Star Girl : A McFly Fanfic {D...

By NevNevNev01

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YouTuber Saffron Goode is a brunette, a bit of a genius and a massive Galaxy Defender. This year, she attends... More

Star Girl : A McFly Fanfic
Chapter 1- Friday Night
Chapter 2- I'll Be OK
Chapter 3- You've got a Friend
Chapter 4- Smile
Chapter 5- Sensitive Guy
Chapter 6- Do Ya
Chapter 7- Room On The 3rd Floor
Chapter 8- Met This Girl
Chapter 9- Star Girl
Chapter 11- Easy Way Out
Chapter 12- No Worries
Chapter 13- Obviously
Chapter 14- The Promise
Chapter 15- The End
Chapter 16- Don't Stop Me Now
Chapter 17- Falling in Love
Chapter 18
An Official Ending (A/N)

Chapter 10- Saturday Night

126 4 0
By NevNevNev01

Saffron's POV 

Months later........

It's a Saturday night, a few months since I last saw McFly, but again, there have been tweets, texts and Skype calls exchanged. It's now March, and I've just had the most exciting text ever from Danny: Hey Saff, you know that song we wrote in December? Yeah, we're just about to start working on our next album, and we'd love it if you featured in that track. We'll Skype you at 7:30 to talk more. D x

Oh. My. God! I know they mentioned it in December, but it actually happening? I can't get my head around it. Before I know it, it's 7:30, and I've got an incoming Skype call from Tom. I click answer and am immediately greeted by Dougie's face right up in front of the webcam, "Ahh! Doug!" I shout, and hear a chorus of laughter from the other end. "I hate you guys." I say, trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably, causing even more laughter. Eventually, Harry continued with the reason for the call,
"So Saffie, we're going on a writing trip just after Tom's birthday to write the bulk of our next album, and record some demos, wanna come?" he raises an eyebrow, knowing my answer,
"Hmm, I might have to think about that..." I reply, "OF COURSE!" I shout, pretty much exploding with excitement. For a moment, I wonder why  Danny looks so confused, but then he asks,
"When is Tom's birthday?" much to Harry's amusement. Whilst Tom, Harry and I face palm, Dougie looks equally as confused. Tom turns to me,
"Saffron, when is my birthday?" he asks, exasperated,
"17th July." I reply confidently and Tom and Harry nod in approval.
"How did you know that?" Danny questions. In answer, I simply point to myself and say, "Fan."

We speak for about ten minutes more, discussing details, when I get a call on my mobile, I ask the boys to excuse me for a minute, and check the caller ID. It's Sophia, my best friend, so I press the answer button, "Hey Soph!" I say, putting the phone to my ear,
"Saffron!" she cries, pleased that I picked up,
"What is it?" I ask, glancing back at my computer screen,
"Can I come over? I want to tell you in person." Sophia asks. I glance back at the boys, knowing we need to talk some more, but I haven't seen Sophia for ages, so I have to say yes,
"By the way," I add, "I've got McFly on Skype right now."    
"What?!" she asks, but I've already hung up.
"Sophia's on her way." I say to the boys.  
"Sophia?" Harry asks,
"Her best friend, Dude." Dougie replies smugly, then looks at me, "See? I remember these things!"  
"Very impressive, Doug." Tom interjects, "So you can remember the name of Saffron's best friend, but not my birthday?" 
"Yes." Dougie replies confidently, so Tom just lets the matter drop.
After a few more minutes of talking, I hear my doorbell ring, so I get up and open it to find Sophia.
"Saffron!" she squeals, hugging me. We haven't seen each other for about a week, which is really rare, we usually don't go a day without seeing one another.   "Hi!" I grin, super excited about seeing her, "Come in!" We make our way back to the living room, where McFly are waiting for us to come into shot.  "Hello!" Dougie shouts when we get to the centre of the room, making Sophia jump,  "Oh hi!" she smiles at them. Soph isn't as big a fan as me, but she has listened to, and liked, their music.  "McFly, Sophia. Sophia, McFly." I say, gesturing to  and from either of them. "So what did you want to tell me, Soph?" I ask eagerly, "Oh yeah!"" she smiles at the thought,  "I've been offered a place at Cambridge next year!" she shouts, which leads to me jumping up and down and hugging her really tightly in excitement. I glance back at my computer screen to find McFly looking incredibly bemused. "Guys, remember I'm going to Cambridge next year?" I say, leading to lots of "Oh yeah! I remember." "Congratulations you two!" Tom shouts, and we both squeal some more. Sophia looks at me now, "So, did you have somethimg to tell me too?" she asks, jolting her head towards the computer screen, at McFly.   "Oh yeah!" I remember, "The boys want me to feature in a track on the album!" I grin, which leads to more jumping and squealing.  "When are you going away then?" Sophia asks when we finally pull apart,  "End of July-ish." I say. Sophia suddenly looks concerned, "What?" I ask, "Are you going to miss your birthday?" I quickly realise that 'end of July-ish' is around my birthday! "When's your birthday?" Tom asks, looking worried,  "July 31st." I say, grinning.  "Isn't that Harry Potter's birthday?" Tom questions,  "Yup." I say, smiling that Tom gets it.   "Oh crap," Harry says, "Izzy and I are going out tonight, I need to go." We then decide there's no point talking any further, so we agree to meet up properly again soon and end the call. I then turn to Sophia and go "OH. MY. GOD."

I can't believe it, I'm actually going to be on McFly's album!

A/N. Hi there, it feels like it's been a while. As always, I hope you enjoy and please vote and comment! Bye!

Neve x

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