Beyond Pokemon

By NasukraBTsuki

10.7K 531 1.5K

In the world of Pokemon, there are some adult situations the cartoon failed to touch on. Many fail to realize... More

Chapter 1. Big Brother Charizard.
Chapter 2. Showdown
Chapter 3. Unsatisfied
Chapter 4. No "I" in Team
Chapter 5. Gyarados
Chapter 6. Sail away.
Chapter 7. First Pokemon
Chapter 8. Lake 0
Chapter 9. What?!
Chapter 10. Mega-Evolution?
Chapter 11. Too Much
Chapter 12. Return to Sender
Chapter 13. Back on Track.
Chapter 14. These Boots
Chapter 15. Invasion of The Pokemon League
Chapter 16. First Steps.
Chapter 17. Disagreeable Situations
Chapter 18. Takes a Ghost to Catch a Ghost
Chapter 19. Kyla vs Chad
Chapter 20. Blare's Match.
Chapter 21. Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 22. David vs Hermit
Chapter 23. Tsunami
Chapter 24. David vs Kyla, The Final Battle
Beyond Pokemon/ Part 2/ Interlude/ Announcements and Q/A
Part 2, Chapter 1. The Return
Part 2, Chapter 2. Back to School
Part 2, Chapter 3. Lesson Plan 1, The Bully
Part 2, Chapter 4. Class Assignment
Part 2, Chapter 5. A Close Call/ A Reluctant Bandit
Part 2, Chapter 6. Search for Salvation.
Part 2, Chapter 7. Evaluation Day
Part 2, Chapter 8. Rebellious and Abandoned
Part 2, Chapter 9. When You Thought You Could Rest.
Part 2, Chapter 10. Rise of Moltres, Part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 11. Rise of Moltres, Part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 12. A Loyal Enemy, A Jealous Friend.
Part 2, Chapter 13. Offical Challenge, Part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 14. Offical Challenge, Part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 15. When In Oblivia
Part 2, Chapter 16. Uphill All The Way
Part 2, Chapter 17. Land Ahoy!
Part 2, Chapter 18. Professor Elm
Part 2, Chapter 19. The Rising Tides
Part 2, Chapter 20. The Violet Tower, part 1.
Part 2, Chapter 21. The Violet Tower, part 2.
Part 2, Chapter 22. Ruins of Alph.
Part 2, Chapter 23. Guardians of the Sky and Sea.
Part 2, Chapter 25. Fire & Ice
Part 2, Chapter 26. Adding Gas to Fire
Part 2, Chapter 27. Family Bonds
Part 2, Chapter 28. A Night Under The Stars
Part 2, Chapter 29. Surf's Up On Love
Part 2, Chapter 30. Road to the Battle Tower
Part 2, Chapter 31. Registration Day.
Part 2, Chapter 32. Battle Tower, Bracket J.
Part 2, Chapter 33. The Pokemon Cafe
Part 2, Chapter 34. Casting the Net.
Part 2, Chapter 35. SPTU Investigation
Part 2, Chapter 36. Bracket G, Sue's debut
Part 2, Chapter 37. Respect Is Everything.
Part 2, Chapter 38. Bracket F.
Part 2, Chapter 39. Giga-Evolution
Part 2, Chapter 40. Next Level!
Part 2, Chapter 41. Bracket C, Blare Vs. Grace
Part 2, Chapter 42. Bracket B, Ghost From The Past
Part 2, Chapter 43. Zoey's Truth.
Part 2, Chapter 44. Ark's Judgment
Part 2, Chapter 45. Bracket A, Mind & Muscel
Part 2, Chapter 46. Bracket A, Beauty & Brains
Part 2, Chapter 47. Hoss.

Part 2, Chapter 24. Blare's Shocking Discovery

46 5 11
By NasukraBTsuki

On Route 33, Blare's phone falls to the ground, popping and crackling with electricity.

She grasps her hand in pain. "Ow! That wasn't very nice!" She shouts at a strange sabertoothed Pokemon.

The Pokemon stands crouched, rigid, and growling, glaring at Blare with electricity crackling off of him.

Deanna retreats behind a tree. "Blare, this Pokemon seems agitated!" She shouts back.

Blare stares back angerly. "I don't care. Wild Pokemon don't know any better.." She says to Deanna, turning back to the strange Pokemon and pointing. "But you are about to learn your lesson!"

The Pokemon continues to crouch, ready to pounch on the first Pokemon Blare sends out.

"You're pissing me off." Blare says, pulling out a Pokeball. "Aggron, I choose you!" 

Blare throws the ball and Aggron pops out. Almost immediately the wild Pokemon leaps upon him. Aggron's thick skin protects him from a Thunder Fang attack, as he throws the Pokemon off.

Blare raises her arm. "No playing around with this one, Let's go, Mega Evolution!"

Aggron glows brightly, glowing and reshaping as he emerges as Mega Aggron. He glares at the wild Pokemon. 

"RAI!" The Pokemon shouts as it attacks with Thunder.

The attack bounces off of Mega Aggron, only serving to anger him more.

"Aggron, you can do whatever you want with this one. I honestly just want this wild Pokemon to learn its lesson." Blare says, waving her hand.

Mega Aggron chuckles evilly as it looms over the newcomer.

The Pokemon rears back and lunges with a Thunder Claw, hitting Aggron. However, Aggron grabs him, by the front paws and spins him around and slashing him against the ground with a Seismic Toss. The Pokemon's breath is knocked from his lungs and lays limp. Aggron looms over him, readying a Metal Claw should he move. The Pokemon lays still for a moment, but then leaps up again, attempting to sink a Thunder Fang attack into Mega Aggron's neck. Aggron hits him, square in the face, with his Metal Claw, knocking him out.

Blare looks back with a sigh. "This was hardly worth our time." Blare pulls out a newly bought Ultra Ball. "But, might as well catch it." Blare throws the Pokeball and captures the wild Pokemon.

Mega Aggron roars in victory.

Blare glaces at him. "Why are you so happy, that was barely a workout for you?"

Aggron turns and grunts at her, pointing to the Pokeball.

Blare's eyes go wide, staring at the ball in her hand. "A.. legendary Pokemon?!"

Aggron nods.

Blare is speechless, as she continues to stare at the Pokeball.

Aggron slowly approaches and waves his hand in front of her face, with a few more grunts.

Deanna slowly comes out. "Blare? Are you okay?!"

A smile slowly grows on Blare's face as she slowly begins to laugh. "A.. a.. legendary Pokemon! My very own LEGENDARY POKEMON!!!" Blare looks up at Mega Aggron and then leaps at him, throwing her arms around his neck. "Oh my god, I love you!"

Aggron seems noticeably uncomfortable by the sudden show of affection.

Blare kisses his cheek. "You are absolutely amazing, Aggron! You did a get job!"

Aggron blushes wildly, looking away uncomfortably. 

Blare backs away slightly, looking down and shuffling her feet. "I'm sorry. I know I usually don't praise you this much.." She looks back up at him, directly in the eye. "But honestly, you scared me before. That is why I always just let you do your own thing. But I really do appreciate you, and care about you."

Mega Aggron reverts back to his original form and slowly leans down to her, looking her in the eyes. He grunts, gently nudging her arm.

Blare's face lights up as she outstretches her arm and pets his head. "Think we can do this properly from now own?"

Aggron slowly nods.

Blare, looks at Deanna, while still petting Agrron. "I need your phone."

Deanna hands the phone to her.

Blare dials Kyla's number, and the phone rings.

"Deanna?" Kyla answers, questioningly.

"No, it's me. I just ran into a legendary Pokemon." Blare says.

"Are you okay?!" Kyla asks, excitedly.

Blare smiles at Aggron. "Oh I'm fine, even captured the weirdo."

"Can you describe the Pokemon for me?" Kyla asks.

"Yellow, with black stripes. Definitely an electric type." Blare responds.

Kyla is silent for a moment, heard relaying the information to David and Hermit in the background. "Where are you now?"

"Route 33, just outside of Azalea Town." Blare answers.

"We will be right there!" Kyla says excitedly, hanging up the phone.

Blare pulls out Aggron's Pokeball. "I owe you a meal and some quality time here soon, okay?"

Aggron smiles and nods as he is recalled to his Pokeball.

As Blare puts his ball away, Kyla, David, and Hermit appear beside an Alakazam.

Kyla runs up to Blare, checking her hand. "You lied to me! You're hurt!!!"

Blare shakes her hand. "It is nothing."

Kyla glares at her, while treating her hand. "You just caught THE Legendary Pokemon, Raikou, and you are not worried about nerve damage?!!"

Blare's expression changes to a blank, thoughtful stare. "Uh.. I honestly had no idea."

Kyla tightens a bandage around her hand, causing Blare to jump in pain. "It must be nice to be so ignorant. That Pokemon is capable of summoning massive thunderstorms. The lighting alone could have fried you to a crisp."

Blare looks over Kyla's shoulder at an irritated Hermit and a proudly smiling David. "I.. uh.."

Hermit sighs. "Well.. I can't say you didn't deserve your own legendary Pokemon.. So.. congratulations."

"Uh.. thanks?" Blare replies, with a questioning tone.

Kyla finishes with Blare's hand, turning to David. "I need you to do a full check of her hand once we get to Azalea Town."

"Absolutely." David replies.

"That really sounds unnessisary." Blare says, waving her hands nervously.

Kyla gets in her face. "Need I remind you that I am your boss, even more so now that I am working closely with the Pokemon League? You WILL submit to an examination from David, and if you don't I will not allow you to return to work. Got it?!"

Blare face droops as she glances back up at Kyla. "Yes, Ma'am.."

Hermit sighs and turns to David. "What should I do.. boss?"

David looks at him. "Why don't you keep searching for Entei. Just stay in touch. If Blare is any indication, these Pokemon are not above attacking trainers."

Hermit seems excited by David's permission. "I will!" Hermit teleports away with his Alakazam.

"Am I.. interrupting something?" Blare asks, as they continue into Azalea Town.

"Actually, we are on official Pokemon League business, concerning Ho-Oh and Lugia." Kyla replies.

Blare looks questioningly at David and Kyla. "Don't tell me you captured them?!"

David shakes his head. "They are essential to the harmony of this region, so we kind of can't capture them."

"That's too bad." Deanna says unhappily.

Kyla shrugs. "You get some and you lose some. In this case, it is just better to keep those two happy."

They head straight for the Pokemon Center. Walking in, they are greeted by an energetic Nurse Joy.

"Hey! How are you four today?!" She asks, with a smile.

David greets her back. "Not too great. I need to use your examination room, please."

"I will need to see you identification, sir." Nurse Joy replies.

David shows her his Pokemon League id card.

She bows. "Thank you, Doctor Brown. Please proceed."

David motions for the others to follow as he leads them to the examination room. Inside, Blare lays on a table while David prepares a nearby machine.

Deanna watches David. "What are you going to do?"

"Well, I am going to start with a scan of the muscles in her hand. If those check out, I will do a deeper scan to ensure her nerves were not damaged." David replies.

Deanna continues to watch as David pulls the machine over to Blare and turns it on. David and Kyla watch the screen. Once the machine is finished, David lifts Blare's hand. 

"Try to move your hand." David says.

Blare tries to make a fist, but two of her fingers only move half way.

"Slight muscular damage." David says, putting her arm back down on the table.

He turns back to the machine and starts the second scan. Again, once the machine finishes, David lifts Blare's arm.

He takes a pin out of his pocket and pokes the tips of her fingers. "Can you feel this?"

Blare waits until he has checked all her fingers. "Yes, I felt all of that."

"Okay." David says, slowly lowering her arm again. "You are lucky. Most trainers that get hit with an electrical attack lose all feeling in their arm."

"Well.. I was on the phone at the time...." Blare jumps up. "MY PHONE! Raikou fried my phone!!"

Kyla stops her. "That phone likely saved you from being seriously paralyzed."

David nods. "Your phone acted as a lighting rod for the electrical attack. I am more surprised it didn't explode."

Blare breathes for a moment and then relaxes. "I guess I was lucky.."

"Very." David replies. "Let me just tell you this. After my battle with Zapdos, my Dragonite was unable to fully function for almost six months. Ledgendary Pokemon are no joke."

Blare sits silently thinking.

"Well! I have to get my Pokemon healed up for the next gym battle, so I'll just be out here." Deanna says, awkwardly stepping out of the room.

Blare continues to sit in silence.

"Blare, sweety? Are you okay?" Kyla asks.

"Yeah.. I was just thinking how much worse things might have been if I had not chose Aggron." Blare replies softly.

David stands up slowly. "The point is, you made the right choice, you are not badly hurt, and you are now officially a legendary trainer. So stop getting so down on yourself and be proud."

Kyla ruffles Blare's hair a bit. "You have no idea how relieved I am that you are safe. Furthermore, I am so very proud of you!" 

Blare cracks a smile. "Thanks, you two."

Kyla gives her a hug. "Now, come on. We have an investigation to finish so we can get to that tournament."

Blare nods, as Kyla releases her from the hug. "Right."

Heading out of the examination room, Blare hands Raikou's Pokeball to Nurse Joy, to put on the healing machine. They stand at the front desk, directly behind Nurse Joy, as she places the Pokeball on the machine and turns it on. The machine starts up normally, but quickly begins to make strange noises and spark wildly. 

David reaches over the desk and pulls Nurse Joy behind the desk. "GET DOWN!" He shouts.

Everyone ducks just before the machine begins to smoke and catch fire.

David rushes to a fire extinguisher and puts out the fire. 

"What happened?!" Kyla asks, peeking up from behind the desk.

David shrugs. "Either the machine is faulty, or Raikou somehow overloaded it."

Blare and Deanna peek over the desk.

"I am going with the ladder." Blare replies.

Nurse Joy pops up quickly. "It was differently not the machine. We just had a tune-up done last week."

David sighs. "Let's hope it was enough to get some answers out of him." David looks at Nurse Joy. "I will have my brother send a team to repair this as soon as possible."

Nurse Joy laughs. "Don't worry about that. I can manage until they get here."

Blare hurries around the desk and picks up Raikou's Pokeball. She then turns with a bow. "I am terribly sorry for the machine."

Nurse Joy waves her hand. "Don't worry yourself over it. Much worse things have happened, this is really nothing. Heck, one time a Snorlax popped out of his Pokeball and completely crushed our machine."

Blare looks at the machine and back at Nurse Joy. "How are you so happy?!"

Nurse Joy chuckles. "I put ALOT of sugar in my coffee."

Blare quickly leans over the desk, slamming her hands down. "You have coffee?!!!"

Nurse Joy nods, with a smile.

"Can I have some?!" Blare asks excitedly.

David slowly approaches her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "We really need to question Raikou."

"I will start a fresh pot and have it ready by the time you are done." Nurse Joy says, retiring to the back.

"Thank you!" Blare exclaims, as Kyla and David guide her out the door.

"Perhaps.. I should stay here, until you return." Deanna suggests.

"Probably best. We will try not to be too long." Kyla replies.

David whispers to Blare. "You don't want any of that coffee, trust me."

"Why not?!" Blare asks.

"Pretty sure sugar has nothing to do with her mood. I bet you anything, that coffee is made from green apricorns, which are used to make friend balls that make wild Pokemon, who are caught, more friendly." David replies. "The sugar is probably because the apricorn coffee is so bitter."

Blare looks sad, as she is forced out the door. "Magic coffee.." she mumbles.

Kyla opens Gardevior's Pokeball.

"Greetings, all!" Gardevior says with a yawn.

"Gardevior, we have found Raikou. We need a translator." Kyla says.

Gardevior nods.

"Okay, Blare, time to see if Raikou will talk to us." Kyla says.

Blare opens Raikou's Pokeball, and with a flash of lightning he emerges, laying with his front legs crossed under his head.

"I am not surprised that I have been called upon so quickly." Raikou's voice sighs in their minds.

David steps forward. "Why are you not surprised?"

Raikou opens his eyes slowly. "You seek Entei, yes?"

"We do indeed." David replies.

"Sadly, I could not begin to tell you where he is. Even if I did know, it is very unlikely I would be inclined to help." Raikou says.

"What if I told you Ho-Oh is very upset?" David asks.

Raikou huffs. "I couldn't care less what that bird brain's mood is this week."

Kyla steps forward. "Then, once we find Entei, you can both stand before Ho-Oh and Lugia for questioning and judgement."

Raikou ears perk up. "What is that you said? Ho-Oh AND Lugia?"

Kyla puts her hand on her hip. "Yes. I am Lugia's representative in this matter."

"And I am Ho-Oh's representative." David adds.

Raikou raises his head and looks at Blare. "What is your relation to these two, my little master?"

"These two are dear friends of mine. Kyla is my mentor and practically my big sister." Blare replies.

Raikou groans, as he slowly stands. "It would seem, if I did not help you, it would case problems for my new master. Therefore, I will do my best to locate Entei for you." Raikou turn sharply back to them. "But make no mistake, once we find him it is up to you. I will not engage in another fight with my brother."

David and Kyla nod.

"You would probably want Suicune, she and Entei do not see eye to eye anyways." Raikou adds.

"How do we find her?" Kyla asks.

Raikou smiles. "She and I are actually on good terms, at the moment. So I could probably call out to her and she would come."

"Let's do that then." Blare says, timmedly putting her hand on Raikou's side.

Raikou looks back at her, seeing the bandage on her hand. He nods and leads them to ILEX Forest.

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