Stick up

By honeyndmilk

148K 3.9K 570

"I-I need a favor from you." He spoke, slow and cautious. "Sergio, spit it out." "I need you to help with a... More

PART ONE| Stick up
One| watch your mouth
Two| wanted
Three| Fine wine
Four| you wish
Five| oh shit
Six| Dalí!
Seven| love hurts
Eight| trigger
Nine| mistakes
Ten| choices
Eleven| one life or three
Twelve| love hurts
Thirteen| a lack of trust
Fourteen| big girls cry
Fifteen| ain't no sunshine
Sixteen| i warned myself
Seventeen| always, i'll care
Eighteen| set fire to the rain
Nineteen| go to hell
Twenty| came close
Twenty one| playing games
Twenty Two| missing each other
Twenty three| let it go
Twenty four| this is on you
Twenty five| please dont go
PART TWO| stick up
One| life after you
Two| ready or not, here we come
Three| how did it come to this
Four| my own souls warning
Five| never really over
Six| stick to the plan
Seven| ready or not
Nine| run, run, run

Eight| here i come

1.7K 51 16
By honeyndmilk

Just as all the chaos was going down, Barcelona quickly ran off to go to the governor's office, fixing her presentation before breathing in and out deeply, causing tears to spring to her eyes. She knocked on the door loudly, waiting for his security to open up. "Who are you?"

"I'm Selena. Selena-"

"Gutierrez!" The older man smiled and stood to his feet, pushing his men away. "How are you my dear?" He places his hands on her shoulder before bringing her into a hug.

Barcelona has been in contact with him for over four years, learning his every move, gaining his trust. He was the key she needed. "I'm doing okay, how are you?"

"Great, great!" He ushered her inside. "Come, come. We are going into lockdown you're safer here than anywhere else in the world."

She scoffed lightly under her breath and made her way to the seat in the corner of the room. "Would you like any coffee? Biscuits?"

She smiled politely but declined. She was more focused on the screaming and yelling downstairs, waiting until she heard the footsteps of her friends. Two minutes later and right on time, there were rushed knocks on his door. "Governor, my name is Lieutenant Lorenzo, you need to come with us."

Barcelona felt her eyes water as she looked to Tokio, Rio the first thing coming to mind before she looked to Nairobi, who was already looking at her. Nairobi was shocked at the woman sitting not more than eleven feet from her. "Thank you, but, at this time I will not be leaving."

"Sir-" Lona knew Tokio wouldn't get anywhere with him so she tried to bargain herself, leaving Tokio in shock. "Gov, I'm sure you received the letter, maybe we should go while we still can."

"I got it, Selena, but I won't leave until every employee is out. So, if what you want is to escort me, then you'll have to sit down and wait."

Barcelona gave them both subtle nods to do as they were told, watching as the both slowly walked forward. This wasn't the plan and they felt a bit out of their element.

The brunette girl in the blue dress watched as Nairobi slyly took her gun out of her leg holster, Tokio fidgety in her own seat. "May I use the bathroom?"

When Tokio was in the restroom, Nairobi and Lona looked to each other in worry. The men in white would be easy to take down it was the one in black that would be their problem. Barcelona eyed them all, watching as they all walked around. She sneakily reaches her hand in between her thighs, tugging her gun off the strap connected to her leg before slipping it under her backside.

Barcelona silently cursed as she saw water trickling from under the door. "Wait, don't move sir." His right hand man spoke, walking to the door slowly.

"Maybe I should check on her, you know, since I'm a woman and all." Lona stood tall but the same man aimed his gun to her.

"Put that away, she isn't a threat." The governor spoke in a harsh tone.

"Fucking hell, Tokio." Lona pinched her nose, as she mumbled to herself quietly, jumping when the door collided into the mans face. Guns were drawn, Tokio at two and Nairobi at two. Barcelona stood and walked behind the governor, placing her gun to his neck. "I think it's time to go."

"I would have never expected this from you, Selena."

"It's for you're own good." She mumbled, grabbing his arm as he stood. She heard Gandía behind her, yelling for Nairobi to drop her weapons, and when she turned around she saw her in a headlock.

"Let her go." Lona aims her gun at the man.

"You wouldn't shoot the governor, but I'll put a bullet in this bitches head." The bald man spoke roughly.

She swallowed knowing she wouldn't shoot the governor unless necessary, which it was starting to look like it was. She aimed her gun to the ceiling and fired one shot, causing Gandía to let her friend go.

They walked down the hall, Barcelona dragging the governor with Tokio and Nairobi on either side of her. Guns pointed at everyone's head. "I don't know what you want from this, Selena,but you won't get out of this."

"Hm. Then I guess we're not leaving." Nairobi spoke tauntingly.

"Nairobi, push the elevator." Barcelona spoke as she waited for the doors to open, she could see the governor looking around at his men hiding behind pillars.

Backing into the elevator, the governor elbowed Lona in the face which cause her to shoot, catching him in his shoulder. Bullets flew around the girls wildly as they tried to dodge every one, lona reached for the governor but the door was closing and Nairobi pulled her away before she lost a limb. "Fuck!" Barcelona kicked the door, taking her black heels off and slamming them against it. "That old son of a bitch!"

"What the fuck just happened!" Nairobi screamed, pulling her hair. "What happened? How are you here!"

"I escaped." Barcelona whispered, staring at the door. She turned and faced Tokio who held tears in her eyes. "Rio?" Her voice was barely audible.

Lona walked to Tokio and the short haired girl fell into her arms, clinging to her. "He's alive." Barcelona whispered as she held her neck. "Don't worry, I'm keeping him safe." Barcelona's knew what she was feeling, the unsettling feeling of wondering if their lover is alive or not.

"What are you doing?" Barcelona watched as Nairobi pressed the button on the elevator wall.

"They're going down! We have to go up!"

Lona shook her head. "No, no. We are going down." She held her gun high, watching as her friends followed her call.

"We're all in, Tokio style." Nairobi smiled slightly when she saw Barcelona try to hold her laugh.

The elevator doors opened and the Professor watched as the three girls walked out slowly, taking in their surroundings. "Where's the governor?" Raquel asked frantically.

The professor looked around the cameras, seeing nothing but destroyed property. "I can't see him."

"We have to tell Martín" Raquel was handed over the headset to Sergio, waiting for him to inform his friend.

Barcelona could hear the rushed footsteps come from her left side. "Lona, lona!" Nairobi rushed out, tucking herself closer to the girl.

"Relax, Robi, relax." She looked around as they were all shoulder to shoulder, the governors men surrounding them. "Where the fuck is the governor?" She hissed to herself as she spun in a circle.

"We have bigger issues!" Nairobi spit back, fear creeping in.

"On three, fire your guns and drop to the ground, got it?" Lona reaches her hand to Tokio's thigh to take out an extra hand gun as she heard more guns clicking around her.

"One." Nairobi whispered.

"Two." Tokio looked to the woman in front of her, eyeing her physique.

"Thr-" before Barcelona could get to the end, she heard Martín's voice ring from about her head. "Drop your weapons you rats!"

Lona stared in the direction of his voice, relief and excitement running through her body. Martín stared down at her, not believing she was here and wondering how the hell she got here.

Ibiza was perched on another ledge as he stared down at his best friend, his last source of family was finally back in front of him.

It took everything in Denver to stay where he was, the woman he's been looking for up and down finally in his eye sights, he felt rage run into his veins as he saw some scars and bruises cover her exposed arms.

"Ladies and gents let me introduce myself, I'm Palermo. I'm the most prized possession in this heist so aim your weapons to me." Barcelona watched as most of his men pointed to Martín.

"On her!" Gandía screamed as he aimed to Lona. "Keep them on her!"

"Let's take a lesson on anatomy, shall we." Barcelona had the biggest urge to roll her eyes at Martín's words, for most of his so called speech she was zoned out, wondering who was up there with him.

"If you want your girls alive, especially this one, I'd stand down." Gandía wouldn't let his eyes leave Barcelona's blank ones.

"I'm talking about you, Gandía!" Matín held his gun higher. "I know you go to the shooting range every Sunday, your whole fucking life you waited for this moment, your moment to be a damn hero."

"Think about Marisa, Gandía." Barcelona finally spoke, watching the bald man glare daggers into her. She smirked and stepped forward. "Think about your sons angelic face, he's looks a lot like you."

Gandía gripped the gun tighter, his hands shaking. "Think about them while you put the fucking gun down." Barcelona stepped forward.

"Fine, okay." Gandía raised his hands and his men followed.

Barcelona knew better than that. "Shoot!" But it was too late, Gandía already turned and fired towards Martín which cause bullets to fly everywhere.

During the midst of it all, Lona's breast was admitting a loud ring, yanking the phone out of her bra she answered in a rush as she ran up to Martín. "What!"

"There's police everywhere, lona, I'm on the roof with other snipers, they're coming for the governor." Michael's voice was just loud enough for her, the men surrounding him aiming down at the front.

She hung up the phone when she came in contact with Helsinki as he told her they needed a stretcher for Martín. Barcelona dropped down to her knees and looked at his eyes, glass shards sticking out. "Martín, my dear." She whispered and leaned down, both her hands on either side of his face. "I'm so sorry."

"Lona, get the fucking glass out of my eyes." Martín cried out in pain, reaching for her hand to squeeze it, finding comfort in his friend.

"They're coming, they're coming." Lona waited patiently for Helsinki to bring something to move Palermo to the front where most of their equipment was.

"Lets go! Let's go!" Lona held as her, Helsinki, and Ibiza loaded the man onto their stretcher. "Move out of the damn way!"

Once they made it to the front, lona gently removed the blood soaked cloth covering his eyes. "Martín, I need you to open your eyes slowly." She winced when his eyes finally opened, blood vessels popped.

"I can't keep my eyes open for long." Martín closed them.

"Can you see?"

"I can't fucking see shit, what's happening?"

"Oh, fuck." She whispered, turning to look to Ibiza who was too focused on her face to even see Martín's eyes.

"Don't 'oh fuck' me!" Martín squeezes her arm. "What does that mean? Celia!"

Lona quickly grabbed the light near by and stationed it so it would be over his face. "Can you see the light?"

"Like stadium lights. Are you a fucking doctor now? Is that what you did while you were gone?" Martín rushed out.

"If you only knew."

"We need to call the professor." Wendy spoke, looking to Denver for him to make the call.

"I see the glass! I see it!"

"At least one of us can."  Martín was ignored by lona as she told Helsinki to go grab her the emergency kit number four. "What's on your mind?"

She looked down and saw his bloodied face, Berlin flashing to her mind before she shook herself out of it. "I'm going get it out."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"With tweezers-" she was cut off by Ibiza who grabbed her arm. "I don't think you should do that, what if something happens?"

"Something is going to happen if I don't take it out now." She so badly wanted to reunite with the people around her but it was not the time for any 'hello's' and 'where have you been's'.

Helsinki handed her the emergency kit and stepped back watching as Lona dug through its contents. "Look at this Ibiza! Your girl here is going to pluck glass out of my eyes with the same tweezers she uses to trim her fucking bush!"

Appalled by his statement it took her a minute to regain herself, when she does lona was quick to grab the back of his head and lift it up. "Do you want to run that by me again?"

"You're not a fucking eye surgeon, Celia! Do you know why they use lasers? It-"

"I said do you want to run that by me again?" She gripped his hair, nodding when he shook his head. "I didn't fucking think so."

"Ibiza, my right side." Martín called and Lona's right hand man was at his side. "We'll deal with my eyes later. Ibiza you're my second in command."

"Do I look like a sight dog to you?"

"Shut it." Martin stood and walked down the hall with Ibiza's help.

"Are you messing around?" Lona asked as she followed them, "because nows really not the time to do that."

"Lona you know what we have to do, is Nairobi with bogotá?"

"She is-" martin nodded and cut her off. "Good, go take over. I know you have this under control."

Before he could walk off with Ibiza, she quickly stepped in front of them. "Be careful, goob. I don't need you leaving me, too." She held his head in her hands, her eyes watering.

Martín bit his lip and pulled her into his chest, his closest source of Andrés in his arms. "I'm not leaving you ever, honeybee."

Turning to Ibiza she smiled brightly and leaped into his arms. "I was so worried about you." He whispered into her neck as he lifted her off the ground.

"I missed you, Bruno," she squeezed him tighter.

"As much I as want to question you, lover boy is going to flip if he doesn't see you in the next ten seconds." Ibiza laughed as he saw Denver standing a few feet away from the corner of his eye.

"Lona hurry, you know how crunched we are on time." Martin spoke as he turned slightly. "They're outside and-"

"Let me handle that, I got some people-"

"How do you have people?" Martín cut her off.

"I'm fucking Barcelona, that's how." She turned around and saw Denver. The beating in her chest stilled as she took in his facial features. His eyebrows were frowned in worry but his lips twitched into a smile when he saw her, his eyes holding to many emotions for her to pick one.

Denver stared at lona and took every bit of her in. Noting how her usually tan skin was now a bit paler, she looked thinner, the bruises and scars on her arms bugged him to no end, her hair had gotten longer but what he loved the most was that her beautiful brown eyes shined just the same when she looked at him.

"Denver." She whispered and ran to him, the dark haired man dropping his gun to lift her off the ground and into his arms. He shoved his face into her neck and she could feel his tears fall onto her collar bone.

"Mí Amor," Denver choked on his own sobs. "I missed you so much." He didn't just miss her body, his missed the little things the most. How she always would tuck herself into his left side, how she would kiss every one of his knuckles when she wanted something, how her breathing could calm him down in seconds. He missed her being with him at the end of the day, and for the first time in months, they were home.

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