Chapter 1

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"Again? Seriously?"

Wearing a loose powder blue sweatpants and long-sleeved, checkered plaid blouse shirt, the brunette reached down abusing her keyboard. Her pent up frustration all venting out as she typed vigorously with eyebrows crossed. Usually, she was quirky, yet discouragement was all that blurred her mind this instant. The afternoon sunlight caved down her silky hair that was fiddled into a bun, with hair roots that resembled baby fuzz resting shortly on the top of her forehead.

Fingers strapped around the handle of a spruce wood mug filled with her favourite, warm rose latte.

She raised the mug, took a sip of the drink before slamming the cup down on the desk after realising she's always ever at square-one, and grabbed a bunch of her hair, groaning in despair.

"Argh! Why do they keep rejecting my resume?! Someone tell me why?!"

The sound of her pressing her keyboard would annoy the heck out of anyone sitting in the same room as she was. To keep things short, things never seemed to go her way as she struggled to get hired.

"I swear I'm so done with this."

Jennie Kim has probably by now submitted at least thirteen resumes out to varies companies. Specifically three out of those thirteen to one company. Unfortunately for her, none has even attempted to give her a shot for a running interview.

Having budged the websites daily, her emails and inboxes every hour of the day, there has never been a 'congratulations' in any of them.

It was a new year, and she has been stressing over being jobless for at least more than two years now. The only thing worth mentionable about her was probably her love life.

Kai, her boyfriend for almost two years now, proposed to her at the end of last year. Jennie has many insecurities, but having her loving boyfriend made her feel otherwise. He was offered an internship to work at London's largest finance company for a year, and he was going to leave in a weeks time from now.

Kai was a gentlemen, friends and family said he had it all. He wasn't exactly the richest, but that didn't matter. He treated her right and promised to get married to Jennie once he was back. Well she was just like any other girl, expectant and over the moon to finally settle down young.

She had her doubts and suspicions sometimes, wondering why a guy like Kai would want to start a family with her.

Jennie was just an ordinary girl. She wasn't smart at academics and didn't get a degree in university. That was probably why her resume was often empty with awards or achievements.

She was sometimes what people called "a bitch", but that's only because she was being rational while people in the society would beg to differ. She knew when to stand up for herself, she was mature, and her stubbornness would definitely get her somewhere someday.

Jennie though, had a dream, a goal she wished she could accomplish one day. She really hoped to eventually have the chance to develop her own online game someday. People whom she told about had said that it was a stupid ambition, or that it was a waste of time because games are just a distraction.

But it being a distraction has benefitted Jennie in many aspects. There was this one time in elementary school where the class laughed at her for being useless because she failed the class test. But a few weeks later in a school carnival, she impressed everyone by winning all the games because her hand-eye coordination skills that she mastered through playing games was good.

It even impressed her teachers because obviously their accuracy could never.

When she was slightly older, and entered middle school, this guy bullied her and made her give him money for break. Jennie was shorter than him so when she threw her game console, it hit his private part while she took the chance to escape. Because apparently giving a player loot in-game would act as peace treaty and could save your life from being killed.

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