Partners In The End (Shidge...

By VoltronMoon

3.1K 214 376

Book 1. Its a Zombie apocalypse Au More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.

Chapter 37.

62 6 8
By VoltronMoon



Paulo was now a month old and well everyone gotten use to the baby being apart of their lives, all changing slight habits or helping out over simple things. Paulo was small but he was heavy and he was a little bit chubby making him seem like a tiny cotton filled teddy. His skin was dark and smooth. Dark brown eyes that he clearly got from hunk by the fearful sparkle in them and light brown hair, it was just stubble but it was growing. Big ears and a slight small nose, he was truly a mixture of Hunk and Shay. A strange birthmark on his lower back that looked like a rock but his parents found it adorable. 

"Shut that baby up before I throw it into the sun" Matt growled as Paulo has been crying non stop since Seven pm last night and it was now one pm the next day.

"Its not his fault, he has a fever" Krollia replied as she walked up and down holding Paulo trying to calm him while the others just sat on the grass outside the entrance of the hotel. Krollia taking care as she walked on the grass not to slip with the baby.

"We know, we just tried. I still don't know how the others could just sleep" Keith sighed as he fell back, laying in the badly cut grass. 

Shay, Hunk, Coran, Romelle was fast asleep in their given rooms within the hotel after being on the night shift with Paulo who would only sleep minutes at a time before waking up crying, being sick or hungry. Of course the others woke up to Paulo crying and helped out but the other four had finally passed out just hours ago leaving the baby to the barely awake lot. Allura just went to bed after becoming annoyance over her sleep being ruined.  

"Well I guess their bodies just passed out at soon as they could, sadly for us our bodies aren't doing the same" James replied from where he was already laying down. 

"Someone better take Paulo, Krollia is about to drop dead" Lance sleepily warned as he noticed Krollia falling asleep where she stood.

"I've got it" Pidge muttered taking Paulo from Krollia, holding the baby boy tightly but carefully to keep him from falling without harming him. 

"I'll take Krollia to her room" Shiro yawned, lazily throwing Krollia over his shoulder before heading inside to lay her down, they couldn't handle Krollia getting sick while Paulo was still ill. 

"How much longer until we can sleep" Lance asked like a child as he sat with his arms leaning behind him and his head leaning back to look at the cloudy sky.

"Until we pass out or kill each over from lack of sleep" Keith grumbled, crawling into Matt arms for a lazy snuggle on the grass.

"I vote the later half" Matt weakly joked, enjoying his cuddle with Keith. 

"Why don't you guys just head back to your rooms, I'm sure me and Pidge can manage until one of the others finally wake up and take over" James replied gaining eyebrows raise from the other three males.

"We might all be able to sleep soon, Paulo has dozed off" Pidge smiled slightly as she looked to the sleeping baby in her arms.

"Lets just hope he stays asleep but where are we gonna put him, the semi made cot is in Shay and Hunk room" Shiro mumbled as he walked back over to the others, sitting beside Pidge and glancing to Paulo.

"Why don't we make a cot in one of the spare drawers in the room I'm using, Its what my nan use to do for her son. Help me make one" Pidge spoke up as she turned to Shiro who gave a slight nod.

"Will you be ok with him alone" Shiro asked as he leaned closer pulling the blanket Paulo was wrapped in over him a bit better. 

"I'll knock if I need you" Pidge promised and Shiro nodded while smiling at her.

"Oh just fuck or marry already" Keith huffed as he sat up.

"Or date since marriage might be hard without a priest" Lance grinned and stood up.

"Amen" Matt smiled and stood up helping Keith up.

"Don't pressure them to be something they might not want" James frowned as he stood up and the three males gave him the 'really' look while Shiro was helping Pidge to stand.  

"Lets just get some rest, I think Paulo won't be much trouble anymore today" Pidge smiled sweetly as she looked to the sleeping baby. 

"I'll grab some spare blankets from another room" Shiro smiled and Pidge nodded while they all headed inside. 

Pidge gave slight nods to the others as they all entered their rooms while she headed to her room that was two doors down from the corner room but that was kept clear due to smell. Pidge reached her door and was struggling to open it since Paulo may have only been a baby but he still heavy and big. 

"Here" James smiled and opened the door for her, stepping inside before closing it behind her while she walked over to her double bed.

"You stay still" Pidge ordered the sleeping Paulo as she laid him in her bed in the middle so he wouldnt roll off.

"He a baby" James joked earning a slight laugh from Pidge while she waved her arms getting the blood flow back.

"True, anyway didnt I see you enter your room" Pidge replied as she turned to James.

"You did but I wanted to check if you needed any help with Paulo. My older brother had a baby, he was a single father but he did well. I know a baby not easy to care for and just wanted to make sure you weren't pushing yourself" James explained as Pidge opened a free clear drawer she use to make a semi cot for the baby.

"You had a brother and a nephew" Pidge mumbled in surprised, she thought James was an only child.

"Had, he died in a car crash with his son when I was nine. We had a thirteen year gap in age but I remember a little of my brother baby struggles" James replied with a small smile.

"Sorry for your lost, It must have been rough even with an age gap" Pidge smiled sweetly and placed her hand on James shoulder.

"It was the past, he was one who never wished to see others frown over him" James smiled and Pidge nodded in understanding. 

A thud on the door made the two turn in surprise before Pidge remembered Shiro was getting blankets and the door was close. He must be having the same problem as she did making her run over and open the door.

"Thanks" Shiro mumbled behind a pile of blankets.

"Shiro, that way too much" James spoke up making Shiro tense before pop his head round the pile.

"Why is James in here" Shiro asked glancing to Pidge.

"He opened the door for me when Paulo was stopping me from moving" Pidge explained and Shiro gave a slight nod.

"Here, let me help" James sighed and took a blanket from Shiro before folding it in a certain then sliding it into the drawer.

"Your a pro or something" Shiro joked as he placed the rest of the blankets down on the floor while watching.

"Maybe" James joked back earning the two guys to laugh while Pidge checked on Paulo who was still dead to the world and drooling.

"Since the blanket is so thick, this one should be fine alone for him to lay on. Use another blanket to cover him but nothing as heavy or thick otherwise it crush him slightly" James explained as he went threw the other blankets.

"Got it, Well lets try it" Pidge smiled and picked Paulo up placing him within the drawer before Shiro covered him with the blanket James passed over.

"He seems happy but then again he sleeping, lucky one" Shiro mumbled as he looked to the sleeping child.

"Just remember not to close the drawer otherwise he suffocate" James warned as he stood up again.

"We might not be pros but even we know that much" Shiro smiled and James nodded.

"Well I'm gonna go get some sleep before I pass out in Pidge room. Nightish-day" James smiled slightly before heading to the door.

"Sleep well" Shiro smiled kindly and James nodded.

"Oh and James thanks, for the door and the bedding" Pidge smiled softly earning a bright smile from James before he left.

"Well I better return" Shiro sighed and went to walk off but stopped as Pidge grabbed his sleeve.

"Stay ... I'm worried something might happen" Pidge muttered embarrassed as she glanced to Paulo.

"Sure, why do you think I brought the extra blankets. You may trick the others but I know when your truly worried. Just let me set up a bed" Shiro smiled slightly and pulled Pidge into a side hug before turning.

"You can use the bed, I mean we shared a car before ... A bed not so bad" Pidge mumbled and glanced away.

An hour later...

"Are you sure" Shay asked with worry as she and Hunk stood outside Pidge door that was left open a crack.

"Keith groaned something about the little shit being taken by pidge. Meaning Paulo should be with her but James grunted something about let them sleep meaning just like everyone but is asleep. Paulo should be in her room where Pidge is sleeping" Hunk explained as pushed opened the door slightly.

"But maybe we should wake someone else" Shay replied with worry.

"We checked every other room so far and most who was left with Paulo said some unfriendly words towards us before going back to sleep. Its the last place to check" Hunk answered and stepped inside before freezing.

"What is it" Shay asked in a panic and stepped inside.

"Its just so cute" Hunk squeaked as he glanced to the bed finding Pidge and Shiro all cuddled up under the cover fast asleep. 

"Aww they made a semi cot for him, that is cute" Shay smiled sweetly as she looked to where her son was sleeping.

"Our son can be cute at anytime of the day but this tops the cake for me" Hunk smiled liked a fanboy earning his girlfriend to slap his arm.

"Lets go" Shay ordered once she picked up her sleeping son before leaving.

"Keith and Lance are gonna squeal once I tell them about this" Hunk grinned and carefully closed the door before walking with his son and girlfriend.

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