Enigma // (Haikyuu x OC)

By jxntxn

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//on hiatus on further notice// "But love is an enigma." Enigma : a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzl... More

before we begin
new year, new season, same fangirls
into the past
the team
convenience store conversations
first name basis
the captain
yelling across the halls
cafe and a practice match
lover boy
the results
the only one
changing feelings and blackmail
the greatest manager
the little giant and the little fox
prelims and celebrations
cheer up baby
let's go to Tokyo!
cat's cradle
sign of the times
dropkick of truth
training camp sparks
the looking glass
adore you
back to miyagi
thicker than water
king of the court
getting to know the new you
the winner takes it all pt.1
the winner takes it all pt.2
inarizaki investigation team!
of crows and eagles
an alien

ramen shop and jump buddies

2.8K 140 69
By jxntxn

Her tears dried up quickly, not wanting to worry her new and old friends. In the beginning she said she didn't know who she wanted to win the match between Karasuno or Seijoh, and now she wishes that they both could win. She felt, for the first time, how bittersweet volleyball was at the end of the day.

'Tenma-nii, you didn't mention how much my heart would hurt.'

The final thank you was given to the crowd, Mayumi keeping close to Iwaizumi as they exited out of the gym, unsure of what to say to Oikawa. What could she possibly say that would make it better?

There, the team was confronted by a schoolmate, crying more than she had been earlier.

"You were the winners!" The boy managed to grab a hold of Iwa-chan and feverishly rubbed his head, in an effort to expel his feelings onto the wing spiker.


"Man looking at Yadacchi makes me feel calm."


He held her hand the entire time since Yadacchi had grabbed onto Iwa-chan, finding comfort in her silence. Although at this point, it was becoming unnerving.

Mayumi kept quiet during the dinner that Coach Irihata got them, and did not utter a single noise of protest when he dragged her and the team into a ramen shop. Sure, it was what Iwa-chan and the others were teasing him during the match to buy if he messed up his sets and serves, but he didn't want to go home just yet.

Oikawa didn't want to leave his team.

It's like, she was physically there - that much was for sure, he had been able to hold her hand this entire time and pull her along into any store that they passed by. But ever since they left the Sendai Gym, she seemed hollow.

Yadacchi had taken the only empty seat that was available next to Oikawa, the other had already been claimed by Hanamaki, so it was the first time since they left the gym that he wasn't next to her. She was calmly eating away at the ramen bowl ordered by Iwa-chan, who sat next to her with Kindachi.

"Uncle, can I get some more noodles!"

"Are you serious? Coach just treated us earlier too!"

His mouth was full so he only yelled incoherent words back at Hanamaki, acting like the adult he was becoming.


"Shit! Shit!"

52... 53...

"That's your 53rd 'Shit' of the day." it was good to know that she wasn't the only one keeping count of Oikawa's outbursts, although it had always been Iwa-chan's job.

Mayumi turned around, the rest of the Seijoh third-years continued walking ahead of her, and she bowed once more to the underclassmen, wishing them safe travels home. Once she was done, she jogged her way back between Iwa-chan and Oikawa, when she heard the wise words come from Kindaichi about the third-years spirits.

"Once they go back home and end up alone, a time that can't be helped is gonna come."

Not on my watch.

"Cheer up, Hajime! The crease between your eyebrows is incredible!" It really was a sight, something that should've been to scare off any comments didn't seem to deter his teammates. Mayumi knew deep down, behind all those muscles, Iwa-chan is just a big softy. But she was not going to be the one to comment about the wrinkles he'll get with his eyebrows furrowed like that.

"I know!"

Then Oikawa went into every member of the Karasuno team, grabbing both Iwa-chan's attention and Mayumi's. She thought that he was going to list off the reasons why they lost, possibly attributing to the Karasuno team. Yet he was acknowledging the great plays that his own team did - Kyotani's spikes, Watari's receives, they gave it all.

"Everyone gave it 120% at that time. And when you add them up, Karasuno was just a bit higher at that moment!" Now he was gonna get wrinkles with his eyebrows creased like that.

She huffed, listening to Oikawa starting to praise Iwa-chan, which turned into a fight real quick. Mayumi knew that the entire team was being hard on themselves, but no one was more self-deprecating than Oikawa himself. She kept quiet this entire time, waiting for him to let out all his outbursts, curse all he wanted to, just do something that made sense after the loss.

"Say, weren't we headed home?" The question posed by Matsukawa made her realize that the boys and her had walked all the way to the gym. She simply followed them, not recognizing the streets of Miyagi anymore, but it seems that their hearts found this place as well.

"Well," She walked forward and stood on the steps that lead into their high school gym, turning around and seeing Oikawa's jaw slightly agape over the fact she was suddenly talking. Mayumi flashed them a bright smile, "What are we waiting for?"


The sound of the volleyballs, bouncing off of the court was like music to her ears. The sound of the boys yelling about eating too much and wanting to throw up, not so much.

"Oikawa!! Quit going all out with your serves!"

"Man my sides are killing me...."

She could only watch along with a faint smile on her face. Sure they were pretty stupid for eating so much, but they were finally smiling. Genuinely.

They all lost track of time, not realizing that the sun had set long ago since they had entered. She was one step ahead of them, cleaning up stray balls that Oikawa served out which were scattered around the court - and just when she made it back to where their bags were, Iwa-chan finally spoke out and mentioned cleaning up before the school patrol was to come around.

Mayumi's phone pinged, with a notification tone she doesn't hear too often - a bird chirp that was set for twitter. Glancing at the tweet from her phone, all the boys heard was a small gasp before she put it away quickly, rushing to collect her things. 

"Ne Iwa-chan, Trashykawa, I'll be back soon - I have to pick up something real quick-"

"Oi you're not going by yourself! Just wait."

"But you guys can't come-" The store should be closing soon right? The map app said there's one nearby. Gotta make this quick and I can't wait, sorry Iwa-chan.

"And why not? It's-"

"It's for girly stuff" Just fake being cute and shy! It worked on the idiot trio back in Hyogo, it should work on the original idiot duo in Miyagi!

And with the sight of Iwaizumi's face and ears tinted red, Mayumi took that as an okay and bolted out of the gym, eager to get to the store before they closed. She said a quick hello and goodbye to the first years who were approaching the gym, and kept onto her destination.

Special edition One Piece cover on Shonen Jump - I'm on my way!


The bells chimed over her head as she opened the door to the 7-Eleven, and she saw it immediately, shining like gold and glitter, waiting for her to read it. Not wanting to seem more crazed than she must've been, she tried to tidy her wild and windswept hair, sweaty from the sprint she just did in an effort of securing her copy. Just as she was sure the worker could care less about her, Mayumi made her way to the stand, seeing the last copy one the shelf.

It was within her grasp, sparkling right in front of her. All it was now was to reach out and-


Oh hell no.

Mayumi had a hand on the magazine, yet there was another who grabbed it at the same time as her. Her eyes widened, shock and anger was slowly filling her, until she gathered the courage to see the poor soul who was about to lose a hand over trying to take the last copy away from her. Not her One Piece.

She looked into the small dark eyes that met hers, almost black in color but there was a hint of red in them - half-lidded and curious staring back at her. Red hair stood up, defying gravity like it was nothing. He was in a white tracksuit, lined with purple accents that seemed awfully familiar too... Rock Lee from the gym!

"Oho? It seems like it's a battle now, chibi-chan~" Noted, everyone who makes fun of my height is awful and doesn't deserve rights.

Mayumi only tried to scowl more at the tall boy, clearly not entertained by the unimaginative nickname. At the same time, formulating a plan, because she knows there is a high degree of likelihood she'll never see this boy again - she doesn't even live here anymore.

"Ya know", her grip shifted on the magazine slightly, not wanting to cause any creasing, "If you put on some lipstick, you could totally pass for Captain Kidd."

Damage: -10, direct hit to ego! It was effective!

She saw his ears light up, turning a shade similar to his hair and she knew she hit him hard with his words.

"Ne Ne, if you were just a bit taller - you could maybe try to look like Robin." Just a maybe?!

Mayumi knew her cheeks were flushed over, and gave up trying to make him back down with just her cutting words. It was time for the final straw - the ultimate weapon she has.

Fake it till you make it - just be cute and he'll give in.

He noticed her look down at the ground for a moment or two, and was shocked to see small tears forming in the corners of her eyes once she looked back up - almost like she was looking through him. Her face was still flushed, there was a slight tremble in her grip on his precious Jump magazine that he was looking forward to all day.

"I-if you r-really want the magazine, i-it's okay, you can have it."

She was expecting him to give up on it completely and hand it over, judging by how bright red his ears got, yet what he did was surprising to say the least. He did push the magazine closer to her, and when Mayumi went to grab it - he didn't let go.

"Let's be Jump buddies and share then."


"Tendo are you done yet?"

It was a deep voice that seemed to talk over Mayumi, and when turned around, she was met with another wall. Her eyes looked up and was met with a stoic gaze, her returning the deadpan look to the newcomer.

"Ay Ushijima~ just in time, this is my new Jump buddy" The boy she had been fighting over Shonen Jump with, Tendo she assumed, threw an arm over her shoulder as he greeted his friend. They were in matching tracksuits, yet the newcomer seemed much more - not like Rock Lee or Captain Kidd.

"H-hey I never agreed to be your Jump buddy"

At her comment, Tendo's eyes drifted lazily to meet hers, and she saw mischief behind them.

"Well if we aren't Jump buddies, then I'll just go and buy this and not share it then."

Her mouth ran dry, words caught in her throat. Sharing was an option?!

Mayumi had no time to think it through, this was a do or die situation playing out right before her eyes. Sure, she relished in the fact that she'll never meet these people again - but now she won't be able to read this week's Shonen Jump - with a One Piece cover nonetheless!

With all caution and reason thrown out the door, she grabbed his tracksuit to halt him.

"Let's be Jump buddies!"


Tendo/Captain Kidd ended up purchasing the magazine, under the decision that Mayumi would get it for the first night, read it first and everything - but Tendo was to keep it. She wasn't sure when they would have the chance to exchange the magazine, her train back to Hyogo was leaving tomorrow a few hours after the final match for the Miyagi Spring High Playoffs - but she wasn't about to ask and bring that up just yet.

It was a tough compromise for her to agree to, but she accepted it without haste.

Now, Mayumi waited outside for Tendo to buy the magazine and was left with his friend - Ushi... Ushijiwa... Ushijima!

"You go to AobaJohsai?" It was then she noticed how he was still staring at her, and more pointedly staring at Oikawa's tracksuit jacket she forgot about.

"A-ah no, I was just helping out today for some friends." I forgot to ask if Oikawa and the team have any enemies off the court... too late for that now. All his flirting would get him nowhere.

He grunted in acknowledgement and Mayumi took that at the end of the conversation, until she couldn't handle the silence anymore.

"Do you like Shonen Jump too?"

"No, but you do, so Tendo will stop bothering me." Ah yeah, it is nice to have someone that shares your interests.

Another elongated pause and she wondered just how long it takes to checkout one magazine.

"If you don't go to AobaJohsai, then you should come to Shiratorizawa."

Shira... Shitra... Shit...

"Ah no thank you, too long of a name."

"Chibi-chan~ here's our Shonen Jump. Let's exchange contacts so we can talk about the chapters and set up a time to exchange the magazine too~" How are these two friends? Tendo is odd in his own way and Ushijima is just robotic.

Nonetheless, the two exchange contacts, and she told the two her name just so Tendo would stop with the nickname. Mayumi noticed the amount of texts that both Iwaizumi and Oikawa sent her way, warning her of perverts and kidnappers that lurk the neighbourhoods.

"Say, what sport do you guys play - since those are matching tracksuits?" Her curiosity got the better of her, her mouth speaking before her brain could tell her not to pry.

"Ne ne, don't tell me you don't recognize us Mayumi-chan?"

"Why would I-"

"We play volleyball for Shiratorizawa Academy." Ushijima got straight to the point for everything it seems. But wait, if they were volleyball players then they must have been at the tournament today, then that means-

"We saw you with AobaJohsai - man, I wish we had a manager too, Ushijima~"

"Coach forbids it, says we wouldn't focus."

"Ah, I guess it can't be helped, especially if we had a cute one like Mayumi-chan."

Her eyes were darting back and forth between the two, following along in the conversation like it was another volleyball match.

She held the treasured magazine close to her chest, and went to turn back in the direction of Seijoh, hoping she remembered the way back. The slight step she made away from the two boys caught their attention though.

"Mayumi-san" "Mayumi-chan"

"See you tomorrow."

And with that they were off in the opposite direction, Tendo carrying the conversation and Ushijima seeming to listen along. She wouldn't be surprised if he was zoned out though, she would be too.

With that promise of tomorrow, she headed back the way she came from, enjoying the night air surrounding her and replying back to the frantic texts that were left for her. While she was on her phone, she typed in a reminder to bring the fated Shonen Jump magazine to the gym tomorrow, knowing it was the one and only chance to exchange it with her new Jump Buddy. 

Now how to explain to Iwa-chan and Oikawa that she'll be going to the final match tomrorow?

Weirdos. I'm surrounded by weirdos. 

a/n: i told myself this was gonna be a short chapter... and then 2500+ words later... whoops.

crows v eagles begin soon! had to introduce some of the Shiratorizawa players before match~

can you guys tell what my other favorite manga/anime is lol?

Love you all and see you in the next chapter~

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