The Underworlds Hero

By Stillwell03

111K 2.6K 1.6K

Izuku was a kind boy until the age of 5 when he lost his mother to All Might. On that day, Izuku swore reveng... More

The Day Life Changed
When You Want Justice
Reunion of Friends
Understanding Emotions
Revived Project
Community and Combat
The Symbol of Evil
Titans Clash
The League
First Job
New Plans
Raiding I Island
Troubling Minds
The Wild Villains
2 vs 3
Invisible Girl's Past
The Underground Frenzy
All or Nothing
Tedering Line
Triple Nightmare
Deika's Raid
Blades of Heroes
Mayhem of the League
Turning Point
Hiding Out
Dastardly Twins
Divide and Conquer
True Plans
Race Against Time
All Out War
Final Countdowns
Hand of Death
Chaos of the End
Tales That Are Told

Race Against the Heroes

1.6K 52 7
By Stillwell03

Izuku POV:

After everyone came together, I began quieting everyone down. "So what's going on that we had to be called together like this?" Dabi was rather irritated and wanted to know in particular. Nighteye took the lead in this. "About four hours ago, an operation was made to take on a villain that had ties to a man called Nine. He is a criminal that had once worked hand and hand with AFO. Unfortunately, he became rather greedy and took an unstable version of All For One that was in an experimental stage." Toga raised her hand in curiosity. "Why did AFO create another version of his quirk?" Aizawa spoke up this time knowing more about this than Nighteye. "Midoriya's father had done a few secretive projects with hopes to better humanity. He believed that if he could understand what his quirk does to the body to keep them from continually producing the enzyme for the quirk factor, maybe he can find a way to alter how some children's brains that are unable to produce a quirk react to this and help them remain normal as the eyes of society sees it. Obviously, this was one of his less successful projects that ended with an unstable version of his quirk."

Togata raised his hand next. "So who's this Nine guy?" "His real name is Wakaranai Namae. However, he's now more commonly known as Nine. He was a great scientist who like some unfortunately admired the raw power of AFO over the safety of people. As we could tell, he was able to do some digging and find out he was compatible with AFO to some degree. Sadly this isn't as well as the Underworld Hero's or Midoriya's to a point it makes him severely weaker doing this. Currently, he has 9 quirks in total." "Another AFO quirk? That's scary." Kendo points this out seeing the level of destruction I can do without holding back with the power to do such destructive things in the hands of a monster. "So what's the plan?" Ryukyu wasn't happy about this knowing what we'll most likely do. "I don't like this, but we're going after the cops to get this guy." "You're out of your mind!" Iida jumped out of his seat in anger as I explained to him my reasons. "All Might has eyes and ears everywhere. In the police, in the media, even in our school and the heroes. If that man gets to the destination, he'll order a hit to be placed on him and kill the man long before anything that can be gained is taken from him. The only chance that man has to live and give us information is if we catch him and take him ourselves."

I could see the unease in everyone's faces as I tried to recompose the situation in a way that makes the fact we're doing something illegal more bearable. "If you don't feel right going against the police, you don't have to join in on this. The only reason I'm doing this is because we don't have a choice. We will lose a major lead if this guy dies and him going into police custody right now is a death sentence. So you're free to do this if you want. If not, you can walk out now and pretend you know nothing about this job." Everyone thought about this before sitting calmly with nobody leaving. "Alright, now onto the plan." I pulled out a showing of the shortest route the cruiser holding him could take to its destination. "There's three routes they could take. Each route however, falls under this overpass. Most of us will remain here while a small group will come after the group slightly farther up where all the roads converge into one for the route. In the unlikelihood that this team is unable to detain the cruiser before reaching the overpass, the second team will stop them." "What about the cops and any pro heroes in the group?" Dabi asked while I went over this part. "They'll be knocked out and have the injuries kept to a minimum. I'd rather not kill anyone." I walked out of the room to grab my vigilante uniform to change in the next room. "We move in 10. Those who are still not wanting to go through with this, this is your last chance." Nobody walked out as we all began changing. I did ask Kendo to stay behind just to watch Eri with her reluctantly agreeing.

Half an hour later at the rendezvous point, 3rd person POV:

A few cop cars carrying a man with a rat face were beginning to pass an area before seeing a red light. They stopped at it waiting for it to turn before a blaze of blue fire came at the wheels melting the tires. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" The officers got out of the car to see their tires turned into melted rubber. "WHO THE HELL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!" As if out of nowhere, Izuku in his vigilante costume came behind the two cops and knocked them out Once they were, he rested the two on the cruiser waiting for the job to finish. "Don't move!" A few more cops came with their guns pointed at Izuku. "I do not wish to hurt you. Please allow me to fulfill my business and leave." The cops weren't accepting this as an idea to start shooting at him. Izuku dodged them and went behind a car for safety. They were so focused on the green haired teen that they didn't see Bakugou, Toga, and Ochako behind them to knock the cops out. "My apologies, I'd rather not resort to physical violence but there isn't a choice in this matter."

They walked over to the holder with some cops in the transporting vehicle. "FREEZE!" "Be at ease. All I'm here for is ratface there. I'd rather make this peacefu-" Izuku was cut off by a bullet being shot in his shoulder. "IZU-mmph!" Bakugou had stopped Ochako from shouting his name. "THAT WAS A WARNING SHOT! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" Izuku watched as the bullet wound closed up and the scrap of metal force it's way out of his shoulder. The act scared the cops for them to panic a bit. "What are you?" Kurogiri opened a portal behind them for Momo and Iida to knock out the guards. "We're done here?" "Yes. Now it's time to get him out of her-" Izuku was cut off yet again for a foot to come crashing through the glass window of the car and kick him in the face, throwing him out of the vehicle.When he looked up, he saw the pro hero Miruko standing in front of him clearly ready for a throw down.

"You think you're all big and bad that you took down some cops? Let's see how you handle a real fighter you little jackass." She came at Izuku with a solid kick for him to dodge having the wind be felt on his body. In response, Miruko sent another kick to Izuku forcing him to get out of the area and lead her away. "I DON'T WANNA FIGHT YOU MIRUKO! I'M ONLY DOING WHAT IS NEEDED TO BE DONE!" "THEN SIT BACK AND LET ME KICK YOUR TEETH IN!" Words weren't going to go anywhere with the rabbit hero as she continued to attack Izuku. 'I don't wanna hurt her, but she's not leaving me much choice in this matter.' Izuku began activating Scale Mail for an extra layer of protection with slight merging of Muscle Augmentation to hold fibers over his body. 'Combo quirk: Lizard Muscle!' Izuku charged at Miruko who jumped up to avoid Izuku. He shot a small bit of wind pressure at her in an air bullet keeping her off balance and as a warning shot to keep the pro from attacking again. "THAT'S NOT GONNA STOP ME WHATEVER YOU ARE!" She came down to attack Izuku who only grabbed her foot.

"That was a warning shot. I'd rather not deal with fighting you Miruko, but I need to take this man in order to stop All Might and his cronies." Rabbit ears started to grow on Izuku's head to tear his hoodie and show green fur on them. "The heck? Just who are you kid?" Izuku tossed Miruko to the side while running over to see the five bring the lead they had out of the van. "Dabi, Compress, evac ride ready?" "On our way." Izuku was kicked a distance with his mask being shattered where his eye was by Miruko who was getting rather angry now. "NOBODY MESSES WITH ME LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE SHI-" She stopped when she noticed Izuku's green eye and freckles seeing a face of someone she thought was long gone. "All For One?" "How fitting that a die hard fan and the son of the former number 1 face each other." Everyone looked up to see a man with silver hair and tubes coming out of a costume he had on stand on a sign above them.

"Nine." Izuku prepared for a fight with the pro hero beside him not knowing who he was. "Who is this guy?" "Allow me to introduce myself rabbit hero Miruko. My name is Nine and I am a member of All Might's elite group." The villain sent a small energy beam at his subordinate's chest, piercing him and having the rat faced man spew some blood. He collapsed shortly after having everyone shocked. 'I didn't even have time to react.' "YOU BASTARD!" Miruko came charging at Nine for him to create a wall of wind to block her. "You're a joke to me rabbit hero." Nine sent Miruko away rather easily while Izuku began to send dragon scales out to attack Nine. "Pathetic." The villain sent water dragons as a way to attack Izuku forcing him to evade. 'I need to heal that guy now before it's too late.' The young AFO user began running to his friends before being blocked by Nine. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Izuku used Muscle Augmentation, a few Strength enhancers, Bonelike Spears, and Rivets to attack Nine right in the face. The assault was thought to have done damage, but the villain glared at Izuku unamused as if it did nothing. "You're nothing but a child playing in a world for adults."

Nine had summoned a giant lightning bolt to strike Izuku where he stood making everyone become blinded by the attack. "IZUKU!" Ochako began running before Bakugou caught her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? LET ME GO!" "Think with your head! That guy's strong enough to take on Ichan as if it's nothing, what hope do you have!?" The light dimmed enough for them to see Izuku burned to a darkened shade before falling to the ground. "It would appear you weren't that much of a threat to us. However, that quirk of yours will be a nuisance if left unchecked." Nine held his hand down towards Izuku's face with everyone teaming up to attack him. The villain placed a wall of wind up to keep them out as he began activating his AFO quirk. "So ends the tale of the only quirk that can defeat us." Just before he could do anything however, a car came at him to send Nine a distance. "GET IN!" Dabi shouted this for everyone to pile into the vehicle to get out of the area as fast as possible. Miruko watched as the unlicensed vehicle drove off unsure what just happened.

"It would appear that it's my time to leave now. Farewell." Nine had gotten up from his scuffle with a bit of blood coming down his head. "WAIT!" The villain disappeared in a tornado that went into the sky. "Just who the hell were those guys? The ones before didn't seem to work alongside but knew the newer one, but he also had more than one power." The rabbit hero kept questioning this as she checked the status of the cops. 'They aren't hurt, but were knocked out. Seems like the one that said he didn't want to fight might've meant it.' She then got up to see the amount of destruction that was caused after Nine had come to see extreme damage on the road and some other things. 'The kid said his name was Nine if I remember. Whatever the case, I'd probably be dead right now if either one wanted me to.' Miruko began calling in the situation for a road crew and some medical personnel to show up. Needless to say, this evening was a problem for both her and Izuku.

About an hour later in an unknown underground office

"It would appear your information was correct. Nicely done young Hagakure." All Might sat in a chair with some people in the room watching the young teenager who sat in the chair across from him. "Thank you sir. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know." The invisible girl was scared out of her mind talking to the villain while he leaned over and rested his head on his hands that held it up. "I will. Also, thank you for the information of the heroes and hoodlums inside young Midoriya's group. This will be quite the information to give and hunt down one at a time." "Sir, you said that you wouldn't do anything about them if I gave you the info." "Did I now? I don't recall it." All Might started laughing slightly to himself before looking at Hagakure with a serious face. "Do not forget our deal young lady. In exchange for financial support and protection for your family, you give me all the information I may need no questions asked. What I do with the information is my business and what I choose to do with it. Question my judgment again and you'll see why I am the most feared in society. Are we clear?"

Hagakure nodded before being allowed to leave. "Oh, and tell young Midoriya that I give my condolences to his father. I know just how chummy you two have been thus far." The young girl went cold knowing the one person she feared to know who she was working for and giving information about realized she was working as a double agent. She left ashamed in herself and rather disgusted. 'Why? Why do I have to do this?' She looked down at an envelope for a ridiculous amount of cash she was given for the intel provided and felt even dirtier than she was when she first started. She walked away with All Might and some of his subordinates talking. "How long do you plan to keep that woman on the payroll?" Overhaul had asked with the pro reaching into a desk to pull out a small model of the world. "Her information right now is useful. So long as she is useful to me, she stays. When she loses her worth, Dr. Garaki will obtain a few more test subjects for his work."

A man with receding hairlines smiled at All Might while giving a report. "Gesshirui is killed. Nine has informed me. He unfortunately missed an opportunity to take down Midoriya, how should we respond?" The blond villain looked at both men before giving his verdict. "I would be more concerned about finding your little test subject again Chisaki. Yotsubashi, tell the Curator that I have a task for the Wild Villains." Both bowed with all the members of his elites leaving. "So begins the battle Midoriya. You've made your move, now it is time to make mine."

And that finishes this chapter. Sorry about the late update, but things happened. Anyway, see how Izuku handles a certain conflict next time and the entrance of the group known as the Wild Villains. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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