Track eight: over again

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Luke takes a seat next to me; and as for his 'girlfriend' she stands next to Michael who is now looking down at the ground leaning his back against the wall. There's this pit on the bottom of my stomach which swooshes around making my body feel woozy.

His scent is oh so familiar making my chest hurt as if it were stabbed with a million knives.

The way he bites his lip makes my head spin,

The way he just breathes takes my breath away.

I blink a few times to see if I were hallucinating or not, I look at Cathy whom is flicker her eyes to me and back at her paper, and then I look at Michael; whom is standing uncomfortably as Luke's 'girlfriend tries to talk to him.

I look at Cathy as her legs are crossed, and is ready to speak to both Luke and I. "How was your drive?" she asks Luke who runs his fingers through his hair and adjusts his beanie.

"It was okay." He croaked his voice was hoarse and raspy as if he were crying; Cathy nods and writes something down on her notepad. As she finishes she smiles and looks at me; I, on the other hand is sitting uncomfortably with my hands under my thighs and my legs crossed under the couch, my breathing is abnormal and I'm pretty sure my eye is twitching.

"So how do you feel about seeing Luke here today?" she asks; hoping that I'd answer with words, instead I shrug, her faking another smile and jotting something else in her book.

I'm not sad anymore,

I'm just tired of this place

And if this year would just end,

I think we'd all be okay.

We spend the next thirty minutes talking about 'getting better'... I think. I zoned out most of the time; trying so hard not to breathe in his scent.


"Hey what do you think of this one?" Luke asks; practically shoving his wrist up my nose wanting me to smell the cologne he found. I sneeze as soon as I smelled the scent, it was way too strong.

"Ew Luke, it smells like butt. And get your arm off me." I laugh trying to get out of his hold; he only holds me tighter.

"Wrong hand oops." My eyes go wide remembering he took a poop like twenty minutes ago; did he just shove his poo covered wrist up my nose?

"I'm joking! Jesus, Belle; I'm not that gross." He says laughing his head off; he puts his other wrist on my nose; the scent a lot better than before. "How 'bout this one?" He asks, I quickly nod my head and he grins widely.

"It smells like...home." It was a scent of flowers and lumber, something I couldn't describe. It made me feel 'safe' in a way if that makes any sense. He goes and buys the bottle of cologne and hugs me tightly as I breathe in his wonderful scent.


"Can you two please step in here please?" Cathy asks motioning to a white room with a window that connects to another room. It reminds me of those weird FBI shows where there's a criminal involved and it's good cop bad cop thing but without a table; just a plain white; everything.

She motions us in which Luke and I both do; she enters the other room looking through the window and speaks through the microphone;

"Just do whatever you like, I will run through some tests to see how you react Bella." I nod my head and sit against the wall; Luke sitting across from me with his legs crossed.

A song comes on through the speakers the same song that Luke put in our mix tape. I don't; feel it anymore, the way I used to, where I'd breakdown; instead I listen to it carefully and hum along to the tune.

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