Little Star || BTS Horror AU

By Sanabuii

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"Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky" ... More

{ Bonus : Christmas Special }


3.6K 303 360
By Sanabuii

How is it possible for the grey clouds and stars to align in the same sky?

The sky looks weirder than ever before. Grey clouds coating it in their thick blanket as a heavy drizzle pattered on my window glass and cut through the grass blades. Yet, the stars shining brightly peeping through those clouds as if staring right at me. Is this weather even normal?

Suddenly my attention was snapped to my once lit up room which was engulfed in darkness now. The power got cut. Great, I'm home alone and darkness my old friend has come to meet me.

I coil up and look outside towards the stars and clouds with lightening coursing through them. The only source of light now. I did not bother closing the window as I sat calmly coiled up on my window sill. The cool breeze brushing past me and the cool droplets of water kissing my skin felt good. It oddly calmed yet thrilled my racing heart.

And that is when I hear the door bell.

Weird. It's 10pm and who will come now? I talked to my parents just half an hour ago and they are still in the city at grandma's. I have no friends out here, and I don't really have much neighbours.

I gulped a lump formed in my throat and to be honest, every cell in my body warned me, no, screamed at me to not answer the door. As soon as I set foot on the ground, a loud thunder rumbled outside making me gasp at the intensity of the sound. The stars were still there, but the clouds seemed darker.

Calm down Y/n, probably someone got stuck here and needs shelter. It doesn't have to be anyone bad.

I walked with slow and measured steps to the door and stood right in front of the door still contemplating whether to open it or not. I decided to look through the eye hole but weirdly enough, the image of the visitors was not clear. As if a cloud of fog was in front of the eye hole preventing me to see them.

Another time someone pressed the door bell making me grab the door knob to twist it open but another rumble of thunder, this time even louder, to pierce through my ears shuddered my body sending chills down my spine. It's just a really bad weather.

I bit my lip before letting out a shaky breath and pulling the door open finally.

"Hello. May we come in?" a tall man, with soaked dirty sky blue and white shirt and white loose pants was standing in front of me. He had a smile on his face exposing his deep simples as his disheveled dyed blonde hair was sticking to his forehead because of the rain. Behind him were six other boys, their outfits oddly the same type as if they were patients.

"Who are you?" I asked tilting my head to the side. Their presence just had a such a strong aura, it almost intimidated me. The man in the middle had such an aura to him as if he was the leader of a pack of wolves. His charming smile was already taking a toll on me.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Kim Namjoon. These are my friends... We got strangled here while preparing for a school play. Can we stay for awhile?" he asked like a gentleman. Ha! Y/n you were getting scared for nothing! You were right! Just some students who got stuck! And it totally made sense now. They were some school kids preparing for some play and those might be their costumes.

"Um..." I looked around a bit unsure since I was alone at home but again, having company in this scary weather would be better than the company of ghosts... So I smiled softly and nodded my head as I left their path for them to come in. Each of them passed by me, without another word. Only the last person while coming in slightly bumped with my shoulder making me look up at him in reflex. He looked at me at the same time and our eyes met. His eyes were so dark, as if void of any warmth and frozen in coldness. His plump rosy lips parted only a little as he gave a small smile to me, pulling a string in my heart. His gaze felt like they had held me in a trance. His black hair matted with his forehead as the rain droplets trickled down. "Thank you for having us." he said softly with a bow showing me his gratitude. "I'm Park Jimin."

As they stepped inside my threshold, a third rumble of thunder was heard, but this time, it felt like a legitimate bomb being thrown, so I looked outside at the sky and I was spellbound.

Yellow sparks were flying everywhere and falling down along with the crystal droplets of rain as if the stars itself were falling down on the ground. It gave me goosebumps.

"Shut the door. Probably a lightening hit some nearby place." said the boy named Namjoon calmly without turning back around.

His tone was hard, and almost scary, but I felt like he's right. I closed the door shut, and the bright light from those fiery sparks entered through my window for me to finally take a look at the rest of their faces.

No smile, just hard glares. As if they had come here to devour my soul and as if it was a sin to even let them in. Their eyes, cold like a glass made of ice and reflecting nothing but an odd pain. Like they were trapped.

Just then, the boy named Jimin broke the awkward silence again with his small smile and his somewhat sad eyes thinned into crescents. "Thank you."

"Oh no. It's fine." I tried to laugh it off waving my hand a little to lighten the sudden intensity of the mood and all seven of them did smile at that. They all mirrored Jimin's smile. A sad yet happy one.

No Y/n, thank you for freeing us.


Thoughts? 💭

Also, the second narration or the prologue or bold italics out here, belongs to one member. Can you guess who? 👀

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