Little Star || BTS Horror AU

By Sanabuii

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"Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky" ... More

{ Bonus : Christmas Special }


2.7K 237 203
By Sanabuii

"It's happening."

I took a bite of the red apple half heartedly as I walked to school, kicking a pebble lying in front of my foot. The dream was still giving me chills whenever I thought back to it. I so desperately wanted to see Jimin right now, and see for myself if he is okay or not. I know, it's just a stupid dream, my sadistic mind showed me, and he's probably fine, chilling and playing around with Tae and Jungkook annoying the shit out of Yoongi and Joonie. But still...

I sighed for the nth number of time when I realised that I don't even know where they stay. I cannot go willingly and meet them. I can only meet them when they come to me. As I walked through the school gates, an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Why do I feel like, it's not gonna be a good day in school?

"Hey Trash Can!" the ice cube faced guy called at me as I clenched my jaw and continued walking to my classroom. What is their problem?

By now, the once lively and blooming scarlet apple in my hand was gone, leaving the seed of it as I tossed it over to the dustbin and... Goal! Yeah. I only have me to have fun with me in this trap house called school.

Through out the class the ice cube face guy irritated me by throwing crumpled paper balls at me as I tried hard to just focus on the text book in front of me. The girl who always stuck with him, probably his girlfriend, tried to go to the cooler to fill her water bottle but 'accidentally' tripped and spilled all the water on my shirt and skirt, ruining it all, as a few guys whistled and cat called me until the teacher told them to shut up.

"Excuse me." I mumbled and rushed out of the classroom to go sit in a cubicle in the washroom. Silent tears started rolling down my cheeks as I sobbed on my hands hiding my face. "Why...? Why do they hate me so much? What did I-I even do to them?" I cried into my hands as my body shook like a leaf. I didn't even know their names who bullied me, yet, they had so much hatred from me from the first day I walked in.

I even felt embarrassed to walk out because my cleavage could be seen through my wet bad quality white uniform I was wearing and spending 3 more hours in here felt like hell on Earth. "Please take me away..." I whispered as I curled up in a ball and buried my face in my arms, hugging my legs close to my now wet and shivering body. I felt cold, even though it was summer. I felt scared of being so lonely. Only if they could be here with me.

"You're not alone Y/n!" It was Jungkook. He smiled with a childish glee to his face holding up both his thumbs. "You never walk alone!"

"I'll always hold you and never let you fall!" I remembered what Taehyung always used to tell me and couldn't help but smile to myself. Then please hold me tight Tae... I need you to hold me because I feel like I am falling down in darkness and it's so scary.

A sudden bang on the door interrupted my thoughts as I quickly got up and asked, "Y-Yes?"

"Let's hangout." a soft, but manly and cosy voice came from the other end making me furrow my eyebrows. Was I hearing it right? It can't be Yoongi... Right?

"Who are you?" I asked, straining my ears to hear the owner of the voice properly. I heard a low, lazy chuckle feeling him shuffling outside a bit. "I'm hurt that you don't recognise my voice." he snorted. "Who else do you think I am? My soul sister?" a weird humour was laced to the voice making me chuckle along with him.

I opened the door immediately with a big smile on my face seeing the boy in front of me and grinned, feeling like my world was bright with sunshine and rainbows again as I saw him flashing his relaxing gummy smile. "Yoongi!" I exclaimed and hugged him tightly by the waist, burrowing my head into his chest.

Within moments, I started to spill my tears again, soaking his shirt this time. I had no idea, why I was feeling so sad and sensitive today since the morning. The dream had a really strong and bad effect on me, I could feel it in my bones. He just held me tightly in his arms cooing and whispering me to shush as he stroked my hair gently.

"You're clearly not okay..." he muttered into my ear. "Why don't you tell them off? You're such a strong girl!" he remarked kissing my forehead as I stepped back and looked at him in the eyes.

"I don't know..." I mumbled looking down at my feet.

"Hey!" he playfully punched my shoulder and laughed a little. "Come on! You're my strong girl." he said nonchalantly as a little blush crept in my cheeks and I couldn't help but scoff making him roll his eyes and chuckle at me. "Yeah right... Can't believe you can scoff at the Savage King and not tell them off." he said eyeing me and crossing his arms.

"Yah!" I was about to say something but my eyebrows knit together as I took a moment to look at him. "Wait... What are you doing here?" I asked.

He leaned closer to me so his face was close to my ears. "It's a secret... So don't tell anyone," he continued.  "I was missing my princess so I sneaked in your school to find you." he snickered as his breathy laugh tickled my ear making me blush further and I stepped back. "Stop." I said and looked away.

"Hmm... Your shirt is wet. Wanna get out of here and come with us?" he asked trailing his eyes down me and looked back at me again. His state wasn't an uncomfortable one, it was like a friend's should be.

I nodded and took his hand readily. "Wait, did you say us? Who else has come with you?" I asked curiously looking up at him.

He just snickered and shrugged his shoulders. "Ahh... You'll see..." he said and dragged me out of the girls washroom.

Yes Min Yoongi had just aimlessly slipped inside the girls washroom when he wasn't even sure to find me there. What a sly pervert with a face of a sweet white fluffy cat.

Oh wait... Cats are sly and use their cuteness like that...

It was surprisingly easy to get out of the school, as me and him jumped down the compound wall like it was part of our daily routine. It kind of is... For me. The security guards were busy chatting and having snacks amongst themselves.

As soon as I got on the ground, I turned around with a smile only to see that the person I wanted to see since the morning was standing in front of me. Jimin.

I swear I froze in my spot as I looked at him smiling at me like an idiot. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again as all my vocabulary just got mixed up and a weird feeling struck me. A good weird though... I felt like a fish opening and closing my mouth like that, no doubt I have a memory of a goldfish when it comes to important things. "Jimin." was all I could manage to blurt out.

He chuckled as his eyes disappeared into moon crescents a bit and he said, "Thanks for reminding me my name Y/n." he completed with a teasing smile plastered on his face.

Hug him. Was what my heart was yelling out to me.

He'll question your sanity. My brain interrupted.

"If you're done staring at me, then can we go now? Did you even realise that Yoongi just left us and god knows went where to lurk..." he joked stepping one step forward and without thinking about anything else I just hugged him. Tight.

I ran myself over with a truck as soon as my arms securely settled around his waist and I bit my lip nervously. I shouldn't have done that. What if he thinks of me to be a creep? But I just had to do it. My dream was too much to handle and I just needed to see him in perfect condition right now and here he was in front of me. I never want him to go through something so terrible ever. It was so scary, horrifying and painful to even imagine, a tear slipped down my eye just by thinking back to it.

"Jimin I—" but he didn't let me complete, and wrapped his arms around me in return, cradling me in his chest. Just hearing his heart beat softly, against me, felt like a comforting lullaby to me. He held me as tightly as I held him, like both our lives depended on it. "Shh, Y/n. I know..." he mumbled. I didn't know what he was talking about, but I just closed my eyes and stayed in his embrace, trying to calm my racing heart that Jimin was safe and here with me, and not in some operation theater and definitely not dead.

In his arms, it felt like the world had stopped moving and everything in the Universe had paused in a standstill and it was just his faint breathing that felt like the time was still ticking by. I didn't want to open my eyes, I just wanted to get lost in that warm embrace not caring about what tomorrow has in stalk for me. He hummed a little which made me feel more at ease.

"Hey crybaby! Did you just break out of school!" a voice boomed from over the compound wall, and it was the same guy sitting on top of the grey walls. "Thought to look for little miss trash can and here you are huh?" he smirked.

Jimin glared at him like a wolf staring at his enemy as a last warning to escape.

"Looks like weirdo bawled her eyes out!" he mocked and made some terrible fake crying faces ultimately laughing at me. Jimin pulled me closer to him by my waist, as I saw his jaws tensing and his eyes unmovingly fixed on the guy.

I remembered how Yoongi told me to fight back. I need to fight back... I need to take my own stands.

"Go away you piece of shit!" I barked out finally, and snarled at him.

"What the fuck did you say!?" he said outrageously.

"You heard me you low life jerk!" I snapped at him shooting daggers at him with my eyes. I've had enough of him and his friends now.

He was about to lunge forward for me but Jimin pulled me away. "You did great Y/n. Let's go. Leave him alone." he whispered into my ear, intertwining his fingers with mine and I looked up to see him as our eyes met. Our faces were so close, I just nodded at him and he rubbed my cheek before taking me away with him, only turning back once at ice cube who was still thinking if he should get out of school to chase after me or stay back and wait to teach me a lesson the next day.


I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't good enough sksksksks >_<

My best friend just gave me the motivation to update again, by saying that if a fanfic like 50 Shades of Grey could be made into a movie then Little Star deserves to be a whole damn movie as well and it really flattered me XD

Also, she gave me a new nickname, and has saved my number under the name of "Cute Mochilicious Cat Dragon" lmao

She says the picture below is the perfect personification of me as a cat and guess what my parents agreed with her—
(Yeah she says I'm a total cat)

She even said the crown fits perfectly XD

So yeah, you see if I were to be some animal, or a cat, what I'd be and what I'd look like haha

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