb but is pushed back. "What is this?!"

"This.. is a Pokeball." The child's voice answers.

"The instrument of your subjugation of Pokemon shall be your prison.. for now." A woman's voice answers.

Angela looks at Alakazam and Gengar, who also try to break the red orb.

"It is pointless to struggle. You are trapped until I let you out." The woman's voice says.

"I will be missed. You will not get far if someone..."

"Scans this ball?" The child's voice interrupts. "We have planned for that."

"You are not in just any Pokeball, Angela. You are in a Master Ball." The woman's voice adds. "There is no escape, there is no salvation. You will not be found."

The trainer walks out of the shadows, followed by Mew. The female trainer's eyes glow red.

"So sorry, again. I promise you will be released after the tournament." Mew's child like voice says.

"Until then, you will be here." The woman says, turning and walking back into the darkness.

Angela and Mew stare at each other for a moment before mew waves and disappears.

Angela whips out her phone, only to find it without signal. She falls back, then kicks the red orb. "Damn it!" She exclaims angerly, her voice echoing through the darkness.

The trainer walks out, of a cloud of darkness, into a cabin. Mew zips around her.

"What now, Sue?!" Mew asks happily.

"Now.. we wait." Sue answers. "I am interested to see if this Pokemon League is worthy of our time."

"Why don't we just skip the battles, jump straight to the tournament?" Mew asks.

Sue chuckles. "I wish it was that easy, but they have a system in place that we can not bypass. Doing so would alert all the big players and bring them down on us." Sue clinches her fist. "I will play their game and beat them all."

Mew looks around quickly. "Someone is coming!" Mew then disappears as a knock comes from the door.

Sue opens it slightly. "What do you want?"

The captain, a different one from Bracket A's ship, greets her with a smile. "Sorry to bother you, dinner is served, in the main hall, for your convenience."

"Thank you." Sue says, shutting the door. 

Mew returns and they teleport off of the ship, taking the Master Ball with them.

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