Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise...

ValyriaRizing tarafından

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It was a tough road, but Nera finally found harmony with Pennywise. Now she learns she is destined for an Imm... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 15

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ValyriaRizing tarafından

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 15..

Ezra finished dinner, his chest tight with anxiety while Pennywise leaned against the counter staring blankly ahead.

"They're both suffering and despite all the power I have, I can't fix it," Pennywise seethed, his eyes glowed red with anger, his hands clutching the edge of the counter nearly hard enough to crush it. "Why can't I sense Sadie's location at all? Surely a creature as clueless and pathetic as she is doesn't know how to hide her energy, does she?" Pennywise asked.

Ezra sighed, turning to face his lover. "No, but when immortals bond, even the low level ones can sometimes temporarily hide their partners energy as well as their own. Apparently whomever she bonded with is able to. Eventually, her signature will show back up though." Ezra explained.

"When she does, I will end her." Pennywise announced angrily. He was already imagining her death, shifting into his natural form and slowly pulling her body apart while listening to her screams of pain.

Ezra turned off the stovetop and moved the food to the back burner, then turned toward Pennywise. He approached Pennywise slowly, reaching up and cupping his face, momentarily distracted by the inviting warmth and smooth texture of his lover's skin. "This needed to happen. Santiago was never going to be truly happy away from Nera. The only thing killing Sadie will really accomplish is breaking Nera's spirit." He pointed out as gently as possible.

He has a point, Pennywise realized bitterly. Now at least they didn't have to worry about hurting Sadie's feelings. She had no more rights to Santiago. They could just enjoy themselves and Sadie could go fuck herself. Pathetic half-breed bitch.

With Pennywise momentarily lost in thought, Ezra used the opportunity to put the food away since he'd lost his appetite and Pennywise definitely wouldn't have eaten it. He then took Pennywise by the hand and led him upstairs.

Once they reached the bedroom they'd all shared, Pennywise stared at the empty bed, making no move toward it. "It's just not the same without her here." he mumbled.

"I agree, but let's try to make the best of it." Ezra suggested, unbuttoning Penny's shirt. He knew Pennywise was hurting, so he had to be strong for the both of them. He had to hold his mate together.

Pennywise looked down at the Demon Lord as he allowed himself to be slowly undressed. He was suddenly overwhelmed with affection for the Demon. Ezra was like a rock, keeping Pennywise grounded and thinking logically when he couldn't manage it for himself. It was shocking how much the Demon had come to mean to him in such a short amount of time.

He gently caressed Ezra's face as he shrugged out of his shirt, touching his lover's lips softly before leaning in and kissing him.

Even as Penny's blood quickened in his veins with the tenderness shard between them, Ezra could still sense the being's anxiety and unease. As he ran his hands up into Penny's hair,  Ezra released his power of seduction upon the cosmic being, knowing its affects would heighten his pleasure and put him in a state of aroused bliss so intense it would allow him to forget about their troubles, if even just for a little while.

Pennywise's eyes turned a pale pink color as every sensitive part of his body felt stimulated and his sex drive went through the roof.

"Fuck, Ezra.." Pennywise moaned, his claws bursting from his hands and his teeth immediately elongating. He grabbed Ezra roughly and threw him on the bed, hurriedly ripping his clothes off him and slamming his cock inside him. Within moments, the situation with Nera and Santiago was all but forgotten.


Over the next few days, Ezra ran the shop while also interviewing potential employees. Pennywise stayed close to Nera and Santiago to see if there was anything he could do but she still hadn't emerged from the purple ball and the singing still hadn't stopped. He had no idea how she was doing it. She had to be fucking exhausted by now.

Pennywise had summoned a very large round bed full of pillows then floated the purple ball into the center of the bed. When she did come out of this, she and Santiago would be on a nice soft comfy surface at least.

Penny sat cross legged on the bed as he waited. 'I'm here, my sweet.'  And although he knew she could hear, he also knew she couldn't answer. She couldn't afford to use her energy on anything except singing right now.


The next day as Ezra was preparing the shop to be opened, the door jingled a few minutes early.

"Sorry, we're not open yet." He called, then glanced up from his place behind the counter and stiffened when he saw who it was.

It was Elle... and Ezra was alone with her now. His heart began to race as he contemplated how to get himself out of this situation immediately. The woman had an uncanny way of making him feel things he didn't want to feel.

She sauntered up to the counter, swaying her hips and smiling seductively at him. "Oh, hi there Ezra. I didn't expect to see you here." She told him. "I was actually looking for Sadie." She explained, leaning against the counter in front of him.

Like before, her cleavage was spilling out of her top and his eyes wanted desperately to look, but he denied them. "She's out for awhile. Family emergency." He responded shortly, busying himself with restocking the pegs with bags for the customer's purchased items.

Her eyebrows furrowed then and he could see the gears visibly working in her mind. "Oh, I see. That doesn't really explain why she's been ignoring my calls though." She told him thoughtfully, reaching up and running a hand down her chest, sensually toying at the fabric that just barely covered her nipple.

Lucifer's sake, this vile woman. She knows exactly what she's doing.

"I wasn't aware you and Sadie even knew each other." Ezra stated as he closed the cabinet where he'd pulled the bags from and checked the time on his watch.

He needed to go turn on the open sign but he was hesitant to step out from behind the counter with Elle there. He had no choice though. Perhaps he could even walk her out this way? He took a deep breath then started to walk over to the opening in the counter area.

Suddenly Elle was right in front of him, gently laying a hand on each side of the counter and completely blocking his path as she looked up into his eyes seductively.

"Oh Sadie and I? We're just getting to know each other but um... I really like where it's going so far, if you know what I mean," Elle hinted with a wink as she reached out and placed a hand on his chest, gently running her hand down the vest he wore under his jacket.

She knew Lucifer had told her to keep her distance but with the Lord of Lust standing right here before her, just the two of them all alone, she couldn't help herself. After all, she was a seductress. It's what she was made to do.

Ezra stiffened, his jaw clenching as the alluring scent of her invaded his senses. Her very essence was like an aphrodisiac, which was strange for a human. He'd met Demons like this, but never a human. His cock began to throb painfully despite him not really wanting her. Well, his inner Demon did. It screamed to be set free upon her. He gritted his teeth as he attempted to ignore her advances.

He'd hoped that the bond with Nera would lay that part of him to rest, but now he could plainly see that lustful beast inside him would always be there, squatting like an unwelcome house guest. Was there no way to be rid of it? Although, to be fair, even if the beast got free and fucked her, he'd still kill her afterward. She should be very grateful he wasn't letting that happen, but of course she was just a human. She had no idea.

Suddenly he felt strange. Not quite himself. It was almost as if the world around him was fading away. It was as pleasant as it was unnerving, a strange combination.

Elle smiled triumphantly as she witnessed Asmodeus's eyes mist over. It had never taken her this long to seduce anyone. Most males, mortal or immortal, cave immediately. Ironically, the Lord of Lust had lasted much longer.

Last time she got close to him it was only due to his own lustful desire that allowed her to get as far as she did. His resolve had gotten much stronger since then, but his belief that she was human left him defenseless to her power of seduction. He could have easily blocked it had he known. Her hand trailed down his stomach slowly, gently stroking his stiff erection when it popped under her wandering palm. His top lip pulled back as his teeth began to elongate.

She watched his chest heave as she pleasured him, carefully unfastening his pants. Unlike his power of seduction, hers wasn't nearly as strong. A sudden movement or loud sound could pull him out of it. She had to be very slow and gentle to avoid jarring him from the hold she had him in. Right now he was more or less floating, lost in thought. He had no idea what she was even doing, but he would still feel the pleasure she bestowed on him.

He grunted softly as she started to stroke him through his black boxer briefs, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment as she pleasured him. "Oh baby, I can't wait to taste you." She whispered quietly.

She maneuvered his cock free from his pants then, stroking him slowly, as not to pull him from his trance. "Mmm, so hard... so wet." She whispered as she felt his cock leaking in her hand. Time to see what the Lord of Lust tastes like.

Suddenly a car horn tore through the silence and his eyes cleared. He shook his head and looked down, horrified to see Elle's hand stroking a painfully stiff erection, her thumb gliding over a few drops of pre-cum. He snarled angrily and pushed her back, quickly shoving his painfully erect cock back into his pants as he glared at her.

What the FUCK?!

"I don't know what the fuck just happened here Miss Silver but I can assure you it will never happen again." He growled vehemently. "When Sadie gets back I'll let her know to call you. For now, I suggest you leave." Ezra snapped hatefully, then turned away to grip the counter and take a deep breath, his mind reeling from what had just happened. "Good day, Miss Silver," he said gruffly.

Elle huffed in amusement. Asmodeus really is committed to that bitch, isn't he? Well, once Lucifer turns Nera into his little fuck toy, that will come to a screeching halt. Asmodeus will be mine, nothing will change that.

"See you later, Ezra," she told him sweetly, then turned and sauntered out.


Sadie and Isaac has spent the last two weeks fucking practically non-stop in a lovely suite in a very expensive hotel room in New York. It was the suite reserved for celebrities and had everything they needed, plus unlimited room service. Ah, the perks of being the lover of a Demon, she thought.

It was time to return home though. Santiago wouldn't try to reclaim her. She knew that. He had who he wanted, but for Isaac's sake, he would stay behind a few days longer and give Sadie a chance to assess things before he returned.

Isaac transported Sadie back home. She looked around the empty house she'd once shared with Santiago and a feeling of overwhelming sadness overcame her. Isaac seemed to sense this and cupped her face in his hands.

"It's okay, babe. Just give it a few days. I'll be back here with you and we'll make this our home. Just me and you, unless you want the others here." He added with a mischievous grin.

She laughed softly in appreciation of his support and nodded. "Okay." She agreed, feeling slightly guilty in the back of her mind knowing she didn't feel exactly the same for him.

He then kissed her and transported out. Just like that, he was gone and she was completely alone. Unsure of what else to do, she settled on going to open up the shop and regain a sense of normalcy before seeing any of her old friends.

When she got to the shop, she saw only Ezra there and he was helping a customer. She walked in and headed to the counter area to see what needed to be worked on first.

Ezra escorted the customer over to the counter and started to ring up her items. "So um, I noticed you haven't really been with that girl anymore lately that you were seeing, Ezra. Does this mean you're a free agent again, because I was kinda thinking it might be nice to get to know you a little more," the woman hinted, leaning over the counter and smiling seductively at him while flashing him with her cleavage.

Sadie cut her eyes at the woman in disgust. Maybe she was mad at Nera, but she still loved her. She'd be damned if she let this happen, but she'd give Ezra the chance to be a good man about it.

"On the contrary, my dear, Nera and I are doing wonderful. One day I will make her my wife, I can assure you that. I'll be sure you get an invite to the wedding when it happens," he told her in a friendly, charming tone.

Sadie held back a giggle when she saw the woman's disappointed face. "Oh...I see," she tried to shrug it off, leaning back and readjusting her top, probably feeling foolish now at how brazen she was being. "No offense but I'm a bit surprised. I never really saw you as the marrying type," she retorted snobbishly.

"I wasn't. It just took meeting the right woman. An amazing woman can bring out the best in a man, don't you agree?" he asked with a smug grin.

She smiled back bitterly and shrugged her shoulders, taking her items and turning to leave.

"Thank you coming in! We appreciate your business." he called after her, then turned to find Sadie watching him. He'd felt her presence there as soon as she arrive and his blood had been quickly building to a boil ever since.

She immediately sensed he was angry with her, his eyes uncharacteristically cold and scrutinizing.

"Well, look who decided to show back up," he said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, studying her like an insect. "You missed some very unpleasant excitement, Sadie," he told her, although his words hinted at much more than just unpleasant excitement.

A cold feeling wrench itself tight around her heart, and she shifted uncomfortably, suddenly realizing he was more than upset with her. He was livid. "W-Where's Nera?" She asked timidly. She watch his jaw clench at the mention of his lover.

He raised his chin and breathed in deep, closely trying to control his anger. No. Fuck this selfish bitch. She will feel my wrath.

He swiftly approached her then, causing her to back up against the counter in fear. He wrapped a hand tight around her throat as his eyes turned red and black, burning into hers with scorching hatred. He motioned to the front door with a flick of his other hand and without looking at it, she heard it lock with a heavy, ominous click.

It suddenly occurred to her as she struggled to breath that she had no idea who she was dealing with. Ezra wasn't like Isaac and Santiago. He was a Demon Lord, with more abilities and power than a normal Demon could ever have... and he was pissed.

"The old me would have simply killed you right now where you stand for what you have done," he began, his breath pounding hot across her face, "but fortunately for you I'm not that Demon anymore."

He leaned closer to her as he squeezed her throat harder, "Oh, but how I wish I was." He groaned deep in his belly as his fangs extended. "I would have enjoyed punishing you in the most unpleasant ways for how you've wronged those I love. I would have you screaming until you had no voice left!" He rasped demonically, then whispered into her ear almost seductively. "You would have begged for death."

Sadie was trembling in fear as the corners of her vision started to darken from lack of oxygen. She never even considered the possibility that the normally calm, gentle, composed Demon she'd known so far could have such ferocity hiding beneath the surface.

She struggled for more and more for air as he continued to slowly tighten his grip. He's going to kill me! She started clawing frantically at his hands, her lungs desperately seeking oxygen, but to no avail. Even her claws extended and tore into his flesh, he didn't move or flinch an inch.

"Then, I would have claimed your life." He told her in a cold tone, then released her throat, watching her cough and suck in air desperately.

He glanced down thoughtfully at his hands as they quickly healed from her weak attack. He snorted in amusement at how pathetic she was.

"Instead of doing any of that, I will simply show you what you have done... and you will understand why, although Nera will most likely forgive you out of her unconditional love for you, neither I nor Pennywise ever will." His words poured like liquid ice upon her heart.

She'd never truly stoped to fully consider the repercussions of breaking her bond with Santiago. She was so angry, she'd just done it without thinking. I ruined everything...

Ezra then stepped forward and placed a hand to her forehead, and suddenly she wasn't in the shop anymore. She was in Nera's kitchen. It was the night she'd gone to Isaac. Ezra was stirring food while Pennywise calmly sat on the counter kicking his feet gently back and forth. A few feet away Nera and Santiago were cuddling affectionately. They looked so happy.

A few moments later Santiago shoved Nera away and fell, screeching and howling in pain. Sadie's heart felt like it was ripped in half watching the demon she cared so much for in so much agony. She'd had no idea how bad it would be.

She watched as Pennywise chained him in a cavern and Nera went to him, crying and sobbing in despair, blaming herself for everything. She almost got attacked, but luckily Santiago stopped himself.

Then she watched as Nera began to sing a song and pulled Santiago into her arms. The song visibly calmed him. She watched as Nera formed a protective bubble around them, and the vision suddenly faded.

When Ezra finished showing her, he saw her face twisted in pain and tears running down her cheeks. "We have been unable to get Nera to stop singing since that night. She hasn't slept, she hadn't eaten, she doesn't respond to anyone anymore. All of her energy and life force is going into keeping Santiago out of pain so excruciating that one would wish for death." Ezra explained. She looked down, ashamed of what she'd done.

He suddenly grabbed her by the back of the head, yanking her hair roughly and forcing her to look up at him. She cried out in pain as her gaze once again met his. "Do you know why the separation is so painful? Because he fucking loved you. I know this pain. I lived it and had no one around to lessen my pain. You have no idea what you have done to Santiago or to Nera!" Ezra continued, his voice teetering on the edge of giving way to a scream of rage.

His hand came up, open and ready to strangle her again, but it floated a few inches away from her throat, hesitating, and he forced himself to lower it again. He took a slow breath, then continued in a deep, calm, yet still clearly enraged voice, "You will never be like Nera. What we all could have had together would have been amazing. The pleasures we all could have bestowed upon your body and your mind, the love we could have all shared between have no idea, but you will never again get the chance to be a part of it. Pennywise and I will see to that. You are too human.  You will never understand what true loyalty and love between immortals is. She would die for any of us. Even you, as pathetic and undeserving as you are, and let me tell you right here and now, if she dies using all her life force to remove his pain during this process, there will be no place in this realm or any other that will allow you to escape what I will do to you," he vowed angrily.

She fell to the ground then and sobbed in despair. He watched her, but felt nothing. He wanted to torture her, to kill her. Pathetic Nephalem bitch.

He took a deep breath, trying to further regain his calm. He'd said his piece. He'd made his point. It was time to move on. "You have a new employee starting tomorrow. Her name is Aida. She's a Demon, but looks to be in her mid-twenties, used to be a receptionist for a local law firm. She will be full time along with you. I will take care of writing her checks. You just worry about training her." He informed Sadie coldly, then walked out then and left the door unlocked and the "Open" sign on.


Another week passed. Pennywise and Ezra barely left the cavern. Nera's singing had become very weak. They could hear Santiago inside, grunting in some pain for the first few days that her song weakened, but then even that faded.

"He's through the worst of it," Ezra told Nera, rubbing the purple ball affectionately with Pennywise standing vigilantly by his side, "Sweetheart, let go. It's okay now," he told her reassuringly.

Suddenly the purple ball began to dissipate, and her body fell to the bed, as did Santiago's. Pennywise and Ezra looked at Nera in horror.

Her hair had turned gray, her skin ashen white and her eyes sunken in. Ezra rushed to her side as Santiago slowly came to, her song finally releasing him from the hypnotic state she'd put him under.

"Nera?!" Ezra firmly called out to her, but she didn't respond.

Ezra listened for her heartbeat but it was nearly inaudible even for him with his exceptional hearing. Her heart is barely beating, he realized. "She needs a blood transfusion now!" he declared.

He backed up and Pennywise transformed the bed into a smaller hospital bed with an IV of blood being pumped into her. Santiago fell to the floor when the change to the new bed took place.

He groggily stood and looked at Nera in confused shock. On the other side of the bed stood Ezra and Pennywise, looks of worry evident on their faces.

"What happened?" he demanded.

"When she saw how much pain you were in, she blamed herself and encased you both in an impenetrable ball, and began to sing to you. It soothed your pain and put you into a hypnotic state. The problem is that she didn't stop. It's been almost a month and she hasn't even slept or fed. She's been protecting you this entire time, " Ezra explained.

Santiago felt his heart break with these words, "Oh, mi dulce amor," (My sweet love) he murmured softly, laying his forehead to hers as a tear fell from his eye. "I never wanted this,"

Not her... never her, my sweet girl.

"She knows that. It's what she would do for any of us." Ezra told him, not wanting Santiago to blame himself. There was only one person at fault here and that was Sadie.

Santiago nodded, then summoned one of his pink and purple healing orbs, sending it into her body to assist in healing her faster. He stroked her hair from her face. "I never thought I'd be able to love anyone or anything the way I love her," he confessed to his companions softly.

"I think we can all understand that." Ezra agreed with a smile. "She'll be alright. She just needs a little time."

A short time later, Pennywise moved the hospital bed into the upstairs bedroom and after making sure she was stable, they went downstairs and sat together in the living room, saying nothing for a long time.

Ezra was the first to break the silence. "I know what your all thinking," he began, "and I understand what Sadie did was wrong, but I think we can agree it needed to happen. She was never going to fit in with us. We tried to make it work, but she's just too human, even now. As much as I'd love to torture her till she begs for death, we have to put Nera first. I don't want her to wake up and find out we did that to her best friend," he told them. "I love Nera too much to put her through anymore suffering. What's done is done," he pointed out, looking at Pennywise who was returning his gaze with bitterness.

He placed his hand on Penny's leg comfortingly. "We need to let it go now and move on."

Pennywise sneered, not liking what Ezra was saying despite knowing he was right. "Fine. I'm going to hunt," he snapped angrily and disappeared.

Ezra's heart sank a bit. It wasn't until this very moment he realized how attached he'd grown to Pennywise. It pained him to be away from him, just as it did with Nera, but he knew it would fine. The cosmic being just needed to go hunt and work his anger out of his system.


At the shop, Sadie was struggling to make it through another day. It felt like it just went on forever. She was finally closing up for the day when a friendly face walked through the door.

It was Elle looking as stunning as always. "Oh my goodness, sweetie, where on earth have you been?" She asked as she quickly approached her. She saw the watery look in Sadie's eyes as the little Nephalem looked down and started to cry.

"Hey, are you okay?" Elle asked with feigned concern and quickly made her way around the counter. She rubbed Sadie's shoulder reassuringly, and Sadie turned and threw herself into Elle's arms, openly sobbing. "Oh, honey.. tell me what happened?"

Sadie gently pulled away and looked up into her eyes. "I wish I could tell you... it's really complicated."

"It's okay. Let's head to my house and I'll cheer you up." Elle suggested as she pulled Sadie close and leaned in, inhaling the sweet scent of her neck as she kissed her there. Something was different though. Sadie smelled different. Her energy felt different. Something had definitely happened to her. "Would you like that sweetie?"

"Yes." Sadie breathed in a shaky voice.

They quickly locked up the shop and headed to Elle's house. Elle took Sadie straight to bed where she pleasured the little Nephalem until she could cry no more tears of sadness. As they laid there cuddled up in each other arms, Elle decided it was time to go for it.

"Sweetie... I know you feel like you can't tell me the truth, but you can. I can tell you why, but you have to swear never to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. Can you swear that to me?" Elle asked.

Sadie sat up and looked into Elle's eyes. She leaned in and kissed the beautiful woman softly. "I would never break your trust Elle. I think I'm falling in love with you and I wouldn't do anything to risk what we have."

Elle's chest tightened a bit. She almost felt guilt for what she was going to do to her. Lucifer wanted her to bring Sadie to him so he could pull all the info he needed from her. Lucifer only knows what will come of her after that.

In a perfect world she'd have loved to get to know Sadie more and spend more time with her. She could easily see herself growing to love Sadie over time.

She pulled Sadie close, and reached down, slipping her finger into the little Nephalem's wet folds, gently circling her little clit. The girl moaned softly and Elle grew excited all over again. Remember what you're doing this for Elle, she reminded herself. Sadie is just a means to an end. Asmodeus is my prize, not her.

"I feel the same, Sadie." Elle lied. She pulled her fingers from the girls sex and tasted them. Lucifer's sake, she's delicious.

"So the thing is, I'm not human, and I sensed that your not either but still I was afraid to tell you because I don't want to lose you," she told Sadie.

Sadie's eyes lit up and sparkled excitedly. "Really? Oh my gosh! What are you then?" she asked happily, sitting up.

"Promise you won't stop loving me, sweetie?" She asked, running her hand through Sadie's hair.

"Never!" Sadie chirped happily.

Elle inwardly winced. She'd never toyed with the emotions of such a sweet creature. It had to be done though.

"Well, I'm a Demon, but.. I swear I will never hurt you. I can't help what I am," Elle told her with a worried look on her face, looking down and pretending to be ashamed.

"It's okay! I'm actually bonded to a demon, Elle. I don't mind at all," Sadie replied.

Elle brightened inwardly at this, her devious mind instantly seeing an opportunity with the words Sadie had just spoken. Elle put on her best act and gave Sadie a crushed look, her eyes watering a bit.

"Did I say something wrong?" Sadie asked.

"I... I didn't know you were bonded already. I wanted to make you mine...." Elle lamented, her voice trembling. "If I'm being honest, I knew I wanted you the first time I laid eyes on you. It was just a feeling but somehow I just knew you were my mate." She explained.

Sadie's heart swelled at this confession. Can it be? Someone actually wants me above all?

She knew Isaac said that but she also had seen the way he'd looked at Nera once before. Sadie had bonded with him as a way to escape the situation with Santiago but deep down she didn't really feel love with him. She felt it with Elle though and now she knew Elle felt the same.

"Is it.... possible to do that? With a female?" Sadie asked nervously.

"Well, yes there is one way... but you'd have to come with me into Hell. Would you be willing to do that for me? It wouldn't take long. We'd be in and out in just a few hours..." she lied, taking Sadie's hands into her and looking hopefully into her eyes.

"That sounds terrifying...."

"You know... Hell gets a bad rep... but honestly it's like... New Orleans on Mardi Gras. The only ones that suffer there are the human souls sent for their sins. For the rest of us it's pretty great." Elle lied, caressing Sadie's face.

Maybe Hell had been that way once, from what she'd been told, but that was before her time. Elle had never known Hell to be anything other than a place of evil and darkness. "All I ask is that you trust me. I would never put you in harm's way... you're the first person in my life in such a long time that makes me feel happy."

Sadie completely bought it. She nodded enthusiastically and immediately agreed to go with her. Luckily, traveling between realms with an Angel or Nephalem was extremely simple, as opposed to without. Elle had been lucky to squeeze through before the Earth portal was fully disabled and even that hadn't been easy.

It was just lucky for them that for a brief moment Asmodeus had dropped his defenses and Lucifer was able to locate him. Some time back, Lucifer said he'd felt the Demon Lord's despair but what he was upset about they didn't know. Asmodeus had been successfully hiding for so long, Lucifer had nearly given up hope of finding him. When he finally sensed his missing Demon Lord, he immediately put his plan into action again to get him back.

Lucifer been searching for Asmodeus for hundreds of years. He needed him on his side for when they invaded the Earth Realm. It took a lot for Lucifer to enter the Earth Realm. Among other things, it required the Hand of God which Lucifer didn't have yet, although he did know where to get it. Lucifer would have ONE shot to enter Earth's Realm and create Hell on Earth. When he did, Heaven would send down every Angel they could to defeat him. Even as powerful as he was, all of Heaven's Angels wouldn't be easy to defeat. He would need all his Demon Lords by his side, especially his most powerful.

Elle's reward for getting Asmodeus back on their side was the Demon Lord himself and she was so full of herself she actually believed that once Asmodeus made love to her, he would forget all about Nera.

Secretly, Lucifer knew better. Once Asmodeus was in love, he was fiercely loyal, but that was okay because Lucifer had an trick up his sleeve no one knew about, not even his most trusted Demon Lords or Grand Marquis knew. The only Demon that knew had been dead for nearly 200 years.

Elle took Sadie out to her pool, holding her hand. She looked over at Sadie who smiled happily at her, causing guilt to twist painfully in her gut. Why is this bothering me so much?

She lifted Sadie's hand and sliced the palm with her claw. Sadie hissed in pain as Elle held her bleeding hand out over a small vial, collecting some blood inside it then shoving the vial into her pocket.

Sadie didn't have long to question why she did that as Elle quickly pushed her still bleeding hand out over the pool and allowed several drops to hit the water as she began to speak a different language that Sadie had never heard before. The entire pool turned red and murky, just like blood.

"Whoa...." Sadie whispered.

Elle looked at Sadie, seeing the trust and affection in the Nephalem's eyes. She pulled Sadie into her arms and relished the feel of her warmth and sweetness for just a few more moments.

In all her existence, this was the first time she'd ever held anyone in her arms who genuinely cared for her. She actually felt sad at what she was about to do to her sweet lover. A large part of her wished she could forget this whole thing and take Sadie back upstairs.

They could make love all night and then maybe one day they could run the bakery together. She could just imagine baking with her, letting her test the items before placing them up front. She could easily imagine the love and approval in Sadie's eyes.

It was a nice dream, but it wasn't meant to be. Asmodeus was who she truly wanted. Elle had wanted him her entire life and not even Sadie would come between her and her lifelong dream. Elle sighed and pushed aside these thoughts. It was time to do what her King had demanded of her.

"I'm so sorry for this Sadie, I really did like you," Elle whispered in her ear.

"Wait what?" Sadie asked in confusion, leaning back and looking into Elle's eyes.

Without giving it anymore thought, Elle let go of Sadie, then shoved her hard into the pool. Elle watched as Sadie looked up at her in confusion as she fell.

"Elle!" she cried out in fear, but as soon as she hit the water, she was gone.

Luckily, the Angel blood only had to be given willingly, which it had been. It mattered not what the wishes of the contributing Angel were after it was handed off. The fact that she was no longer willing didn't matter. The portal had worked and Elle still had enough left for another trip back.

Elle watched the water for a few moments, hoping deep down that Sadie was smart enough to just do whatever she had to do to survive. "Don't be a hero, Sadie," she thought out loud.

As the water cleared and the portal dissipated, Elle walked away and went back inside to have a much needed drink. Now, all that was left was getting Ezra and Nera to Hell.

* Word Count: 6,239*

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