Track thirteen: clear

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"Erm you can sleep in my bed if you want I can crash on the couch" Calum says letting go of my hand as he opens the door to his apartment. He switches the light on showing his pretty messy apartment. His living room with a few bags of empty chips and a couple blankets here and there.

He steps inside the kitchen grabbing a few snacks from the cabinet and sets it down onto the table. He motions for me to sit on the little dining room table across from him. I nod sitting down on the chair as he opens a pack of Oreos.

He smiles his perfect smile and slides the Oreos down the table to my direction me grabbing one and taking a bite.

"So, you weren't really there last week and; I was pretty bummed out." He says pouting and I smile. Calum always puts a smile on my face even if I met him only once. He's always bright and happy which makes me happy.

In the darkest of all my thoughts. That smile made everything a hell lot brighter.

I shrug still with a small smile framing my face as I grab another Oreo from the packet. He stands up grabbing two glasses and filling it u with milk; him handing me one.

"Let's have that Oreo race everyone always seems to have in those commercials." He says laughing I shake my head no trying to finish off the last piece of my Oreo.

"Why not? It's 3 am and I want to do this. I've never really done this. So Bella?" He gets up from his seat walking over to where I'm sitting a kneels with an Oreo in his hand as if he were proposing. "Will you take me; Calum Hood. As your competitor for this Oreo dunk contest?"

I gasp and nodding my head as if I just accepted an actual diamond engagement ring from him . He chuckles and I send him a small smile as we do probably the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life.


"That" He comments putting the glasses in the sink. I still have the small smile I've been wearing for hours with this boy as I sit back down on the chair. He motions his head for me to follow him onto the living room couch as he sits moving a few wrappers on the floor to the side.

"I-erm if you want you can sleep on my bed." he says nervously "You know as like- I told you a while ago." he sighs looking at the ground as if he were embarrassed of what he had just said.

I shake my head quickly as pat my hand down on his couch referring that I want to sleep here and not give him trouble.

"No, no. You're my guest sleep on my bed. I only got one room, plus I usually sleep on this couch anyways." He quickly says insisting I'd take his bed. I sigh finally giving in on his offer.

I am only staying one night.


Loud pounds on the front door shoot my eyes awake as the pounds get louder and louder.

"Calum! Open the fucking door! Hurry up!" I hear the muffled voice say. "Let's go! Before I kick the door in!" Another voice appears.

I run out of Calum's room finding Calum still sound asleep on the couch as the two guys at the front door keep smashing at it.

"Wake up you dick!" I hear one of them say. I shake Calum awake as he's still in deep sleep while everything around me is getting closer.

I shake him harder as he hugs his pillow tighter.

"Calum get up!" I shriek in true terror as the door bursts open revealing Luke and Michael. Calum's head shoots straight up as all three boys look at me as if I just broke.

Tears falling from my eyes one after another without my permission as each of the boys awkwardly try to step closer to me. I wipe my eyes with my bare forearm sitting close next to Calum as he slowly pats my back.

'94 Mixtape (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora