Dark Shadow (Book 1 in the Or...


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For Gigi Gomez meeting the person you are to spend the rest of your life with is supposed to be an instantane... More

One: Recognition
Two: Rejection
Three: The Meeting
Four: A Friendship Crumbled...
Five: ... Is Only the Start
Six: The Audacity
Seven: Pack Visitors
Eight: Confusion
Nine: Force of Nature
Ten: Bittersweet Moments
Eleven: Shadow Man
Twelve: Atonement
Thirteen: Do-Over
Fourteen: One Small Snag...
Fifteen: Sweet Family Moments
Sixteen: ... Unravels the Thread
Seventeen: Heartfelt Confession & First Time
Eighteen: The Last Straw
Nineteen: Unnecessary Despair
Twenty: Love, Unconditionally
Twenty-One: The Quail Wolf is Revealed
Twenty-Two: Noble Sacrifice
Twenty-Three: Forest Revelations
Twenty-Four: Ridge's Bold Move
Twenty-Five: Alpha Blood Vs Warrior Blood
Twenty-Six: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Storm
Twenty-Eight: The Nightmare
Twenty-Nine: A Raging Fire
Thirty: Iota
Thirty-One: Carpe Diem
Thirty-Two: Connection
Thirty-Three: Traitor
Thirty-Four: Back to Square One
Thirty-Five: Death Sentence
Thirty-Six: Like Poison
Thirty-Seven: Fair Warning
Thirty-Eight: Her Downfall
Thirty-Nine: Gigi's Choice
Forty: Madilynn's Return
Forty-One: Nigel
Forty-Two: Queen of Darkness
Forty-Three: When She Awakens...
Forty-Four: ... A Queen Will Rise
Forty-Five: Prophetic Threat
Forty-Six: Bittersweet Revelation
Forty-Seven: The Only One
Epilogue: This Isn't Goodbye

Forty-Eight: One Last Night

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We walked back to his home, hand in hand, and I rested my head against his arm. I closed my eyes, smiling to myself as I enjoyed this moment.

Ridge stopped when we got to the back part of the alpha homes. He stared at the house, a deep scowl on his face.

I studied the way his face pinched. He didn't want to go in. He didn't want to go into the place he'd felt he betrayed me with Molly. I could understand that.

Glancing at the home, I pursed my mouth to the side and suddenly thought of something. I grinned a bit, looking up at Ridge and rested my chin on his bicep.

"Hey..." I waited for him to blink a few times, finally turning to look at me.

Leaving no room to argue, I told Ridge that I wanted to take a shower. He stared at me until those eyes flickered to the shimmering gold when I peered up at him through my lashes that I wanted him to join me.

A purred growl came out of the alpha and I grinned at him.

Ridge took my hand again, leading me inside the house.

I looked around, raising a brow as I noticed how extravagant the decor was. I frowned in distaste at the tacky throw pillows that didn't even match the zebra print couches.

Molly had weird taste...

At the top of the stairs, Ridge halted and looked at the hallway we stood in. I studied him again, wondering what he was doing before he muttered that he didn't want to go into his room.

Ah. Yes. I could understand why.

I kissed his bicep and when he looked at me, I asked if Ridge had another shower. He nodded, leading us down the hall to the very end.

Ridge opened the door to what he said was an extra room in the house. It was pretty much empty other than the simple bed and dresser inside. But there was an full bathroom and that was all I cared about.

I looked around the bathroom that was quite spacious despite this being the guest room. Ridge had told me to wait here and went to get some towels.

Looking in the mirror, my nose scrunched at the atrocious reflection looking back at me. I scoffed that I couldn't believe Ridge would want to kiss me looking like this.

Turning away, I went over to the transparent glass doors of the shower. My hand slid the door open and admired the clean white set up.

I looked down at the blanket wrapped around me and hesitated before letting it drop at my feet. Turning my hands over, I felt that being clean was more important than feeling self-conscious about how I looked.

After stepping into the shower and turning the knob to get the temperature just right, I leaned forward for the water to hit my face. I sighed, the heat feeling so good against my skin and I already felt the dirt and blood washing away.

I opened my eyes as I looked at the floor, the water swirling down the drain was stained a brown-red. The white floor of the shower only deepened the color of the dirty water.

My gaze switched to the glass doors, meeting the alpha's as he stood there with towels in his hands. His green eyes narrowed, flickering with some gold. 

I grinned, giving my alpha a Siren Call of my own. The growl I sent his way had Ridge shut his eyes and shiver. When he snapped his eyes open, his lip curled, a devilish grin on his lips.

Ridge tossed the towels on the counter and walked to the door of the shower. I met him there, soaked from the heated water. 

My hands reached over, sliding down his chest to the hem of his shirt and slipped my fingers underneath. Ridge growled, letting my hands wander up. 

I grinned up at him, biting my lip as I leaned my wet torso against his. 

"Even if this is our last night..." I mumbled, nipping his chin. "I want to remember this night forever."

My wolf's eyes took over, igniting his own gold ones to show through.

I bit my lip again, pressing myself further against him as my hands wandered down to his pants. 

"Show me why you're my alpha male, Ridge Beaumont."

The alpha's gaze locked with mine, reaching up to place a hand on the side of my face and tucked my hair behind my ear.

Through a growl that had me trembling, Ridge leaned in closer, gritting his teeth. His gold eyes shimmering again.

"As you wish, Quail Wolf," came out in a husky growl before Ridge claimed my mouth as his. 

Our kisses didn't stop after Ridge undressed and locked our lips together again, walking me backward toward the shower head. I gasped at the surprise of the heat on my back and Ridge took hold of my waist, switching us so his back was to the steaming heat.

 He had me against the wall. His hands on either side of my head. Ridge bit my lip and I moaned, arching up at him. He pulled back, resting his forehead against mine. 

The sound of the water echoed off the walls and we stood there, just taking each other in. 

Ridge's hand came up to cradle the side of my face before his fingers drifted down. I still kept his gaze even when his arm wound behind my waist. He lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist.

My hands raked into the back of his hair, admiring my alpha male with a smile. 

Ridge looked at me, sighing, "I love you, Gianna. No matter what happens after today. You need always know that."

I nodded, brushing the side of my nose against his. I whispered that I knew that. And that I loved him too. Deeply... irrevocably... perpetually. 

Letting my wolf eyes take over, I smirked, "But now I need you to show me."

Ridge growled, obeying my command. He showed me against that shower wall over and over how much the alpha adored his queen.


As I was towel drying my hair, I glanced in the mirror where Ridge was still shampooing his hair. I bit my lip, grinning at the thrumming still going through my body.

Alpha Beaumont was an extraordinary lover and to know he is all mine was arousing all over again. But I wanted to make this night count for us so I needed to cool my lady bits.

"You almost done in there," I asked, trying to get a sense of how much longer he'd be. I pulled on the too large pajama bottoms he brought in and threw on the just as big t-shirt. 

"Yeah. Still need to rinse off."

I nodded then said I was going to grab something to drink downstairs. Ridge replied a mumbled 'OK' which gave me a chance to leave the bathroom, shutting the door, after snagging his clothes just in case he got out faster than I got things ready.

I looked around the hall, squinting as I wondered how much stuff I was going to need. I couldn't think too long though because Ridge would be out soon.

Wandering downstairs, I looked in the closets but couldn't see a lot of blankets or pillows. I narrowed my eyes, humming to myself before deciding that I was going to be needing some help after all.

I glanced at the front door. 

A bundle of nerves erupted in my stomach, frowning and wondered if my romantic gesture would be ruined because I was nervous of going to the front alpha home where Ridge's parents lived.

I rolled my eyes, sighing out a curt breath. I was just going to have to deal with it. This was about Ridge, not Mr. Beaumont.

Scurrying out the house, I squealed a little from the cold grass under my bare feet. I raced to the back of the alpha home and then took a deep breath to knock. 

Looking around, it was strange to not hear anything at this hour. Only so long ago was there chaos.

When the back door opened, Mrs. Beaumont raised her brows. "Gigi?"

I smiled widely, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Hi, Mrs. Beaumont." 

I glanced around, scrunching my nose but I think she knew how uncomfortable I was because the woman smiled and assured me there was nothing to worry about. That Mrs. Beaumont was the only one there in the home.

She raised a brow, pointing out that she had made permanent living arrangements for Mr. Beaumont elsewhere.

My eyes widened, lips parted. I frowned, softly apologizing though Ridge's mom laughed that there was no need to be sorry. She reached over, touching my cheek and told me that it was the least she could do after what her soon-to-be ex-husband had done to both me and Ridge. 

Mrs. Beaumont lived for her son and wanted nothing more than for him to be happy. She could see that, she said, when Ridge was with me that whole week so long ago. She grinned that she'd never seen Ridge so giddy in all her years except for the first time of meeting me as children.

My brows furrowed, squinting at her and Mrs. Beaumont laughed. 

The woman smiled, explaining to me that the day Ridge had come back from my house with his dad that day as children, Ridge had gushed about the ice cream he got to have and that I was his new friend. Mrs. Beaumont sighed, pursing her mouth to the side and frowned how she wished, as a mother, she would have picked up on the toxicity her husband had on Ridge so long ago. 

Even back then, Mr. Beaumont didn't think I was good enough for his son and would remind Ridge that I was of Warrior blood. That all I was meant to fight for the alpha, not befriend him. 

Mrs. Beaumont crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes and sneered how then she had to deal with the likes of Molly Sinclair. The former Alpha Female growled, eyes flickering gold and grumbled how---despite the circumstances---Molly was able to realize what it takes to be a true alpha. 

"I'm just glad my son has you back, Gigi." Mrs. Beaumont grinned. 

I stared at her, lowering my gaze and blushed. I tucked my hair behind my ear and pursed my mouth to the side. 

"About that..." I frowned, briefly telling Ridge's mom that tonight would be my last night here because in the morning I would be leaving Carmel indefinitely. The surprise on her face was expected and she looked my face over before softly asking what about Ridge and me. 

Swallowing hard, I felt my throat tighten and eyes well up. I sniffled, shaking my head that I loved her son with all my soul but... but that I had a responsibility to the other Quails out there in the world and Ridge had his responsibility here in Carmel. 

When I looked up at her, apologizing for hurting her son, Mrs. Beaumont frowned and pulled me to her. I hugged her, sobbing against her that I was going to miss him so much! That it was so hard to breathe just thinking about waking up and not seeing Ridge!

"Oh, Sweetheart..." Mrs. Beaumont sighed, brushing my hair. "Don't you worry about Ridge, you hear me? I will keep an eye on him for you. You just go out there... and be the remarkable young woman I know you are."

I sniffled, looking at her and she wiped my tears away. Mrs. Beaumont gently cradled my jaw, asking what my visit was for. It took me a moment to collect myself, remembering the short window I had and told Mrs. Beaumont what I had wanted to do.

"Oh!" Mrs. Beaumont beamed, clapping excitedly and volunteered to help me. She had already returned into her house, talking to me (herself?) of what she could gather in a few short minutes. The box she found from out of nowhere made me raise a brow at her. Mrs. Beaumont was stuffing a bunch of electric candles into the box and mumbling that she'd be needing to get this and that. 

I stood helpless at the door, watching the woman scurry in and out of sight. My brows furrowed, calling to Mrs. Beaumont if she needed help. 

"No, no!" She called. She insisted I just go back and stall Ridge for about ten minutes and Mrs. Beaumont would have everything set up for us. Mrs. Beaumont instructed me to give her the time she requested before Ridge and I came back outside and to the small garden area she pointed out.

I looked over where it was and sighed, shrugging, "Ten minutes then." and went back to Ridge's home.

As I climbed the stairs, I looked up and hid my smile behind my hand at the alpha standing at the very top. He had his towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripping still. Those green eyes narrowed at me, growling that I took his clothes. 

I grinned, tilting my head and pointed out that he had a room full of them. 

Ridge narrowed his eyes more, grumbling that I had taken his favorite nightwear which included the hoodie, long sleeve shirt and shorts. I rolled my eyes, telling Ridge that he was such a baby and he could have put something else on instead being dramatic about it.

I climbed up the rest of the way, standing beside him now and the alpha's lip curled that he wasn't dramatic. He was sentimental. There was a difference.

Laughing, I wrapped my arms around his waist and apologized though he didn't believe I was really sorry. He questioned what I was up to and I smugly replied that he couldn't know yet. Ridge's suspicious look was still in place and I kissed the middle of his bare chest before resting my chin on it. He didn't seem to mind the way I hanging on him.

"You didn't really go down to get a drink... did you?" Ridge questioned, eyeing me. 

I grinned, wiggled my eyebrows up and down while replying that he was going to have to wait another seven minutes. 

"Seven...?" Ridge lowered a brow.

I nodded, "Uh huh," and then reached up to grab his head and pull him towards me. Just before I kissed him, I whispered against his lips that I could think of something we could do until time was up. Ridge smirked, eyes shimmering gold and he hoisted me up just as I reached down to grab his towel. I purposely held it out to the side and dropped it. 

Ridge smirked, shaking his head and sighed, "You're something else, Quail Wolf."

"Yeah, I know." I curled my finger at him to come closer and Ridge happily obliged. 


"Where are we going?" Ridge asked for the third time since leaving the house. 

I laughed, shaking my head that I wasn't going to tell him so he could just stop asking. He grumbled under his breath.

Excitement built up when I had heard the knock on the door earlier and Ridge went to open it but no one was there. That's how I knew it had been his mom. I'd dragged the alpha out of the house and urged him to follow me.

I could now see the small garden area that was lit up unlike before. 

Upon entering the garden, my eyes widened, smiling at the set up Mrs. Beaumont made up for us. There was a large black blanket spread out on the middle part of the grassy area and the electric candles set up from where we were leading up to the blanket. There were a few pillows and an extra blanket with a whole basket (where did Mrs. Beaumont get that anyway?) full of goodies. It was sitting dead center of the blanket. 

I grinned, looking at Ridge whose eyes took in the set up. He frowned, looking at me and I giggled, reminding him that I wanted for this night to be memorable and I thought that I'd be the one to be romantic to him since he spent a whole week being a total Romantic to me.

"That's true," Ridge nodded to the side. I reeled in my lips, lightly smacking his chest. He just laughed.

The alpha looked upward and I did too. There were strings of fairy lights hanging across the garden in various directions. I squinted, asking Ridge if those had always been there. If not, Mrs. Beaumont was a speed-demon. 

"Yeah," Ridge confirmed. "Those are new actually. Made it easier to see in the garden for when its enjoyed at night." He glanced at me with a raised brow. "Like now."

I grinned, reaching up to kiss him but the alpha cried, "Dibs on the Pringles!" and booked it to the blanket. I stumbled a little and whined, "Ridge!" 

That damn alpha just laughed at me again, throwing himself onto the blanket and had scarfed down a handful of Pringle chips already. 

Crossing my arms, I tilted my head and raised a brow. I pointed out that he wasn't making this very romantic. Ridge begged to differ, his mouth muffled out that this was our kind of romantic and I best get used to it. He then patted the spot next to him.

"Come on, Quail Wolf. Let's snuggle." 

I laughed, going over to sit beside him. He offered a Pringle and I leaned forward to open my mouth and take a bite. Ridge moved it away and ate it. 

"Damn you, Ridge Beaumont!" I scoffed, climbing over to steal the Pringle container. He held it out of reach and I growled, demanding he share. 

"There's a whole fucking basket of 'em!" Ridge complained, putting a hand to my face and pushing me back to keep me at bay. 

I bared my teeth, growling at him but the alpha chuckled. 

I did eventually get the Pringle container after Ridge let up and bargained a kiss for a Pringle each. I bartered that I'd give him one kiss and ear nibbles if I got three. Ridge closed an eye, tilting his head as he looked upward and hummed, "Mmmm... Deal!" Needless to say, I got more than three Pringle chips thanks to my ear nibbles that turned into neck nibbles and chest nibbles. 

I'm not sure how late it was that we were still out in the garden. We'd eaten almost all the snacks in the basket and wrestled for the rest of them. Ridge won those by the way. 

Now we were laying back on the blanket, side by side and stared up at the twinkling lights. From our perspective, they looked like stars against the pitch black night sky. It was pretty perfect. 

Ridge squinted, still looking up and asked if I was scared or excited about tomorrow. 

I frowned, reeling in my lips as I thought this over. I'd not really been on my own aside from the banishment but then I ran into Iota, Vicky and Emory. I met new people who were kind and loving. Though I knew I wouldn't meet people like that all the time, I told him, I was more nervous about leaving tomorrow. 

My head turned to face his and he looked at me. His gaze looked over my face after I whispered with tears in my eyes that I was scared of not being with Ridge. My lip trembled and I swallowed hard. 

Ridge lifted his hand, using a finger to wipe away the tear that slipped down my face. His own eyes were glassy but the alpha's brows furrowed, softly reminding me that I'd never be without Ridge. That I'd always have a part of him. That he'd always have a part of me. 

"You're the love of my life, Quail Wolf..." Ridge grinned, rolling onto his side. I did the same, tucking my hands under my head and sniffled while his finger caressed my cheek. 

"It's okay to cry, Gianna," the alpha whispered. He leaned over, kissing away my tears before lying back down. "It just reminds us both that as an alpha and a Quail Wolf, we are still human... but soulmates."

I nodded, crawling closer so he could pull me against him. He rested on his back and I snuggled into his side. We looked up at the twinkling lights and for a moment it was quiet. We took in the silence and I almost drifted off to sleep before Ridge said my name.


Ridge took a moment, mindlessly playing with my hair and I felt his chest vibrate when he spoke. I could hear him grin, "There's one more container of Pringles." 

Raising a brow, I looked upward at him then frowned before moving my head to really look at him. Ridge looked at me, squinting his eyes and they shimmered gold when he asked if he gave them to me could he kiss me one more time. 

"Ridge..." I rose up a bit, leaning my head on my shoulder of the arm holding me up. I raised a brow and grinned, "You give me the Pringles and I'll let you kiss me all you want."

The alpha smirked and I laughed until he  sat up, taking hold of my face and cut my laughter short with another of his knee-buckling kisses. One of many the rest of the night.


AN: The end is near. *tears*

Xoxo Always,


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