Arranged to the Mafia King

By YOLOwriting101

615K 25.2K 8.6K

"I do." Smiling the fake smile I've come to perfect in the last year, I nod as I take hold of the mans hands... More

1. Marrying the King
2. Annoying the King
3. Learning About the King
4. Tattoos with the King
5. Baby Fever for the King
6. Different Side of King
7. Kiss the King
8. Devil & the King
9. To Africa With the King
10. Petty Because of the King
11. Reset With the King
12. 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗌 of the Kɪɴɢ
13. Embarrassing Moments with the King
14. Body Betrayal because of the King
15. Makeover For the King
16. Trying With the King
17. Japan With the King
18. Turn of Events With the King
19. Lessons With the King
20. Dreams Of the King
21. Too Much For the King
22. Mystery Of a King
23. Here Comes the King
24. 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘐𝘵 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
25. A Rat is Caught By the King
26. 𝘔𝘺 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
27. Truth Be Told to the King
28. Meeting the Parents With the King
29. Aide of the King
30. 𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
31. Our Titan King
32. Safe With the King
33. Trust From the King
34. Hurt Feelings of the King
35. King on Ice
36. Pain of the Truth for the King
37. 𝙁𝙪𝙧𝙮 𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
39. Jun King
40. Pain of Me
41. The Making of Us, Two Kings
42. The Start for the Kings
43. If it Hurts You, it Hurts Me
44. Let Me Protect My King
45. King to King
😞 At a Loss Here 😞
46 | I am Titan
47. Nothing Changed After All
48 | Rules Make Friends
49. Trouble is Inevitable
50 | Inappropriate Behavior
51. I Blame You
52 | Understanding Is Key
53. How to Go On
54 | Confess Your Truths
55. Unavoidable Future
56 | Shōdai
57. Cries of Jun
58 | Confrontations of the Heart
59. Fourteen Hours
60 | Ta~shi
61 | Festival Troubles
62 | For the Best
63 | Troubles Here + There
64. Abrupt Actions
65 | Aid + Hurt in Big Ways
66. Who's the King?
67 | Take What's Yours
68 | Confessionals of the Heart
69 | Goodbye
70 | I Want You
71 | The New King
72 | Your Word
73 | A King Has Something to Say
74 | Two Confessions
75 | Opposition
76 | Truth Be Told
77 | Bullets Pierce
78 | Untamed, Vicious King
79 | DNA
80 | Thriller
81 | My Own Plan
82. "Oh...Lulu~"
83. Much To Unfold
84 | Zeus Pt. 1
85 | Zeus Pt. 2
86 | Coupling Too
87. Yes, to You
88 • Jun
89 • Chances

38. To the First of the Kings

3.6K 217 26
By YOLOwriting101

I place on the baby carrier as we got ready to see if Lulu was telling the truth. With his lying ass it's debatable...but at the same time I think it's true.

Sorrel on the other hand has calmed down and apologized to me for taking his frustrations out on me. Of course since I'm such an amazing person, I forgave him. I just said that was him getting back at me I suppose for everything I've said to him.

Though now that we are so close to finding out the truth, he has been very nervous. I'd be nervous too...I can only imagine how he's feeling.

"Tell me-." I say to Sorrel as I lifted Titan from the cute little crib of his. "How does it feel to know your about to see your son again?"

Sorrel ended up smiling at me, like truly smiling at me. I was shocked because I don't think he's ever...smiled at me.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I'm nervous - much more than I should be. I'm just afraid of the what if. What if he hates me or Gideon? What if he completely thinks others are his parents?" Sorrel asked me nervously as he grabbed Titan's baby bag.

I smile, shrugging as I now stood up straight. Titan situated now, we end up leaving the hotel room.

"If he doesn't have questions that would be even worse, so I'd take the questions. You can just tell him the truth." I state to him truthfully, and he sighs.

"I want to, and I will. I'm also worried that he won't be there. Then I really would lose my mind because all this built up excitement would be wasted." He confides to me, and I grin.

"I actually think Lulu was telling the truth for once in his life. What would be the point in lying about something like that?"

"A lot. It would be a lot of a point. That means he was tricking us and we just fell into a trap. A trap where we end up getting killed...but, hopefully that's not the case." He tells me, making me nervous.

I didn't even think about it that way.

"Why would he want to kill you?" I ask him, and Sorrel snorts.

"We both are probably the most hated by Gideon's friends. When I became pregnant with Jun you should've heard the names I was being called. Should've seen how mean they were to me. Ever since I had Jun, I've never been their favorite. They hate you because you have what they want. They hate me because I had a chance - and just that is too much for them." He states, and I began to realize how true that was.

It was a sad truth as we got in our car, giving the driver the address. From there we continued on, and it only made things much more exciting.

Sorrel was calm, but his legs trembled nervously. I knew he secretly was very nervous and probably wanted to cry. I'd cry too... Just the very possibility is a lot to take in.

"Damian I don't think I've said this to you, but thank you for helping me with Jun." He says to me, and I smile. "You didn't have to help me, yet you did. Especially with how we first started out and everything. We've really made some stride."

I nod in agreement, not disagreeing with that in the slightest.

"You are very welcome. I am happy I was able to help. For Gideon's father to do that to him is...ridiculous and evil. Had a very stupid and unjustified reason that lacked morality. I'm surprised he is even favored by many." I state to him truthfully, causing him to snicker.

"It's because he's won people's respect by manipulating, putting fear in people's hearts, and being a very good person to like. I've met his father, he's very likable when he wants to be; but you can't fall for it - or your just a target in his eyes." He explains to me, and I become impressed.

When he first met me he was in no way nice. At least...I guess I never gave him the chance. I heard how he was from Gideon in advance, so I didn't take his bullshit.

"I was warned in advance." I chuckle awkwardly, making Sorrel grin.

"Gideon knew his father was crazy and advised me to be vigilant, but he kind of idolized his father at the time. Then...things changed when Jun disappeared and he didn't idolize his father anymore. He pretends to for others, but he really hates him." Sorrel tells me, and I could only imagine.

Gideon once was like most sons. Looking up to their father, wanting to be like them almost. Then that all changed so fast.

I never looked up to anyone growing up, and I'm happy I didn't. My parents are complete and utter trash.

"I know. You should've seen him when he's around his father... When he found out the truth about Jun...shot him without any hesitation. He would've killed him if his morals didn't kick in. I think he will end up killing his father one day." I found myself drifting, because that was probably the inevitable truth.

His father said it was a curse in the family. That it was a reoccurring kill their fathers.

"That's to be expected. The King family line only becomes worse. I heard Gideon's grandfather was murdered a couple years before he was born. His father killed him because he was supposedly against his own son taking over the group. Makes sense...he's insane. Now that Gideon is controlling it now, he tries to have complete and utter control over him. He's losing that control and with you around, he knows you have the power now." Sorrel explains to me as I didn't really believe that.

I didn't believe the part where I had power. Everyone hates me, how is that having power when no one even listens to me?

"How do I have power when everyone hates me?"

"They only hate you because they were programmed to hate anyone that goes against Gideon's father, and you helped Gideon really go against him. He has his head up everyone's asses and they can't see the real problem - him. Gideon eventually got older and he started to earn people's trust unconventional ways, but it worked. More people went on Gideon's side and then there were those who fell a little too hard for Gideon. In the end...the ones who really had him - me, and the one who married him - you... We are the most hated. That's the truth here." He unfolds in a way that made me see that it didn't even matter.

Even if I wasn't the one who married Gideon, that person would be just as hated. 

"They all are just petty. I didn't know it ran that deep."

"It goes even deeper, but I don't want to think about it. Everyone has their own reasons, but when it comes to Gideon's fathers' reasoning - that's what really matters. Unless Gideon fights back, and he does now that you are around. I don't think you really know what goes on behind the scenes." He chuckled awkwardly, making me shake my head.

I look out the window, seeing that we were now in a pretty remote area. Considering we came from Melbourne, where it was a bustling city...this is odd.

"Yeah, he told me he tried to keep me away from such a thing. I want to get more involved. Earn more respect...not be hated anymore." I shake my head, looking down at Titan as he began to make cute noises.

My hands gently taking ahold of his and playing around. A big smile coming to his face as he cooed, Sorrel grinning at him.

I look at him, and his eyes were getting watery.

"Sorrel we are very close-."

"No, it's not that. It's just that I missed moments like that! I couldn't play with my baby, hold him, feed him...none of that. That was taken away from me." He cries, wiping his eyes. "I'm just a little envious."

I apologize, seeing a mansion coming into view. Taking note of the large fence that took up so much of the area. Let me see how much land was owned as we drove along.

Seeing a massive playground that any child would be envious of. Even I wanted to play on it...right now.

"Well, you didn't miss his teenage years. That's when he would really need you."

"He needed me for every year and time." Sorrel snapped, and I narrow my eyes at him. "Sorry, just nervous."

I shook my head, and we came to the entrance of the gate. The driver coming upon a speaker and mic, and Sorrel suddenly crawled to the front seat.

"What is your business at the King residence-?"

"I want to see my son! I'm Sorrel - I know my son is in there! Let me in or I'll climb over the fence!" Sorrel yelled, and the driver looked at him as if he was crazy.

He did look crazy as his body was draped over the driver, completely in his space.

The person didn't respond back, but the fence began to open.

Sorrel did what none of us expected. He jumped out of the car and began to run down the long path leading towards the mansion.

I couldn't run with him because I had Titan strapped to me. The driver looked at me, making me smile awkwardly.

"Just keep going." I order, and he does so. Actually impressing me as Sorrel actually went quite a distance. The car eventually came beside him, but he didn't stop running.

Looking out the window at him, he didn't even have his eyes on me. He was completely focused on one thing and one thing only.

When we get to the mansion, and I got out. Walking beside Sorrel as he wasn't even out of breath, he was just ready to see his son.

He rushed to the door, banging on it. Sounding deranged as he would not stop and eventually moved onto the doorbell.

"I want to see my son! Please open the door!" He yelled, and I grabbed his arms only for him to smack my hands away. "Damian don't stop me! I'm this close!"

"I get that, but you may frighten Jun. Don't forget...they call him Bellamy." I remind him, making him sneer.

"That's so ugly. I'm upset about that."

The door ended up opening, and we expected to see an adult. Not going to lie, but I looked down and saw a kid looking up at us. 

His hair tied up in a sloppy bun and it fascinated me. Seeing the slash through his eyebrows. I instantly saw Gideon in his face, but Sorrel in an odd way.

"That name means 'anointed one'." He told us, and Sorrel looked down at him completely gobsmacked.

I was guessing this was Jun as he stepped to the side, nodding inside the place.

"Would you like to enter-?"

Sorrel instantly picked him up and hugged him tightly. Jun dangled awkwardly, but he did hug Sorrel back.

Eventually Sorrel was collapsing to his knees and still hugging Jun. Seeing him cry as it got louder, Jun's eyes becoming confused.

"You said 'son'. My grandfather told me my parents were deceased-."

"He lies to you! I'm your mother! He told me you died!" Sorrel cried to him, pulling back as he wiped his eyes. "I promise you, your father and I were heartbroken. I'm no longer with him, he's with him."

Sorrel pointed at me, and I waved awkwardly.

" do I know you're not lying?" Jun asked him, and Sorrel's lips tremble.

I saw his hand suddenly rest on a certain part of Jun's neck. Noticing Jun's eyes widen because of it.

"When were born you had a birth mark on the back of your neck. Your father has the same one, but it's covered in tattoos." He murmurs to him, and I didn't miss how Jun's eyes became watery.

Sorrel smiled, opening his arms for him. Tears beginning to leave Jun's eyes - and I was happy to see this moment between them.

Can't wait until Gideon sees him...

"Do you think I'm lying now?"


It's sweet so sweet! 🥰

But, it won't last forever. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Why'd you think it was so easy to get in? 👀

I won't say much, at all. 😬

Again, one way to find out. 🤭

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