Trust; bakugo x reader

By JustStranger3

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You were born as the daughter of the most notorious villain of all time; All For One and was told to be an un... More

First Things First
Chapter 1: The Mission
Chapter 2: Entrance Exam
Chapter 3: The Mission Starts
Chapter 4: Keep An Eye On Them
Chapter 5: 2v2
Chapter 6: It's Nothing
Chapter 7: The League of Villains?
Chapter 8: Let's do this!
Chapter 10: Tomura Shigaraki
Chapter 11: Become A Hero?
Chapter 12: Let's Train!
Chapter 13: UA Sports Festival! Pt.1
Chapter 14: UA Sports Festival! Pt.2
Chapter 15: UA Sports Festival! Pt.3
Chapter 16: UA Sports Festival! Pt.4
Chapter 17: UA Sports Festival! Pt.5
Chapter 18: UA Sports Festival! Pt.6
Chapter 19: What About Them...?
Chapter 20: Complete
Chapter 21: Perfect
Chapter 22: When The Heart Beats Too Fast
Chapter 23: Shattered Hearts
Chapter 24: Let's Forget Us
Chapter 25: Teach Me!
Chapter 26: Save My Friends...
Chapter 27: After The Hosu Incident
Chapter 28: One Down
Chapter 29: Someone You Loved
Chapter 30: Nobody
Chapter 31: Stupid
Chapter 32: I'll Wait
Chapter 33: The Real Me
Chapter 34: I'm Counting On You!
Chapter 35: I Love You Too, But...
Chapter 36: The Truth
Chapter 37: I'm Sorry I Loved You
Chapter 38: I Lived So Kill Me Now
Chapter 39: Tartarus
Chapter 40: I Want To Be...
Chapter 41: ...A Hero!
Chapter 42: Dorms
Chapter 43: Sadness
Chapter 44: Indirect Kiss
Chapter 45: Class 1-A
Chapter 46: Provisional Exams Pt. 1
Chapter 47: Provisional Exams Pt. 2
Chapter 48: Provisional Exams Pt. 3
Chapter 49: It's Not Your Fault
Chapter 50: Cherries
Chapter 51: Welcome To I-Island
Chapter 52: The Telekinesis Hero: Levitra
Chapter 53: The Hidden Truth
Chapter 54: Girlfriend?!
Chapter 55: Karma in Hell
Chapter 56: Stars
Chapter 57: Back To Normal
Chapter 58: Work Studies
Chapter 59: Daydream
Chapter 60: The Roars of Nocturne
Chapter 61: Nocturne
Chapter 62: Gotcha
Chapter 63: Let's Hunt
Chapter 64: Satoshi and Akira Rose
Chapter 65: I Promise You
Chapter 66: The Monster In Me
Chapter 67: Execution
Chapter 68: The Elite Squad
Chapter 69: Good and Evil
Chapter 70: Curry
Chapter 71: Y/N Aizawa
Chapter 72: Memories (SPECIAL)
Chapter 73: Who Am I?
Chapter 74: Boyfriend?!
Chapter 75: A Spy and a Villain?
Chapter 76: My Real Father?
Chapter 77: Emotions
Chapter 78: Meet Up
Chapter 79: Remember Anything?
Chapter 80: Good or Bad...?
Chapter 81: Starting Over Again
END: Mystique
hey read this
fun facts cauz im bored
Eclipse pt. 1 (special)
Eclipse pt. 2 (special)

Chapter 9: I Am Here!

19.5K 512 765
By JustStranger3

You were about to run off to Midoriya when a huge door was broken down. Inside, there was a familiar body covered with dust. You noticed the others putting on their smiles, and the reason behind their change of mood was the one and only...

"All Might!" The whole Class 1-A shouted in unison.

Honestly, you didn't know whether you should be happy or upset but you could feel your lips curve. You were glad that your target has arrived, it was super wrong but you hoped he saved you all. Hoping he wouldn't make the same mistake he's done on his battle with some villain 12 years ago.


"Mom... Where is Mommy? Where is..." A huge monster destroyed the convenience store where you and your Mom were buying a few snacks. A strong muscular man suddenly came out of nowhere and fought the monster one-on-one. You saw how he fought it. You saw how he killed it. You saw how he saved people. But you didn't see him save your mom.

FLASHBACK (before the incident)

"Y/N, it's time to go home."

You were only four years old when that tragedy happened. There was one time when your Mom came to pick you up from the park and told her that you were hungry all of a sudden.

"Mom... I'm hungry." You frowned while you sat on the backseat. She looked at you and gave you a soft smile with her eyes closed.

"Alright, then let's go to a convenience store before we head home, okay?" You nodded cheerily. You were so excited and thought about what to buy.

'Hmmm what about cheeseburgers? Yogurt? Potato chips? Cupcakes? Are there cupcakes in convenience stores? What are convenience stores anyway? Cotton candy? Crackers? Wafers? COOKIES?!'

"We're here, hun." Your mom said as she opened her car door and opened yours as you came out of the car carrying your blue teddy bear. It was the same color as her eyes. That's why you loved it.

You both walked into the convenience store and you began searching for snacks. You found a jar of cookies and you attempted to take it but the shelf was too high and it was unreachable for you. Out of the blue, someone grabbed the jar of cookies and handed it to you when you completely lost your hope.

Your eyes were filled with sparkles when you took the delicious treat from his hand. You glanced at the person who grabbed it. It was a man, although he was wearing a jacket with a hoodie covering his face. You watched him smile, he had fangs and it scared you.

"T-Thank you..."

You were shivering but you still managed to thank him despite his spooky appearance. Without saying anything back, he walked away. You stopped staring at him and quickly ran to the other corner where your mother stood earlier.

When you reached the far corner, she wasn't there. You were about to roam around the store when a huge explosion raged in the whole area. The next thing you knew, the entire roof was completely gone and the whole area was almost torned down.

You couldn't move when a huge monster with large fangs stood in front of you. He looked like a wolf and a dinosaur mixed together. He had the body of a dinosaur and fur was covering his body, and of course, the scary fangs.


Like the ones from that man who grabbed the jar of cookies for you.

'D-Did... He turn into that..?'

You stared at him with your mouth open. He was about to take you when you felt someone grabbed you. He had blonde hair, a muscular body, and a very superior smile. You looked down at the ground and only realized you were flying. After you both landed, he put you to the ground and said, "It's okay now, because I am here."

He stated with his smile not wavering. You grinned hearing his comforting words but soon frowned when you realized something. He was about to take off and fight the monster but before he could do that, you tugged his tight suit from his back.

"W-Wait!" He stood up and turned his head to face you. "Hm?" He asked. Tears started to fall from your eyes causing him to turn around and place his right knee on the ground. "What's wrong?" He asked with concern while you wiped out all your tears but it kept on coming.

"M-Mom..." You sobbed.

"I will save your Mom, okay?" He patted your head as you looked up to see his smiling face. "What does she look like?" He asked. You immediately showed him your teddy bear, "Sh-She has the same eye color as this teddy bear!" You replied. "I will bring back your Mom, just wait, okay?" He said before he finally went off and began to fight the raging monster.

You watched him throw punches and kicks to the scary monster. When he finally took him down, a bunch of people gathered around and took out their gadgets to take a video of the hero, All Might. Since there were so many of them you couldn't see what happened next. You were worried that he might've forgot about your Mom but seeing him take down the monster, it gave you a slight hope.

You waited for him to come but the media suddenly appeared and pushed you out of the crowd. One of your private guards took you while you were being hesitant.

"Mom... No!" You quickly let go of the guard and ran back to the crowd. You tried to find All Might. When you finally spotted him, you were shocked when he wasn't carrying someone in his arms. He just smiled widely and answered every questions the reporters asked. You looked back at the store that was now on fire.

'Could Mom be...'

"Mom... Where.. Where is she?!" One of your guards grabbed your wrist and pulled you away. You tried to let go of him again but this time his grip was stronger. You couldn't do anything but yell and cry.

"Mom!" Your shout echoed through your ears. You were sad, you were in sorrow, yet you were also upset. You were dissapointed... You were angry. He didn't keep his promise. Why would he do that? Did his fight make him forget to save a certain person's life?

'He's awful,' you thought, 'He's no hero,' And so, you hated him ever since.


With the help of your serious training these past few years, you were able to forget the pain that struck you when you were only a child. But now, seeing him again, you can feel the pain coming back. Only this time, he wasn't smiling. You could see the frustration in his eyes. It gave you slight goosebumps since this is pretty unusual of him.

He sure care about his students, huh?

"I had a bad feeling, so I tore myself away from my chat with the principal and came." He began as Mina started sobbing and the others were showing their unwavering smile; well, not to mention Shoji's freaky smile on all of his arms. I mean... yeah, "I passed young Iida on my way and got a rough idea of what had happened."

What freaked you out (for the second time) is that All Might's not smiling. Literally.

"It's fine now!" He ripped out his necktie with a really mad face, "I am here!"

"All Might!" You could hear Mineta cry.

"The No. 1 hero. You trash of society." Shigaraki mumbled.

"That's All Might...?" One of the villains asked, they looked really terrified.

"It's my first time seeing him in person!"

"He looks so intimidating..."

They're afraid all right.

"Idiots! Don't hesitate! If we kill that, we'll--" The man didn't finish as All Might quickly punched him hard. In a blink of an eye, they were already on the ground.

"It's no good... It's no good..." Shigaraki mumbled again, "It's no good... I-I'm sorry, Father..."

Father? My father? Wh-What's his relationship with my dad...?

All Might was about to hit Shigaraki with his 'Carolina Smash' when suddenly the bird brain slid in front of All Might as his punch landed on his dark toned skin. However, it didn't had any effect on bird brain's body which surprised you a lot.

All Might began to fight that drum stick as the others made their way outside. Unfortunately, you just stood there not even bothering to move a single muscle. You don't know exactly why but... You thought maybe you should help your target for now.

You ran towards them as you overheard Hand Man mumbling again.

How many times does he do that in one day? It's really annoying!

"It doesn't work because of shock absorption. In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be most effective to slowly gouge out his flesh."

Seriously, man? What kind of villain would REVEAL THE ONLY WAY TO KILL THEIR SECRET WEAPON?! Is he stupid?!

"Whether he'd let you do that or not is a different issue, though." He continued while you sighed as you hid in a bush meters away behind him.

Yeah, well so what?! All Might might end up destroying this bird brain! Dad's villains are so low-class. In other words, they're high-class idiots.

"Thanks for telling me all that! If that's true then it's easier for me!" All Might shouted.

See what I'm talking about?

You let out another sigh in dissapointment and facepalmed. You watched as All Might began suffering. You stayed hidden in the bush eavesdropping and waited for the right time to attack but now was not the time.

"I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me, but I would be happy to take someone as great as you. You are too fast to see with the human eye. Restraining you was Nomu's job. And then, when your body is halfway in, to close the gate..." Kurogiri appeared out of nowhere and spoke while All Might was being dragged by bird brain. "...and tear you apart is my job." He continued.

Wait, is he planning on... Gross.

You sat on the floor facing the other side.

Should I attack now? Although I don't think my guts are responding. Eh, let's just wait until the right time comes. After all, I do trust you, my clever guts.

Suddenly, you heard an explosion. You looked back when you saw Hothead and Broccoli who were now in front of Kurogiri.

Please tell me this is the time.

You unexpectedly feel pumped up right now!

"Move! You're in my way, Deku!" Hothead shouted so loud that you covered both your ears. Your ears are gonna get injured for the next months of his screaming and yelling.

I wonder if he got a sore throat before. I think he had multiple times. I mean, a million times.

Ice froze the ground where bird head was standing. You searched the area only to see Mr. Melted Ice there too.

"All I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might." He said.

"Young Todoroki?!" You heard All Might exclaimed.

What a show off. Hey, I want to show off too!

You jumped out of the bush as their eyes were focused on you. While you were still in mid-air, you gestured your hand to Shigaraki and made him hit the wall again. You ended up tumbling and thankfully, you landed perfectly on the ground.

"Young Y/N?!" All Might exclaimed again. You turned to them and smirked. "You guys aren't the only one who wants to show off." You confidently said with pride.

All Might got out of bird head's grip and stood on Mr. Melted Ice's side. Red hair came too as he tried to punch Shigaraki right after he stood up after your attack. "Damn it! I didn't get to show off!" He said dissapointed... In a funny way.

Hahahahahahahahaha! I know how you feel, Kirishima. Life is unfair.

"Stop acting so stuck-up, foggy nobody!"

"The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you."

"Ummm... Catchphrase?" You said confused why they were saying stuff out of the blue.

"Kacchan! Y/N! Everyone!" Broccoli teared up.

"Seriously, Broccoli? Now's literally not the time to cry about this!" You yelled.

I'm soooo irritated right now.

You watched as he wiped his tears and apologized. Now, you all stood side by side glaring at Shigaraki who was now in front of you.

Alright gang, let's kick some ass! Or should I say, hand! Ahahahaha.... I know it's not funny.

Why did I even try? ;-;

~2127 words~

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