CEO Of NexWar

By limario37

349K 12.6K 1.4K

She was unemployed, had a dream she thought she was never going to be able to fulfil, and a fiancé that she w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 [M]
Chapter 25 [M]
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 3

11.3K 430 61
By limario37

A week has gone by unknowingly, the usually busy street that brought Jennie to life never really did today as she was driving Kai to the airport. She's learnt to accept the fact that he would be gone for the rest of the year, and the only thing keeping her going at this point was the happening marriage when he comes back.

"So.. I'll see you next year. I love you." Kai said as he got off the car to the back boot and retrieved his luggage. He tugged on the handle and Jennie accompanied him to the departure hall.

"Be sure to eat your meals well, and be safe at London okay? Don't forget to call me when you arrive-"

"Don't worry babe. I will." Kai reassured and gave Jennie's forehead a light peck.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"You should go, you can't leave the car outside unattended." Kai reminded as he gave Jennie's shoulder a squeeze and smiled. Jennie obliged quietly before watching him enter the departure hall, leaving back to the car.

After sending Kai off at the airport, the brunette let out a huge sigh on her way back home. She didn't really know what to do at this point of time seeing one of her only supports leave.

Travelling on the highway in silence, she was lost in her own thoughts as the car in front of her suddenly came to a stop.

It was a yellow Ferrari LaFerarri, one of the most expensive automobile in the world. Luckily, Jennie was in time to break from further collision but their cars still collided. Dazed from the sudden impact, the brunette shook her head with a grumble and stomped out of the car, watching with rage as the driver in the front got off too.

"You!! Who the hell stops on a highway like that?!" She flared.

It wasn't until Jennie noticed an irresistibly sexy millionaire striding her way. Blood ruby slingback heels which cupped the lady's feet enticingly, to her tan leather bomber jacket around a simple plain white T, she wore a slim knee-ripped jean which made her look extra edgy and ravishing. The woman was tall, and was slim as a reed.

Jennie thought for a second she was seeing a stimulation of a real life barbie, indeed, the woman had huge doll eyes. Her nose was small with a high nose bridge and her lips were full and inviting. She had thick long black hair, and bangs that covered her forehead pleasingly.

"Look- I'm so sorry. I had no idea why but my brakes suddenly jammed-"

"What kind of excuse is that? If I were to judge you, you definitely look well off. There's no reason for your car to be faulty! This.. ugh, this is my fiancé's car! How am I suppose to explain to him about it?"

She'd admit the lady was gorgeous, but being Jennie, she didn't think she needed to be nice to someone whom unexpectedly caused damaged to Kai's car. Under other circumstances, she'd definitely behave, but now she was pissed.

And you can't stop a raging woman.

"Why are you going off at me early in the morning? Jeez woman, we can get it fixed. There's no need to stress over your fiancé's car, it's not even your car."

"That's the thing! You don't understand how I feel because it's not my car! He's not around and I don't have the expenses to pay for it!" Jennie hissed, huffing out an exasperated breath before pointing her finger at the lady.

"You! You can't just stop out of nowhere like this! See what you've done?!"

That was when the accused millionaire gaped. She had pride and couldn't bear to take anymore offence from this crazy woman in front of her who was probably from the looks of it, a big monstrosity.

Oh sweet mother of heavens, not another Karen. The hot girl thought as she sighed deeply at Jennie.

"Woah woah woah, hold up! 'See what I have done?!' Instead of asking if I'm alright for crashing into me, you guilt trip me and blame me for everything right off the bat?? It was your fault too for not stopping in time!"

Jennie gasped, "No! I did try to break in time but if you had never stopped driving none of this would have happened!!"

"Wha- I'm about to-" The lady winced unbelievably, trying to control herself before she starts balling her eyes out.

"It ain't about me driving woman, my accelerator just stalled okay? Get that into your thick thick skull." She spat.

"Alright, look." The black haired barbie doll bellowed and exhaled deeply after composing herself while Jennie stayed silent, her glare never leaving her eyes on the lady. "For the record, my car is as equally damaged as yours."

She sternly pointed to her bent boot.

"But since I'm nice, I'm taking it that you have the eyes to see when you obviously didn't have the brain to comprehend that it was both of our faults."

Jennie took a quick glance over but diverted her eyes back at the woman immediately when she insulted her.


"It takes two hands to clap, silly woman."

The brunette pursed her lips in anger, trying to keep her cool. It was as if fumes were bursting out of her ears before she said slowly.

"Okay, fine." Jennie paused. "Then why weren't you mad when I was screaming at your face once I was out the car?"

She fixed her arms on her hips, ready to scream if the rich and hot looking lady would counter attack her yet again.

"I ain't got time. Just let me settle it for you." She said in a hassle and reached for her pocket to retrieve something but she couldn't find it. Jennie furrowed her eyebrows, now that she was calmer.

"At times like this-" she sighed with a frown.


"I can't find my business card and I'm in a rush for a meeting at my company."

Jennie listened as her eyes narrowed yet again for the umpteenth time at the lady. Was she serious? Or was she just trying to escape from this situation? Jennie was contemplating but she felt less enraged when she once again observed her beautiful features. This time, she noticed the lady had ass.

"Okay. But you'll promise to fix my car right?"


"Be at wausan-ro 19-gil this weekend at 3pm sharp and if you don't come, I swear I'll hunt you down and shred that sweet jacket of yours-"

"Don't worry, I'll come. Damn woman, calm down. You have my word." She winked, calling someone which Jennie assumed was her colleague or secretary to notify about the accident before leaving in her damaged car.

The brunette groaned as she watched the lady leave, trying to settle her emotions on her own. She strolled back to her car and stared at it's broken front headlights, rolling her eyes as she realised.

"Ah shit, I forgot to get her name."


Lisa got in her car, driving away to her company smirking, smiling to herself. She was in an accident, yet she didn't care. She just witnessed the cutest lady ever.

An angsty fuzzball kind of girl was never certified her type, but this one might just pass the vibe check.

She was sure the image of that pissed off girl in the middle of a highway screaming would stay kicking in her brain for as long as three weeks. It was a pity she was engaged. Lisa remembered clearly when the word "fiancé" came rolling out of her mouth ever so smoothly.

Her mind went blank once she stepped out of her car when she saw the girl. It was probably love at first sight. Not to be cliché but Lisa was feeling funky.

The girl had a fiancé, and obviously Lisa wasn't going to steal her away knowing she's taken. That wouldn't be very humane of her to do so, that's selfish. She was sure they were around the same age. Her eyes resembled those of cats, and her hair had an enticing scent although they were at least three feet away from each other.

She sighed as she gripped onto the steering wheel.

The girl looked straight, even sounded straight. There was probably no chance in hell she'd fall for Lisa even if she was that good looking. Lisa was just glad that she was going to see her again this weekend. Who would pass up the chance to see her again anyways?

She reached her company in no time, and the meeting went smoothly though she was definitely late. Except that... her mind was completely occupied by the girl throughout and she wasn't paying any attention to the presentations.

Well, what a way to start the year.

[a/n] lmk if y'all want double updates aight?
would upload just for y'all :>

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