Dark Shadow (Book 1 in the Or...


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For Gigi Gomez meeting the person you are to spend the rest of your life with is supposed to be an instantane... More

One: Recognition
Two: Rejection
Three: The Meeting
Four: A Friendship Crumbled...
Five: ... Is Only the Start
Six: The Audacity
Seven: Pack Visitors
Eight: Confusion
Nine: Force of Nature
Ten: Bittersweet Moments
Eleven: Shadow Man
Twelve: Atonement
Thirteen: Do-Over
Fourteen: One Small Snag...
Fifteen: Sweet Family Moments
Sixteen: ... Unravels the Thread
Seventeen: Heartfelt Confession & First Time
Eighteen: The Last Straw
Nineteen: Unnecessary Despair
Twenty: Love, Unconditionally
Twenty-One: The Quail Wolf is Revealed
Twenty-Three: Forest Revelations
Twenty-Four: Ridge's Bold Move
Twenty-Five: Alpha Blood Vs Warrior Blood
Twenty-Six: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Storm
Twenty-Eight: The Nightmare
Twenty-Nine: A Raging Fire
Thirty: Iota
Thirty-One: Carpe Diem
Thirty-Two: Connection
Thirty-Three: Traitor
Thirty-Four: Back to Square One
Thirty-Five: Death Sentence
Thirty-Six: Like Poison
Thirty-Seven: Fair Warning
Thirty-Eight: Her Downfall
Thirty-Nine: Gigi's Choice
Forty: Madilynn's Return
Forty-One: Nigel
Forty-Two: Queen of Darkness
Forty-Three: When She Awakens...
Forty-Four: ... A Queen Will Rise
Forty-Five: Prophetic Threat
Forty-Six: Bittersweet Revelation
Forty-Seven: The Only One
Forty-Eight: One Last Night
Epilogue: This Isn't Goodbye

Twenty-Two: Noble Sacrifice

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The she-wolf's grin widened, her glowing gold eyes taking me in. She chuckled again behind her lips but I only returned a growl. My shoulders rose as I lowered my head, gnashing my teeth in her direction.

"Mm..." She raised a brow, tilting her head and eyed those behind me. "So the rumors were true after all. The sighting of a true Quail Wolf in this region has reached for miles. No one could believe it considering its been centuries since the last one. Now that I see you before me, though..." The woman pursed her lips together before growling in satisfaction, "It's fascinating!"

The she-wolf raised a brow, focusing on me again. She bowed her head a bit and rested a hand on her bare chest. "Forgive me if I'm star-struck. You have to see my side of this whole ordeal, Quail Wolf. You see, I didn't think I'd live to see such a remarkable wolf. But now that you're here... right in front of me... I am just in awe."

Her eyes flicked up to the one behind me, grinning, "What a lucky, alpha-to-be. Ohhhh, yes, I was right about you. You're strong alright for being given such a powerful wolf to stand beside you. And what power she will bring you..."

The woman's expression went stoic. A brow rose again as she looked back at me. Her eyes turning back to her human gray.

"I knew you were hiding, Quail wolf! Forgive me, but to draw you out I had to make a pass at the mate you stand so protectively in front of. In all honesty, I have no use for an alpha! Not when he'd be like the others. Weak. He doesn't stand a chance as you do. For you... you could be great! I can show you how to be! You're not meant to be just an Alpha Female."

The woman threw her arms up, smirking through a sneer, "You're meant for more! The stories about Quail Wolves should be proof of that! You have greatness within you that shouldn't be tamed! Shouldn't be kept away! It was meant to be shown! To be seen---and feared---by all!"

Pausing, the she-wolf's grin softened as she sighed, "So I plead with you now..." She extended her hand out towards me, lifting her chin and whispered loud enough with a strong command, "Come with me."

The wolf side of me was intrigued by this woman's words. I could feel my wolf now, stirring her emotions. She was battling with me, trying to sway me to listen and to take the offer. It was even reminding me of my past months of heartache... torment... betrayal. She was reminding me of how much I endured and allowed for too long.

It was enticing, yes... but then I thought of everything my family did to protect me. To keep me safe.

'But were they really keeping you safe?' A raspy and whispered voice sneered in my head. 'Or were they just hiding what you were meant to be?'

The voice was luring me. It was enticing me to take the woman's words to heart. 

I felt my paw lift off the ground and step in her direction. I could see the smile on her face and she was pleased in my consideration of her offer. 

Those behind me, I could hear calling my name. They sounded so far away. So insignificant as my gaze locked with the she-wolf's. She was nodding slowly, holding out her hand with this invisible force to draw me in. 

But out of all the voices that shouted my name, of all the ones pleading for me to stop what I was doing. It was his. It was his that made me halt.

I looked over my shoulder, my narrowed blue eyes meeting his green ones. He looked stunned for a moment, seeing my icy hue but it was only for a moment. Ridge's face contorted into a frown, his eyes pleading as he slowly shook his head, whispering for me to not go. 

Ridge swallowed, stepping forward and slowly raised a hand out to me. I glanced at it, flicking my gaze up to his. The Beta's brows furrowed a bit more, nodding as he asked for me to take his hand. 

The calculating stare I gave him had the Beta swallow hard, glancing over my head before looking back to me. Ridge shook his head, frowning and whispered, "Don't go. Please don't go, Gianna."

Ridge stepped towards me and he noticed me glancing down at him do this. I stood my ground though I cautiously watched him get closer. He held out his hand further, swallowing once more and pleaded, "Take my hand, Gianna. And... And don't let go."

My stare was locked with the Beta's and my head tilted curiously at this man. 

I heard an agitated growl and turned around to the blonde woman at the front of her snarling pack. She narrowed her eyes, gritting her teeth as she beckoned, "Come now, Quail Wolf! Don't be swayed by those beneath you!"

There was a tug of war happening in my head. The raspy, eerie voice in my head battled with my conscience. I stayed motionless until I heard Ridge speak my name again. I turned, eyeing the Beta when his body knelt to my eye level. 

Ridge's green gaze shimmered to gold, and my wolf and I lowered our head, raising our shoulders. My gaze calculated his until my wolf side felt his nudging the barrier around us. My posture relaxed, lifting my head and the Beta gave this knee-buckling smile when he shook his head saying he would not let me go. "I meant what I said... I love you. And only you."

My head tilted to the side, taking in the male a little longer before shutting my eyes and letting the long shiver work its way down my spine. I was beginning to shift back into my human form. The snaps of bone breaking to reattached in a different form was loud. When I was fully shifted, I lifted my gaze up to Ridge's and my shaky hand placed itself in his. 

The Beta smiled, relief in his eyes as he pulled me towards him. He wrapped his arms around me, shutting his eyes before pressing his lips to my forehead. The warmth of his touch was bringing me back control. The wolf side of me was easing herself into a more calm demeanor.

The menacing growl from behind me made me look over my shoulder again. My brows furrowed, feeling Ridge pulling me against him in a tight hold. A low growling vibration rumbled from his chest at the she-wolf across the way scrunching her nose and baring her teeth.

"They've caged you too long, Quail Wolf! But know this! They won't stand by you much longer! Then---then you will see where their loyalties lie!" 

Her gray eyes narrowed, sneering as she whispered a harsh, "And I'll be waiting."

She turned her head to snarl orders for her pack to retreat before looking at me once more. Her gray eyes shifted to gold, shimmering in the sunlight, then she turned on her heel to shift mid-step. 

The number of wolves that came with her sprinted back into the forest upon her orders. But the she-wolf turned her golden head once more, her wolf narrowing its eyes in a silent warning. Something told me that this wouldn't be the last I saw of her, just before she ran into the shadows of the trees and out of sight. 


Turning away from the forest, I looked up at the Beta scowling over my head. I felt my body relax being this close to him, being held this way. I grinned a little, leaning closer which finally drew his attention.

Ridge lowered his gaze to mine. My heart raced to see the shine in his face returning. His hands reached up, brushing the sides of my face and I leaned into his touch, shutting my eyes. I hummed with such a peaceful calm thrumming through me. 

My eyes were still shut for moment longer when I sighed, "You didn't get married." then opened them up to see his green eyes filled with mirth.

Ridge shook his head, grinning, "No. No, I didn't." 

His fingers rose up to my face, tucking my hair behind my ear. His brows furrowed , shaking his head as he whispered, "Why didn't you tell me?"

I knew he meant about being a Quail Wolf. I bit my lip, a warm blush rushing across my face as I admitted that I never got the chance with all that happened between us. I added that perhaps I held out so long in telling Ridge because I didn't want for him to want me because of what I was. 

The frown on his face made me wince and I sighed, shaking my head that I obviously had trust issues but he couldn't blame me. Ridge's face softened, realizing what I meant. He nodded, mumbling he understood and wouldn't have wanted me to share anything I wasn't comfortable with. 

Though this was a needed moment for Ridge and I, Alpha Wilson wasted no time of making his presence known as he directed towards Alpha Beaumont, "What is the meaning of this, Darren?! Your boy is supposed to be married, and here he is saying that he lied about who his mate was?!"

Alpha Wilson's gaze locked on me, his eyes narrowing. I frowned and took advantage of being in Ridge's safe arms. I hid against him, only one eye peering back at the agitated man. The alpha bared his teeth, growling before swinging around to look at Alpha Beaumont who was some feet away from us. 

My alpha frowned, looking between Ridge and I before settling on his son. From the look on his face, I knew that Ridge's refusal to marry Molly had made my leaving Carmel complicated. But now that the alpha knew what I was and that there were outsiders seeking me out, I was worried this would fuel him to get rid of me. 

And I hated being right.

"Ridge," the alpha's brows dipped further. He spared me a glance then focused on his son. He instructed Ridge to step aside. 

Ridge frowned, shaking his head as he held me closer. I felt my nerves buzz as I was in such close proximity between two males with Alpha Blood. Ridge questioned why he should when he'd already proclaimed that Molly wasn't his mate. He went as far as explaining that, before the unexpected intrusion earlier, Ridge was going to rightfully claim me as his mate. 

His dad raised a brow, jaw clenching and his eyes darkened. The alpha growled at Alpha Wilson who impatiently called to him. Alpha Beaumont barked at the other man that he was handling it! 

While the alphas were snarling at one another, I looked up at Ridge to whisper, "I'm cold." and shivered from feeling the light breeze against my skin. Ridge immediately removed his jacket and wrapped it around me, buttoning it all the way down for me.

My grin of appreciation had Ridge smile and kiss my forehead. He nodded for me to go stand by my family while he spoke to his dad.

"Let me try to sort this mess out," Ridge promised, but I frowned, trying to tell Ridge about the arrangement. He shook his head, gently asking again for me to let him handle things. I sighed, watching him urge me once more with a small nudge. Defeated, I nodded, turning away to walk back to where my family stood waiting eagerly.

I had to pass "the bride" on my way, and my gaze shifted her way, catching those blue eyes of hers widen before she took a step further back. I lowered a brow, eyeing her before scrunching my nose and turned away, quickly rushing over to stand with my family. Dad tucked me into his side.

The two alphas were in a middle of an argument while Ridge was scowling and trying to talk his way in between.

"This is your doing, Darren!" Alpha Wilson growled, pointing a finger at our alpha. "You must have known all along about them being mates!"

Alpha Beaumont slapped the other's hand out of his face, warning him to not do that again. Our alpha growled, scoffing that he didn't know what Alpha Wilson was so worked up about when they both knew that the treaty was finalized already. This seemed to settle the other alpha though Alpha Beaumont's heir interrupted again.

"Dad!" Ridge frowned at the alpha, asking him to listen but Alpha Beaumont snapped for his son to hold his tongue.

Alpha Wilson narrowed his eyes, glancing my way and I swallowed hard, leaning against Dad. The alpha sneered, his eyes filled with deceit as he faced Alpha Beaumont again. He craned his neck forward and snapped, "We had a deal, Darren! I take the Gomez girl for my son as the agreement to our fucking treaty!"

I widened my eyes the moment I saw my mate's back tense like a bow string. My dad made sure to tuck me into Mom's side, warning us all to stay back. He quickly headed over to the arguing men because as a Warrior, Dad was able to sense the alpha-rage rising in Ridge. And his intuition was correct.

"The fuck is he talking about?!" the younger Beaumont demanded, looking at his dad.

Alpha Beaumont snapped his eyes at his son, gritting his teeth and warned his son to watch the way he spoke to him.

"No, Dad! What the hell is he talking about? What does he mean he's taking Giana for his son?!"

Ridge clamped a hand to his chest, growling out that I was his mate! That I was not going anywhere!

"Ridge, Son. I have already agreed to the arrangement! Carmel will remain as it is and its people will remain safe under my protection without further prying from Hannibal! This means I am proving our alliance to Hannibal's pack by offering him a she-wolf of his choice! What he does with said she-wolf is no concern of mine!"

The way Ridge's eyes widened made the alpha sigh. He shut his eyes, running a hand over his hair and shook his head. He frowned, meeting his son's gaze when informing Ridge that Hannibal Wilson had taken an interest in finding a suitable Chosen for his son, Nikko. The visiting alpha wanted someone worthy to run the other pack alongside its alpha. 

"I'm sorry," Alpha Beaumont frowned, his tone not really backing up his words. "But I felt that of the eligible she-wolves in our pack, I felt Gigi was the best suited! With your situation with Molly, it is what is best for the pack... and Hannibal chose Gigi as such she-wolf he will be taking."

Ridge suddenly turned, his golden gaze now locked on Alpha Wilson. Ridge growled, rushing forward but his dad pulled him back. The alpha shoved his son back, getting in front of him and was shouting at Ridge to calm down. 

My dad stepped in to help the alpha, Sawyer doing the same. They grabbed onto Ridge's arms, holding the Beta back. It was quick thinking on their part to prevent an attack on another alpha. That would have given Alpha Wilson a reason to severe the treaty completely and start a war between us two.

"Get off me! Let me go!" Ridge shouted, trying to break free from Dad and Sawyer. They were trying to calm him down.

Alpha Wilson's offended demeanor continued. He glared at my mate, sizing him up before looking at his dad and raised a brow to bite out, "Your son needs to know his place, Darren! He is not alpha yet and has no say in this matter! Learn to control you son before he walks all over you!"

Almost enraged himself that he was being put down by another alpha, Alpha Beaumont snarled at the man to not tell him how to raise his son! He added that the other alpha should worry about his own son instead other peoples! 

Though he was insulted by the intervening of Alpha Wilson, Alpha Beaumont was already worked up. And hearing his son's protests were not helping. My alpha whipped around, growling loudly as he stomped over and grabbed the front of Ridge's dress shirt. He hauled the Beta out of my dad's and Sawyer's grasp, throwing Ridge onto his back on the steps leading up to the gazebo. 

I tensed, eyes wide though Mom kept me in place, muttering in my ear to keep still. 

Alpha Beaumont narrowed his golden eyes, baring his teeth and pointed a finger in my mate's face.

"Make this the last time you embarrass me in front of company, Ridge Amos. I don't give a shit if you're my son... I will have you dealt with. Is that clear?!"

Ridge narrowed his eyes up at his dad, his chest heaving heavily. His jaw clenched as his dad backed up, still giving a hard look at the Beta when Sawyer came up with Dad to help Ridge up. Sawyer held onto him while Dad turned, brows quirked worriedly.  

Dad frowned, "Darren---"

"You stay out of this, Angus! You're another matter to be dealt with! You kept your daughter's identity hidden all this time! I had trusted you with my life, and you went behind my back to keep the fact that there was a Quail Wolf in my pack?! Do you realize how dangerous that is for our pack?!"

My dad frowned, straightening with his shoulders back. He proclaimed that he did it to protect me from someone like our alpha who thought I was supposedly dangerous. Dad assured our alpha that anyone else in the pack was more dangerous than I was.

"So, yes, Darren!" Dad got in the alpha's face, making the latter growl. "I did keep her identity from you! And I stand by what I did! Give what punishment you see fit, Alpha, for I don't see any wrong in what I've done! I did it to keep my daughter---my child---safe from someone like you!"

I looked at Mom, her eyes wide with worry. She kept glancing between the alpha and her husband, her glassy gaze tearing now.  The rest of my family was no better. They were giving off anxious waves and it was because we could see how angry the alpha was. He was feeling betrayed ,and God knows what he was going to do to my dad. 

This was all my fault because I lost control and allowed myself to expose my secret!

Alpha Beaumont growled behind his lips. He held Dad's gaze as he announced loudly for the rest of the pack to hear that Dad was to be arrested for treason against Carmel. He voiced that the only validation for such treason against not only the pack but to Dad's alpha... was death.

I shook my head, whispering, "No!" as two warriors---Dad's warriors--- approached. They looked resistant but when Dad glanced at them, giving a small nod for them to obey, the two warriors' shoulders sagged before complying with the alpha's orders. They got hold of Dad and began to lead him away.

I started to panic and I know---I know--- I should have kept myself quiet, but I couldn't. Not when it came to the man who had been protecting me since I was thirteen.

Alpha Beaumont faced a satisfied looking Alpha Wilson who had the nerve to sneer at Ridge and then at my dad who was glaring back at the other alpha. 

With my own face beginning to scowl, I growled low but not quiet enough for those around me. They all turned their attention to me as I declared that I wasn't going anywhere with Alpha Wilson.

"I cannot go with you, Alpha Wilson." I focused on the man whose eyes narrowed, darkening at my "speaking out of turn". "I have a family here to protect! And I already have a mate, so I can't be married off to your son. You have to pick someone else! Or figure out another way to keep the peace between our packs but I refuse to go anywhere with you!"

The Alpha's icy gaze narrowed, shouldering past my frowning alpha towards me. I glanced at Ridge struggling to get out of Sawyer's grasp before I faced Alpha Wilson now standing in front of me. He towered over me, his dominance radiating off him. 

Mom shook beside me so I stepped in front of her, giving the alpha a hard stare down. 

"You speak out of line, Miss Gomez," The Alpha spoke so calmly though I could hear the slight edge in his tone. "As I warned you before, I will not tolerate such an outspoken young woman in my pack."

I narrowed my eyes, jaw tightening as he went on that the agreement was already made, and that there was nothing I could do to change it.

"You will remember, Miss Gomez, that after tonight," the alpha leaned closer, getting in my face on purpose. He was almost nose to nose with me. "You will become a part of my pack after today. And with that comes certain rules. I won't hold back from raising a hand to those who speak out of turn or rank."

His breath hit my face he was so close when he mocked, "Not even a Quail Wolf bride as yourself."

Alpha Wilson straightened, turning around and reminding Alpha Beaumont that the deal was I was going to be married off to Nikko and that was that. 

I glanced at Cody that moment at my baby brother. Cody was switching gazes between his mate and me before keeping his sights on the visiting Beta across the aisle. Nikko swallowed, his blue eyes stared at my brother, this defeated look in his face. 

I felt my eyes close, knowing what could possibly save them both.


Alpha Wilson stopped his argument with Alpha Beaumont and turned. That icy gaze of his narrowed and hinted that he was ready to give me another few choice words about my speaking out of line---but I had Cody to worry about right now.

I swallowed, stepping forward as I glanced at Ridge who frowned at me. He squinted, curiosity on his face of what I was doing. My heart broke all over again, watching him, unable to tear away from his gaze as I directed in a small whimper to the visiting alpha, "I'll go with you."

Ridge's eyes widened, struggling to move forward as he shouted, "Gianna, no!"

I straightened my shoulders and held my head up high, taking Mom's words to heart. My body trembled, but I had to put up a front. I couldn't let this alpha see me worse than how little he thought of me already.

"Under my conditions will I go with you, Alpha Wilson," I voiced with my chin out.

The man narrowed his eyes, eyeing me before sneering with his neck craned forward, "And just what does a woman know of negotiations?"

Ignoring the insult, my shoulders pushed back and I spoke my demand. 

"Relinquish Nikko from your pack---and as your son. Let him stay here, in Carmel, in my place and I will go with you. I... I will become part of your pack."

"That clearly defeats the purpose of why I chose you, Miss Gomez," The Alpha spat out. He looked at his stunned son, and growled at him. 

Nikko glanced at my brother then back at me. The look on his face made it obvious he knew what I was bargaining. 

Nikko being relinquished by his dad from his pack would mean giving up the alpha title. Nikko would lose all ties to his pack if Cody was to be in his life at all. This was the only way---on my quick thinking anyway---that I found they could be together. 

One of us was going to end up happy, and it better damn be my baby brother.

Alpha Wilson narrowed his eyes at me and took a deep breath after I made it clear my demand was the only way I would go with him. The alpha scratched at his chin, studying me a moment before muttering, "I suppose... it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to rid me of such... a disgrace."

Nikko's gaze lowered, his brows furrowed at the abusive words thrown at him so publicly. 

His dad raised a brow, telling me without caring the rest of the packs could hear. "Nikko was never going to live up to the role of alpha anyway. Not with how sensitive and feeble he is. The title will be given to someone more worthy, like my nephew who would be next in line."

I swallowed when the alpha suggested that it would be quite an addition anyway to have a she-wolf as myself in his pack.

"What a prize to have such a tempting Quail Wolf on our side."

Narrowing my eyes, I was promising myself I wouldn't let this man take advantage of my wolf. That I was going to protect her on my own now. My heart ached knowing that once again I'd be divided from Ridge. This time for good. It seemed like a waste for him to admit to being my mate now that he'd probably end up marrying Molly anyway to have an Alpha Female at his side.

I could hear Ridge shouting with his dad about me but I was too busy staring down the alpha in front of me. Again, I felt a bad vibe from this man. I wasn't sure what he would do to me now that he knows what I am. He made it perfectly clear I would be beneficial to his pack... but in what way?

Alpha Beaumont shouted, "ENOUGH!" and everyone stilled, minus Ridge pleading with his dad in between shouting at Sawyer to release him.

I waited for my alpha to look at me before I raised my brows that I had another condition, this last condition was for him. Alpha Beaumont's brows furrowed, narrowing his eyes and informed me that I was not really in a position to negotiate with him. 

Baring my teeth, I growled, "Well, like it or not, I am in the position to negotiate." His brows shot up at my forcefulness. "I am the only thing between you and war, Alpha. Shall I keep silent then?"

The alpha's jaw clenched, his green eyes narrowed more and I raised a brow, silently reminding him that he wanted to get rid of me anyway. And this was the only way how.

Alpha Beaumont conceded. He grunted under his breath, giving a firm nod for me to speak.

I took a deep breath, pushing my shoulders back and made sure to not let my voice shake as I told my alpha, "See to it, Alpha Beaumont, that you pardon my family," I widened my eyes as I stressed, "All of them---from the treason you placed on my dad. If you accept my leaving with the alpha, as a peace offering, then it shall be a peace offering here too. I will not go unless you speak here and now that my dad and family are pardoned of their crime!"

Alpha Beaumont's brows lowered, jaw clenching as his nostrils flared. He growled before turning to his wife who suddenly appeared beside him. The alpha frowned at her and the Alpha Female looked up at him, placing a hand on his arm. With a small nod, the woman muttered something.  She was not really outspoken unless need be and now seemed a good time as any.

"Darren," my Alpha Female tilted her head, her voice soft. "They did it out of love for their daughter. You've known Angus since childhood. We've known the Gomez family since we were together. Never have they given reason to betray you or us. Don't you think it's only fair to give this young woman what she asks? Imagine how she feels in her position..." 

The woman looked at me, offering a small solemn smile as she directed to her husband, "You and I would have done everything we could to protect our son had it been reversed."

Her husband remained silent, looking at his wife when she faced him again. Her brows rose, giving him a hard look before the alpha groaned. His scowl faced me, still displeased with me, obviously. 

Alpha Beaumont nodded, "Alright, Gigi. I will agree to your condition if Alpha Wilson agrees to his."

After both alphas nodded to one another in agreement, Alpha Beaumont sighed and spoke loud enough for all to hear, "Gianna Gomez, from this day forward---"

"Dad, stop! Please! Mom, stop him!"

"---you have been chosen as the one to keep the peace between two packs---that of Carmel and Alpha Wilson's---"

Ridge's anguished cries got louder and his mother turned to her son. She looked sorry for him though she was unable to stop anything. The deal had been agreed to already. 

Ridge leaned forward as much as he could despite the hands holding him back. "You can't do this! Dad! Dad, she's my mate! She's my mate!"

Alpha Beaumont tuned out his son, keeping his focus on me and raised his voice louder. I stood there, feeling myself tremble with the anxiety building up inside me.

"I relinquish you of your ties to this pack in Carmel, Gianna---"

"Get off me! Dad, stop! I said, let go of me!"

"And with this responsibility---," Alpha Beaumont went on, and I stood there, my chin trembling as my alpha finished off,"---of taking this transfer, you will uphold your word to become part of Alpha Wilson's pack in a union of marriage to the pack's future alpha."

My watery eyes couldn't help leaving the alpha's to look at Ridge. My lip trembled while Ridge's teary eyes looked at me, pleading in a shout, "Gianna! Gianna, don't you dare agree to this! I mean it!" 

I knew I couldn't do that. I couldn't be selfish. Another tear ran down my cheek as I stared at the love of my life. It was my responsibility to protect my family, no matter what.

With a deep breath, I faced Alpha Beaumont and nodded firmly, "I will uphold my word to you as a former pack member, Alpha. I accept my role as the peace offering."

A crying sob escaped Mom who dropped to her knees behind me. Wade rushed over to her and I  heard him whispering through a hoarse voice to her. My sister was weeping into her hands, and I could see Cody from the corner of my eye sitting heavily in the seat, staring at the ground with tears in his eyes. 

My gaze fell to the floor. There was this empty feeling numbing me completely. 

I could hear Ridge cry out, a frustrated sob that ached me to the core. Ridge was hurting right now... and I couldn't help him even when Sawyer released him. The Beta slumped to the ground, and let out an angry cry when his mom ran over to him. He was pushing her away and the alpha female cried for him.

Dad's eyes met mine from where he was being guarded. His brown eyes staring at me and he swallowed, shaking his head slowly before breaking down with his hands covering his face. 

I didn't know how to comfort my family at this moment. What could I do? They were losing me... after all these years of protecting me from something like this, but the alpha was going to kill my dad. I couldn't let that happen.

Wouldn't it have been the most selfish thing to let him die? I could never live with myself knowing I'd be the reason for my dad's death.

Alpha Wilson approached me at that moment. He completely ignored the weeping from my family and Ridge. He just stood in front of me, sneering that we were set to leave tomorrow morning. That the alpha would be decent enough to give me this last night to say my goodbyes.

"Now if you excuse me... I have a son to cut ties with," the man scowled, and turned on his heel to grab Nikko by the collar and haul him down the aisle and out of sight.

I watched the pack disperse upon Alpha Beaumont's orders. I couldn't move despite the glances I had received from them. Some were curious, others weary and others saddened. I just stood there, taking in a deep breath and shut my eyes.

My eyes snapped open when I heard the alpha female call to her son. Ridge stood before me, shaking me by the arms and shouting of what I've done. I opened my mouth to apologize, but instead Ridge just pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me, shaking his head as it leaned against mine. He grit his teeth, whispering through a whimper that I belonged with him, and that we were supposed to finally be together.

"Ridge! Let's go! Now!" his dad ordered, as I glanced at him. 

Alpha Beaumont wasn't happy with me. For whatever reason the man didn't want things to get more complicated and being with Ridge would certainly complicate things. He narrowed his eyes at me before shifting to the back of his son, ordering for Ridge to get away from me.

The alpha growled, "I gave you an order, Son!"

Ridge squeezed me tight and I gasped in surprise. He leaned his mouth against my ear, his hot breath panting in a whisper against it to meet him tonight. That he had to see me tonight. No matter what. 

I pulled back a bit, widening my eyes at him. 

The Beta raised his brows, mouthing, "Promise me." and I slowly nodded before Alpha Beaumont took it upon himself to march over, grab onto his son's shirt and tear him away from me. Ridge stumbled backward but still kept his sight on me as he was being ushered away.

I could hear his dad giving him orders to stay away from me because I was no longer a part of this pack. Mrs. Beaumont looked over her shoulder at me, her blue eyes taking me in for whatever reason and then she turned away, catching up to reason with her angry husband.

My family rushed over to me. I stared at them as they questioned me on why I did what I did. That they were willing to pay the consequences for protecting me. But I shook my head that it was time for me to have returned the favor, and looked at my dad as I directed to them all, "I love you. And this was my only way to prove it."

Dad pulled me into his arms, kissing my head multiple times and sighed, "Oh Button... the strength in you is astounding at times. And I couldn't ask for a more honorable daughter."

He pulled away, running his fingers through his hair and tried to make the best of the situation I think. He looked at me and grinned sadly, "How about I cook up something you love for dinner tonight?"

I glanced at my tearful eyed family before I nodded back at Dad.

With my temporary bravery, I made him promise though that we would all go about the rest of the night like it wasn't my last with them. That we'd be the normal, loving family we were just yesterday.

It was going to be hard for them, they told me, but that for me----for what I did for them---they would do it. They would be as brave as I was and do as I asked. They began to make their way towards home and I stood there a moment. Alone.

With me staring up at the sky, and seeing the clouds turning a grayish color as they slowly swirled a warning of a storm coming, I pleaded with the Spirit World---hoping that they'd hear me, "If you're out there... please... please help me. I need you more now than ever. And I don't know what to do..."

Nothing. I heard nor felt nothing. I wasn't sure what I was expecting. Maybe for some miracle to set things right again. Where I could be free from everything spirally out of control.

As I made my way back to my home, I kept thinking to myself that I needed to be strong. If not myself, then for my family. For Ridge.

Just thinking of him, I slowly let a smile tug at my lips. I would see to it that this night was a good one. It would be my last one here, and I was not going to let myself go away with another bad memory.


Xoxo Always,


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