Partners In The End (Shidge...

By VoltronMoon

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Book 1. Its a Zombie apocalypse Au More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.

Chapter 36.

65 6 10
By VoltronMoon



Sorry, I was planning to upload yesterday but then I had to help with going shopping and Family decided it was time for us to bond by working on the garden .. yet again. Then as I finally got free at 4pm, I decided to read a little to calm my body and mind by 5:30 I was almost asleep. I was woken up around 6pm and sent to bed since I couldn't keep my eyes open. So, an almost 18 year old in 25 days fell asleep before 6, little embarrassing.



This chapter might upset some and if your sensitive to certain deaths then please note it might be best to skip the last half of this chapter. 

"So" Lance asked with worry as Romelle walked back to the open area at the entrance, a slight smile on her lips.

"Shay gone into labour" Romelle smiled brightly doing slight jazz hands while the others just mouth dropped at her. 

"Labour as in the baby coming" Keith asked making sure he didn't just miss hear it all.

"She in labour, the baby is coming. I need someone to grab the baby bag and my medical birth bag I set up before bringing it to the room beside the one that Hunk and Shay is using. I will also need one of you ladies giving me a helping hand, Pidge should do since Shay would rather her sister then a stranger" Romelle spoke with a content smile as she looked to the group and Pidge choked on air.

"S-She wants m-me to h-help ... B-baby ... Me ... Birth .. Oh god no" Pidge yelp in complete shock as she looked straight at Romelle who just nodded.

"Are you sure you wouldnt want my help as well, I have given birth before and don't mind giving a helping hand if you need" Krollia spoke up with a kind smile, she knew the wonders and nightmares of child birth even if her son was born twenty years ago. 

"That would be a great help since Hunk passed out three minutes ago but she still wants Pidge to hold her hand" Romelle replied and Keith patted a frozen Pidge shoulder.

"Good Luck sis, You'll do great just don't puke first" Matt smiled trying to comfort his sister who gave a weak nod.

"Birth, Its a natural gross thing but its cool ... many say its beautiful meaning it can't be as bad as the live vidoes school made me watch. Its cool gonna be just fine" Pidge mumbled to herself as she started walking towards the way Romelle came from.

"Will she be ok" James asked with slight worry as Pidge wobbled onwards.

"She going to help with a birth, I think she dealing with it very well for now" Shiro answered  as he remembered his old school teachers over their partners giving birth or them in birth. 

"Here your needed bags" Coran smiled slightly as he passed the two bags towards Romelle but Krollia took them with a thankful nod.

"Let us know once the baby is born" Allura smiled as Romelle started to run off with Krollia, Krollia grabbed Pidge wrist to help pull her along. 

Flashback .... Two months ago...

"STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" Shay screamed out making Coran quickly break almost getting the jeep crash into the back of them, everyone in the jeep clearly cursing from the almost crash. 

"What wrong ... is it the baby ... Are you ok, do we need to wake Romelle up" Hunk asked in a panic beside his girlfriend, his hands shaking in fear.

"I'm up thanks to being choked by my seatbelt" Romelle groaned on the other side of Shay who sat in the middle seat in the back. 

"Look 'Mother Care' we need to make that stop" Shay answered as she pointed out the window. 

"I guess its time we look for baby supplies and well that shop is the best to go to for now. I'll let the others know" Krollia mumbled and jumped out from the passenger seat heading to the jeep.

"Mother care" Allura asked from where she sat in the middle seat on the back row, Matt on her left and Lance on her right.

"Well shay is almost ready to pop, we will need some baby things and this might be the only place we can get them from for awhile" Lance replied as he looked to the shop sign over the carpark bush beside them. 

"Ok, guess we going to mother care but Let us in the jeep look it over and check first. I'm sure others would have Looted the shop at the start of the apocalypse. We check if there anything left" Keith spoke up from the seat in the boot. 

"I let Coran know to stay parked in the car part, just give us a sign if its safe to enter or if they still have anything left inside" Krollia replied and the others nodded before she head back inside the Honda.

"Baby things already, how did we forget we gonna need baby bits" Pidge mumbled as she glanced to Shiro who pulled out over taking the Honda to drive on ahead.

"No clue, I guess we just forgotten the normal pregnancy game plan when zombies came along. I mean Shay check ups with Romelle haven't been the same as if she was pregant three years ago. We just forgot about baby supplies while we gathered normal supplies" Shiro mumbled and soon pulled up. 

"I guess but would will the basics for a baby need. I mean we can't just fill up the car will baby stuff cause we need to drive slightly light with basics only. We won't be able to have all the cool gadgets either or anything electronic" Pidge muttered as they jumped out of the jeep.

"A bottle, clothes, car seat and nappies but then again it be best to use cloth nappes since we might be able to loot nappies weekly. A teddy or toy for the baby to keep and a blanket. But sterilizing might be impossible" Lance replied as Allura stayed by the jeep as the Honda pulled up beside. 

"Yeah we won't be able to sterilize the bottles, we just have to clean it down like we do with our cups" Matt sighed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Prams are a no go meaning we have to make sure the get a car seat that light enough for them to carry or run with if needed while being safe for the baby" Keith mumbled as they entered the store.

"Lets just make sure the store is safe, luckily it doesn't look like its been looted much but then again it was on the edge of the city and mostly got forgotten about" Shiro spoke up and the others nodded before they all split up.

Five minutes later and the group was walking back, slightly bloody but it just zombies blood thanks to a huge mess inside. It seemed whoever decided to hide up in the store handcuff other employees for whatever reason and they become a living buffy to a group of zombies who entered. A huge old rotten blood and flesh was in the middle of the store and well it was rather slippery for them all while they fought back a small number of zombies.   

"Its clear but walked around the centre .. trust us" Keith sighed as they came to a stop.

"Want to drive back to the park we passed, It seemed it had a river you guys might be able to wash with" Krollia asked with slight worry.

"We not getting in the jeep like this, we walk up once we get the baby supplies" Shiro sternly replied not wanting the jeep to stain or smell as bad as they do right now.

"Well how does it look inside, everything we might need" Coran asked with a small smile.

"Seems so, the stores stock has been left untouched but that might be becuase a group of workers were clearly hiding inside keeping it from being looted" Matt explained as he shook his leg a little making some blood splash off. 

"Well legs go baby shopping" Allura cheered as she clapped her hands together.

"Hold on, we need some rules for this baby thing. A single baby bag is all we taking and a single car seat that can be carried with easy if we need to run while also keeping the baby safe. Cloth nappes will be best and no electronics. A single bag filled with baby supplies is all we taking. I know we all unsure of a baby things but we still in the middle of a apocalypse" Pidge spoke up as she looked to Shay and Hunk who nodded in understanding.

"We keep it to a single baby bag" Hunk promised.

"Now lets go take a look" Shay smiled sweetly as she wobbled towards the store.

"We allowed to pick a teddy and toy for the baby too since we not monsters but just nothing that makes noise" Lance smiled as he walked with Shay. 

End Of Flashing back....

"Do you think everything is ok, I mean they been in that room for eight hours now and no one came out to pass on any word" Matt mumbled with worry as the group stood on the floor in the hallway outside the room.

"I'm sure everything is fine, having a child isn't the most easier things and can take time. Is something went wrong, we would surely know about it" Coran explained with a caring smile as he stood looking to the nervous group remembering how he was once the same in his young adult days. 

"I wonder if they going to have a boy or girl" Allura smiled slightly as she fiddled with her fingers to keep clam. 

"Who cares as long as the baby ok" James replied with his head leaning on his folded arms on his pulled up knees.

"Oh here it comes" Keith smirked as the door opened showing Hunk.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet my son Paulo" Hunk smiled sweetly as he glanced down to the baby boy wrapped in a light yellow blanket in his arms. 

"Congrats" Shiro smiled gently as he placed his hand on Hunk shoulder.

"Aww, look at the fellow" Lance grinned as he looked to the sleeping new-born. 

"Everyone have a quick look, the baby needs rest along with his mother" Romelle smiled as she walked over to the door standing behind Hunk.

"Lets leave them to rest, we can all have a real look at the baby once its well rested" Krollia smiled kindly and the others nodded while Hunk stepped back inside placing his son in a washing basket they filled with pillows and blankets to made a semi cot.

"Just look at him" Shay smiled proudly as sleep started to over take her.

"Yes, he perfect not rest shay" Pidge smiled sweetly, petting the slightly older women arm before pulling the blanket over her as she drifted to sleep. 

"Will you be ok" Krollia whispered with worry as she looked to Pidge pulling her to the side outside as the others were already walking back.

"I don't know, I feel like we should have told them" Pidge sighed as she looked to the floor with pain eyes.

"As do I but look at them and the rest of the group, do you think they could handle the truth. Hunk made the diction not to tell them and can you blame him after we saw what happened" Romelle frowned as she glanced back to the room before fully closing the door. 

Ten Minutes Before ...

"Your doing so well" Hunk smiled as he held Shay hand, feeling pain as she squeaked during labour.

"I can see the head, another push" Romelle encouraged.

"Isn't that" Krollia muttered surprised as Romelle looked to the baby in her arms.

"Keep pushing" Pidge quickly spoke as she noticed something else, making the other two women notice another head coming. 

"Almost there" Romelle promised making Hunk glanced towards the other women helping with his son birth knowing something was wrong when he was sure his wife already pushed hard enough. 

"Well done .. look you did it" Krollia praised as she held up the second baby, wrapping it into a light yellow fluffy blanket and passing the child to Shay.

"It a baby boy" Pidge smiled brightly at the new mother and father before turning back to what was passed into her arms minutes before Krollia helped with the second child.

"our gorgeous son" Shay cried tears of joy as she looked to the baby in her arms as Pidge walked into the bathroom, hiding something in her arms.

"He amazing, its our own baby son" Hunk cried and kissed his girlfriend forehead before stroking his son cheek.

"Got any names" Romelle asked with a prideful smile as her first birth delivery.

"Paulo" Shay muttered and kissed her son small cheek.

"A lovely name, you rest up with your son" Krollia smiled as she glanced to the bathroom not seeing Hunk notice and start to panic.

"Well we ladies better wash up a little before we let the others know" Romelle nervously smiled and walked to the bathroom with Krollia.

"I'm just gonna thank the girls, will you be ok" Hunk asked with a small smile as he looked to Shay.

"I'll be fine, help the girls I'm sure they not about to freak out now the stressful part passed" Shay smiled looking to her boyfriend before turning back to her son. 

Hunk quickly entered the bathroom freezing in the doorway at the sight in Pidge arms making the other three quickly turn to him before closing the door.

"I'm so sorry Hunk" Pidge weakly spoke as tears fill her eyes while she held the oldest twin, who was born a stillbirth baby. 

"Is that" Hunk started to say being choking back his tears.

"He was born stillbirth, we not sure why but we notice as soon as he popped out. Making the stress over the past nine years did more then we would have guesses or the birth since we not got as strong pain killers and just doing a wild birth like the olden days. We didn't want to stress Shay and hoped we could still save him but .. I'm sorry" Romelle replied in a small voice as she placed a hand on Hunk arm.

"Just don't blame yourself, its not you fault we didnt even have a clue that Shay was having twins. I mean she seemed to small in the bump to have twins and listening to heartbeats was hard making it seem like you were only having one baby. This is something non of us could have stopped, I'm so sorry this happened" Krollia frowned as she looked to the ground.

"Kelly" Hunk weakly spoke making the three women turn to him.

"Nice name, I'm sure he would have grown to love it" Pidge smiled slightly as she held back her tears.

"Don't tell Shay, this was her biggest fear and I don't want her blaming herself till death over this. Can we bury him" Hunk replied with worry trying to keep strong.

"Yes, we planned to do that while she rests and the others go off to chill once they know Shay, You and well now Paulo is safe" Krollia explained.

"Thanks" Hunk sobbed, he couldn't hold back his pain anymore.

"Pidge" Romelle quickly spoke up as she noticed Pidge freeze before glancing down.

"Get him out" Pidge ordered in panic as the white blanket wiggled.

"He alive, you were wrong he was probably just sleeping or something" Hunk cried in hope but even he knew it was fake hope.

"Come on" Romelle sniffled trying to stay strong as she opened the door pushing Hunk out.

"Shit" Pidge hissed as she pulled back the blanket, the once stillborn baby was now pale as the dead and growling slightly trying to bite her even with teeth. His small hands clawing the best he could as he started to fully turn into the undead.

"Just hold him, I'll take care of him since you don't deserve his blood on your hands" Krollia weakly spoke and went to reach for her knife but forgot she took it of when cutting the umbilical cord.

"I'm sorry" Pidge whispered as tears left her eyes, her knife quickly and silently entering Kelly head at the side before his small growls and crawling came to a sudden stop. 

"I'm so sorry" Pidge cried pulling Kelly close into a tight hug, letting her tears fall and Krollia just stepped over pulling her into a hug, trying to comfort the girl. 

"You did what was needed" Krollia told her, her own tears falling slightly. 

Back to the present....

"Hunk, shouldn't you be with Paulo and Shay" Pidge asked surprised while Krollia finished digging the small hole beside the hotel flower area. 

"I wanted to see Kelly off, I am his father. Romelle keeping an eye on Shay and Paulo while I'm here" Hunk answered back and Pidge gave a slight nod. 

"Well, do you have any last words" Krollia asked with a sadden smile while Pidge glanced down to the white blanket in her arms that held Kelly. 

"I don't know what to say, I'm happy to have my Paulo and yet I'm sad to lose my Kelly. Even if I never got to tell you how much I loved you or how proud I am to call you my son. No matter how many years will passed, just know I will always be thinking of you as my oldest son" Hunk spoke, tears leaving his eyes as he took the wrapped baby from pidge holding his oldest son in his arms.

"We all remember him in our hearts" Pidge promised as she patted Hunk arm getting a thankful look in return.

"Lets lay him in peace, I'm sure god will treat him well until the day you join him" Krollia smiled slightly and Hunk nodded before kneeling down and placing Kelly in the ground before taking the shovel from Krollia and filling the hole himself. 

"Watch over us Kelly, I'm gonna need you to be the strong one out of us" Hunk smiled as he stood back looking to the sky. 

"Yeah, he gonna be saving our asses a lot now poor guy" Pidge joked making the others give a small laugh.

"Lets head inside, I'm sure he wouldnt wish to make us cry" Krollia smiled and the three started walking back but stopped as they notice Shiro watching from the fire door giving a surprised look before it sadden as he figured out what happened. 

"Don't tell anyone about my baby Kelly" Hunk begged slightly and Shiro gave a weak nod.

"We couldn't save him but maybe, you can save her. He started to turn and she had no choice" Krollia whispered as he patted Shiro shoulder before walking inside, Hunk already heading straight towards Shay and Paulo.

"Katie" Shiro whispered as he opened his arms, looking at her with worry before feeling her hot tears staining his chest.

"Takashi I" She cried out feeling his arms wrap tightly but gently, letting her cry the pain out. 


Sorry if I have upset anyone with this chapter but please not nothing as sad will happen anymore.

If this chapter did cause trouble for anyone then I'm truly sorry and hope you'll be ok. There are sites to help if you need them. 


So, I filed me flipping the coin and showing I didnt cheat while picking names but I have feeling it won't show the video. As I uploaded it, it just freeze as a picture but I'm hoping it suddenly work as I upload. 

Sorry about my bad writing, now you all know why I type instead of use my handwriting. 

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