My Growing Family ('My Baby's...

By SimplyAmber96

294K 6.3K 360

This is the sequel to the story 'My Baby's Daddy'. Hayden and Drake are back with there son Brandon. when Hay... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Part 1)
Chapter 28 (Part 2)
Chapter 29 (Part 1)
Chapter 29 (Part 2)

Chapter 8

9K 186 8
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 8


Drake's P.O.V*

Brandon came running towards me. When he got to me, he held out his hand. A cricket sat there.

"Cricket." He said, a smile on his face. Haley leaned away.

"That's great." I said. "Why don't you go set it free." He ran back to the playground.

"He's a cutie pie." Haley said. "He looks a lot like you."

"You think? He has Hayden's eyes."

"Well I wouldn't know."

I looked at her. Does she want to meet Hayden? Why would she? I figured she'd not like Hayden since I'm in a relationship with her.

"Would you like to come over for dinner?" I asked her.

She seemed shocked by my question. "Um, sure. I'd love to. But I'd have to clear it with my parents."

"That's fine. Just let me know before 7:00."

Hayden's P.O.V*

The restaurant had emptied and there was thirty minutes until closing time. I sat at the bar drinking a coke.

"So how are the triplets?" Tony asked me. "You're appointment was today right?"

"Yeah. We found out what we're having. Two girls and a boy."

"Congratulations. I know you wanted a girl."

"And now I'll have two. I'm so excited to have these babies. And before I know it they'll be here. I only have 22 weeks to go."

I'm excited to see my babies, but I'm also scared that we're not financially ready. We may not be able to afford somewhere to live or buy supplies for the kids. I'm sure we're going to be stretched very thin.

My cell rang and I took it from my pocket. I looked and saw that it was Drake. I quickly answered.

"Hey Drake." I answered.

"We're going to have a dinner guest tonight."

"A dinner guest? Who?"

"She's a friend from work."

"Oh, okay. I have thirty minutes left of work."

"I'll handle dinner."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You're 18 weeks. You can't be expected to do everything."
"Alright. See you when I get home."

After work I drove home. It was slow for the last thirty minutes we were open but I prefer when it's slow. Especially since I can hardly maneuver around so many people with the size of my stomach.

I got home and went inside. I smelled food and it smelled good. Brandon came running from the kitchen and I picked him up.

"Hey sweetie." I greeted him, kissing him on the cheek.

"What did you do while mommy was gone?"

"Park." He answered.

"That sounds fun."

I walked into the kitchen and found Drake cooking. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey." He said. "Haley will be here soon."

"Then I'd better go change."

"Nothing fancy."

"I know, I know."

I sat Brandon down and went upstairs to change. I took a quick shower since I've been at work, and changed into fresh jeans and a t-shirt. I went back downstairs and into the kitchen. Drake was still cooking and Brandon was in the middle of the floor playing with a toy truck.

"So tell me about this girl." I said.

"I don't know exactly how old she is, but I'm guessing around 17. Her name is Haley and she's a new friend of mine."

"Hmm, does she want to come over for dinner, or did you invite her?"

"What difference does it make?"
"I'm just asking."

The door bell rang and Drake rushed to get it. I stood up and went to pick up Brandon. Soon they came into the kitchen. Haley had long brown hair that was pulled back into a bun. She had an oval face with almond shaped eyes. She had full lips and a celestial nose. She wore faded jeans and a blue t-shirt. She was very pretty and I couldn't help but become suspicious of her.

"Haley, this is my girlfriend Hayden and you've already met Brandon."
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She put out her hand and I reached out to shake it. "You have a beautiful home."
"Thank you."

Soon dinner was done and we sat down to eat. Drake sat next to Haley across from me while Brandon sat in his highchair beside me.

"So how old are you Haley?" I asked her.

"I'm 17."

"So you're a junior in high school?"
"Yeah. So far this year is the toughest."

"Well it'll get harder, trust me."
"You graduated from high school?" She sounded shocked.

Why is she so shocked? Just because I had a child doesn't mean I dropped out. Not every teen has to drop out of high school. I learned to manage.

"Yes. You sound shocked."
"It's just that I figured you drop out since you had a child. Most people do."

"Well I'm not most people. I learned how to handle it."

"Wow, that's inspirational. If I had a child I'm sure I'd have to drop out."
"Hopefully you won't have to make that decision."

Brandon threw a slice from the apple we gave him across the table, landing in Drake's food.

"Brandon, you know there's no throwing." I scolded him.

"I no want." He said, pouting.

I sighed. He can't be tired yet. It's too early for him to go to bed. He won't eat if he's tired.

"Brandon, are you sleepy?" Drake asked him, removing the apple off his chicken.

"No." Brandon replied shaking his head.

"That means yes." I said. "I've got him."

"No. I'll do it." Drake said. "You did it yesterday."

Drake picked up Brandon and went upstairs to put him to bed. I looked across the table at Haley.

"So how long have you and Drake been together?" She asked me.

"About three years."

"Wow. That's a long time. He must be a really good guy."

"Extremely good."

Drake's P.O.V*

I changed Brandon into his pajamas and laid him in his toddler bed. He stared up at me with his big brown eyes.

"Go to sleep Bran." I said.

"No sleep." He said.

"Yes sleep." I tucked him in.

I turned on his nightlight and left his room. I jogged down the steps and returned to the kitchen.

"He should be asleep now." I said, taking my seat back at the table. "Did I miss anything?"

"Not really." Hayden answered.

"Drake, I was wondering if I could have your tables tomorrow." Haley asked me.


"I've been saving up for a car so I don't have to drive my mom's everywhere. I need the extra cash."
"Well we're saving up for a house because we're about to become a bigger family." Hayden said, taking a sip of her water.

I gave her a shocked look. She didn't have to say that. I know we're saving up, but the both of us are working. If Haley takes my tables for one night it won't hurt us too much.

"Oh, well I guess that is more important." Haley said.

"No." I said. "It's fine if you take my tables. It's no big deal. I mean, every teenager should have a car if they can drive right?" Haley smiled.

I don't know why Hayden is being rude towards Haley. Haley is being nothing but nice to Hayden. Why can't she return it?

Soon dinner was over and I walked Haley out to her car. Hayden had started on cleaning up.

"I'm sorry about Hayden." I apologized. "She can be difficult sometimes."

"It's fine. It's no big deal. You two look good together."

I studied her. She smiled at me, but it seemed forced. Like on the inside she was hurting.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I tell you're hurting. I can tell by tour smile."

"It's that obvious huh?" I shrugged. "I know I don't really know you, but it's still hard seeing you with your family. I guess I thought it would be easy for us to just be friends."

"You know where I stand. I've screwed up bad in the past. I can't screw up now. They're all I've got."
"I understand. And I'll be fine. I'll be over you by next week. Anyway, I have to get home. I have school tomorrow. I'll see you later."

Haley hopped in her car and backed out of the driveway. She gave me a wave before taking off down the street. I went inside and found Hayden waiting there for me.

"I don't like her." Hayden said.

"Why not? You were acting so rude towards her."

"She likes you doesn't she?"

"What makes you say that?"
"Complimenting the house when it's a mess, and acting all sweet and adorable. It's sickening."

"What's gotten into you? You're usually never this mean to anyone."

"I am when they're after my boyfriend."

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I don't know if Hayden really doesn't like Haley, or whether it's her hormones acting up.

"Hayden, if you would've given her a chance, you'd probably have liked her."

"Do you like her?"

Her question caught me off guard. Now she's turning this around on me? This argument isn't going to end well.

"As a friend." I answered.

"Sure. I see the way you act around her. You'd think she was your girlfriend, not me. Are you getting it from her since I'm never in the mood? I mean no other guy would stick around."

"Hayden," I walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders. "I've never cheated you. Never. And Haley is just a friend. Ever since Darren died I haven't had another friend. It's nice to have someone to talk to again. Can't you understand that?"

A tear streaked Hayden's face and I wondered what was wrong. I wiped the tear away with my thumb.

"I'm just scared that you'll run off with someone who doesn't look like a fat whale." She said.

I took her into a hug. She thinks I'll leave her because she looks a little different now that she's pregnant? I didn't think about leaving her when she was pregnant with Brandon. Why would I leave her now?

"Hayden, you don't look like a fat whale. You look beautiful, always. And never doubt that. I love these babies, I love Brandon, and I love you." I kissed her gently. "I love our family Hayden and nothing can change that."

Hayden's P.O.V*

I don't know why I think Drake will leave me. He's never cheated on me before and he stuck with me when I was pregnant with Brandon.

"I love you." I whispered. "And I'm sorry about dinner and yelling at you."

"I know. And I forgive you. Let's go to bed you have school tomorrow morning."

The next morning I woke to my alarm. I'm tired. I really don't feel like putting up with classes today. I threw the blanket off of me and my eyes opened wide with terror. I was sitting in blood. A lot of it. I screamed, causing Drake to jump awake.

"What is it?" He asked me. Then he saw the blood. "What happened?"

"I don't know, but I need to get to the hospital."

Drake helped me out of bed and downstairs. He got me into the car before running back into the house to get Brandon. He soon returned and buckled Brandon in.

"Okay, let's go." He said once in the car.

He sped off towards the hospital. I don't know what's happened, but I hope everything is okay with the babies.

Drake parked the car and went to get Brandon out. He then helped me out. He helped me inside and we went straight the front desk.

"Excuse me." Drake said, getting the woman's attention. "My girlfriend is pregnant with triplets and this morning she woke up laying in blood. We need a doctor immediately."

"Okay, fill out these papers and take a seat in the waiting area."
"What? We don't have time for that. She needs a doctor now."

"Sir, please fill out these papers first."
He groaned and took the papers. I made my way over to the waiting area and sat down. Brandon came over and wanted me to pick him up. I did so and placed him on my lap.

Drake sat beside me and began filling out the paperwork. I noticed he tapped his foot impatiently. I placed my hand on his arm and he looked up at me.

"The doctor will get to us soon." I reassured him. "Nothing seems wrong so I'm sure the babies are fine."
"But we don't know that."

"We can hope, and that's better than nothing."

After what felt like an hour, the paperwork was finished and handed back in to the lady at the desk.

"You may go back. The doctor should be waiting for you."

I took Brandon's hand and we headed back. Hallway down the hall Dr. Reynolds poked his head out.

"There you are." He said. "Let's get you checked out."

I laid back in the chair and lift my shirt just over my stomach. I looked down at it in search of movement from the babies, but there was nothing.

"What's the problem today?" Dr. Reynolds asked us.

"I woke up this morning sitting in blood. I don't know what's wrong."

"Alright, let's take a look."

He squeezed the cold jell on my stomach and placed the probe. He began to move it around and I looked at the screen in search of my babies. I don't know what I'd do if I lost them.


There's the chapter. What do you think has happened? Do you think the babies are okay? And what do you think about Drake and Haley's relationship?

Please comment,vote, and/or fan. Thanks! ;-)

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