Obey (Shall we date, Obey Me...

By mimiteh_

23.5K 1K 275

Two humans, two angels, and two demons become exchange students in each realm. When Z wakes up, she finds her... More

To My Lovely Fans
Twenty - Five
Twenty - Six
Twenty - Eight
Twenty - Nine
Thirty - One
Thirty - Two
Obey Me! Book Two

Twenty - Four

299 15 9
By mimiteh_

"Alright everything is packed and ready to go." Lucifer smiled over at me.

I looked around the empty room, "This is really it. I'm no longer going to be part of the human realm. This was my home, where I grew up." Lucifer came up to me and hugged me. "But, I have to let this place go. I'll just remind myself of how I was being used and lied to."

"Don't worry, now you'll live an even better life." He smiled at me. "I'm just happy we're finally going home."

"You sure it's okay to be happy? I feel like death is right around the corner." I looked away.

He covered his mouth and looked concerned. "Beelzebub will be a little more understanding, but the one who will not tolerate it will be Mammon." He sighed, "But it's okay, Just this once I'll put up with his whining."

We laughed and got ready to go back home. I sent a message to Diavolo that I'll be staying with the brothers. That I appreciate that he wants me closer, but I feel more comfortable with the guys. He whined and was sad for a little, but got over it quite quickly.

"We're home." Lucifer announced.

Mammon was the first one who came flying in. He passed Lucifer without saying anything and hugged me. "I missed ya so much. Ya ain't allowed to leave for too long anymore. I won't allow it. You're banned from leaving so long." He stopped hugging me and started showering me with kisses.

Just then he was pulled away, "My turn." Beel placed Mammon down and took me into his arms. "I missed you so much." He buries his face in my chest, breathing in my scent. "I missed your smell. I like how you smell. Delicious." I giggled and hugged him back. He looked at me and gave me a sweet kiss.

When we finished with our welcome, we sat down in the living room. "Here you go my darling, your coffee." Asmo smiled at me while handing me my cup of coffee.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

"So how was it?" Satan asked Lucifer.

"It was fine. We were able to do everything without a problem." Then Lucifer stopped and looked over at me. "Do you guys want to hear some good news or bad news?"

"Humans say it's better to hear the bad news first and then the good news. That way the bad news isn't too bad." Satan spoke.

Lucifer started thinking and nodded, "Okay, Mammon. Beelzebub. I've met Z's ex."

"Her ex!" Mammon stood up, "Why did he meet with her?"

"He was actually passing by when he noticed her. And he has a message for us." Lucifer folded his arms.

"I don't think that's important." I try to stop him from talking about Soryu.

"Not important? I think it's very important." He looked away and faced Mammon and Beel. "That guy practically threatened to take her away from us. He said he wasn't going to hand her over to us." He pouted and looked away.

"OOOO! What does he look like?! I want to see if he can say it to my face!" Mammon jumped out of his seat.

Beel nodded, "Z, be a sweetheart and tell us where he lives."

"Are you guys going to ignore the fact that he said "us," not "you two." Levi looked up from his phone.

Mammon and Beel came down and looked at Lucifer. "Yea, she isn't yours but ours." Mammon pointed to him and Beel.

"Actually." Lucifer lifted his hand and showed them the ring.

"That looks like ours." Beel looked from Lucifer's ring to his.

"Ahahaha!" Asmo almost fell from his seat, "It looks like Lucifer bonded with Z."

Mammon turned to look at me, "SO YOU AND HIM, DID THAT! TOGETHER!" I felt my face turn red, I turned away from him. Mammon growled and threw himself at Lucifer.

I quickly got up, but Beel pulled me back down. He took my hands and looked me in the face. "Why didn't you tell us you had feelings for Lucifer?"

I pouted, "I honestly didn't know I had feelings for him. While we spent our time together that week, it made me realize I did." I looked down, "I'm sorry."

Beel smiled and ruffled my hair, "You weren't sure. That's okay. But I do want to know if there is another brother you like."

It's like he knows, but doesn't want to say anything until I am sure about it. I looked up to him and nodded. Mammon stopped harassing Lucifer and made his way to me.

He signed, "We have no choice. But you were ours first, so we should have more time with you. It does boil my blood to know LUCIFER is in, but you can't control who you like." He took a hand and squeezed it lightly.

"But who's the other brother? I'm very curious." Asmo lifted an eyebrow.

"There are only four left. Satan, Asmo, Belphegor and me." Levi finally placed his phone down and paid attention to me.

"So which one of us is it?" Satan smirked.

All eyes were on me. I sighed, "I don't know how he feels. I don't know if he has the same feelings."

"Who is it?" Lucifer asked as he finished fixing himself.

"It's Belphegor." 

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