'94 Mixtape (COMPLETED)

By Infinityplusbeyond

534K 17.9K 10.6K

We first met through a '94 mixtape. More

'94 Mixtape
Track one: detention flashback
Track two: surprises
Track three: Reactions
Track four: cheesy things
Track five: madness
Track six: Death.
Track seven: More surprises
Track eight: over again
Track nine: whispers
Track ten; pieces
Track eleven: broken
Track twelve: take it back
Track thirteen: clear
Track fourteen: darkness
Track fifteen: why
Track sixteen: interstate love song
Side 2 [flip]
Side two [flip pt 2]
Track seventeen
Track eighteen
Track nineteen
Side track one
yo man i am so done
Side track two
Track twenty
Track Twenty-One
Track twenty-two
Important announcement !!
Track twenty-three
Hidden Track - Michael + Character Q&A
Track twenty-four
Track twenty-five
Track twenty-six
Track twenty-seven
Track Twenty-Eight
Track twenty-nine
Character Q&A Answers
Track thirty
Track 31
Track 32 (Last)

good stuff thats pretty important

2.9K 128 14
By Infinityplusbeyond

I'll be editing 94 mixtape until saturday

because i'm not really feelin the chapters, so y'all can watch over that, but dont be sad, because i will be posting chapters up on the prequel, (which i already did) so yay

Happy new years everyone! I hope you all kiss the guy of your dreams tonight, or like me watch netflix with this cat i'm babysitting.

what are youre plans for tonight/last night?

well today i'm going to a ski lodge to go snowboarding (heheheh) and then coming home before twelve to watch netflix bc i've been invited to like three parties, and no-i dont want to be near other drunk teenagers.

stay safeeeeee

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