Track eleven: broken

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My heart beats even crazier as the sound of my name escapes his lips. He looks worse than before, and that was only a week ago; this was a mistake coming here; a huge one. His eyes are all red, like he was high or something; he has lower bags under his eyes than before, and the sound of his voice was raspy and dark like.

We both look at each other with sad depressed eyes, this must have looked crazy as two once in love teens are now heart-broken and well-broken; outcomes of teenage love. We stay quiet until he finally pulls me in his house him guiding me to his room.

This house sends me back, a lot of things happened here, but for every time I look away; the more memories hit me; hard. The dining hall where I first met his parents, the bathroom where we-never mind, and his room, are all places I can remember so easily with just one look.

He steps in the room; letting go of my hand and tells me to hold on a second, as he slowly closes the door leaving a little crack for me to see through it. He's throwing a blanket under his bed to cover the dozens of empty beer bottles and cigarettes. I shut my eyes tightly wanting to see what the both of us used to be. But it doesn't come. The room stays dark and gloomy as the dark clouds start to come in, the wind is pounding on his window and the curtains are blowing everywhere.

I put my jacket on as he leads me to his un-made bed him sitting and me copying his actions. We sit in silence once again as rain starts to pour down from his window.




He gets up and closes the window him sitting again but this time; he fold his legs in front of himself and turns to me. I look down at the ground as I see broken glass and pieces of ripped paper are all in a pile next to a trash can, I breathe out and look back up to him.

"I'm sorry." He says in a sad voice; I feel bad for him is what I do, that I wasn't the only one in the relationship that suffered.

"I'm sorry that I made you feel that way." He continues and tears escape his eyes as he speaks, I open my mouth and close it as he speaks once again.

"I'm sorry that I left you hurt, alone and scared, that I took you for granted and I'm sorry." His voice cracks but still; continues.

"Bella, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you and I swear; that I am truly sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen and now look at us." He motions toward the both of us and tugs at his hair, wiping his tear stained cheeks as he keeps going.

"We're these two miserable teens who's given up, and it was all my fault. It's always Luke's fault." He rambles on; but then pauses. He puts his lips into a thin line and looks at me.

My heart shatters into a billion pieces as I look at the boy before me. His eyes are truly; broken. I cry. I cry that I'm finally back to where I started, to the boy who I have fell madly in love with, the boy who I literally couldn't live without. This boy has driven me literally insane; our story is no cliché love story at all; but is reality.

I cry harder as I find the ripped piece of paper on the ground is him and me, at the park; where we had Michael take the picture of us at the exact moment. I smile weakly at the thought; Michael kept looking at his phone trying to beat doodle jump where he was so addicted to as Luke and I were sitting on the bench rambling on how we were going to the beach. That soft smile turned into a frown as I cried even harder than before.

I put my head in my knees as I softly sob beside Luke who was just sitting there; lost in his own world one tear falling after another. He gets up from where he used to be and wraps his arms around my body. We're both ice cold and depressed teens who are just desperate for love.

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