Beyond Pokemon

By NasukraBTsuki

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In the world of Pokemon, there are some adult situations the cartoon failed to touch on. Many fail to realize... More

Chapter 1. Big Brother Charizard.
Chapter 2. Showdown
Chapter 3. Unsatisfied
Chapter 4. No "I" in Team
Chapter 5. Gyarados
Chapter 6. Sail away.
Chapter 7. First Pokemon
Chapter 8. Lake 0
Chapter 9. What?!
Chapter 10. Mega-Evolution?
Chapter 11. Too Much
Chapter 12. Return to Sender
Chapter 13. Back on Track.
Chapter 14. These Boots
Chapter 15. Invasion of The Pokemon League
Chapter 16. First Steps.
Chapter 17. Disagreeable Situations
Chapter 18. Takes a Ghost to Catch a Ghost
Chapter 19. Kyla vs Chad
Chapter 20. Blare's Match.
Chapter 21. Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 22. David vs Hermit
Chapter 23. Tsunami
Chapter 24. David vs Kyla, The Final Battle
Beyond Pokemon/ Part 2/ Interlude/ Announcements and Q/A
Part 2, Chapter 1. The Return
Part 2, Chapter 2. Back to School
Part 2, Chapter 3. Lesson Plan 1, The Bully
Part 2, Chapter 4. Class Assignment
Part 2, Chapter 5. A Close Call/ A Reluctant Bandit
Part 2, Chapter 6. Search for Salvation.
Part 2, Chapter 7. Evaluation Day
Part 2, Chapter 8. Rebellious and Abandoned
Part 2, Chapter 9. When You Thought You Could Rest.
Part 2, Chapter 10. Rise of Moltres, Part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 11. Rise of Moltres, Part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 12. A Loyal Enemy, A Jealous Friend.
Part 2, Chapter 13. Offical Challenge, Part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 14. Offical Challenge, Part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 15. When In Oblivia
Part 2, Chapter 16. Uphill All The Way
Part 2, Chapter 17. Land Ahoy!
Part 2, Chapter 18. Professor Elm
Part 2, Chapter 19. The Rising Tides
Part 2, Chapter 20. The Violet Tower, part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 21. The Violet Tower, part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 22. Ruins of Alph.
Part 2, Chapter 23. Guardians of the Sky and Sea.
Part 2, Chapter 24. Blare's Shocking Discovery
Part 2, Chapter 25. Fire & Ice
Part 2, Chapter 26. Adding Gas to Fire
Part 2, Chapter 27. Family Bonds
Part 2, Chapter 28. A Night Under The Stars
Part 2, Chapter 29. Surf's Up On Love
Part 2, Chapter 30. Road to the Battle Tower
Part 2, Chapter 31. Registration Day.
Part 2, Chapter 32. Battle Tower, Bracket J.
Part 2, Chapter 34. Casting the Net.
Part 2, Chapter 35. SPTU Investigation
Part 2, Chapter 36. Bracket G, Sue's debut
Part 2, Chapter 37. Respect Is Everything.
Part 2, Chapter 38. Bracket F.
Part 2, Chapter 39. Giga-Evolution
Part 2, Chapter 40. Next Level!
Part 2, Chapter 41. Bracket C, Blare Vs. Grace
Part 2, Chapter 42. Bracket B, Ghost From The Past
Part 2, Chapter 43. Zoey's Truth.
Part 2, Chapter 44. Ark's Judgment
Part 2, Chapter 45. Bracket A, Mind & Muscel
Part 2, Chapter 46. Bracket A, Beauty & Brains
Part 2, Chapter 47. Hoss.

Part 2, Chapter 33. The Pokemon Cafe

27 4 0
By NasukraBTsuki

In the Battle Tower Lobby, Zoey stands impatiently leaned against a wall. She taps her foot rapidly, watching as other trainers walking through. 

She groans, marching up to the front desk. "When is Bracket B scheduled to begin?!" She almost whimpers.

The man, at the front desk, slowly looks up at her. "Ma'am, for the third time, it will be the ninth day."

"Well, what is today then?!" She asks angrily.

"The first day, ma'am." The man replies with a sigh. "Bracket J was the only battles scheduled for today."

Zoey looks at him with, what can only be described as, puppy dog eyes. "What am I supposed to do till then?!"

The man opens a drawer and hands her a stack of dollar-sized papers. "Meal vouchers."

She slowly takes them, looking curiously between the papers and the man. "Meal vouchers?"

The man points at the restaurant. "You can use them to get food."

She looks at the restaurant, then back at the man, as a line grows behind her. "But..."

The man stands quickly, slamming his hand on the desk. "Go away!" He exclaims, pointing at the restaurant.

Zoey turns quickly and runs towards the restaurant, snickering silently as she does.

The man sits back down, burying his face in his hands. "That woman is so infuriating!"

Joy is the next to step up to the counter, presenting the list she was given. "I need photos of these trainers."

The man takes a deep breath and then looks up at her with a smile. "Of course, ma'am." He types in the names and pulls up the pictures. Zoey's is the first one he recognizes, as he looks back up at Joy. "You just missed one of them, the red and black hair woman that just took off that way." He says, pointing. He prints out the photos and hands it to Joy.

"Thank you!" Joy sings as she hurries towards the restaurant.

Once inside, the receptionist greets Joy. "Welcome to the Pokemon Cafe, will this be a sitting for one?"

Joy looks around, seeing Kyla and the others, she quickly points to them. "I am with them!"

The receptionist bows. "Please proceed then, honored guest."

Joy hurries quickly over to Kyla. "Hey. So listen, I just followed one of the trainers in here. Can you play along and say I am with you?" Joy whispers.

Kyla glares suspiciously at her. "Sure! But if you order anything you are paying for it."

Joy laughs nervously, as her stomach gives off a low growl. "Don't be silly! I am on a diet anyways!"

"Sounds like you're starving." Blare says, in a muffled tone due to a mouth full of food.

Joy stares at the plates of food for a moment, then shakes her head wildly. "Seriously though! I followed that Zoey girl in here, she qualified for bracket B without any issue!"

"So? I qualified for bracket A." Kyla replies.

"Bracket C!" Blare exclaims, taking another large bite of food.

Joy glances at both of them. "All I'm saying is, if things go bad I might need back-up." She whispers.

Kyla crosses her arms. "And what are you going to do? March over to her and start asking random questions?"

Joy snaps her fingers. "Exactly!" Joy turns and heads straight for Zoey.

"$50 says things go bad." Blares says, chrewing on a bread roll.

"Deal." Kyla replies. "But I am not helping her."

"Me either." Blare says, voice muffled by the bread roll. "By the way, were you going to tell her Pokemon League members eat for free?"

"Not at all." Kyla replies.

They watch as Joy walks up to Zoey and begins a conversation.

"Are you Zoey McIntyre?" Joy asks.

Zoey looks up at Joy. "Yes and I'm hungry. Is my food ready yet?"

Joy lightly chuckles. "I am not an employee of this restaurant..."

"Then why are you bothering me?!" Zoey asks, interupting Joy's train of thought.

"I.. was about to introduce myself." Joy grumbles.

Zoey propers her chin in her hands. "By all means, proceed."

"My name is Joy, I am a member of the Pokemon League. I was coming to inquire about how you got your badges." Joy explains quickly.

Zoey shrugs. "Same way as everyone else, beat the gym leaders, won the badges. Also, I would say it was a joy to meet you, but the saying actually uses the word pleasure in place of your name."

Joy tries hard not to use an angered tone as she continues. "Then, you wouldn't mind showing me your receipt of accomplishment from each gym leader." She bluffs.

Zoey smiles. "Nice try, but no one receives such a receipt after winning." 

The waiter steps out of the kitchen, carrying Zoey's food. Once at the table, he sets out a feast fit for three people.

"Now, if you would excuse me, I would like to eat in peace." Zoey says, beginning to reach for her fork and knife.

Joy slams her hand down on the table, leaning over to Zoey. "Look here, chick, we have had break-ins all over the region, every badge stolen from the gyms along with some very rare items. It is in your best interest to cooperate with our investigation."

Zoey looks back up at Joy with a angered, green-eyed glare. "Or what? What EXACTLY is a NURSE going to do to ME?"

Joy whips out a Pokeball, clinching it tightly in her hand. "You want to take this outside?!"

Zoey seems to almost swallow her food whole, as she eats quickly. After a moment of silence, she stands. "Sure, let's go, Nurse Joy!!" She exclaims mockingly.

They walk out of the restuarant without another word to each other or anyone else.

Blare sighs. "There goes the neighborhood." Blare turns to say something else to Kyla, but sees she is running outside after Joy and Zoey. 

Once outside, a crowd has already started to form in the streets, gathered to see the two trainers battle. Hermit, Jenny, Jeff, and Joann work crowd control, noticeable disappointed in Joy's actions.

Kyla pushes through the crowd and rushes to Joy's side. "You don't stand a chance, Joy. This girl qualified for Bracket B, and you have three Pokemon. Just let it go." She harshly whispers.

Joy shakes her head. "Can't be helped now."

Zoey points at Kyla. "Hey! This is not your battle. Get off the field."

Kyla looks around. "We are in the streets."

Zoey smiles, pulling out her Pokeball. "It is a battle field now."

Jenny gently guides Kyla back, by her arm. "Joy got herself into this, and she has to deal with it herself."

Blare walks out of the Battle Tower, carrying a thermos and two cups. She swiftly strolls onto the battle field and presents a cup to both Zoey and Joy. "To your good health!" She says with a smile.

Zoey looks at the cup. "What is this?"

"Chocolate Miltank milk. It is very good and will ensure your energy is restored." Blare replies, turning and giving a little wink to Kyla.

"Why should I trust you?" Zoey asks.

"Better question, why are you helping my opponent?" Joy asks angerly.

Blare looks at Zoey. "Because I believe you have nothing to hide and we are not in the same Bracket." Blare then turns to Joy. "Just enjoy a well needed refreshment."

Zoey shrugs, chugging the drink.

Joy smells the drink before taking a sip and spitting it out. "What the hell are you trying to pull?!" She yells.

"Shh!" Blare says, smirking at Zoey, who had just finished the cup. "How do you feel?"

Zoey smiles. "Very.. relaxed. Thank you!"

Blare turns quickly to Joy. "I think she will be more willing to answer your questions now." Blare walks off the battle field.

"What did you do?" Kyla asks.

Blare chuckles. "Remember that green apicorn coffee? Well, I figured out how the Joy, in Azalea Town, made it, and brewed it with Miltank's milk and some chocolate to help it go down easier."

"Then that means..."

"Yep! Zoey is going to be much friendlier to Joy.. for at least an hour." 

Zoey looks down at the Pokeball, in her hand, and puts it away, with a confused expression. "Were.. we having an arguement?"

Joy looks at Kyla and Blare, who give her a thumbs up. Joy turns back at Zoey. "I think.. it was just a simple misunderstanding."

Zoey sighs. "Thank goodness! I hate fighting with my.. friends.." Zoey looks confused again. "We.. are friends, right?"

Joy chuckles, putting away her Pokeball. "Of course we are. Say, are you still hungry?"

Zoey smiles wide. "Always!"

"Let's get something to eat. My treat." Joy says, motioning for her to follow her.

Zoey skips cheerfully behind Joy as she reaches Blare and shoves her fist, holding the cup, forcefully into her belly.

"The next time you try to drug me, I will kick your ass." Joy whispers angerly.

Blare quickly grabs the cup before it falls, rubbing her belly as they pass. "It's not a drug, it is a herbal treatment." Blare whizzes.

Jenny pats her on the back. "Can't say I would have reacted any better."

Blare catches her breath before speaking again. "She.. could have said thank you!!"

Kyla shakes her head. "You didn't have to give her a cup too. Besides, what are you going to do with your new discovery, mad scientist?"

Blare thinks out loud. "Doctor Blare Kell, mad scientist! I like the sound of that!"

"Blare! Seriously, there is a lot of responsibility knowing you can make stuff like this. Are you seriously going to go around forcing people to be friends?" Kyla asks.

Blare laughs. "Absolutely not! This was a one time 'see a need fill a need' situation."

"Are you sure?" Kyla stares her down skeptically.

Blare glances away. "Sure.." Blare glances back, her head slightly down. "But.. I might keep it around.. you know.. just in case."

Kyla sighs. "I guess that is the best I can expect.."

They walk back in, just as Joy is walking back out.

"Done already?!" Kyla asks.

Joy nods, looking at Hermit. "She earned every badge, there is no doubt about it."

"Are you absolutely sure?" Hermit asks.

Joy looks at Blare. "How affective is that friend drink of yours?"

"I am still testing it, but it has shown signs of getting the truth out of someone easily." Blare replies.

"Who else have you tested this on, Blare?!" Kyla asks.

Blare smiles. "No one you know."

Kyla puts her hand over her face. "I am beginning to think you take after Professor Ebony.."

"I should text her!" Blare exclaims, starting to pull out her new phone.

Kyla stops her. "I'll admit, your discovery has its useful topics, but keep it to yourself for now.. at least until we get back."

Blare sighs heavily. "Okay.."

Kyla stares at the phone, slowly being removed from her pocket. "When did you get another phone?"

Blare laughs. "Jordan provided it. He said all Pokemon League members must have a working phone at all times."

Kyla smiles with a slight chuckle. "Lamest excuse I have ever heard of to give someone a gift."

They laugh as they walk back into the battle tower. Hermit looks around, making sure the crowd has dispersed and notices a robed person peeking around the corner of the Battle Tower.

Hermit quickly rushes after them. "Stop there!" He shouts.

The trainer ducks around the corner. Once Hermit turns the corner he sees the trainer disappear with teleport.

"Damn!" Hermit exclaims, kicking the side of the building.

Jenny rushs around the corner shortly after. "Hermit? What's wrong?!"

Hermit grits his teeth. "We need a psychic tracker."

"A psychic tracker?!" Jenny looks confused. "Where would we find a Pokemon like that?"

Hermit slumps over. "Not a Pokemon.. a human." Hermit groans. "I really don't want to do this.."

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