Royal Pain (Rewritten)

By romolavinia91

568K 25.9K 4.8K

This newer version of Royal Pain has a few mature scenes and more added detail. I hope if you're a rereader o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Ch. 31 The Origin
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (Embracing Pain)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 58

3.1K 153 30
By romolavinia91

On his way to his own bedroom Darius found himself heading towards his son room. It was a habit to check on him every night before thinking about sleep, no matter how long the day. It was a grueling day of back to back meetings. The Relic moon was close and everyone was anxious about. It was easy for a king to put on a brave face but deep down Darius was petrified, mostly for his wife.

It would be different for her than the rest.

In the midst of it all the lycans had a tradition for the rare hybrid eclipse. They considered canceling but the feast meant something more to them. It was a night where the women run off into the woods leaving the men to find their mates in utter darkness.

It was a tradition that signified that no matter what soulmates were bound to find each other. This year Adamarius would be amongst them. Darius wasn't sure how he should feel about it. Deva was his soulmate. Nothing, not even he, could break their bond.

He knew that marrying her and yet it never stopped him. Deva was also his soulmate. He couldn't live without her. And if that meant Adamarius too then he would accept it. He would have to.

It was midnight and Alcide should have been sound asleep. Magnus lay beside his bed, wake and alert. The gorgeous wolf cocked its head to the side to spot the intruder but he already knew it was Darius.

Alcide's little body was wrestling with the sheets, restlessly.

He began to mumble feverishly. "Momma momma. Momma!"

Darius pulled him into his arms, hoping to wake him from whatever nightmare he was having.

"Shhhh it's ok Alcide," he rocked back and forth. "Dreams can't hurt you."

"Dad, daddy. Where's momma?" His big brown eyes opened scared and worried.

"She's sleeping Alcide. What is it? What did you dream about?" If anyone could understand and interoperate dreams it would be Darius. 

Thick brown curls shook with his head. "I don't have dreams anymore. I had a bad feeling."

"About momma?"

He nodded his little head into Darius stomach.

"I promise momma is just fine." Darius cradled him in his arms. "Want me to tell you the story about how I met your mother?"

Alcide couldn't contain his excitement. "Yes! Yes!" He had never heard it before. Either he was too young or he didn't much bother to ask.

"Close your eyes." Darius painted the pictures from memory.

Deva was youthful, beautiful, and stubborn. Mischief followed her wherever she went. Alcide was seeing his mother in a different light; one other than the strict figure she was now.

He enjoyed the memories just as much as Darius did reliving them.

"Momma isn't going anywhere." Darius vowed pulling them both back to reality.

His big brown eyes imprisoned him. "Promise?"

Darius nodded. It was a promise he would die to keep. "Try to sleep and when you wake up you can help me train the soldiers."

Alcide fell asleep in his father's arms within minutes. Darius didn't have the heart to leave his son.  He cradled him closer to his chest and got comfortable in the smaller than usual bed.
By morning his men where already gathered in the courtyard waiting for instructions. Marcus and Adamarius were among them, in the front of the lines. Alcide raced to his uncles and Marcus flung his nephew into the air as soon as he reached them.

Alcide's melodious laugh grew louder with every toss he endured.

Adamarius stood strong and extremely tall amongst the men. He was built like an oxen. Most lycans were born with broaden shoulders but Adamarius wasn't like the rest. He was an Alpha by blood. He exuded more than just dominance.

Darius wondered if it would eventually turn into an issue. Would his Alpha persona take over forcing him to demand a larger role in the kingdom? Darius knew he couldn't be a true Alpha leader to the lycans. They acknowledged him as their king but that was all they could do. An Alpha had a stronger supernatural bond with his people, a claim he could never have.

There were 50 men waiting his command. Thirty five of them were vampires, the rest were lycans trying to prove their worth.

Darius approached them calmly and full of prestige. "Alcide! Are we lions?"

Marcus broke the horseplay and held the boy in his arms.

"Noooo!" He yelled as loudly as he could.

"What are we?" He directed the next question towards his troops.

The men and women under his command were perfectly positioned, arms behind their back and feet apart.

"Warriors!" They shouted in unison.

Darius smiled with gleaming pride. "We are?"

"Ferocious!" They replied louder.

"We are!" Darius asked again.


"We are!"

"Fearsome!" They answered on command, rehearsed.

"We are!"

"Sworn to protect every creature in this kingdom!"

Alcide repeated every word from heart. He aspired like every boy to grow as big and ruthless as his father's warriors.

Every member in his army had taken an oath. They would risk their lives to save innocent creatures; humans, vampires, lycans, or witches. They were dispatched around every part of the kingdom to keep peace and report back.

Darius used his ability to train his men. He took away some of their senses so that they could be ready for any kind of unknowing attack.

Adamarius stood back most of the time; keeping his nephew company. He'd whisper in his ear explaining the scenario and giving his opinion on how to win the fight.

Alcide was bubbling up with joy and suddenly Darius felt a ting of fatherly satisfaction.

Marcus lent his ability for the practice runs as well. It eventually turned into a hand to hand combat between brothers. They were an equal force. They had identical bodies but diverse skills.

"A king that trains his own men. Impressive." Ilsa was leaning on her hip, her silhouette accentuated by the skin tight dress she was wearing.

"It's also the reason we're undefeated," Marcus patted Darius' back calling a truce.

Ilsa snaked her way closer to the soldiers for a better look. She nodded in Adamarius' direction but he hardly paid her any attention.

"Only 50 men?"

"The others are already on patrol," Darius eyed her peculiarly. “I'm surprised to see you. Why are you here?”

He was aware of her lack of respect towards Deva the last time she was over. He understood why she didn't presumably like Deva but she had to be stupid or suicidal to pick a fight with a queen.

He didn't like the way she treated his wife.

Ilsa was an old friend he hadn’t seen in decades. Every memory he had of her was a pleasant one. She was much younger than him but he was always kind to her at events. They weren't necessarily close.

He was good friends with Sebastian her step brother so Ilsa would occasionally tag along.

“I volunteered to help Izzy with the hybrid moon party."

He didn't realize she and his sisters were friends.

“How are you?” He spoke sincerely.

Darius had felt guilty ever since the day she was forced to leave the realm. He was ashamed of what he did to her family. He never meant for his little affair with her mother to get complicated or last long.

He and Ilsa had grown up together. In an idealistic world she would have been the perfect girl for him if it hadn’t been for her mother. Sheena had seduced him and he hated admitting his weakness to fend her off.

He knew Ilsa had a crush on his back then but it didn’t stop him from pursuing the affair.

“I’m great and surprised to greet you as your majesty.” She bowed politely in jest.

“You thought it would be Lucian.” Darius felt like the entire universe expected his brother to be king instead of him.

“I wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s been so long.”

“It has.” They wandered down the path back up to the castle’s courtyard patio and a good distance from his men.

“It’s strange not having a mother anymore. Being a vampire you don’t expect to say goodbye.”

The touchy subject was bound to surface.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t make it to the funeral.”

Soon after their affair started Sheena sent her daughter into the human world. She didn't want Ilsa to complicate matters.

Ilsa shrugged like it didn’t bother her. He wanted to blame her lack of emotion on grief but maybe there was more to it.

“All this time away only manifested hate. I hate her for banishing me from my own home. I hated her for using you.”

In her eyes he was an innocent bystander.

“I’m sorry I hurt you.”

He apologized to King Raphael years ago and over time he believed the widower forgave him. Sheena would spill secrets of their marriage. She told Darius that she was unhappy and that her husband had his own affairs, cheating on her with other women.

It wasn't uncommon. Cheating could happen to anyone. Royals weren't the exception; they weren't any different. Even his own mother fell in love with a lycan.

"I believe you."

Darius lowered his head. "I'm sorry I was the cause of your mother's death. I was the reason she died." Ilsa wanted to protest but he stopped her. "Sheena had a plan for us but after some time I didn't feel the same about her. She grew obsessive and sent you away."

She took a moment to process his explanation.

"She attempted to kill my wife and then told everyone of our affair. She sentenced herself to death."

Ilsa was as clever as her mother and Darius could see it in her eyes. She smirked and taped her chin in question. "She was forced to confess though, wasn't she?"

He caught a glimpse of her real intentions, assumptions. "Like I said before I'm the cause of her death. Not my wife."

Ilsa was different from the woman he remembered. She reminded him so much of Sheena; beautiful, alluring, but regretfully dangerous.

"She wanted me, couldn't have me, and tried to kill the woman I love for it. It was my fault so if you plan on blaming anyone or getting back at anyone it's me, not her." Darius had inched closer as he spoke every other word.

His chest puffed out from instinct and towered over her. He wouldn't allow anyone to threaten his wife.

"Understood." She smirked with an undeniable, conniving beauty.

It was a deceitful beauty like the one Sheena used to render him powerless. She always knew where to find him, always knew what to say.

During the period they met Darius was feeling the abuse from his father more than ever. People, loved ones, saw what Asher was doing to him but no one did anything. Sheena was there to comfort him, lick his wounds, and kiss his sorrows away. She became a crutch he ran to for comfort and love.

Ilsa dismissed the threat and trailed her dark eyes over every muscle on Darius' body, with no guilt or shame.

"Tell me Darius are you happily married?"

His head rolled back and he looked upon the sky for answers. Why were women from his past always showing up?

"Yes. Extremely happy."

"Does having her soul mate within the castle not anger you?"

He was used to the criticism. How many people would whisper it behind his back? How many tabloids would he see about his half brother stealing his wife away? Darius had to learn to push it all to the back of his mind.

"Izzy is probably waiting for you." Darius kept his tone natural but he was upset.

"It was nice seeing you." Ilsa glanced down his physic one more time before turning on her heels.

"And don't over stay your welcome." He added.

Deva hated waking up to an empty bed but it wasn't uncommon for her. Darius would often be up before her, starting his day off with drills or council meetings. She was starting to believe Royals and everyone in position of power never get to sleep.

It was nearly noon and she wondered how she has slept in. Why didn't anyone wake her up?

Today was the eclipse. Everyone was most likely busy preparing for it except her. Again she wondered why she wasn't woken up?

Deva dressed quickly and there was already a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Henry and Jonathan entered with bowed heads. "King Derick is here to see you."

Wasn't that a pleasant surprise.

"Ask him to meet me in my sun room. I want my brunch there."

It was on the second floor with a full balcony. It was a beautiful day and she didn't want to waste the sun. It wasn't as spectacular as Derick indoor botanical garden but it was impressively green. Deva had plants cover almost every inch of the room. Ivy hung from the ceiling and cascaded down the walls. Other leafy plants, beautiful and colorful flowers, Deva couldn't remember all of their names but she loved looking at them and breathing their freshness. It calmed her.

The table was already set by the time she got there. Crepes, fruit, and coffee were all she ever asked for in the mornings.

As expected Darius and Marcus were out in the fields with a small portion of their army. She spotted them clearly on the balcony. Her son and Adamarius were off on the side. He was pointing towards the fighters and Deva could assume explaining the different combat tactics.

Her heart warmed with a new sensation. Deciding to have him stay was the best decision. Adamarius belonged with his family. She saw that now and regretted taking those years from him.

A smaller figure appeared along side her husband catching her attention.

The curves of aphrodite was the best description of her. Deva took several deep breathes since she heard three footsteps from her guest.

Derick came up next to her, looking out in the same direction she was. She could pick out his scent from anyone's. He smelt like refreshing citrus on a hot day.

"What do you know about Princess Ilsa?" She asked as she watched the little princess conversing with Darius. "I heard she tried pursuing you once."

King Derick grinned and turned away to sit at the table and Deva followed. She poured them both coffee and added rum to her own knowing Derick didn't want any. He frequently visited her. Their friendship developed into more than she ever expected it to. Derick was closer to her than he was with Darius.

"Do you blame her?" He joked taking a bite out of a pineapple slice.

She smiled tilting her head in his direction. He was a beautiful man. His skin wasn't pale but more like a pale brown. His eyes were dark but trusting, full of wisdom.

"I definitely see the appeal." Deva sipped her spiked coffee.

"She's crafty like her mother. Her mother was her role model. She was only after me because she wants to be queen."

"Why is she here? Now?"

"Probably concocting a plan to murder you for killing Sheena." She could always depend on him to give her straight answers.

"And then steal my husband." She wasn't worried about that part.

Darius was devoted to her just like she was to him. The part that raised flags was the murder issue. Alcide had already witnessed her death. Was Ilsa the one responsible for her demise?

"Its not likely to happen. You're very loved by the people, lycans and vampires. You're surrounded and monitored 24/7." He didn't seem as concerned and it made her feel better.

"Darius doesn't believe so either. I just don't understand why she's here."

Derick tried consoling her. "Izzy told me she was helping with the hybrid moon festivities. Having Ilsa close is not a bad idea. Keep your eye on her and I will too."

Deva sighed and something about her stress made Derick suspicious.

"What's wrong?"

Deva faked a smile. "Nothing. I'm glad the whole family is back. Having Adamarius here feels right."

He wasn't buying it. "What about his sister?"

Deva did her best not to make a face. She knew he had spies everywhere and most likely heard about it.

"She doesn't like me. But I don't blame her."

"But that's not the thing bothering you now."

He had grown extremely fond of Deva. She was strong, witty, and insightful. He loved watching over her and the family. He didn't get to do it when Asher was alive. He promised he would but he didn't and the guilt weighed on him. That was why he couldn't abandoned them. Especially Deva, she was Queen, and Darius' wife.

Derick enjoyed their talks. Her company was energizing. He loved being needed. That might have been because he had no children of his own.

Deva didn't wanted to tell more people about her secret but she knew she could trust him. "Alcide had a premonition of my death."

"I'm assuming your husband doesn't know."

She shamefully lowered her head and drink more coffee.

"You have your reasons but Deva you don't have to carry this burden alone." He reached over and took her hand. "I can't imagine my life without all of you now."

He was sincere and Deva felt the exact same. Derick had become someone important and reliable in her life.

"We have the relic moon to focus on. I don't want to add more worry."

He nodded in disappointment but also understanding. "There is something I want to talk to you about."


"Do you remember Amber the contestant who was claiming to be carrying Darius' child?"

Deva scrunched her brow. "How could I forget her?"

"She wasn't sure herself who the father of her child was."

It was odd. Deva thought back to day Red finally confessed the truth. She felt guilty for not caring more about who the father of the child was. Deva was just so excited and relieved it wasn't Darius.

"How can you not know?" How did she not know? She swear at one point it was Darius. Could she not be lying about this too?

"We live in a supernatural world. Almost anything is possible. I think someone didn't want her to know."

Deva felt like the point of his little story was about to punch her in the stomach. "Why bring this up now?"

"Amber was given to me for sanctuary after the discovery. I kept a close watch on her, curious myself who the child might take after."

Deva hadn't given Red a second thought after she was taken away. It was strange thinking about her now. It stirred up quite a few emotions.

"I had my suspicions. Amber had a difficult labor. We did everything we could but she died in childbirth. She didn't take well to the transition."

Life was unpredictable like that.

"I took the boy under my charge."

Deva smiled knowing the boy was in wonderful hands. Derick was a kind man and she knew in her heart an amazing father.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She was happy for him. She was happy for Derick and the child.

"I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it. You know I like to keep my life private. I kept him hidden for his own protection."

"He's lucky to have you raise him." She truly meant it.

She wanted to be partially mad at him for keeping such a big secret but he had his reasons; just like she had hers.

"Why tell me now?"

"He's ten. The older he gets the more distinct his features get." Deva waited for the icing on his cake. "He resembles the Ironside family."

Deva fell back into her chair. How could it be?

"He might not belong to Darius but someone in your family fathered him."

There were ways to find out. "Who do you think it could be?"

Derick made no attempt to guess. "Would you like to find out?"

If he really was an Ironside Deva knew he couldn't be kept a secret from the family. "I think the child deserves to know too."

Derick agreed. "I'll arrange it."

Deva reached over and took his hand. "Thank you. I really mean it. You can't even imagine how much I need you. I know I have support everywhere but you're like..." She was on the ridge of tears. "You're like the father Asher was supposed to be; like the father I lost. You're always there for me. I love you. Thank you."

Derick was overwhelmed with wondrous emotion. He got up and pulled Deva into his arms. She started to cry. He knew she was fierce and unbelievably strong but there was a side of her she always wanted to hide from everyone. She hated being vulnerable.

He knew the sacrifice she took. It wasn't a live she chose for herself.

"I love you too. I'll always be here for you." He patted her hair and back. "I'll be at the celebration tonight and I'll keep on eye out."

Deva sighed in the deepest relief. "Thank you."

The hybrid moon was an event that rarely happened for the lycan people during King Asher's reign. Darius and Deva felt like it was their duty to restore a celebration that was taken from them. Izzy and her team had planned the event outside one of the deepest forest in their kingdom.

It was a thick patch of woods few wander through but figured the occasion called for. It was a great new discovery for the lycans and vampires.

Izzy knew how important it was for them. She knew lycans felt most themselves when lost in the woods.

They organized lights in the trees to hang down like rain. Fire was used for the main lighting. Big pits were centered in the middle while rows of flames where outlined around the sides.

Izzy had rare flowers imported with the help of her brother Lucian. She wanted the air to smell like fresh florals. She was impressed with her team at how amazing everything turned out and was already thinking of ways to reward them.

A motorcycle was heard in the distance and she wondered if it was Marcus about to critique her work. The event was held on the very edge of the forest so the strip of road was a passing.

Izzy was more than surprised when the biker took off his helmet. Her stomach dropped and she nervously smiled.

Ruben placed the helmet on the sports bike and turned to admire the decorations. He wore a black leather jacket and tight dark jeans. Izzy smoothed down her hair and fixed her shirt. She picked the wrong day to wear sweat pants. Why couldn't she be wearing tight jeans too so show off her nice butt?

No matter. She was used to improvising. She'd have to charm him with everything else she had going on.

"Well hello stranger?" She smiled shifting her gaze up and down his perfectly tone body.

Ruben did the expected and smiled back. He was always so reserved and unapproachable. Izzy thought he truly didn't like her at first but realized he didn't like a lot of people.

"I was driving through and thought I'd take a look." His voice was deep and almost sensual.

Izzy crossed her arms. "Do you approve?"

He nodded. "Great attention to detail. Do you know why we traditionally use Kadupul flowers for this holiday?"

It was a beautiful rare flower with white feather like petals that looked a bit like a lily pad.

"I'm assuming it's because they bloom only at midnight and perish before dawn."

He applauded her knowledge. "Yes. Much like the moon we love so much."

"Are you hoping to find your soulmate tonight?" She boldly asked.

His brief smile faded and she regretted asking such a personal question. He tried masking his pain but the evidence was already there for Izzy to see.

"I've met her before."

"Oh." She lowered her gaze in apology.

"She died before anything real could have started." He shrugged. He wasn't the type to open up to someone he hardly knew but he felt like Izzy was a kind person. "I guess I was lucky in that regard. To lose a soulmate after completing a bond would have meant near death."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I will enjoy the night. Thank you for all of your effort." He gave one last longing look at the forest then back at her. "It looks amazing."

"Will you save me a dance?" She took one more shot at it since she seemed to have a streak of fearlessness.

There would be music playing at the festival.

Ruben laughed and flashed Izzy the warmest smile. "I'm not that great of a dancer."

"I'm a great teacher."

He agreed then. "I'll see you tonight."

Izzy was over the moon. There was something about the mysterious, righteous, gorgeous lycan she couldn't quite get over.

The night had ascended and the star light mood was set. The area where most of the event was catered was the size of a football field. Izzy predicted the precise amount of guests correctly. The majority of them were lycans but vampires were also invited, a select few.

They weren't willing to risk the location and have more than what they bargained for. Everyone invited was told the address minutes before it was time, well except for the council members and lycan leaders.

It was going to be a televised moment. There were a couple camera crews around to broadcast for those who wanted to be a part of the event. Royals and spectators were interviewed by the new crews.

Deva and Darius stood back letting the lycan leaders take charge. It was their special moment of celebration.

A live band was performing in the center of the field and playing every type music. Izzy was all over the place making sure everything was running smoothly. Ruben standing next to Ofelia did not go unnoticed. Izzy tried her best not to stare too frequently.

He wore casual black slacks and a long sleeve, navy,  v-neck shirt. He looked good in darker colors. His tanned skin and ashy blonde hair were of a different kind of beauty.

Izzy finally worked up the courage after 5 shots of tequila to ask him for a dance. He had walked away from a group of people and was making his way to a large fountain Izzy had turned into a wine dispenser.

She acted as if she were wanting a drink as well. Ruben after acquiring his fill stood back and watched Izzy attentively.

"You look beautiful."

Her heart jumped not fully comprehending what he said. Could he truly be complimenting her? Ruben was the coldest lycan she had ever come across but with good reason. She knew he didn't trust her father for what he did to their race. He has trust issues.

She could imagine how hard it was for a man made of stone to open up.

"Excuse me." She grinned moving closer to him. She wanted to hear him say it again.

Izzy was in a tight but comfortable dress pants and a royal purple silk shirt that was so long, looked like a dress.

Ruben stepped towards her, inches apart. "You look beautiful Izzy."

She wondered if he could hear your fast beating heart over the music. "You look beautiful too."

He smirked and extended his hand. "May I have this dance?"

Izzy blushed which was a ridiculous reaction to have being over a hundred years old. She took his hand and followed as he lead her to a quieter less crowded area by the willow trees.

The song playing had a slow tempo. Ruben held her waist and hand. They swayed together and Izzy finally caught her breath. Was she really dancing with him?

She honestly thought she would have to work a lot harder to open him up? He seemed so reserved.

Ruben wasn't stepping on her feet like she expected him to. Infact he was keeping with with the rhythm almost professionally.

"You lied to me. You're not a bad dancer."

He dropped his gaze to explain. "Alright. I can dance. I just don't like dance in front of people."

He was shy and it only made her smile. "I'll forgive you if you promise not to ever lie to me again."

He nodded. "I promise." He spent several minutes looking into her green eyes. They reminded him of the forest, warm and inviting.

"Darius mentioned you were in the human world traveling." He loved adventure.

She could see it in the way he said it. "Are you a traveler?"

"Yes specially when there is so much to see. Once everything is settled in the community I'd like to see more places."

"Have you ever been to the human world?"

He shook his head.

"Maybe I'll take you one day." She would take him now if he was willing.

It was tradition for the lycans to take an elixir before the moon was at it fullest. It was a strong chemical that loosened their nerves and helped their lycan focus on a mate.

Jaylyn had volunteered to mix the potion. It was in a huge cauldron and most of the guests were drinking out of it like a punch bowl.

Darius, Deva, and Adamarius were on their own discussing new ways to implement a stronger reform. It was a magnificent sight for the media and no doubt the three of them would be on the front page news.

Deva stood confidently and elegantly between two powerful men; Darius the fearless King and Adamarius the ambitious Alpha. They were a powerhouse that many in their kingdom were routing for.

There was no need for pretend in front of the cameras. Adamarius and Darius were getting along well. There was no brother rivalry. There was no real animosity towards each other. They were genuinely

Jaylyn walked over to them with three full cups. Inside was a thick potent red mixture. It was too bright to be blood.

"It's blood with a little of my own concoction. I hope you like it."

Deva's nerves were a sign of warning. She still didn't get the best vibe from Adamarius' sister. He saw her resistance and swapped cups with her to make her feel better. Surely she wouldn't poison her own brother.

Jaylyn laughed and Deva dismissed her dismay before taking the drink. It was the sweetest blood she had ever tasted.

Once all three of them finished the potion Jaylyn waved her hand and cast a small bubble over them. It was invisible and sound proof. No one could hear what she was about to tell them.

"You think life is unfair because you can't chose between two men you love. Why choose?" Jaylyn took Deva's hands in peaceful truce. "I don't want to see you hurt my brother again. I want to give you a gift. The three of you are a force beyond any other. I want to take away the hate, misconception, and biased beliefs."

Deva wasn't sure where this was coming from.

"The love Darius and Adamarius have for you is undeniable, unconditional, and limitless."

Deva glanced from Darius to Adamarius and saw exactly what she was talking about. They would give up their lives for her. But what Jaylyn may not know was that Deva would do the same for either one of them too.

"I see how much you care for him Deva." Jaylyn looked at her brother. "I see. You're afraid to open up more though. Afraid how Darius would feel. You're afraid of losing your husband and family because of him."

Deva felt frozen in place. She couldn't move and she couldn't speak. Of course she was afraid. She was happily married. She wasn't allowed to open up to anyone else.

"Your circumstances are different. We don't live in a traditional world so why are you living by traditional rules? All three of you could possess the greatest love I have ever come across if you would just be open to it."

Adamarius would be sinning if he said he didn't agree. He loved Deva and he loved his brother despite everything that happened in the past.

"What did you put in our drinks?" Adamarius asked.

Jaylyn smiled at them, the picture of sweetness and innocence. "Something that will open your minds and release the doubts. Are you ready to combine your thoughts and emotions?"

Deva was so scared and she still couldn't move. But when Darius took her hand the fears evaporated. He was making this decision for her knowing it was tearing her apart.

Deva was pulled into a vortex of memories, reliving moments. Darius was consumed by every thought and emotion Adamarius had felt throughout his life. Jaylyn's plan was to get them to grasp every aspect of each other's life. She wanted them to fully understand where all of them came from and why they did the things they did.

She did remember to keep hidden the real reason Adamarius was forced to leave. She decided Deva was the one who was meant to reveal that reason.

Jaylyn had added a stronger potion to enhance their link. Deva, Darius, and Adamarius were now bound to each other not only by body but by mind and soul as well. They could read and feel each other's thoughts and emotions.

The howling of lycans chanted from the woods. All three of them were pulled from their trance back to reality. The bubble was gone and the night's races had started.

Deva felt an overbearing sense of unexplainable emotion. She made a run for it and into the thick forest. She could feel Adamarius and Darius right behind her. She ran faster but not sure exactly what she was running from.

She blazed past trees, dodging dead branches. It smelt of gritty dirt and moss. Her head was pounding but was also light and unresponsive. All she could think about was escaping.

She was so focused on her goal that she hadn't realized that Darius and Adamarius had teamed up to stop her. They separated and somehow cornered her to an edge of a cliff.

Adamarius swooped in behind her grabbing her before she could jump. His arm was chained around her waist. They matched in speed because they were both hybrids but Darius wasn't that far behind.

Deva leaned into him and they both stared up at the sky. The million stars couldn't compare to the glowing moon. They howled together as Darius came up to join them.

Deva peered up at him shamefully. "I'm sorry." She was drowning in guilt.

Darius stepped towards her and brushed his knuckles against her cheek. "I know and I don't want you to be. It's in your blood. He's in your blood." He glanced at his brother but not in malice. "Just as much as I'm in your blood."

She was shaking, out of fear and losing control. Deva closed her eyes as Darius cupped her face. "Shhhhh, it's ok. Don't be scared."

Adamarius' breath feathered on her neck just before his lips settled on her skin. The intoxication holding her captive from having them both so close was like an invigorating explosion.

Darius moved in, his lips lingered on her cheek just long enough for her to turn and claim his mouth. The desire was gradually building up to the point of combustion. She could feel Adamarius' hot hand slid under her shirt and wreck the pillars of her defense.

Deva's hand slid up looping around Adamarius' neck as he suckled her skin.

The sensational erotic tingles taking over her body felt completely right. Having Darius and Adamarius explore her body felt like the most natural and pure thing in the world.

Deva instinctively tipped her head to the side to allow Adamarius' wandering mouth full access to her neck.

"I love you." He muttered causing her to shiver and arch back against him.

All their sensations were amplified by the elixir and definitely the spell. All three of them moved in unison like they were made of the same body.

"I love you Deva." Darius' whispered.

Deva felt a sliver of lust spike within her as both her lovers lips were pressed against the crooks of her neck. Adamarius was to her right and Darius to her left. Her hands snaked up and her fingers curled into their silk hair, arousing their natural desire.

She was finally letting go of the fear.

"Do it. Bite me." She encouraged.

Once their sharp penitrating teeth pierced her skin, she felt released from the shackles and slavery. They were her salvation. It was always them, together.

"I love you," she moaned in ecstacy as they both claimed her and marked her as their own.

The dark veil was finally lifted. The fire spreading throughout her body was a sexual reminder of the chemistry she had with both of them. She cupped the back of Adamarius' head and turned to devour his lips. The climaxed desire was taking them to another place. Even though she was kissing Adamarius in a peculiar way it felt like Darius. She sought his body; her hand traveled up Darius' chest. Even then he felt like Adamarius to her.

In her mind she could tell them apart but her body was clashing them together and turning them into the same person.


I truly hope you enjoyed the chapter. It's a newer twist to the last plot I originally had for this story.

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