SOPE | Touch

By naniVkookie

1.4M 124K 153K

"I wish I could kiss you," he confessed, looking over at the ice elemental in front of him after the words ar... More

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1🔥Whisp and Vines
2 ❆ Chancellor and Pain
3🔥Listening and Connections
4 ❆ Crushes and Creatures
5🔥Like calls to Like
6 ❆ Fear and MalChin
7🔥Radio Silence and Announcement
8 ❆ Fire Elementals and Eye Contact
9🔥Friends and Freak Outs
10 ❆ Arguments and Butterflies
11🔥 Victories and Hugs
12 ❆ Truth and Feelings
13🔥 New people and Confessions
14 ❆ Longing and Flames
15🔥 Hate and You're too late
16 ❆ Findings and Stabbing
17🔥 Risks and Incredulous
18 ❆ Kisses and Mysterious
19🔥 White hair and relations
20 ❆ "I wish I could kiss you"
21🔥 "We can't be together, Yoongi."
22 ❆ "Don't wanna talk about it"
23🔥"Yeah, i'm definitely fucked."
24 ❆ "I don't think I like you"
25🔥"You knew me"
26 ❆ "It's just some history, is it not?"
27🔥 "Look at her neck"
28 ❆ "What the hell-"
29🔥"...keep it to ourselves"
30 ❆ "... I understand."
31🔥 "'s just a feeling"
32 ❆ "and I'm done resisting."
33🔥 "alone."
34 ❆ "Who the hell-"
35🔥 "Have you ever heard of shadow soulmates?"
36 ❆ "Did I fall asleep?"
37🔥"Honestly, I don't know."
38 ❆ "You're going to kill the kid?"
39🔥"Such a shame"
40 ❆ The Kiss
41🔥Sun Souls
42 ❆ Intimacy
43🔥 Romantic Like
44 ❆ Fury
45🔥Wind line
46 ❆ Skirmish
47🔥 Distracting Hyung
48 ❆ Bestfriends
49🔥Clear as glass
50 ❆ Understand
51🔥 Going to Try
52 ❆ Plan
53🔥I love you
54 ❆ Preparations
55🔥Risk it all
*56 ❆ He showed me all the stars
*57🔥 He took me to the sky
58 ❆ Listen
59🔥The Memories
59.5⚡Akane's Memories
60 ❆ Answers and suspicious
Teaser for the Future...
61🔥 Thoughts and Sobs
62 ❆ Jimin and his shadow
63🔥 Reluctancy and Comfort
64 ❆ Meeting and Worry
65🔥Betrayal and Holding
66 ❆ Quick and The Shriek
67🔥Power and Off Guard
68 ❆ Questions and Commands
69🔥 Cries and Awake
70 ❆ Without thinking
71🔥 Curiosity and Confusion
72 ❆ Not the only one
73🔥Confrontation and Annoyance
*74 ❆ Right there~
76 ❆ What ifs and only way
77🔥Burn it
77.5⚡Malchin and Akane
78 ❆ Danger and Calling
79🔥 Helpful
80 ❆ ooo and Freezing
81🔥 Not a warning
82 ❆ Mothers and We
83🔥 Apologies and Talks
84 ❆ Impulse and Tails
85🔥Communication and Separation
86 ❆ She knows
87🔥Goodbyes and Trapped
88 ❆ Passed out
89🔥 Prophecy
90 ❆ The Nightmares
91🔥The heart to keep them away
92 ❆ Worth it
96 ❆ So close
97 🔥Thank the heavens
98 ❆ Could've gotten yourself killed
99🔥Fasten the process
100 ❆ "... Seok, kiss m-me."
101🔥 "Everyday of my miserable life."
102 ❆ "...revenge."
103 🔥May the evil spirit lay in vain
104 ❆ "This is far from over."🔥
105 ☾ "I'll be Chancellor."
106 ❆ "Hey, Taehyungie, are you okay?"
107🔥 "Let's meet the families."
108 ☾ "Naive boys..."
109 ❆ "W-witch!"
110🔥 "Necklace, it's burning."
111 ☾ ".. burn it out of him.."
112 ❆ "Why didn't you guys stop them?"
113🔥"You guys should come with us."
114 ☾ "'s hidden."
115 ❆ "welcome to Caroban."
116🔥 "w-what did you do?"
117 ☾ "Sit down, elementals"
118 ❆ "The OneeOnia and Phoenix Prophecy."
119🔥 "Dion?"... "Fera."
120 ☾ First loves
121 ❆ Time to sleep
122 🔥 Making the Coven
123 ☾ Moira and the fight of the sisters
124 ❆ The blood of a father
125🔥 It's okay to fall apart
126 ☾ What you know
127 ❆ Jeon Adora
128🔥 Songhee + Hayoon = SongYoon
129 ☾ Duplicity
130 ❆ Dangerous glory
131🔥 2/3 Complete
*132 ☾ Love me love me now
*133 ❆ Love me love me good
*134 🔥Don't need nobody else when it feels this good
135 ☾ The Phoenix and OneeOnia
136 ❆ Elaine the white eyed witch
137🔥 Fire Momma and Warlock Dada
138 ☾ The Sacrifice
139 ❆ Affliction
140🔥 The List and The Problem
141☾ Rather Die and How she thinks
142 ❆ You are not her and Lure
143🔥 The waiting game and A severed arm
144 ☾ The Atatakai Tree and Burden of past mistakes
145 ❆ Surprise Attack and Elemental Soldiers
146🔥"For Fera" and the Fall of five
147 ☾ Spirits of the Loved and the fall of more
148 ❆ ut malum aliquid ponere in vanum
149🔥The WaterColors of the Sunset on the Rooftop
☾ ❆ FINAL🔥✯
☾ ending note ☾

94 ❆ It's settled

7.3K 659 680
By naniVkookie

"You want to WHAT?!"

Songhee popped her hip out, her arms crossed over her chest, "I want to find Akane."

"Why on earth would you want to find Akane?" Jimin inquired, raising an eyebrow in Songhee's direction from where he was next to NamJoon, "you want to see Hayoon?"

Songhee glared at him, not a playful glare, a genuine 'i'm going to smack you' glare, "I can see Hayoon when ever the hell I please, so why would I go through the trouble of trying to find her when she comes to me willingly?" she questioned, tilting her head as she raised her eyebrow.

Jimin, surprised by her words, just nodded with an impressed smirk on his face. He was impressed at how well Songhee stood her ground.

"Anyways," Songhee turned away from Jimin, a pink hue dusted on her cheeks because she was even flustered by her response, "I want to find Akane because everytime I see Hayoon, everytime she comes here, she leaves in the direction of the woods and I know she's with her mother. So, that means Akane isn't as far as we all think."

Hoseok shook his head from where he was next to SeokJin and Taehyung, "Still doesn't explain why you want to find her, what, you want to talk to her?"

Songhee shook her head, sitting next to Yoongi, who held her hand in a comforting manner.

She had already spoken to Yoongi about it.

"Because knowing where Akane is, is an advantage," the rest raised an eyebrow, Songhee sighed as she began explaining what she meant, "think about it, Akane knows exactly where we are, same for that witch that's helping her. They have the advantage of surprise, because they know where we are and we don't know where they are. Imagine if we did, let's say there's another one of those warnings, we could go to her, ambush her, do something instead of sitting around like waiting ducks which is what we've been doing for the last couple months." her hands moved along with her words, as if she was pushing them towards the others waiting ears.

SeokJin was the first to speak, he had a smile on his face, "It's smart, honestly, Songhee isn't saying that we should waltz up to Akane and that witch, but to just see where they are and know where they are is an advantage they wouldn't expect us to have." Songhee pointed at Jin, thankful the eldest understood her point.

NamJoon shook his head, his arm wrapped tightly around Jimin's waist, "It's too dangerous, Songhee, w-what if we get caught? What if she sees us-"

"I'm not asking you guys to come with me," Songhee interrupted, a bit confused as to why they even considered the fact she would want to put them in that type of danger, "I was honestly going to go by myself to do it, i'm not risking your lives like that."

"Yet you expect us to let you go alone?" Yoongi asked, a small smile on his face as he squeezed Songhee's hand, "i'm not letting you go alone, Song." Songhee smiled at him, nudging his side lovingly.

"I'm going too," Hoseok chimmed in, ignoring the way Yoongi looked at him as he stared at Songhee, "who knows, maybe the phoenix will help out if things go south." at that Songhee laughed, a full tooth smiled taking over her face, she thanked him.

The others agreed, they've faced a lot together and like hell they were going to break that chain now. They were stronger together.

"I'm going-" Jimin said, though NamJoon gave him a look.

Jimin's accident was only a couple weeks ago, he still wasn't up to his full potential, "Minnie-"

"NamJoon," Jimin stared at his boyfriend, giving him a reassuring look, "i'm not a child, I understand my limits. Baby, I'll be fine." NamJoon just nodded, knowing better than to argue with the younger.

It's not like he'd win.

After everyone agreed on coming, the question now was how the hell they were going to figure out where they were.

Songhee shrugged, "before I knew you all wanted to join me, I-I-" Songhee flushed red, not even able to finish her statement.

Yoongi chuckled, finishing her sentence, "She was going to try and get a fluid from Hayoon, like her saliva." the others whispered low ooo's before breaking out into fits of laughter, Songhee hid her face in her hands from embarrassment.

"Do you doofuses have any better plans?" she snapped, which shut them up since they honestly didn't.

"Maybe Jiminie could hover over the forest, see if-"

"I'm not strong enough," Jimin interrupted Jungkook, who nodded while looking down at his fingers, Jimin smiled, "it's okay, Kookie, I know you were just trying to throw something out there. It could work if I didn't have the accident." Jimin was now the one looking down, he still hated the fact he was too weak to really do anything besides protect himself measly.

NamJoon kissed his forehead, whispering reassuring words into Jimin's ear, not caring about the others around them.

Hoseok smiled softly at the interaction, looking over at Yoongi, the elder was having a conversation with Songhe; trying to figure out what to do. Hoseok looked away from him, just playing with his fingers. SeokJin's heart broke as he witnessed it.

Jimin took a deep breath, licking his lips before he suggested, "We can ask Ilsung."

This had all of them looking over at him, especially NamJoon.

He sighed, "You know how NamJoon can do the blind wielding thing and Taehyungie can communicate with animals?" they slowly nodded, still not seeing why they would ever ask Ilsung for help, "Ilsung practiced Earth vibrations-"

"It's when an earth elemental kind of buries their hands into the dirt, the earth, and when they relax they can feel different vibrations on the land. It's a hard course, since they need to differentiate animal and human vibrational patterns, they can also sense when there's, like, a house on the land." Taehyung informed, knowing Jimin wouldn't be able to get every detail.

"Ilsung could sense where they're intense patterns, like humans. The woods in front of the Academy are vacant, any human type pattern has to be Akane, and he can lead us there." Jimin explained, SeokJin confirming the woods were basically just woods since he knew from riding with Fera.

NamJoon rolled his eyes slightly, shaking his head, "How can we trust him? You expect us to tell him-"

"Put your jealousy aside for a second, Joonie," Jimin interrupted, turning to his boyfriend, "Ilsung isn't a bad guy and I know he wouldn't judge us or rat to Akida, he doesn't like her-"

"I can confirm, I don't trust people easily but he's earned my trust. I agree, asking Ilsung wouldn't be a bad thing," Taehyung chimed in, a faint smirk showing on his features as he tilted his head and stared at his sun soul, "Minnie, I didn't realize you had a thing for Earth elementals, especially tall, handsome, smart-"

Jimin ran out of NamJoon's arms and tackled Taehyung, Taehyung dying of laughter as he fell to the ground.

Jimin couldn't deny he was right, but that didn't mean he wanted everyone else to know his type.

It was settled, Jimin would be asking Ilsung to help them since the two knew each other, he, of course, would only tell him things that were necessary; like their theory on Akane and Hayoon with the witch, but nothing about Hoseok and the phoenix. Since that information wasn't necessary.

Despite how much NamJoon hated the fact they were asking Ilsung for help.

He really didn't want to properly meet the dude that has also fucked his boyfriend.

I'm just going to assure you right now, Ilsung is a good guy in the book, because you guys are going to have WAY MORE to worry about in the future then whether he's good or not :)

made by the goddess catzumi_zero

made by writtenstories32

made by Yoongidique

thank you loves ❤

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