Sanders Sides Angst One Shots


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Hahahhahhahaaa, time to torture all the characters More

Empty {R O M A N}
Cheater {V I R G I L}
Abuse {L O G A N}
sorry. {J A N U S}
you're gone {R E M U S}
Hold On {V I R G I L/L O G A N}
Never Again {E M I L E/R O M A N/ P A T T O N}
Nails {V I R G I L}
A/N: I'm taking requests
Request {V I R G I L}
I've been TAGGED?!
My R {E M I L E}
Hunger Games Part 1
Hunger Games Part 2
Hunger Games Part 3 (Finale)
Touch Starved {V I R G I L}
Unexpected Suicide {L O G A N}
The Split {R O M A N / R E M U S}
Prompts I thought of for no reason
Tagged again? Yay!!
Promt Request {J A N U S/L O G A N}
Prompt Request {V I R G I L}
Patton's Poem {P A T T O N}
Kicked Out {E M I L E}
Prompt Request {V I R G I L}
Real {E V E R Y O N E}
Not a Chapter
Death Fest {E V E R Y O N E}
Temper Tantrum (Patton)
Contacted {L O G A N}
Hitting {L O G A N}
Tagged and Tiaras: Stupid Edition
L o v e . . . ? {R E M Y}
Red Stained Water { ? ? ? }
Out {R E M U S}
Chat {P A T T O N}
Not A Oneshot
Draft: Consent (change?) {L O G A N}
Consent {L O G A N}
Request {R OM A N, P A T T O N}
Eleven PM {J A N U S/R E M Y}
See ya soon! {P A T T O N}
Prompt Request {R E M U S}
Request {R O M A N}
Angstober #2 {P A T T O N}
Further { R E M U S }
Bring Him Home { J A N U S, V I R G I L }

Prompt Request {R E M U S}

800 26 36

Prompt: "Don't...Don't leave me!"

TWs before split ending: Bad/Toxic relationship, Abandonment, Over thinking, Slight Self-Depracating thoughts, Remus being Remus (Eating deodorant) Snek being a bish

AU: None

Ship: Former Anxceitmus, Current Demus.

Remus' POV

I sat at the counter, my head down in my arms. Janus was accepted by the light sides, does that mean he's gonna go to them? Just like..he...did? It all started out this way! First, the light sides accepted Virgil. Then he started to hang out with them more, before breaking up with Janus and I and moving to the light sides. He even told them his name after he was with them, Janus already told them!

He's gonna leave me, and move in with them. I'm never gonna see him again just like Virgil and they're gonna forget me and nobody will need me and nobody will like me and-

"Hey!" I'm cut off in my head by someone trying to get my attention. I look up, and there stands none other than mister light side himself. "What..?" I ask, and notice how tired my voice sounds from sobbing.

"Hey, are you okay, Ree? What's going on?" "Nothing." I try to assure him, but he keeps pushing. "No, I taste a lie. What aren't you telling me, babe?"

I look away from him, only to have him step forward and pull my chin towards his face, kissing me. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asks again when we pull away. I shake my head, looking away again. I don't want to tell him, I don't want to seem weak.

He sighs in defeat, knowing he'll get nothing out of me, and goes to his room. I sit there and eventually begin sobbing again, so I decide to try and calm down by having a snack. Believe it or not, sides need to eat too. If we don't, the same thing happens as it does to humans.

I summon some deodorant, and start eating it, when Janus comes out of his room in normal clothes. "Where are you going, Jan?" I ask, trying to hide any evidence that I'm still slightly crying. "To hang with the light sides." I drop my food. This is it, it's starting. He's gonna keep hanging out with them, and then he's gonna break up with me, and leave me alone, and go live with them, and forget me, and they'll all have fun without me, and he'll get back together with Virgil, and never see me again, and-

I feel a hand on my back. "Hey, hey, calm down sugar. What's got you in the dumps?" I didn't even notice that I was sobbing again. Man, all day has been a tear fest for me. Should I tell him? No. But he can taste lies. Might as well.

"You're..You're gonna hang out with- with them, a-and break u-up with me and move- move in with them and for-forget me, and le-leave me- me alone here, and- and you and Virgil will- will get together with-without me!" I spill all my worries to him. "Oh, sugar, I would never leave you! Promise. I'm just going to hang out for an hour, okay, and then I'll be back." He gives me a kiss, and a boop on the nose, and he's gone.

He would never lie to me, right? Never, ever? He told me he wouldn't. Yeah, he wouldn't. He'll be back in an hour, and he won't leave again.



Almost everyday, he would leave, say he'd be gone for an hour, and return past midnight. "I'm gonna go hang out with the light sides!" He said, walking out the door. "I'm gonna hang with the light sides, K?" He asked, walking away. "Hey, Imma go hang with the light sides." He said, going where he said he was. "Hey, Ree! Imma go hang with the light sides now." He said, opening the door, and walking out. "Hey, babe, I'm gonna go hang out with the light sides for like an hour." He said, scooting down the hall. "Hey. Remus. Im gonna go-" "-Hang with the light sides." I grumbled. "Yep!" And he walked out.

He kept doing that for months and months until I had enough. "Hey, Remus, I'm-" "-Gonna hang with the light sides. You do this everyday. You tell me you'll be gone for an hour, but you don't come back until way past midnight, and then you blame it on whatever you were doing, and repeat. You just keep leaving, just like Virgil did!"

He looks at me in shock. "I'm not gonna leave! I simply have friends, okay?" He said. "And when did those friends become so much more important than me? Tell me, Janus, when was the last time that we went on a date." He thought. "Two months ago.." "And when was the last time we even spent a whole day together?" He thought again. "Four months ago.." I nodded, standing up and crossing my arms. "And..when was the last time you told me 'I love you?'" He stood there. "I don't know, okay?! I just wanna be accepted for once!" Now I was mad.

"You can be accepted without forgetting I exist! This is the longest I've talked to you in weeks! All I ever get is 'Hey Remus, I'm gonna go hang out with the light sides now!' For hours and hours! And I wonder where you are, what they could've done with you, what you could be doing, and I stay awake for hours and hours upon end so that I can greet you when you get home at four in the morning after hanging out with them all day and night and falling asleep, just to get a 'Hey, I'm pretty tired.' And you go to bed! Since when do we put the light sides over your boyfriend?!"

He sighs. "I'm sorry. I never meant for it to be that way. But if they don't accept me, they won't accept you, and one of us has to be accepted." He turns and faces the door. "I can't believe you just said that to me."

One year prior

"You leave every day to hang out with them! You never spend time with Remus and me!" Janus yelled. Virgil turned to face us. "I'm sorry. I never meant for it to be that way. But if they don't accept me, they won't accept you, and one of us has to be accepted." And he walked out the door. Never to return.


"I can't believe you just said that to me." He gasped, realizing he quoted Virgil word for word before he left. I broke down into sobs when he sighed and grabbed the door handle.

"Janus!" I yelled. He ignored me. "Don't...Don't leave me!"


"Don't...Don't leave me!"

He looked up, before snapping his fingers. Suddenly, Virgil was next to us. He looked around, probably extremely confused to find himself back here, me crying on the floor, Janus at the door turned away. "Whaaat am I doing here?"

Janus turned to face us. "I've made a terrible mistake. Remus thinks I'm going to break up with him, leave him here, and go to the light sides, like you did. We haven't talked in forever, I don't blame him for thinking that. I summoned you so that we can both talked to him, he's obviously still extremely torn over you leaving, and it didn't help when I accidentally quoted exactly what you said before you left us forever." Virgil gasped, and immediately ran over and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Ree-Ree." He told me. "I'm sorry, too. I never should have said that, and I never should have neglected you." Janus says, joining the hug. Virgil picked me up and placed me on the couch before going and putting in a movie on the tv. He and Jan cuddled close to me, and we stayed there the whole day, eventually falling asleep.

Virgil didn't come back to the dark sides, but Janus didn't go to the light sides. Well, not just Janus didn't go. Virgil didn't either. They both kinda dropped their label, and I did too. We weren't dark, and we weren't light. We were just sides.



TW: Death Via Malnutrition, Mentions of Depression, Breakup, Abandonment, Descriptions of Feeling Depressed, Crying, Regret, Remus being Remus (eating deodorant).

"Don't...Don't leave me!" I shouted. "I'm..sorry." He opened the door and ran out. I curled up in a ball on the floor, blocking out everything and anything around me. The noise of the washing machine, the noise of the tv. I shut my eyes tight, tears falling harder now.

That was my world almost gone. I felt trapped, as if I was in a box. But the box was thrown in water, and the walls kept sinking in on me, restricting my breath, and I couldn't get out, it was taped shut. But I was the one who taped it. I tried to get up, but something compelled me to stay still. To stay in the box. So I gave up on trying to get out, and I let myself sink into a dark low.

I got a text. I thought it was from Janus, telling me he knew he was wrong, on his way back. It was from Janus. But not in the least what I thought it was.

Sneaky Snek 🐍: We're done.

Sneaky Snek 🐍: I'm sorry.

Sneaky Snek 🐍: I'm moving in with the light sides.

Sneaky Snek 🐍: And breaking up with you.

Sneaky Snek 🐍: Re?

Sneaky Snek 🐍: Remus?

Sneaky Snek 🐍: Answer.

Sneaky Snek 🐍: I need you to tell me you're okay.

Sneaky Snek 🐍: Remus!

Sneaky Snek 🐍: Are you alive?!

Sneaky Snek 🐍: Remus?!

Rat Man 🐀: im alive

Rat Man 🐀: fuck you

I didn't get any more texts after that, but I didn't want any.

For months I didn't see or hear anything from anyone, except Roman checking on me because we're brothers and sometimes he can feel my emotional pain. However, he eventually just said Hi, and didn't worry, because I basically stopped feeling. I shut out any and all emotions I had, sad, happy, anything.

All I ate was deodorant and microwave frozen dinners, but I stopped caring when I stopped showing emotions, and also ran out. I would eat a stick of my favorite kind of deodorant sometimes, but very very rarely. I went hungry, but passed it off as an emotion and never went to the store.

I was walking around one day, when my head started to hurt. Emotions, ew. I'm turning into Logan.. That was my last thought before it went black.

Janus' POV

"I miss him!" I cried to the others. "I shouldn't have left!" "Janus, we know, we're gonna go see him today. He'll forgive you, kiddo!" Patton reassured me as we all started to gather in the living room.

Roman expressed concern when every time he went to check on his brother, his eyes seemed dull, and he seemed fragile. Physically and emotionally. This, of course, got me worried. I had broken up with him over text, and never spoken to him, and the last thing I got from him was 'im alive, fuck you.' Which concerned me. Because that was a year ago.

We were all going over to visit him, and grant him a place with the gray sides. Remy and Dr. Picani didn't mind, they actually wanted another room mate. But back to now. We had all gotten together, us sides. We walked slowly across the border, stopping to visit Remy and Emile on the way, before making it to my old place. We knocked on the door, and Virgil and I panicked when we got no responses after five tries.

Roman, his brother and also hero instincts kicking in, knocked the door down.

The front room was dull. No lights were on, the curtains were drawn, and empty deodorant tubes lied everywhere. "Remus?!" I called out, worried out of my mind. No answer. Is he even here?

We walked around a bit, looking around. We could see empty microwave dinner cartons in the trash, along with deodorant tubes. But they all looked as if they had been there forever.

I heard a gasp and a 'Janus..!' So I turned around. And I was faced with the man I still loved, lying on the floor, behind the couch. No movement. He was awfully skinny, and he looked pale. Remus was wearing one of my old sweatshirts, the one that said 'Am I old enough for kids? No. Do I have two? Yeah.' I bought that sweatshirt from the shops in the imagination when Virgil, Remus, and I were young. It was custom made.

Enough about the shirt. I ran over to him, and grabbed his hand. His skin was cold and rough. "Logan! Get your ass over here!" I cried. Literally crying. He ran over and saw Remus.

He kneeled down by him, taking a look. Checking something, probably his vitals. He looked up at me, closed his eyes, looked back down, and shook his head. "Cause of death, I believe malnutrition. Time of death, most likely recent seeing as he hasn't faded yet. I am guessing ten hours ago. I don't believe he meant to stop eating, my guess is that he stopped caring. Most likely depression, not an eating disorder focused on weight loss."

I sobbed the whole time he was talking. I never should have left him here.

"Remus..I love you."

Word Count: 2298 including this

Oof, our poor rat baby!!

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