My dad's Boss Ugly Billionair...

By ChloeCheford

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Cover picture: fashion nova. Demetri Ivanov: ugly, ruthless, controlling, rich and most importantly, single... More

Meeting Mr. Ivanov (1) 🌶🌶🌶
The mission part 1. (2)
the mission part.2 (3)🌶
The mission part 3.(4) 🌶🌶🌶
Pool Talk(5)
house tour! (6)
One month anniversary(7)🌶🌶
Anniversary dinner!(8) 🌶
Anniversary suprises!(9)🌶🌶🌶
Pure feelings(10)
Rules(11)🌶 🌶🌶⬛
The Ivanov's (12)
Practically family(14)
The jet(15)
City of fight(16)🌶
Forgiveness in the yacht(17)🌶🌶🌶
Who's Victoria? (18)
First day of college(19)
David's therapy session(20)
Wrong Number(22)🌶🌶
Mistakes and more(23)
Never trust the devil part 1.(24)
Never trust the devil part 2. (25)
Never trust the devil part 3.(26)
Demetri's secret(27)
wait for me(28)
Mental hospital(29)
Doctor's Appointment(30)
David's not a saint(31)
David's secret(32)
Giving Birth(34)
Coming Home(35)🌶🌶🌶
College application(38)
David's calling(42)🌶🌶
The case(43)
childhood friend(48)
Good night(53)
Demetri's looks(56)
The big day(59)
I do(61)
Weeding night(63)
special chapter!
No more secrets(70)🌶🌶🌶
Final Chapter(71)
New Book!

Please Read!

2.7K 71 28
By ChloeCheford

So I was thinking about doing this for a while.. I really want to have write a book series called: 'the art of ugly'.

'My dad's ugly billionaire son' is the first one and I thought for the second one to be called: My Ugly Billionaire Chosen husband

It's about Alexa Smith who is a beautiful young girl who her husband was chosen for her at the age of five and about Demetri Ivanov who is an ugly and ruthless billionaire who is Alexa's chosen husband.

This is the first chapter I just wanted to hear your opinion.

Don't worry I'm not going to write this book now. It's going to take some time... but what do you think?

Please read:

Alexa's p.o.v: 18 years old

I'm so excited! Today is the day I'm finally going to meet my future husband!

Since I remember myself I was always wondering who is my future husband. My parents told me in the age of five that my husband was already chosen.

Every time I asked for some kind of information about him they always declined. The only think I know about him is that he is 12 years older than me and that he comes from an extremely rich family.

My future husband and I are supposed to have dinner together with his family and with my family.

I hope I'll get along with him because I'm not really used to meeting people, my parents home schooled me so I didn't really have any interaction with the outside world. I do have a couple of friends but that's it.

When my parents homeschooled me they did teach me the basic stuff like math, science, English and history, but a year ago I started learning how to become a good wife.

Because he comes from a rich family I didn't need to learn how to cook or clean but I did learn how to 'please' my husband.

Yes, I know it may sound bad but it's really not that. Like If I choose to not marry him it's okay. That's why we are going to meet today, today we need to sign the contract that says that we are going to get married exactly in a year.

I just hope he is going nice.

Demetri's p.o.v:

Today I'm going to meet my future wife. I still have no idea why I'm doing this.
My mother some how convinced that it's a good idea to get married.

I never met her so I'm really nervous, believe me I have my reasons.

The first one is the most obvious one, I'm ugly as hell.

I'm not just saying that to get some attention or complements, I'm saying the truth.

That's one of the reasons why my parents decided that the best thing is to have arranged marriage.

Whice is weird because I'm extremely rich, but even that doesn't help the fact that I look like a weird creature.

No woman was ever interested in dating me or even sleeping with me. When I need to fuck someone I usually take some cheap hooker who would do anything for for money.

I'm not really expecting much from my future wife, I'm just hoping she wouldn't throw up today at dinner.

Alexa's p.o.v:

The dinner is in 2 hours that means that I should start getting dressed. I took a shower and then got dressed in a nice white dress.

I didn't use alot of makeup, I just put some nude eyeshadow that fits perfectly with my brown eyes and some mascara and lip gloss.

I straightened my wavy brown hair and sprayed some perfume.

"Lexa are you ready? We need to go!"
I heard my mom voice from down stairs.

I then went down stairs and got into our black B.M.W.

After a 25 minute ride we got to my future husband's house. His house was aboustly incredible, it was so big.

My parents knocked on the door and a man and a woman opened a door.

"Elizabeth and Leo! It's wonderful seeing you again Demetri is inside. Oh Alexa you are aboustly stunning, my son will love you. Well come inside"
The woman said as she hugged both of my parents. I guess my future husband's name is Demetri.

My parents and I went inside the living room that looked really expensive, and I mean really expensive.

Suddenly I heard foot steps.

"Demetri finally, meet Alexa"
His mother said. I looked up from the ground and gasped.

That's my future husband? He is really ugly, I honestly feel bad for him.

He looks so sad and lonely, I now understand why my parents never showed me a picture of him, but even if they would I would probably still choose to marry him.

Because even though he is ugly he has something so mesmerizing about him.

"Hi I'm Alexa"
I said as I offered my hand to shake.

He said as he shaked my hand.

Demetri's p.o.v:

She is gorgeous , and I mean gorgeous. I have never in my life someone as gorgeous as her.

I said as I shook her hand.

"You have beautiful hair"
She complimented my long black hair.

"Thank you, everything about you is beautiful"
I complemented back and she blushed.

"I think the two of you are going to get along just fine"
My mother said with a smile.

I'm surprised Alexa didn't run away yet, but again she probably doesn't want to be rude or something.

Beast- or maybe she likes you.

Me- very funny, there's no way she likes me. Look at her, she is aboustly gorgeous. Every detail about her is just perfect. Her sexy body, her beautiful face that shows how much innocents she has.

Beast- she's not going to be so innocent after you fuck her, hard.

Me- oh yes. Let's just hope she'll sign the contract.

Beast- look at that sexy ass, damn.

Me- stop you're making me hard.

My thoughts get cut off by my mother's voice.

"Let's eat"
My mother simply says and we all nod.

Alexa's p.o.v:

I think it's going well, but I'm not sure. I'm really nervous I just hope he doesn't sees it.

I know he's 'ugly' but he looks really mysterious. He looks like he holds so many secrets that I just want to find.

Usually I could read men's body language because I was taught so since I was 5. But I just can't read him.

I don't know if he is attracted? if he's nervous?

So what do you think? Please my readers opinion is extremely important to me. Tell what I should change and if you have any ideas or questions share them in the comments.

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