Track twenty-five

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Follow me on Twitter bc I asked them about a new cover and I need opinions lmao @alysaatv

"Tell me another lie." I say with the tears pricking my eyes. his eyes show no emotion at all
"I love you." Luke said

Ashton isn't ashton.

That isn't him. He isn't him. He doesn't sound the same. He doesn't look the same. He doesn't act the same.

He isn't Ashton.

It's been four weeks, four since I've last seen Michael and Cathy. I don't feel safe here anymore, not with him.

Ashton has gone, insane. Mental. And I don't blame him. But he's different, and it all happened after I talked shit about the centre.

He throws tantrums, and it scares the hell out of me. That's not him, and I know it.

"Bella! Stop walking away from me!" Ash yells chasing after me, but I wipe my eyes trying to get away.

"Leave me alone Ash" I mumble stumbling through the hallway.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry okay?" He says and I stop, looking him in the eyes. His green eyes were still there, but it's wrong.

"I want to get out of here. I want to leave." I say and there I did it. i unleashed of what became of him since he came back.

His eyes aren't green, they're dark and full of rage as he tries to calm himself.

"The centre is a good place Bella, cant you fucking see that?" He questions, his voice filled with poison and I shake my head.

"This, this isn't you Ashton." I cry out "something happened to you, they-they did something to you!" I shake my head and he scoffs

"What if they did Bella?" He says crossing his arms "it was for a good reason, I had no right to push that guard, you needed to take your pi-"

"See? There you are again! This isn't like you!" I try to keep my voice hard but comes out cryful

"This is a place to get better Bella!" He says throwing his arms up above his head. He rubs his eyes with the back of his hands in frustration.

"You need to take those pills so you can forget. Forget so you're free of depression! Anxiety! Self-harm, the list goes on!" He continues but I still don't listen "If you really want to leave, you have to take the fucking pills!"

"Shut up Ashton! Leave me alone!" I shut my eyes hoping as soon as I open them, that he would be gone, but he's not.

"Open your fucking eyes!" He shouts "You are never going to leave, not unless you do what they say!" He shouts and the tears prick from my eyes.

"This isn't you." I mumble and the bell rings for dinner right on time "I need to leave. Goodbye Ashton."

I run down the halls of the centre hoping Ashton wouldn't follow me, and he didn't. I turn left from the hall with bright red door, finding Cathy's therapy room, the door isn't locked, like Karen said.

I slip into the room looking around for the pile of things Cathy has apparently left me, to hide in my room.

The stack of many books are still here from a month ago, and the glass of distilled water remains on the table untouched.

I quickly go over to her desk which was all messy and cluttered.

I open the drawer revealing a picture frame and an old birthday card.

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