The Enticing Proposal

By Starrmazing

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Mr. Billionaire makes a proposal of marriage to a beautiful baker woman. She is to be his wife in a loveless... More

The Enticing Proposal
Prologue: Chicken Bride
Chapter One - Eight Months Later
Chapter Two - Unexpected
Chapter Three - Lacking Respect
Chapter Four - Inconceivable Proposal
Chapter Five - Heavy Thoughts
Chapter Six - Agreement
Chapter Seven - Set In Motion
Chapter Eight - Contract
Chapter Nine - Trust
Chapter Eleven - Media's Interest
Chapter Twelve - It's Happening
Chapter Thirteen - I Do
Chapter Fourteen - Next Step
Chapter Fifteen - Officially Home
Chapter Sixteen - Back In Action
Chapter Seventeen - Eyes Say Everything
Chapter Eighteen - The Ex-FiancΓ©
Chapter Nineteen - Crossing A Line
Chapter Twenty - Preparing For The Evening
Chapter Twenty-One - Trust & Plots
Chapter Twenty-Two - Passions
Chapter Twenty-Three - Happy
Chapter Twenty-Four - Crashing Quickly
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Cameras Don't Lie
Chapter Twenty-Six - It Hurts So Much
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Captured Heart
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Confessions & Explanations
Chapter Twenty-Nine - It's You and Me
Epilogue: One Year Later

Chapter Ten - The Browns

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By Starrmazing

Sunlight creeps through the blinds of Kira's room. As the sun continued to rise, the more the beams brightened on the bed till finally crossing her face, waking her up. Her eyes fluttered open and looked over to her nightstand to her clock. It was pretty early.

She pushed the comforter off and stretched. Slipping out of bed, she went to go get herself together. Dressing in a simple pair of jeans and a blouse with flats. She styled her hair into a natural puff of curls before taking care of other things. Once she was completely done, her father chose the perfect moment to knock on her door.

"Come in."

The door opened and her father sent her a smile. "Morning, Kira."

"Good morning, Dad." She looked down into his hand to find an envelope with her name on it. "What's that?"

Ben looked down, shrugging. "I don't know. It was in the mailbox." He handed over the envelope.

She opened it up and pulled out what was inside. Her brows furrowed together when she saw the plane ticket. A plane ticket to Phoenix, Arizona. First Class today at noon.

"You're going somewhere?"

Her eyes lifted. "I didn't think so." She walked over to her dresser, grabbing her phone.

"Breakfast is ready if you're hungry." Her father said, walking out of her room to give her privacy for the call she was about to make.

It didn't take long for her to find his name and dial. After the fourth ring, he answered and Kira didn't hesitate to speak up first.

"Why did you send me a plane ticket for today?"

"Good morning to you too, Kira." His voice was raspy, sleepy.

"I am being serious, Giovanni. Why did you send me this ticket?"

She heard his tired sigh and shifting. "My mother is having a family dinner to go over party events in a couple of months. I think it's the best timing to introduce you to my family."

"B-But today? I am not prepared. I don't even know what to say. What are you going to introduce me as?"

"As my fiance."

Kira inhaled sharply. "How is that going to work out? What about the few weeks we're supposed to wait to come out."

"That is towards the media. The sooner my parents know, the better. Just relax, Kira. They will love you."

He made it convincing but she didn't believe it. She's never been introduced to a potential significant other's parents before. Especially to wealthy ones.

"Alright, but don't do this again. I hate being caught off guard and it's too early."

She heard him chuckle through the line. The sound was sweet to her ears.

"Won't happen again."

"Do I need to bring a bag of clothes or am I returning tonight?"

"Depends on how well this dinner goes. I would bring a night's stay just in case. My house is not that far if you need to stay somewhere tonight."

Kira tapped her foot nervously. I will bring money for a night's stay at a hotel."

"I wouldn't mind. I have more than enough room for you to stay one night. Free of charge."

"I don't know." She crossed an arm around her back. "I can just pay for a night at one of-"

"I don't take no for an answer." He mused. "Besides, my home will soon be your home. Why not get used to it now, right?"

Darn it. He was right.

"Fine. I'll see you at the airport."

"Yes, you will." And with his cocky tone, he ended the call.

Kira shook her head and threw her phone on the bed. She turned and walked straight over to her closet to find something decent to wear and a pair of pajamas.

Hours passed and Kira and Giovanni arrived in the lovely city of Arizona in no time.


The flight was relaxing. The two of them just talked about simple things. The conversation was calm and enjoyable between them. Of course, it was a bit difficult due to Giovanni having to keep his head down in hopes of not be recognized.

The flight landed and they walked side by side to the exit of the airport. Giovanni had her bags within his hand.

They stopped in front of a car and Giovanni nodded, handing the bags over to a trusting driver. "Welcome back, Mr. Brown." The driver greeted before his eyes looked over Kira.

"This is Kira. Kira, meet Levi, a trusting friend, and my driver."

Kira held out her hand and shook Levi's hand. "Nice to meet you."

"And you, Miss."

Giovanni opened the back door for Kira and slid inside behind her. Levi started up the car and drove off towards Giovanni's home.

Kira looked out the window at the passing attractions and tall buildings. Giovanni noticed her awestruck instantly. He could see her interest in each passing building. He made a mental note to show her around. It would be better for her to become familiar with her surroundings.

He also noticed the soft expressions on her face. Her smile affected him. She gave off a vibe that made her a good person to talk to. Her kindness was another good thing.

The dinner with his parents was going to be great. He had a feeling that they were going to take an instant liking to her because Kira was not like most of the women that grabs his attention easily. She was a strong woman and knew how to take care of herself.

That's what he needs for this all to work.

The only concern he had was her experience with a man in general and not as a friend. More like a companion.

Giovanni made another reminder to ask her that. He wanted to know his limits and what she was comfortable with doing and not doing. He wanted to know how she'd react physically.

He knew it was all feelingless. He wanted it that way. But it does mean that they will have to act the part of a husband and wife.

This had to seem real.

Kira's arm was safely tucked into Giovanni's as they walked up the stoned pavement of Giovanni's parents' home. She was nervous about all of this and it was understandable. He was going to make sure that she was as comfortable as possible once they stepped foot inside. Though they didn't know that Kira was to be more than just a secure partner for him to act the way they want him to and to the public view, they were going to give their best to make this relationship look as real as possible.

"Relax, you look beautiful." He compliments her, hoping that it would ease away her tense posture and to his surprise, it worked. Well, slightly.

She looked to believe his words were true but that didn't calm her down as much as he'd like. Giovanni stopped at the door and knocked. It didn't take long for the doors to open. They walked inside the house and one of the helpers took their coats. They were led to the dining room where he saw his parents and Sasha.

His sister stood up and greeted them both with her embrace. "Glad you decided to join us this evening brother. Who is this lovely woman?" She smiled at Kira.

Kira smiled back, still nervous. "I am Kira. Giovanni's..."

"Fiance." Giovanni finished.

Kira looked up at him, holding back the apologetic look. It just felt weird telling someone that.

"Fiance? Didn't you just catch a break?"

"It's a short story with a beautiful ending." He responds.

His sister hums and looks at Kira. "I'm Sasha," She introduced herself before taking Kira into another welcoming embrace.

Kira smiled kindly. "Nice to meet you, Sasha."

Her eyes turned to view his parents and they were glaring back at her intensely. They didn't give her a negative look. It was weary and unsure. Giovanni didn't blame them for feeling the way they did. That was the result of all his nighty affairs being exposed. His father stood from his seat and greeted them.

"Glad you could make it, son." His father said. "Who is this lovely woman?"

"That's Kira," Sasha spoke up. "His fiance."

That caught both of Giovanni's parents' ears. "Fiance?" Elaine, his mother squeaked, standing from her chair.

"Gio..." Daniel, his father, didn't even know what to say.

Kira shrinks, feeling the strong tension building. She didn't know what to say honestly. Everything was on a time limit now. It was going by fast.

"Yes, and this is not a ruse."

Both of his parents were motionless, staring between Kira and Giovanni.

"So," Sasha interrupts the awkward silence. "Shall we eat?"

"How about you ladies go ahead. I would like to talk to Giovanni for a minute." Daniel stared at his son firmly.

He then broke eye contact, looking over to Kira. He motioned his hand to Giovanni's mother. "This is Elaine Brown. My wife."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Brown." Kira stuck her hand out and his mother grabbed her hand in respect, shaking her hand.

"Pleasures all mine. You look This is a surprise." Giovanni's mother eyes Kira suspiciously.

"It's understandable." Kira smiled and walked to the chair. After Giovanni helped her get situated, he turned and followed his father in the direction of his study.

"What were you thinking when I meant to take a break?" Daniel questioned, pacing back and forth in front of his desk.

Giovanni stood in his place. "I did as you said. I figured myself out."

His father scoffs in disbelief. "What did you do with this girl? Don't tell me you got her pregnant?"

Giovanni made a face. "I did nothing but got to know her. Kira is a genuine person and I found myself wanting her."

"So it's all lust?"

He sighed in frustration. "It's not lust. It's more than that. I like her."

Daniel stopped pacing and turned to look at his son. "Why ask her to marry you? How long have you known her?"

"I have known her for a while now. You just didn't know. And I asked her because I believe that I am ready to take that step again."

"It doesn't make sense, son. It's been less than three weeks since I told you to leave the office. Now you came back as someone's fiance. What is going on?"

"I am sticking by my words, Dad. You'd know she's perfect for me if you sit down and get to know her."

Daniel stares at his son. He was quiet for what seemed to be hours. He just didn't know another way to respond other than saying, "Okay."

Kira was slowly becoming more involved with the conversation and the way she interacted with his family had made him happy inside. Giovanni could tell that his parents were warming up and were taking a liking towards her. This was a great sign and this would be all the easier in the future. Especially for the upcoming wedding date that was set to be sooner than later.

"We should have more girl time," Sasha smiled at Kira.

"I would like that."

"Then it settled. How about tomorrow? Are you free?"

Kira glanced over at Giovanni and he shrugged. Kira had time to spare in the morning since she was staying tonight. She smiled at Sasha and nodded her head. "Yes," she answered. "Just give me a time and a place."

"Wonderful," Giovanni's mother cheered. "That means I get to know my soon-to-be daughter-in-law. You have a beautiful charm, Gio." Her voice was genuine but he could still hear the hint of uncertainty.

"I'm happy that you approve of her, Mom."

"Are you ready?" He questioned, looking Kira over.

She nodded her head quickly before standing up to her feet. He helped her with her coat and the two bid everyone goodbye and a promise later before walking out the house. That wasn't too bad. It was fun to get to know Giovanni's parents and his sister. She took note of how much Sasha was very opinionated, but Kira didn't mind it one bit.

"That was lovely." She smiled but it disappeared when she could see something was bothering him. It was all over his face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing too serious," He tried to assure her but she was not convinced for a second. Kira didn't push it. "I was thinking about a date."

"A date?" She raised a brow.

"A wedding date, I meant."

Kira looked forward as they continued to the car. "When do you want to get married?" She questioned him causing him to look down at her.

"You choose. We still have to tell my parents when we're getting married exactly."

Kira paused in her footing making him stop. "Well, whatever we decide next we need to make it quick. You said a year of marriage, Giovanni. That's one year I'm giving you of my life. I want it all to be sooner. The faster we do this the faster it will be over and we go on to our first lives."

His eyes never strayed from hers. It would be best because after they are done with all of this, they will go on and live their lives as if nothing has happened. He sighed knowing that she was right and that sticking to the plan was best.

"I'll figure out how to ease the wedding part to them as long as you do the same with your father, alright?"


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