More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 35

2.2K 15 0
By snowfluke


Dani's P.O.V.

So I just woke up, and I'm in Canada now. Yeah, Justin isn't here yet, cause he's not done with his European tour. Same situation here too, though. I'm here for a tour, and he's there for a tour. I can never bond with one of my best buds. For now though. 

I walked to the kitchen, Mich was there. He was eating cereal and already dressed. What time is it anyway?

"Mich, why are you dressed early in the morning?"

"I have a job remember? I have to practice for tonight." He said.


"Uh yeah, did no one tell you?" He asked.

"NO! As the matter of fact, no one told me anything."

He laughed. "Don't worry, you'll be alright." He stood up and placed his bowl in the washer. And cleaned his hands. "I have to go now. Be ready by 5:30 tonight okay."

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye!" He waved and left.

Nice. Home alone, again. Ain't it awesome, not really. Time to eat breakfast, because this girl is starving!

I took a seat at the living room couch with my bowl of cereal. I don't have anything else to eat anyways. Turned on the t.v. and watched whatever is on.

And the only this I found interesting on t.v. is Alan Carr. Good times. I love being on that show.

"Hello everyone! Today is a very early morning but I disturbed some boys from their little slumber. And now, give it up for my knackered boys, One Direction!" Alan shouted.

I did a little spit take. WHAT?! They're on the show? And they didn't even tell me. I think they already forgot about me. Typical boys. Now they just mad my day two percent less fun.Ugh... whatever.

"Good morning mate." Liam said.

"Well it ain't certainly night Liam." Alan joked. The crowd and the boys laughed.

"So what are we doing today?" Zayn asked.

"I ain't gonna spoil your surprises yet my lads." Alan said.

"Too bad though." Louis chuckled.

"It's bad for you, cause none of you know the surprise." Alan shot back.

The crowd appaluded and laughed. It's funny cause of Alan.

"Any of you lads drink already?" Alan asked.

Harry ,Louis, Niall, and Zayn raised their hand.

"Harry, you're only seventeen, so you get a bottle of water.?" Alan chuckled.

"Meh, fair enough." Harry said and grabbed the bottled water.

"How about you Liam?" Alan asked.

"No thank you." Liam said.

"Let me guess, is it about your one kidney left?" Alan asked.

"Uhm... how did you know?" Liam asked.

"Well, a little birdy told me. Oh just kidding, fans tweeted it. Here's the tweet." Alan chuckled and showed the tweet on his screen.

@WMYBkayla: @Real_Liam_Payne has 1 kidney left :( It's a sad world but I love him endlessly!!

Wow! That fan is so kind to say that.

Liam chuckled and the others laughed and laughed. "Guys, it ain't funny." Liam added.

"Why not Li?" Niall asked.

"I lost it when I was still a young little lad." He said.

"How exactly?" Louis asked.

"Before I always drank alcohol, and not worrying about the cost. Then BOOM! One kidney gone!" Liam said.

"So you're saying we shouldn't drink alcohol anymore?" Alan asked sarcastically.

"Uh... no... but uhm..." Liam said. He's confused alright.

"Thank you Liam, now I don't want to drink anymore." Alan said sarcastically.

"No problem!" Liam cheered.

"Down to business. How about girl-" Alan said but I turned off the t.v.

Enough t.v. time to go and walk around in the fresh Canadian air. I wore my favorite white jumper and black shorts with my white Supras. Yey! Comfy clothes all the way!

I took a picture with Instagram and posted it on Twitter.

@DaniCRayson: Morning everyone! In Canada today!

I signed out and walked outside for a while.

Time to see Canada again!

Niall's P.O.V.

"Down to business. How about girlfriends?" Alan asked seriously.

"I'm taken!" Zayn shouted.

"Me too!" Liam followed.

"Me three!" Louis chuckled.

"Three are taken, and two are left. Hmm... so boys, would you like to introduce your very much loved ladies?" Alan wiggled his eyebrows.

"Uhm... no thank you!!" The three of them shouted.

"You boys ruin everything. Okay, I'll call them myself then. Come on in ladies." Alan called out.

Then suddenly, Perrie, Daniele, and Eleanor walked in.

"Hey gals!" The three of them greeted.

"How adorable. Now, how about the two of you?" Alan pointed to us.

"SINGLE AND READY TO MINGLE!" Harry said. "Just kidding, no plans yet."

"Or you are both thinking of someone. And it is true. Says all the fans around the world." Alan said.


"Yes" He responded. "So, we started this text poll, in five minutes the poll will end. And the most votes is the best bet. To make it even, here are your candidates, and clearly they said you have this fight over the girl. No one knows who yet. The candidate polls are Demi Lovato, Cara Delevigne, Taylor Swift. Okay.... wait another person was nominated, which is Dani Rayson. Let's see who will be the world's number one guess." Alan said. As the polls rose and rose every second.

"Good luck to everyone." I gulped and looked at Harry. He looked back. I know he was nervous too.


"The polls are now closed. Let's see who's the best guess for you. Now the most polls received is.... Dani! Wow! People really love that girl. That's the guess. Maybe it might be true or not." Alan smirked.


After the show we all headed to a diner near. 

Soon as we arrived there, the scent of coffee, pancakes, bacon, eggs, and cake scattered around me. Just thinking of the food is making me hungry. REALLY! Maybe I should stop thinking and get to ordering. 


"Niall! Slow down! You might choke!" Liam retorted.


"He's right mate, spit it out!" Zayn shouted.

"NO! NO! THAT'S GROSS! WE'RE EATING!" Harry said in disgust.

To be honest, I'm only eating a triple cheeseburger. So what? I won't choke, like ever. And I'm used to this, and they know it.

I swallowed the food. "You guys worry too much about me." I said, then taking another huge bite of my burger. Then I looked at their expressions, well, they were all shocked. Who wouldn't be? Not me but yeah I guess.

"NIALL JAMES HORAN! YOU MADE US WORRY ABOUT YOU! HOW DARE YOU SIR!" Louis shouted. Pretending to be hurt.

"Oh Lou, life is unfair." I chuckled.

"Lou! Just close your eyes and ride the roller coaster that is life." Zayn said vainly.

"Zayn's unremovable line." Liam added.

"That's still Zayn alright." Harry said.

"Wow, thanks for the love." Zayn said sarcastically.

"We love you too Zaynie." I said. Done with my food.

"You sound just like Perrie. Now I'm missing her." Zayn pouted.

"Zayn, she's on tour with Little Mix. She has a life too you know. Don't spoil it for her." Liam said.

"I know Li, I just miss her." He added.

"We all miss our girls. And Kasie too." Louis sighed.

"Justin too!"

I forgot to mention that Kasie left with Little Mix so she can go exploring with them. And Justin left to do all his touring too. I'm gonna miss them all so much.

I think I'm forgetting something or someone... hmm... nah.

Mich's P.O.V.

I'm here at the stadium. Getting ready for tonight. It's good to be back on stage! I miss dancing and hearing the crowd cheer when Dani is up there singing.  But still not done with the preparations. 

 I walked to the storage room and saw all those posters of Dani. It was all hung up and even framed. What the heck? Who owns this room? It's like a weird creepy obsession.

I shook my head and just left the room. Then I went back on the stage and started practicing with the group. The group is like my second family, they're awesome. And my brother Mike, is there too. 

One fact is that when I was still young, my parents adopted me. I was an orphan before.




Me and my brother mopped the streets. I was five years old here and my brother was seven.

We were orphans back then. We had nowhere to go. No home, no family, and no friends. We were on our own. No one cared for us.

Then the sound of sirens filled the streets. And a huge van was there. It said 'CHILDREN'S NEW HOME ADOPTION' It's the local orphanage. We always avoided being catched. We never wanted to be in there. Cause we know no one wants us.

"There are those kids! Catch them!" A deep voiced man shouted and we both paced faster.

We ran really fast, trying to avoid the catchers. But no use, we were caught.


They brought us to the orphanage. Where we both suffered in loneliness.

But today we heard two hopefuls looking for children to adopt. The were looking desperate for one.

"Good day Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. What can I do for you today?" The orphanage owner asked.

"You know, the usual." The lady said.

"Oh right, come this way then." The owner said and they headed to our room.

They slowly opened our door, and then two pairs of eyes were on us.

"How old are they?" The man asked.

"Their both ages five and seven. They're just new here." The owner said.

"They look so homeless and sad. I think I want them." The lady said.

"Are you sure hun?" The man asked.

"Of course I am." The lady nodded. Then the couple gave an assuring nod to the owner. 

They headed to a small room around the corner.


After like an hour, they finally came out. They looked happy from my sight. And seconds later the door cracked open again.

"Boys, meet the Lewis family. Well, they will be your new family." Siad the owner.

"Hello" We both greeted.

"Are you saying we have a family now?" 

"Yes, little uhm... what's your name?" The lady asked.

"I'm Mich and this is Mike." I pointed to my brother beside me.

"Well, it's nice to meet you both. I'm Jess, but call me mom. And this is George, but call him dad." The lady chuckled.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Fettir." Said George or I was said to call him 'dad'

The word dad sounds weird for me. I'm still not used to it. More likely the word 'mom'. I never even met my mom or dad. Mike just says that they left us.

"No problem Mr. Lewis, I hope you all have a good day." Mr. Fettir said, and waved us a good bye.

W eall nodded and left the orphanage.

Who knew, out of a lot of children they chose us. That's just incredible.

"So are you boys exicited to be part of our family?" Mom asked.

"Yes!" We both cheered.

From that they on, I had a family. Whole and not broken.




So we were dancing then suddenly......

"Hey babe!" Mackenzie shouted. And ran to me. Yes, Mackenzie is my girlfriend.

"Hey darling"

"How are you?" She squealed.

"I'm good"

"So where's Dani?" She asked.

"At home I think."

"Oh, I wanted to see her today."


"Well, I found something weird, and it's bad news too."



So what do you think is Mackenzie's bad news?

And sorry if it's kinda cheesy though.... HAHAHAHA



I'll update soon! After my exams!!!!! Which is December 4 to 7, wish me luck!!!!!!


Okay!!! Thanks!!!

Rissa :)) xx <3

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