DISCONTINUED Ultra Secrets (T...

By chocolate_dimplez

291K 7K 3.9K

Kash promised Cammie that he would never leave but when the fast paced, gang life he once lived catches up wi... More

Chapter 1 - Hand Cuffs & Coffee Stains
Chapter 2 - Foolish Woman
Chapter 3 - Gender
Chapter 4 - Number 41127
Chapter 5 - Greasers
Chapter 6 - Arm Candy
Chapter 7 - Price After 6
Chapter 8 - Quick Fix
Chapter 9 - Blinded
Chapter 10 - Bad Habits
Chapter 11 - Heir to the Throne
Chapter 12 - Bond
Chapter 13 - In Charge
Chapter 14 - Stairs
Chapter 15 - Thanks to Sally
Chapter 16 - Wild Card
Chapter 17 - If It Counts
Chapter - 18: Making Progress
Chapter 19 - My Love
Chapter 20 - Jujitsu & Jesus
Chapter 21 - Eyes Off
Chapter 22 - The Bonfire
Chapter 24 - Status Quo
Chapter 25 - Flame
Chapter 26 - Threes
Chapter 27 - Ms. French
Chapter 28 - Cabin
Chapter 29 - Notes
Chapter 30 - Answers and some bad news :(
Chapter 31 - Beef, Marriage, & Money Laundering
Chapter 32: Unlimited Authority
Chapter 33 - Dating The Enemy
Hey There
IM BACK Chapter 34: Background Info to Catch Up! Chapter Next week
Chapter 35: Harris Peterson
The chaper will be up tomorrow at 12
Chapter 36: Truths and Vices Pt. 1
Chapter 37: Truths and Vices Pt. 2
Chapter 38: Transition
Chapter 39: Corona & Cocoa Mix
Chapter 40: Tigertail
Chapter tomorrow
Chapter 41: Freeze Dance
So about this book...

Chapter 23 - An Arm and a Leg

6.5K 191 89
By chocolate_dimplez


Cammie saw that Carol Anne was calling her and while Kash used the bathroom, she went downstairs and answered, “Hello,” she answered.

“Done and done,” she said.

Cammie laughed, “He is so going to freak out and tell Slim,” Cammie replied.

“I know. He’s probably going to try to cover anything that he might have done so we have to look out for him acting fishy. Now that he thinks we only know about Slim, he is going to be on edge all of the time,” Carol Anne figured out. 

“But what about Slim-“ Cammie began.

“Cammie we don’t know where Slim’s heart lies in all of this so we’ll see what happens in the end. Just detach yourself slowly,” Carol Anne said.

“I don’t want to feel like he isn’t my best friend anymore,” Cammie felt like she didn’t know Slim anymore. Was he serious about actually loving her like a little sister or was it apart of some plan made by Diablo. 

“Mommy!” Camron called out as he took his time walking down the stairs. 

“Good morning, Ronnie,” she met him at the bottom of the stairs and picked him up.

“Daddy brushed my teeth-look,” he showed her his smile and Cammie laughed.

“Look at your pearly white teeth,” she pinched his cheek and carried him into the kitchen.

“Can we eat pankcakes?” he asked her.

“I was thinking about a grilled cheese with bacon and spinach,’ she suggested.

“I like grilled cheese,” he wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Kash just walked into the kitchen when he saw and smiled. He put his arms behind Cammie and kissed Camron on the head and Camron did the same, “Yay,” he clapped, “-we eat now.”

“Alright. You go and wake Riley up and tell her that she promised to clean up all of her toys,” Cammie said to him and Camron ran to the stairs, taking his time again.

“So why is Jason coming over?” Cammie turned around and looked at Kash, running her hands up and down his chest.

“Stop trying to get the answer out of me,” he moved her hands, “-we were going to tell you anyway.”

“But I want to know now. It’s probably not as bad as you are making it scene. You know you are a drama king,” she told him. 

“I don’t want to have to explain it now,’ Kash went to the sink to get a cup of water. 

Cammie huffed and walked over to him as he gulped down the water. She started to hug him, “Please,” she begged, “-I’ll tell you a secret.”

‘What secret do you have that I don’t already know?” he asked her.

“I’m very-very addicted to-“ she began to rub her hands over his pants and kiss his neck. 

“Mommy I cleaned my room!” Riley shouted and Cammie moved before she entered the kitchen. 

“When?” she asked.

“Last night because I knew this morning you would tell me to clean it,” Riley beamed as she skipped over to Kash and locked onto his legs so that he couldn’t move. 

“Princesa,” he played with her hair. 

This morning as they sat down for their savory grilled cheese breakfast, Jason came by with his laptop, “Jason I made you one,” Cammie told him after Kash opened the door for him.

“Thanks Cam. You’re one of the nicest people I know,” Jason gave her a hug.

“Then you don’t know her at all,” Riley mumbled. Kash looked at her in shook and then laughed.

“Now that was funny!” he high fived her. However, Cammie found it rude and Kash could tell that she was not happy that he agreed with the comments Riley made that she learned from television. 

“Riley apologize,” Kash told her.

“I’m sorry,” Riley lowered her head.

“You have to remember that I am your mother and you cannot talk to me the same way that you talk to everyone else,” Cammie reminded her.

“Yeah Riley,” Rubin teased.

Riley kicked Rubin under the table and he kicked her back, “Not afraid of you,” he stuck his tongue out.

After breakfast, Kash sent the kids upstairs to play in the room Riley and Leah share. Cammie walked around with Leah in her arms and started singing to her. Jason set his laptop down on the coffee table and Kash sat next to him.

“Singing is not your thing,” Kash told her.

“Oh please. I can hit all of the high notes,” she smiled to herself. She sat down on the couch next to Leah and saw that Jason was fast forwarding a recording.

“What is this? A motel parking lot?” she asked as she pushed her glasses closer to her face. 

“Exactly that,” Jason said.

“Alright Kash, tell me now,” she said to him as she stood Leah up on her lap. 

“Okay so a couple of weeks ago I got a voicemail on my phone and we heard a woman screaming and a lot else going on,” Jason pulled the file up as the video fast forwarded in the background. Cammie listened and her stomach cringed as she heard the woman shouting out for help. 

“Alright that’s enough,” she stopped them. All that she has seen and this still upset her to the point where the sounds were still in her head.

“Who did this?” Cammie asked.

“We don’t know. So Jason traced the call and it came from this motel. So we headed there and got the tape but an hour and a half seems to be missing,” Kash told her.

“You guys know that means whoever did this is someone who knows us well, right?” Cammie asked.

“Obviously,” Jason said as he paused the video.

“Not obviously. You guys should have told me sooner. I’m good at interrogating,” Cammie sighed, “-it’s someone who knows that if Kash plays the voicemail, he’d want to find out and stop at nothing and who knows that Jason is very talented at his craft and no missing detail gets by him. Someone under your nose,” 

“So you are pretty much saying Donatello,” Kash said as he sat back. Cammie had to make sure that she got him to listen without him getting upset because he was going to accuse him without evidence.

Cammie rubbed his arm, “I can’t prove that. It could be someone working for Victor like Gunner but we could also argue that Don is working with Victor as well,” Cammie thought.

The doorbell rang and Cammie went to get it, “Speaking of the devil’s son,” she opened the door. She knew what just happened with him Carol Anne and Slim and he was probably here to see what Cammie knows. 

“Hey Don,” Cammie smiled at him and Leah reached out to grab his shirt.

Donatello smiled and took Leah, “Hey Cammie,” he looked down, “-I see you’re doing the whole no bra thing.”

“It’s a cloth bra,”  she rolled her eyes.

Jason and Kash made eye contact because they weren’t sure if they should show Don the video. Don slapped hands with the both of them as he sat down with Leah.

“What are you guys up to?” he asked.

“Great timing,” Jason filled him in on what they were doing and Cammie kept looking at him to see his reaction. 

Kash went to check on the kids playing upstairs because Camron was crying and Jason played the video. Cammie tried to look at Donatello without him noticing and he was really focused.

“Why did it skip like that?” Don asked.

“Because some parts of it is missing,” Jason replied to him as she went back and showed him the part that was cut out and how the time changed at the bottom of the recording. 

“I think I know where that motel is,” Donatello told them as he played with Leah’s hair.

‘Yeah we went there already. That’s why we have the tape,” Jason said to him as Kash came downstairs.

“Then go again and this time throw him around a bit. Do your tech stuff and get the missing piece. You know how to recover deleted data right?” Donatello asked.

“I do but-“ Jason started to rule out that this was Donatello’s doing.

“Then get it done,” Donatello took his phone out, “-stop staring at the video like something is going to pop up. This is real life not some online mystery and romance novel. Shit_ is gonna get real when we find out who did this,’ Donatello said.

In the meantime, he searched up the name of the owner of that motel. Oscar Binasco. He found his social media page and scrolled through his status’ until he found one that he would need. It read, ‘You want the best for your kids but college tuition shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg.’

Donatello smiled inside and thought to himself, ‘Oh so you have a daughter?’ He checked on her page. Ashley is 22 and goes to a college close by which was even better. 

Leah started tapping at his phone and nibbling on his nose, “Ah Leah. Cammie feed your kids she’s trying to eat my nose,” Donatello pulled her back a little.

“Chill with the noise. We feed our kids,” Kash told him. Donatello looked at Leah and then looked at how Kash stared at him. He still hates him for sleeping with Cammie and he always will and the hate was so strong that Donatello could almost smell it.

“Doesn’t Leah look like me a little bit,” Donatello took the chance to ask.

“No she looks like Valentina,” Kash took her back.

Kash stood up and Donatello laughed, “Calm down. I have to go pick up my main anyway. She’s flying in from Miami to see me,” Donatello said. He wasn’t lying about that but he wasn’t planning on seeing her.

“She doesn’t know about the other girls?” Cammie asked.

“She does but she’s my favorite,” he started heading out when Rubin came down the stairs and hugged him.

“I didn’t see you in a long time,” Rubin said to him.

“Hey little man,’ Donatello hugged him back awkwardly.

“I’m going to get the same hair cut as you,’ Rubin said.

“That’s great,” Don high fived him. When Donatello left, Jason spoke.

“I guess he is off the hook,” Jason shrugged.

“No,” Cammie and Kash said simultaneously.

“Don’s good. He’s too good at what he does to get off of the hook for anything,” she finished.

As Donatello was driving off, he searched for a number in his contact, “Yeah I need a brand new desktop computer. Top of the line and a new security system. Send it over to Blue Motel by tonight and tell Oscar it’s from Don. Make sure you trash the old one,” he hung his phone up.


Donatello didn’t waste any time. It is the end of the year so it is less likely that she would be on campus, so he kept tabs on her social media page for the entire day. He sat in his condo around 8 P.M. and refreshed the page, only to see a picture with a caption posted.

‘Hotel Parties are the best parties!’

In the picture, she and some other people were drinking and Donatello decided to make his move. In the picture was a sign with the hotel name and Donatello headed over there. It was an hour drive but he was ready, calming down his casual look so that he could blend in with a college student.

Entering the hotel, he easily walked about, looking for stumbling 20 year olds and listening for loud music. He went into room 200 where people rent out for parties and weddings and stepped inside. Amongst her were sweaty bodies and the smell of alcohol. Someone was going to call the police in a matter of time because there was definitely some people under 21 drinking. 

It didn’t take him long to spot her. Her long black hair was being flipped all around as she danced wildly, “Too easy,” he said to himself.

Cammie sighed a she curled up on the bed with Riley next to her. She picked up the phone and dialed her mother’s number, “Hey mom,” she said as she took a sip of the tea she put on her nightstand.

“Hi baby. How are you feeling?” Camile asked as she smiled.

“I’m alright. How are you holding up?” she turned around and twisted Riley’s hair. 

“I’m holding up alright. Miss him a lot,” Camile tried not to get too emotional.

“Me too. But I’m worried. You’re all the way over there alone,” Cammie frowned.

“I’m alright baby. I promise,” Camile assured her.

“Why don’t you come and live with Candace. Maybe living with me won’t be the best and you can see your grandkids a lot,” Cammie proposed the idea.

“Oh Lord, I don’t want to be a burden-“

Donatello swung the drunk girl over his shoulders and put her in the back seat of the car. He didn’t have to put duct tape over her mouth to keep her quiet because she wasn’t skeptical at al.

‘Are we going to play a game?” she touched his ear as he sped off and hiccupped, “-I like games. What did you say you’re name was? Johnny?” 

All he had to do was persuade her to come with him. He knows that sexually taking advantage of someone when they aren’t in their right mind or at all is wrong and he wasn’t going to. He just needed to bribe her father to not rat him out. 

“Yeah we’re going to play a game,” he told her.

“You look older. What school do you go to?” she asked him.

“A school in New York. I came here with my cousin,” he lied.

“Mom just think about it,” Cammie finally said, “-I don’t want you all the way in New Jersey by yourself.”

“I sent you all the way to California by yourself for so long,” Camile said.

“Don’t beat yourself up over that. That was a long time ago mom-I’m-I’m over it already,” Cammie tried to get her to understand. 

“I can’t help it. I treated you all so badly,” she began to sob, “-and all of my life I thought I was doing the right thing,” 

Cammie hoped that she didn’t make her mother feel like she still held a grudge against her. She was over and done with things that happened between her and her mother. Riley left to bring her toys to play with while Cammie and her mother reflected and Cammie worried about how she would be later on with her children. 

Donatello pulled up to the motel and saw the new security camera’s up and he smiled to himself, “Come on,” he got out and then opened the door for her. She stumbled out and he struggled to hold her up. 

Donatello made her go inside first and Oscar looked at her confused, “How did you get here? Ashley. Are you drunk?” he asked her.

Donatello walked in and looked the door, pulling the blinds on the door. He pulled his gun out and pointed it at Oscar who was trying to sit his daughter down. 

“Yeah she’s pretty fucked_ up but I promise I didn’t do anything to her,” Donatello said. He looked at the new computer, “-like your new stuff?’ he asked Oscar.

“You sent it?” he asked him.

“I have another deal for you Oscar,” Donatello walked around the desk, putting the gun under his neck.

“Alright mom? Get a good night’s rest,” Cammie said.

“Alright baby. I’m praying for you,” Camile said and all Cammie could say was ‘bye’ because she doesn’t pray. 

"Are you okay?" Cammie asked Riley.

‘Yeah. I’m tired,’ she yawned. 

“It’s almost bedtime,” Cammie told her. 

Kash came upstairs with Leah in his hands, “Jason and I are about to go to the motel,”

“Alright,” Cammie said as she took Leah, “Be safe,” she told him.

“You too,” he kissed her and then gave Riley a squeeze. Kash headed out and called Jason so that they could meet up.

Donatello tucked his gun away, “When they come here. Say you got rid of the old computer because the cops were onto you about those prostitutes you got renting out those rooms,”

“What’s the point of me helping you out? What do I get from this?” Oscar asked.

“Well first you don’t get bullets in your old ass_ and I just might pay your daughter’s tuition,” Donatello looked at the girl who could barely keep her head up. 

Donatello had to wait because he had a phone call from Kash, “Don meet us at the motel, we’re heading over there now,” Kash told him. 

‘Alright. I’m coming,” Donatello said, “I’m already in the neighborhood.”

‘What are you doing over there?’ Kash asked.

‘Didn’t I tell you guys that my main was coming in from Miami? I had to spend some time with her,” he lied.

He hung up and looked at Oscar, “So we got a deal?” he asked him.

Oscar nodded slowly and Donatello smiled, “Thank you for understanding,” 

Donatello had to pretend that he was driving over here. He made Oscar put one of his daughters in the room in case she mentions that he was just talking to her dad. 

He drove around the block a couple of times and then parked in the parking lot again. He called Kash and kept his voice steady as he talked, “Looks like he got new security cameras and a new computer,” Donatello said.

“Are you serious?” Kash asked.

“Yup,” Donatello looked around, “All new shit_,’ he replied.

When Jason and Kash arrived, Oscar stuck to the script that Donatello gave him. They didn’t suspect that it was done maliciously because he was in trouble with the cops but now Kash feel like he’d never know.


The next night Cammie invited Slim and Carol Anne over. Even though she was on the fence about how she felt about Slim, she couldn’t shaek the fact that she loved him. He’s the only person that has really been there for her other than Kash. He always knew what to say and how to say it to make her feel better and to guide her when she wasn’t being herself.

“Valentina is so backwards. She wanted to take the kids today and have them spend a night and take them to school tomorrow,” Cammie said as she drank her juice.

“Maybe she actually wanted to watch them this time. Not when you and Kash wanted to suck on each other all day and didn’t want to have to deal with them,” Slim said as he kicked his feet back. 

Carol Anne laughed, “Shut up. You too Carol Anne. When you guys used to be getting it in you used to take your kids by Travis like you wanted them with him,’ Slim said.

Carol Anne popped him in the mouth and Slim yelled, “It’s not like I’m lying. Don’t laugh of talk shit_ if you guys are in the wrong,” Slim sat up.

“Alright. I get it. Just stop bringing it up,” Cammie shrugged.

Slim sighed, “You guys have to realize that decisions you make will come back to haunt you if they are bad enough. And when you make thise bad decisions around friends like you all have now, you will never hear the end of it. And because you guys are supposed to be friends,” Slim shook his head, “-Cammie didn’t I tell you if you want to experiment, find a girl at the club?”

“You never told me that because you never knew,” Cammmie rolled her eyes.

“And we’re over with already. What we did was just out of stress and a lot of sexual tension. It’s done with now,” Carol Anne responded, “Cammie’s eyes linger every now and then though.” She added. Slim cackled.

‘Oh please. You flaunt your stuff around trying to catch my attention but 9 times out of ten I am not paying attention to you,” Cammie defended herself. 

“Subject change!” Cammie shouted, “Did you hear from Jacie?” she asked him.

“I didn’t yet. I feel like I really fucked_ up,” Slim remembered and rubbed his head, “It’s a shame because I was really into her. I haven’t liked anyone in a while,” 

If they didn’t know what they knew, Carol Anne and Cammie would tell Slim that he would straighten out and be a better person, leaving this life behind but they were all lying to each other right now.

Cammie and Carol Anne know about Slim taking the notes and he knows that they know about him and are on his case more. They all knew that each other knew but they chose not to say anything, maybe because this friendship was too precious.

They ordered pizza and Carol Anne and Slim drank wine while Cammie stuck to grape juice. They spread a blanket on the floor and decided to watch movies together.

“I would have loved to have friends like you guys in high school. I would have watched movies all night with you guys,” Cammie became comfortable on the right side aof Slim and Carol on the left.

“All fo my frineds just walked around a lot. It was miles and miles of just grass, hay and dirt so we had nothing much else to do,” Carol Anne said as she hugged Slim’s arm, “You don’t feel weird being the only guy?” 

“When I was growing up, I was only friends with girls really. Guys find me annoying and feminine yet they get scared that I might end up with their girlfriend which happened more often than I thought it would,” Slim laughed.

“I don’t think you’re feminine. You just have motherly characteristics. You know how to make people feel better,’ Cammie assured him.

“If I fall asleep first, bear with me. I have been pregnant 3 times and I feel like I have been gassier since then,” Cammie warned them.

“Eww,” Carol Anne laughed. 

Meanwhile, Kash was sitting at a bar. For some reason he has been here more often. He wasn’t stressed, he simply wanted to go and grab a drink. As he sat at the counter, he looked over at the side and stared for a while until he recognized the person.

He called the bartender over, “Another one?” he asked Kash.

‘You see that bald guy?’ he asked him, “He was fucking_ my girlfriend when I was in prison,”

“Sir, if you are going to start a scene I am going to have to ask you to leave,” the bartender said.

“Nah, I’m not going to start a scene. I’m not mad or nothing but every time I see him that is all I know him as,” Kash shrugged. Price had already seen Kash but was scared because they almost locked eyes and he saw in the news that he was recently arrested in New Jersey for evading arrest. Kash decided to head over there, being as calm as he could.


Zoelle looked at Victor and then rolled her eyes, “You don’t have to sleep with him,” he told her.

“Why do you want me to do that to another man anyway? I don’t want to be involved in your bull,” she told him.

“Babe, just to figure out what they are doing because Don is playing with me and my money,” Victor begged her.

Zoelle folded her arms, “He’s smarter than that. And plus he has a girl and four kids. I can’t do that to him,” 

“Then leave. I can get someone else to keep tabs on him,” Victor shooed him off.

“Do that then,” she told him as she left. Zoelle remembers that night Kash came to her door with that lie and she helped him out of the kindness of her heart. She knew that whatever he was really there for was to get at Victor and she allowed it because she wanted out of this life. Yet, Kash was more and more attractive to her. 

“I need to stop messing with these type of men,’ she said as she got in the car. 

“Girl I know,” Becky responded as they pulled off.

“So when are you going to tell me about your new man?” Zoelle asked her.

“I’m not telling you shit_,” Becky replied as she texted London, “How is Damion?” she asked.

Zoelle almost forgot that she told Becky she was visiting her cousin which was all a lie, “He’s on his same bullshit_ again,” she rolled her eyes.

_Don’t have time but what do you all think?_


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