I am Iron Man

By SolarEclipse7525

245K 5.5K 4K

Male Reader x Infinite Stratos As long as (Y/n) can remember he was nothing short of a genius too bad he was... More

The Escape
Class begins
Things get complicated
Unwanted Teen Drama
Vote up
Two New Students
The Truth Comes out
The Past Revealed: Part 1
The Past Revealed: Part 2
Trying to Mending Old Wounds
Returning In a Mess
The Mistake
The Battle
Finding a Cure
Warm Summer Days
New Semester, New Student, New Problems
Making Up For Lost Time
The Armor War Begins
Relaxing with Games and Parties
Bonding with friends
Yet Another Attack
Dating Maya
Measuring Up & Chemical Warfare
Field Trip
The Iron War
Things get from bad to worse
Chasing a Ghost
Behind Enemy Lines
New Job
Situation Changes
World Purge
Beautiful Lies
The Beginning of the End
Assessing the Situation

Date with Charlotte

4.3K 105 69
By SolarEclipse7525

Soon the weekend comes around, you begin to plan the day with Charlotte.  The plan should be vague enough to work around it but you should know where you should be going.  You begin to get ready for the date by wearing a (Favorite color) collared shirt and some slacks.

(Y/n):"So Jarvis how do I look"

Jarvis:"Splendid sir"

(Y/n):"Your not lying to me are you Jarvis"

Jarvis:"Why would I ever need to lie to you sir"

(Y/n):"Good point Jarvis, sorry for doubting you, I know that your only looking out for me."

Jarvis:"Sir I am programmed to only tell you the truth, I am unable to lie to you"


You scratch the back of your head a bit nervously.

Jarvis:"Sir I suggest you take a deep breath"

You do what Jarvis says and take a deep breath to calm your nerves.

(Y/n):"Thanks Jarvis, I just have never done something like this before."

Jarvis:"I perfectly understand sir, humans normally fear the unknown.  Throughout history humans have made illogical and drastic decision out of fear, so it's only natural that your scared all you need to do is keep a calm head and just be yourself.  If she loves you it doesn't matter how grand or how small this date will be, statistics show that relationships last longer if you enjoy the little things with each other."

You were slightly put off by Jarvis answer.

(Y/n):"Jarvis do we to talk about your programming"

Jarvis:"Only looking after you, sir"

You look at the clock to see that you should get going.

(Y/n):"Never mind, I should get going."

You head out the door and walk down the hallway to knock on Charlotte's door.  Surprisingly enough Laura was the one to open the door.

Laura:"What brings you "

(Y/n):"I'm here to take Charlotte out on a date"

Laura:"Your bringing Charlotte on a date?"

(Y/n):"Yes that's what I said"

Charlotte:"I'm ready for our date (Y/n)"

Both you and Laura look to see Charlotte.

Charlotte:"So uhm how do I look?"

(Y/n):"Absolutely stunning"

Charlotte blushes from your straight forward answer.

(Y/n):"So shall we go madam Dunois"

You offered to walk with her, she delightfully accepts as you both walk out of the room hand in hand.

Laura:"I wish that my bride Ichika would ask me out"

You were walking down the hall with Charlotte, holding her hand as you were getting stares from on lookers.  You notice that Charlotte was a little embarrassed from the onlookers, since some of the girls were looking at her with surprise, shock or even jealousy.  You squeeze her hand in reassurance and give her a smile.  Once outside you walk her to your car as you open the door for her.

Charlotte:"So (Y/n) where are we going"

(Y/n):"Well I am planning for it to be a surprise"

You drive until you pull up on a nice Japanese restaurant, getting out of the car and opening her door and offered her your arm.  She grabbed your arm and leaned into your shoulder.

Charlotte:"So where did you take me"

(Y/n):"Well I know that your curious about Japanese cuisines, so I did a bit of research and found out that this place has great food at a moderate price."

Charlotte:"Well than shall we go"

You both go inside where you see the waiter.

Waiter:"Hello, would you please sit down until we have some seats available.  Unless you have a reservation"

(Y/n):"Actually I do, under the name (Y/n)"

Waiter:"Oh right this way"

The waiter takes us to our table, that was near a little pond with a few koi fish.  The waiter gives us each of us a menu.

Charlotte:"Wow everything looks so good here but are you sure that I can order anything these.  They seem a little pricey."

(Y/n):"Charlotte I'm a multi-billionaire, it's not like a nice meal is going to put a dent"

Charlotte:"Right sorry, I kind of forgot"

(Y/n):"It's fine, so what are you going to order."

Charlotte:"I don't know what to try, how about we share the sushi plate"

Unknown to you Charlotte wanted to have this was only to feed you and vice versa.


You gave your order to the waiter.

Charlotte:"So (Y/n), as we wait for our food, Why don't we get to know each other a bit better."

(Y/n):"Sure, but uh where do we start."

Charlotte:"Well for starters, since Ichika's birthday passed it got me curious when yours is.  If you would like to know, mine is at February 26."

(Y/n):"Actually funny enough, it's next week."

Charlotte:"Wow really, well it looks like we have another party to plan"

(Y/n):"You know that's not necessary"

Charlotte:"But (Y/n) it's the least we could do, since you've done so much for everyone.  You've even gone so far as to sacrificing yourself for us, you've always done the extra mile for us.

(Y/n):"It was really no problem, I only done what I thought was right.  So I guess it's my turn to ask a question so uh"

You couldn't think of a question for this, for some reason nothing would come up.

Waiter:"Here you go sir."

(Y/n):"Thank you"

You both began to eat.

Charlotte:"So (Y/n), what was your question"

(Y/n):"Well I don't know"

Charlotte:"Listen, it can be about anything" 

(Y/n):"Uhm oh, what's your fondest childhood memory?"

Charlotte:"I would say that it would be when I would cooking with my mama, I would remember coming home from school to be welcomed with the aroma of her cooking.  How about you?"

(Y/n):"Well it would be when my dad would call me for family game night, we would play a variety of different board games ranging from monopoly to chess to cards against humanity."

Charlotte began to giggle, which reminds you how much you love her laugh.

Charlotte:"Is that where you got so good at board games."

(Y/n):"The time that I bankrupted Cecilia, Laura, and Rin just by buying a single property."

Charlotte:"Yeah, at the end you nearly had the whole board."

(Y/n):"It was fun watching Rin losing her shit after having to pay me three times in a row."

Charlotte:"Oh, I've got another question for you.  What is your most embarrassing moment?"

(Y/n):"Hmm, that would have to be the time when I first done the laundry on my own."

Charlotte didn't say anything, in a way she didn't really have to it was obvious that she wanted to hear the entire story.

(Y/n):"Well it all started when my dad thought that I could handle a few extra chores so he had me do the laundry while he went out.  The thing is it was an electric washer and dryer, everything was going fine until the dryer.  After a couple of minutes I had to go to the bathroom coming back I realized that something was burning, I wasn't cooking anything until I realized that the smell was coming from the dryer.  Finding out that what was once my clothes is now a black meteorite that came from my dryer, what baffled me was that it was the only time the dryer ever did that."

Charlotte couldn't help but laugh at your story, which in turn made you laugh.

(Y/n):"That's why my dad now has a pedestal with said black meteorite that he calls, '(Y/n)'s new found element'"

Charlotte:"You know I was expecting a lot of things but nothing like that."

(Y/n):"Yeah I have plenty of embarrassing moments but none of them ever came close to having to explain to my dad that I discovered a new element through the dryer."

The waiter finally comes to our table placing the food between us.

Charlotte:"Wow this all looks delicious"

(Y/n):"Yeah it does, so what should we try"

Charlotte:"Here (Y/n), try this one"

You see that she had the sushi, ready to feed you.  You react the only way you should, you eat what she was trying to feed you.

(Y/n):"Wow that was good"

Charlotte:"Now (Y/n), would you be so kind -"

(Y/n):"How about you try this one"

You began to feed her, which she thoroughly enjoyed.

(Y/n):"So how was it?"


You both continue to eat until you notice a green blob that Charlotte seemed to be avoiding.  Since you were raised with the phrase of "don't waste any food", so you devoured the green blob.

Charlotte:"Wait (Y/n) don't"

It was too late, you already ate the green blob with the only reaction from you was-

(Y/n):"*Horrible Italian accent*Mmm that is a spicy green meatball"

Charlotte:"(Y/n), are you okay?"

(Y/n):"Yeah, I'm fine.  I've definitely had spicier, but it has a different kick to it"

Charlotte:"Really?  I could barely handle a smaller portion."

(Y/n):"Yeah, back in the U.S. I once did a hot wings challenge.  Wings were covered in a sauce made from habanero and ghost peppers, those wings burned."

Charlotte:"That must of hurt."

(Y/n):"Was worse on the way back up"

Charlotte:"Were you okay?"

(Y/n):"Well I'm here now aren't I, now I guess that's two embarrassing moments I've told you about."

Charlotte:"I believe that it's my turn, and well I don't think that they are as interesting as yours.   Let's see, I think it's the time where I was dared by a group of girls to go ask out a boy, he rejected me."

(Y/n):"Oh were you okay."

Charlotte:"Oh I forgot to mention that we were five at the time"

You both continued to talk until the both of you finished your food, soon after you payed for the meal and left.  

Charlotte:"That was great (Y/n), so where are we going next"

(Y/n):"Well there is a bakery nearby which makes the best cakes"

Charlotte:"Oh I can't wait, oh is that Ichika"


Ichika:"Hey you two"


Charlotte:"Oh Ichika nice to see you"

Ichika:"Yeah I was planning to get some of the those cakes from the bakery with the girls"

Rin:"What's taking so long Ichika"

Cecilia:"We should really go before the line gets too long"

Laura:"I have to agree."

Kanzashi:"Hi (Y/n)"


Ichika:"(Y/n) you okay your quiet"

Cecilia:"Oh are you two going to the bakery, you can come with us"

You shake your head out of your shock, and looked at Charlotte to see what she would want.



You walk into the bakery with Ichika along with the girls that are with him.  You order for Charlotte and yourself but that was it, the rest could pay for themselves.  You both began to eat your cakes which was delicious especially since it was your favorite.

Charlotte:"Mmm these are delicious"

(Y/n):"Yeah especially (Favorite cake), would you like to try some"

Charlotte:"Oh yes"

(Y/n):"Alright now close your eyes and open wide"

You proceed to feed her again, not that your complaining.  You notice that she has a little bit of frosting oh her cheek, so being the good boyfriend that you are, you kiss her cheek showing how much you love her while simultaneously wiping off that piece of frosting.


She says as she blushes, and sneakily put some frosting on your nose.

Charlotte:"Uh oh, it looks like you got some on you too"

She then pulled you close and kisses you on the nose.

On the sidelines the other girls seemed jealous, wishing that Ichika would do the same to them.

Ichika:"Aww, they seem like a good couple"

Cecilia:"They're not that good of a couple."

Rin:"Yeah idiot"

Ichika:"Why are they so mad."

Although two didn't seem as jealous as the others, Laura and Kanzashi.  Since they were happy that a someone they considered a friend are happy in a relationship.  Although there was some problems that occurred, since Rin would constantly complain and yell, Cecilia and Laura would demand things from Ichika without actually telling him what they wanted, and Ichika would be the same dense idiot that would constantly be confused or would yell out a question.  Kanzashi was the only one that wasn't burning through your patience. 

(Y/n):"Excuse me Charlotte, I'm going to the bathroom"

Your patience was running thin, you really needed to blow off some steam.  You go to the bathroom only to splash water on your face, trying your best to calm yourself down.

(Y/n):"It's okay, your dates been going great so far.  Just keep calm, and remember this is for her."

You take deep breaths until you finally calm down, then you go back out to find Charlotte's beautiful smile.  Whatever anger, rage, or negative emotion was whisked away by that smile.

You and Charlotte soon finished the rest of the cake, you wanted to go as soon as you can to make sure Ichika and the others don't ruin the date.  

Charlotte:"This is so good (Y/n)"

(Y/n):"So shall we go, Charlotte"

Charlotte:"Yeah, bye everyone"

Ichika:"Bye, have fun you two"

You both leave the establishment while holding hands.

Ichika:"They do make a good couple"

Then an uproar coming from some certain girls causing Ichika to be even more confused.

You both started to walk down the road, continuing to talk as you both hold hands.

Charlotte:"So where to now"

(Y/n):"Well I know it's getting a bit late but I was planning to go somewhere if you want to of course"

Charlotte:"Well what are we waiting for?"

You begin to walk with her to what you would call a classic finish or cliche, But considering that you've never been on a date it was worth a shot.

Charlotte:"So (Y/n) where are we going?"

(Y/n):"This will only take a moment"


You decided to continue some small talk.

(Y/n):"You know I've been curious, why do all of the girls in the IS academy seem to ignore me"

Charlotte:"Why, are you jealous of Ichika"

(Y/n):"Definitely not, I'm just curious"

Charlotte:"Well Tatenashi said it the best, she said that most girls like Ichika since he reminds her of someone who would be in a boy band, someone cute and sensitive.  Meanwhile you were like Clint Eastwood, someone rugged and handsome"


Charlotte:"She even said, 'Girls like Ichika while Women like (Y/n)' "

(Y/n):"Well it looks like were here"

What Charlotte saw that we were on a hill overlooking the town in a beautiful sunset.

Charlotte:"Today's been great (Y/n)"

(Y/n):"I'm glad you liked it"

Charlotte:"It's beautiful"

(Y/n):"So are you"

You both look at each other slowly getting closer, until your lips connect.  Kissing much more passionately than any time before, you began to pull her closer by wrapping your arms around her waist.  

A/n:Sorry for the late upload, there was supposed to be a lemon part here but it was taking me forever so I decided to put it off for the next chapter.  Again sorry for the long wait.

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