Havi of the Earth Kingdom

By _Unina05_

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Havi is the older sister to Haru. While her brother is an earthbender, she was born without that gift but is... More

Introducing Havi
Chapter 1: Imprisoned
Chapter 2: Imprisoned
Chapter 3: Winter Solstice Part 1
Chapter 4: Winter Solstice Part 2
Chapter 5: The Waterbending Scroll
Chapter 6: The Waterbending Scroll
Chapter 7: Jet
Chapter 8: Jet
Chapter 9: The Great Divide
Chapter 10: The Storm
Chapter 11: The Fortune Teller
Chapter 12: The Fortune Teller
Chapter 13: Bato of the Water Tribe
Chapter 15: The Deserter
Chapter 16: The Deserter
Chapter 17: The Northern Air Temple
Chapter 18: The Waterbending Master
Chapter 19: The Waterbending Master
Chapter 20: The Seige of the North Part 1
Chapter 21: The Siege of the North Part 2
Chapter 22: The Avatar State
Chapter 23: The Avatar State
Chapter 24: The Cave of Two Lovers
Chapter 25: The Cave of Two Lovers
Chapter 26: Return to Omashu
Chapter 27: The Swamp
Chapter 28: The Blind Bandit
Chapter 29: The Blind Bandit
Chapter 30: The Chase
Chapter 31: The Chase
Chapter 32: Bitter Work
Chapter 33: The Library
Chapter 34: The Library
Chapter 35: The Desert
Chapter 36: The Serpent's Pass
Chapter 37: The Serpent's Pass
Chapter 38: The Drill
Chapter 39: City of Walls and Secrets
Chapter 40: City of Walls and Secrets
Chapter 41: The Tales of Ba Sing Se
Chapter 42: Lake Laogai
Chapter 43: Lake Laogai
Chapter 44: The Earth King
Chapter 45: The Earth King
Chapter 46: The Guru/The Crossroads
Chapter 47: The Awakening
Chapter 48: The Headband
Chapter 49: The Painted Lady
Chapter 50: The Painted Lady
Chapter 51: Sokka's Master
Chapter 52: The Avatar and The Firelord
Chapter 53: The Runaway
Chapter 54: The Runaway
Chapter 55: The Puppetmaster
Chapter 56: The Puppetmaster
Chapter 57: Nightmares and Daydreams
Chapter 58: The Invasion
Chapter 59: The Invasion

Chapter 14: Bato of the Water Tribe

946 46 72
By _Unina05_

I really dodged that boat trip like Havi and Sokka dodge dealing with their
f  e  e  l  i  n  g  s

This chapter is just whatever. Nothing exciting happens so if u want, just skip to the last few paragraphs. That's when smth cute happens lol

Havi's pov

I shoot awake when I hear the boat nearing the beach. Guess I fell asleep? They all hopped out as Bato grabbed a small, brown bowl of paint. "The spirits of water bear witness to these marks," He announces and I walk closer as he puts a curved line with a dot on Sokka's forehead, "for Sokka, the mark of the wise. The same mark your father earned. For Katara the mark of the brave," he made a crescent moon shape on her forehead, "your courage inspires us and for Aang," he made a slightly curved line, "the mark of the trusted. You are now an honorary member of the water tribe."

"I can't," Aang looks to the ground and I raise a brow at him.

Katara insists, "Of course you can!"

"No," He refuses, "You can't trust me." I squint suspiciously at the airbender.

"Aang, what are you talking about?" That's what I'm thinking.

"A messenger gave this to me for Bato," He held out a crumbled piece of paper which Katara snatched from him immediately, "You have to understand. I was afraid you wouldn't-"

"This is the map to our father!" Sokka yells and my jaw physically drops, "You had it the whole time!? How could you? Well, you can go to the North Pole on your own. I'm going to find dad."

He starts to storm away and Bato stops him, "Now, Sokka, I think you should-"

But he refused to listen, "Katara, are you with me?"

She looked regretfully between her brother and her friend, "I'm with you, Sokka."

"Havi?" I was startled by being brought into this. Surely, he wouldn't bring me into his family drama. Right? I look to a deflated Aang and then to the boy I've come to... like... so dearly. Sokka grabbed my hand, "Havi, are you with me?" It almost sounded desperate, like the anger somehow faded for a moment, which only made this that much harder.

I separate from him, "I'm sorry. I'm staying." Sokka gave me a look of betrayal but quickly left with Katara and Bato.

• • •

I lay back in Appa's saddle and think about my decision. Was it the right one? At this point, I'm not even sure. Both options weren't exactly my first choice. By going with the siblings, I would lose Aang, he would be completely alone, and I would probably end up having to go back to my home anyways. By staying, I feel that I've lost one of my first ever girl friends and the only guy I've really connected with before. Neither had happy endings.

I listen in as Katara and Aang share a brief goodbye, that didn't even say goodbye in it, and I've gotta say, it hurt that Sokka refused to say anything to me before leaving. We made eye contact from where he stood at the village gate but the second his eyes met mine, he looked away. That stung. Like, way worse than I thought it could. As they walked away from us, leaving to find their father, a warm tear found its way down my cheek.

Superior walked up to us and Aang spoke with her, "Guess I should be moving on?"

"That would be best," She replied coldly. For a nun, she sure is harsh.

Aang guided Appa out the gates where we could see our friends walking down the other path, "I'm an idiot, Havi."

"You made a mistake, Aang. This one made a bigger impact than others but we'll get through it." He never replied. Just continued to the beach we started at.

It was a sad few moments we had to let everything sink in but a panicked sister ran to us, "Avatar, you must leave!"

"Okay, I get it. Everybody wants me gone."

The sister shook her head while clarifying what she meant, "A group of people came to the abbey looking for you."

I shoot up from my spot, "Who?"

"A fierce looking woman with a horrible monster and a young man with a scar."

"Zuko," Aang and I realized at the same time.

"The beast was using the scent of a necklace to follow you."

"A necklace?" I asked.

Aang gasped, "Katara!"

Aang got out his glider and flew back right away whereas I helped the sister onto Appa and took a little longer. As we neared the abbey, I saw the giant monster I was told of heading straight for Aang, "Sorry, ma'am, this is gonna be a rough ride. I suggest holding on tight." I made Appa dive into the creature to push it away from Aang before hopping off, making sure the sister was alright.

To one side of me Zuko and Aang began fighting and to the other I watched the water tribe siblings get dragged away. Aang can hold his own so I started jogging to Katara and Sokka when an explosion from behind knocked me off my feet. I fell on my stomach and felt achy. Really? I scrape myself off the ground and find my way over to my friends, "What's wrong with you guys? Can't you get up? Are you hurt?"

"It's her shirshu!" Sokka told me, "it paralyzed us with its tongue!"

Just what we need. A disabling, giant mouse who's after us too.

I watch from the sides as Appa gets hit with the tongue of the monster and falls down but quickly gets back up. The two animals head butt into each other as the dark haired woman flips over and whips Appa's back.

At the same time, I shift my attention to the roof where Zuko was charging Aang with fire. After a large blast, Aang easily misses it by flipping to the other side of the prince. With another blast coming his way, the airbender skillfully jumps and bends a gust of wind at the opponent that sends him crashing into a wall. This time it was Aang ambushing Zuko but before he could get a good attack in, the prince slid down the roof.

"I'm starting to get some feeling back," Sokka slightly moved his hand.

"You're gonna jinx yourself," I say as pieces of wood fell onto him making me laugh at the irony, "Wow, I guess that fortune teller was right about your anguish." He just sends me a petty glare in return.

"Give me a hand up, eh?" He reaches out for me and I assist in leaning Sokka then Katara against a wall where they could balance.

A sister brought some type of perfume under their noses which got rid of the paralysis. I mean, they almost barfed after sniffing it but what works, works, am I right?

Sokka started to brainstorm ideas out loud, "That thing sees with its nose. Let's give him something to look at."

"The perfume?" I ask and he nods.

Together, us and the sisters brought large containers full of perfumes into the courtyard. Right as Aang was being cornered, we tipped them over and Katara waterbended them onto the beast. I could tell it was getting confused and panicking by its behavioral change. I smirk lightly as I watch it paralyze Zuko and even his own owner. It ran around, smashing into walls, clawing on roofs, then finally ended up jumping out and escaping the courtyard.

• • •

After the long day of fighting, we all get back to flying away on Appa. "So, where do we go?" Aang asked from the bison's head.

Katara replies, "We're getting you to the North Pole."

"Yeah," Sokka adds, "We've lost too much time as it is."

I double check just to make sure they knew what they were getting into, "Don't you want to see your father?"

"Of course we do, Havi, but you guys are our family too," I smile at Sokka's words, "and right now, you guys need us more."

"And we need you," Katara added.

"I wish I could give you a little piece of home, Katara," Aang rested his head on the saddle, "something to remind you-"

"I'll be okay."

"Still, just a little trinket. Maybe something like," he pulled out a Katara's necklace, "this."

She immediately took it in her hands excitedly, "Aang! How'd you get that?"

"Zuko asked me to be sure I got it to you."

"Aw, that's so sweet of Zuko," Katara joked, "Would you give him a kiss for me when you see him?"

"Sure," Aang player along. She then leans over to give him a kiss on the cheek. Those two get into their own conversation as I yawn.

"Tired?" Asked Sokka.

"A bit," I rub my eyes.

"Here," he pat his lap and I blushed but laid my head down anyways, "Go to sleep, we had a long day."

Peacefully, I fell asleep to the water tribe boy playing with my hair.


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