Idol Love [Klance AU]

By TheGirlInShippingHec

304K 10.5K 8.9K

Both of the most popular stars or more correctly Idols of their generation are forced to collaborate on their... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Writers Needed
Chapter 11
Dead Meme Break
Chapter 12
Some Klance Shit Storm
Social Media
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 15 (Real)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 (real)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Another Q&A
Q&A Part 2
Space Suit
Smol Tol Boi Bday
Idols Future
Chapter 26
Klance Marriage Shit Post
Sooo My Hero Academia
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 {Part 1}
Chapter 28 {Part 2}
Things that need to be cleared up.
Chapter 29
Idol Love Headcanons
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 {Part 1}
Chapter 31 {Part 2}
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 {Part 2}
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 {Part 1}
Chapter 41 {Part 2}
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
More Idol Love Headcanons Cuz Ya'll Really Thought This was Over XD
Bonus Chapter Book?

Chapter 39 {Part 1}

1.2K 42 18
By TheGirlInShippingHec

WAY too much research went into this chapter. Please pray for me because my insta, google, and youtube bouta' give me ads for super expensive clothing, shoes, and accessories for WEEKS. I'm thankful I already vaguely knew the area mentioned in this chapter because I REALLY don't know if I could've handled another hour of researching. God, I have SO MANY TABS OPENED FOR THIS CHAPTER. My laptop LAGGED for soooo long.

Also, this chapter is gonna be split into like 2 maybe 3 parts because this one is just gonna be a long domestic type of chapter.

The day had finally come. The day the final song was finished. With the album out of the way, Keith and Lance had only 2 days left together before they had together. But how to spend those last 2 days together was the question. Lounging around on the gigantic couch in the living room, Lance flipped through shows on Netflix for a while before sighing, boredom overcoming him.

Keith, who is conveniently laying on Lance, looks up, "What's wrong?"

Lance shuts his eyes and leans his head back, ready to complain, "We have like what? 3? No, 2 days left together, and what are we doing?"

Keith averts his eyes to his phone, "Laying on the couch?"


"What's wrong with laying on the couch?"

"Nothing, just..." Lance pauses, "I don't know. I feel like we should be out having fun or shopping or something! Not just laying on the couch."

"But I like laying on the couch."

Lance groans, "Can't we just like go out and like go to the mall or something?"

Keith shifts around to face Lance, putting his phone down, "Have you forgotten that we're celebrities?"

"No," Lance looks to the TV, "I'm just bored of not being able to go out like a normal person."

"Should've thought of that before you became a superstar," Keith states, laying his head down on Lance's chest.

Lance makes an unhappy noise and throws the remote on the glass coffee table, "Can I at least take you to the high-end stores for a little bit?"

It's Keith's turn to protest, "Aren't you even the slightest bit worried that we'll be mauled by fangirls?"

"We can disguise ourselves."

"Okay, like that doesn't make us obvious," Keith remarks playfully.

"We don't have to wear like masks or anything," Lance explains, "We can dress like normal rich people with like hats or something."

"In this heat?"

"At least I'm throwing out ideas," Lance huffs, "What are you doing?"

"Telling you your ideas are dumb."

"Well, why don't you come up with an idea, huh?" Lance taunts. Keith opens his mouth to speak as Lance adds, "That idea can't be laying around the house."

Keith promptly shuts his mouth and thinks for a moment. Sighing he looks up at Lance, "Fine... I have nothing."

Lance smiles in victory, "So, can we go shopping?"



Arriving at Rodeo Drive, Lance immediately drags Keith out into the blinding sunlight. Keith practically hisses as the other leads him to the first store, Saint Laurent. A very audible groan emerges from Keith. He adjusts sunglasses, trying to keep his eyes hidden from the customers around him. He clearly isn't used to going out into public like every other person is.

Lance lets go of Keith and walks away to look at sneakers, leaving Keith looking like a lost child. Trying not to draw too much attention to himself, Keith hurries back to Lances' side.

"Well aren't you a lost puppy?" Lance teases.

"Shut it."

Lance chuckles and wraps an arm around Keith's waist, "C'mon, you had to have gone out shopping back in Korea at least once when you became popular."

"Once, many moons ago."

Lance shakes his head with a smile, "You that scared of fangirls?"

Keith looks away towards the jewelry, "No, just don't want the tabloids to pick up on this."

"They won't," Lance starts to move them towards the jewelry, seeing as Keith seems to be interested in it, "As long as we don't draw too much attention to ourselves they should keep to themselves."

Keith almost laughs at that, seeing as Lance has his arm wrapped around his waist.

"What's so funny?"

Keith mocks Lance for a moment, "As long as we don't draw attention to ourselves," He laughs lightly, "Do you not realize that your arm is around my waist?"

Lance's cheeks flush a light pink as he removes his arm from Keith, "Alright, you have a point."

Keith shakes his head at this, smile plastered across his face while he looks at the jewelry. Lance, on the other hand, immediately spots something he thinks Keith would like. Pointing to the inverted black metal heart pendant necklace, Lance gets Keith's attention, "What about this?"

Keith looks at the necklace and shrugs, "What about it?"

Lance looks Keith up and down for a moment, "I- Really?"

"Yes, really, what about it?"

"I think it'd be a nice necklace for when you're performing seeing as you usually wear stuff like this anyways."

Keith stares at the necklace for a moment before sighing, "Okay, I see where you're coming from but why?"

"Just 'cause I think it'd fit you."

An employee walks up to the pair with a bright smile, "Do either of you two want to try on that necklace?" She motions to the pendant on display.

Keith goes to answer but Lance cuts him off, "Yes, actually. I think my friend would look great in it but he's not sold yet."

Keith glares at Lance as the lady replies, "Well then, follow me to the jewelry counter!"

The young lady leads the couple towards the jewelry counter a little further back that contains most of the stock of jewelry.

Keith lightly punches Lance and whispers, "Why would you do that?"

"Because I'm trying to make a point."

Keith scowls as he watches the lady as she fishes around the drawers behind the main display. The woman stands up straight and hands Keith the necklace, "Here you go, sir."

Keith sends Lance one last glare as he takes the necklace and puts it on. Lance smiles along with the sales lady who claps her hands together, "I'll have to admit, your friend was correct, sir!" Keith looks up to the lady as she continues, "The pendant does look nice on you!"

Keith looks into the little mirror next to him and has to admit, it does look nice on him. Before he can even say anything about it, Lance speaks up without hesitation, "We'll take it."

Keith snaps his head towards his boyfriend, "Hey! Wa-Wait! We don't even know how much this costs!"

"It's $395."

"I'm getting it for you," Lance exclaims.

Keith takes the necklace off and sets it on the glass countertop of the displays, "How about we look at other things first before getting the first thing we see?"

Lance sighs, "Fine, but can she at least hold it for us?"

Keith gives in, "Fine, alright, you win."

Lance smiles as the woman behind the counter grabs their attention, "Well if you liked that one, what about this one?" She pulls out another pendant necklace that has a mini metal dice on it, "I think this one would suit you well."

Keith cautiously takes it from her and holds it up to his neck. Once again, he does have to admit it looks nice on him. Lance gives the lady a look without Keith noticing which promptly causes the woman to look through the display case. She pulls out yet another piece of jewelry. This time it's a bracelet.

"This is our Woven Leather and Metal Chain Bracelet. I think it fits with what you two already looked at."

Keith places the necklace on the counter, "Thank you, but I don't know."

Lance rolls his eyes, "Give us a minute to talk about this, please."

Lance leads Keith away who was ranting about how he doesn't need any of this. Lance sees his chance and looks back to the lady and gives her another look which has a pretty obvious meaning. The lady nods and starts bagging the jewelry as Lance talks to Keith.

"Come on, Keith, at least let me get you some jewelry."

"You've seen my room back home. I don't need any more jewelry or clothing or any of it."

Lance groans, "But I wanna get you something. Just let me spoil you today."

Keith grumbles about this for a moment before sighing out, "Fine, but it's your wallet, not mine."

"Good thing I just got paid."

The pair head back to the sales lady who has already wrapped all the jewelry up and put it in a bag. She smiles and tells them the total, which Lance handed over his credit card. Handing the card back after Lance signed, the Lady hands Lance the bag and his card with a bright smile, "Have a nice day!"

"You too."

Okay, so there's only gonna be a few more parts to this because clearly I don't want to write anymore. I'm not tryna' rush but no one really reads this anyway. Sooooo like 5 maybe 6 or 7 more chapters including this one? Yeah? Yeah? Alright.

Obviously, I finally have ideas on how to end this shit show. We all need to pray that I actually do.

*mentally prepares self for having to write smut which I've been putting off for 2 years.*

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