Stick up


148K 3.9K 570

"I-I need a favor from you." He spoke, slow and cautious. "Sergio, spit it out." "I need you to help with a... Еще

PART ONE| Stick up
One| watch your mouth
Two| wanted
Three| Fine wine
Four| you wish
Five| oh shit
Six| Dalí!
Seven| love hurts
Eight| trigger
Nine| mistakes
Ten| choices
Eleven| one life or three
Twelve| love hurts
Thirteen| a lack of trust
Fourteen| big girls cry
Fifteen| ain't no sunshine
Sixteen| i warned myself
Seventeen| always, i'll care
Eighteen| set fire to the rain
Nineteen| go to hell
Twenty| came close
Twenty one| playing games
Twenty Two| missing each other
Twenty three| let it go
Twenty five| please dont go
PART TWO| stick up
One| life after you
Two| ready or not, here we come
Three| how did it come to this
Four| my own souls warning
Five| never really over
Six| stick to the plan
Seven| ready or not
Eight| here i come
Nine| run, run, run

Twenty four| this is on you

2.5K 79 14

"Are you out of your mind!" He yelled, a few looking up to them seeing Ibiza's enraged face.

"I was already sent out there once, what's the difference now?"

"Whats the difference? The difference is now you'll surely get killed! Celia there are hundreds of police out there, your not coming back alive." He spoke with fear in his voice.

"But I can get them away long enough for Wendy to come in, you need to make sure she has a doctor-"


"No?" She felt her eyebrows dip. "What do you mean no?"

"I'm not doing it."

"Denver needs his father." She looked to him, seeing Denver gazing at her with worried eyes. "He could live without me." She whispered, tears in her eyes as her reckless plan settles in her chest.


"Having no father is painful, Bruno. I'd give anything for my papa back." She turned back to him. "If I can give Denver his-" she trailed off.

Bruno looked from her to the boy sitting by his father, watching him stare at Celia with pain, confusion, but most importantly, love. "Say you go out there, doctor comes in. Moscú makes it and then he lost you, what happens then?"

"He'll move on, he's strong."

"Fine." He shrugged, taking a step in front of her to block her view. "You go out there, doctor comes in. Moscú doesn't make and now your missing." He watched her eyes softened, looking up to him. "What happens then?"

"I- I don't know." She whispered.

"I'll tell you what happens. Denver's going to lose his shit, his dad's gone and now he doesn't have you? He's going to depend on you every step of this journey, going out there isn't smart." He was shocked when lona walked back.

"I'm sorry." She turned and ran to their headquarters, grabbing a phone off the wall, and swiftly making her way to the basement. When she reached she saw hostages digging at their "escape" route.

She quietly walked to their bags, grabbing one and emptying the contents inside onto the ground, a few hostages stop to watch her. She continues to grab the things she'll need, making sure her rope and grappling gun are on top.

Standing she slings the bag over her shoulder before making her way to her old office, locking the door and pushing a chair underneath the handle. Barcelona walked to the window, looking down and seeing all the added police that weren't there two hours ago.

She brought out her slim laptop from underneath her desk, opening it and immediately began to combine encryptions, making sure no one from anywhere around the world could track this down. "Lona!" She jumped at Bruno's voice, his fist slamming on the door. "Lona, stop this!"

"Damn it!" She muttered, backing out of a code and entering a new one, as she saw the data begin to form, she quickly pulled out the cell she had taken, erasing it and taking it apart.

Lona ignored Ibiza's pleads as she threw away pieces of the phone that held no purpose to her, before turning it on and connecting the source to the encrypted codes, her phone now completely untraceable. She stood quickly, dialing the only number she knew.

"Hello?" A wary voice answers the phone, looking around at her surroundings.

"Wendy." Lona breathed, walking to the window.

"Lona!" She hissed, turning away from the cops as Lona's men surrounded Wendy. "Are you crazy? Ibiza already called me."

"We need a doctor."

"Yea, I got one," she looked to the doctor dressed in a police uniform, nervously looking around.

"He looks scared." Barcelona spoke her concerns as she watched him fidget. Wendy looked around confused. "Where are you?"

"Look up." Wendy did as told and saw her standing in the window. "You're going to get caught."

"Not unless I want them to." Barcelona hung up the phone, Wendy cursing as she held her gun properly again. "Keep an eye out." She ordered.

Diego turned to Wendy, watching her worried eyes. "She knows what she's doing."

"I don't think she does."

Barcelona grabbed her bag, walking to the window that was on the opposite side of the room. "Lona!" She froze with the snipper in her hand. "Denver?"

"Lona come out of there! It's not worth it." Denver pleaded, placing his forehead on the door.

"I'm going to help Moscú." She opened the window, looking down to the ground before jumping to sit on the ledge, her back to the world.

"Mí Amor, please. I need you here, don't do it."

She bit her lip, grappling gun in hand. "I love you, Denver."

He shook his head. "Don't. Don't do this!" He pounded in the door. She aimed the grappler up, aiming at an angle so it will latch to the top of the building.

She tugged in the rope to make sure it was secure before swinging her sniper on her left shoulder while the bag was across her chest. She stood taking a jump on the ledge and pulling herself up, slowly making her way to the roof.

She grabbed onto the edge and pulled herself up, rolling onto the gravel. "Ah, shit." She held her hand to her face, seeing it all red. Instead of wasting time on that she grabbed her snipper, army crawling to the other side and setting it up.

Barcelona reaches into her jumpsuit pocket for the phone, calling Wendy again. "Lona, I hope you know what you're doing."

"I need you to move to the back of the building." She held the phone between her ear and shoulder, one eye closed as she looked through her scope.

"Too risky, how do you expected-" Wendy was cut off when the guy next to her fell to the ground, bullet in his throat. "Now." Barcelona ordered, dropping the phone and shooting anyone close to her team.

If she couldn't get out, she was bringing them in. She cursed when she saw the doctor fall to the ground, Diego gripping his arm and yanking him up. Firing a few more rounds until she saw her last man go around the corner, she stood and let the gun fall to the ground.

She ran to her bag, grabbing it and placing her legs over the edge, grabbing the rope and jumping to where she could place both feet on the wall before she slowly began to rappel herself to the office window.

Once she was on the ledge she began to tie the extra rope to the end so it would reach her team, looking down she saw them all guarding each other. "Aye!"

Wendy looked up quickly, aiming her gun at lona. "Hurry up!" Wendy hissed. Barcelona chuckled and dropped the rope, watching a few extra feet gather on the concrete. One by one they all started to climb. Wendy first, the doctor, Diego, Mark, and Denzel, she gripped Wendy's hand when she was at the top, pulling her into the room.

"You crazy bitch." Wendy huffed, straightening out her vest.

Barcelona laughed as she grabbed the doctors shirt and tugged him in the window. "You know you missed me."

Diego climbed into the room by himself, fixing his vest before wrapping Lona in a hug. "I missed you, Lo." She smiled and patted his back, waiting for Denzel to get in before walking to the window. She grabbed the rope and whipped out her knife from the side of her pants, beginning to cut the rope.

"Lona!" The banging happened again, she could tell Ibiza was kicking the door. She huffed as she let the rope fall to the ground below, closing the window and going to the door to remove the chair, unlocking it; getting shoved back when two men rushed into the room.

"Lona." Denver whispered, walking to her and shoving her face in his neck. "Don't do something like that again, please." He spoke softly to her, holding her at arms reach as he did a once over to make sure she wasn't injured.

Ibiza walked next to him and flicked her nose as if she was a dog. "Don't do something like that again."

She smacked his arm and began to rebuttal but realized Moscú was hanging on. "Where's your dad?"

"Down stairs." Denver turned to walk out of the room, Barcelona nodding her head in his direction as her team followed her.

"Oh god." Wendy covered her mouth as she saw the bullet wounds in his stomach. Barcelona smiled weakly at her. "It's bad." She whispered.

The doctor immediately got to the ground and began to assess the real damage. "I- I'm sorry to say but these are pretty deep, I can remove them but the chances of him surviving are slim." He pointed to the three holes. "They've been here for a few hours, removing them might even cause more damage because it's holding the blood in place, when I remove it he could bleed out."

Barcelona felt defeated as she slumped to the ground next to the doctor, looking at Moscú's bare chest. "What do you want Moscú?"

"That tunnel needs three more diggers to get to the other side, that's ten hours of work." He could feel himself slowly giving up, so he ignored her until he could get rid of Denver.

"I'll do it, papa, hang in there." He leaned over and kissed his forehead. "We're getting out of here." He squeezed Lona's hand before he ran off to the tunnel.

"I know it's a long shot, but go ahead." Moscú reaches for Lona's hand. "Thank you, Tesoro."

They didn't have enough sedatives to put Moscú to sleep, so while the doctor worked on taking the bullets out, lona was trying to distract him. "What's so funny, papa bear?" She smiled softly as he chuckled.

"You brilliant ideas." He teased. "How did you get him in here." He looked to the doctor out of the corner of his eyes.

"I went to the roof." She grabbed his hand. "You needed a doctor and you were going to get it, even if i got them here recklessly."

"Denver's lucky you have you." He squeezed her hand, his voice cracking. "He's in love, lona. So in lo-" he began to shake as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"Moscú!" She touches his face turning his head so it was facing her again. "What's happening!" She yelled to the doctor who was hooking his IV to another bag. "He needs a transfusion."

During Moscú's transfusion he passed out which scared the hell out of Barcelona at first. Ibiza rubbed her back. "It'll be alright." He told her after about half an hour of him being asleep.

"I hope so." She whispered as she dapped a damp cloth over his forehead. She smiled as she felt him stir due to the cold rag. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She laughed as his eyes opened.

Moscú studied Barcelona's face, confused because she looked just like his wife. "I told the boy everything."

"What?" She held his hand. "What did you tell him."

"What I did to you. How I abandoned you in Martorell. I went back to that roundabout, I had to dream you were cleaning windshields, and I drove for hours and hours. To fix my mistake." Moscú slowly turned his head to the ceiling.

Barcelona turned to Ibiza quickly before looking back to the man fighting for his life. "You should rest, Mos-"

"And I showed your photo to everyone who walked by. And now, your son-" he took deep breaths as Lona tried to calm him. "Told me he hates me."

"He loves you, Moscú." She nodded with tears in her eyes. "He absolutely adores you."

"Well, I deserve it. I left his mother."

"No." She pushed his hair out of his face. "You are a great father. You have a wonderful son. Strong, kind, all because of you." She felt a few tears run down her cheek.

"I did what I could, honey." Moscú tried to reach her face but was to weak to lift his hand fully. Barcelona grabbed his hand and leaned her cheek against it, letting out a small sob. "Never was I as happy as the day I met you."

"If I could go anywhere right now, I would go to that place in our town, and dance with you." He coughed and she could feel his body shake besides her. "I'm sorry, forgive me." He turned his palm to it was resting on her face. "I love you."

"I'm sorry." Moscú closed his eyes as he began to choke. Her eyes widen when she heard the doctor curse, turning her head she saw him covered in blood.

"It was lodged near an artery." He shook his head placing more gauzes on his bleeding side. "I can't stop it."

"Moscú hold on, please." She whispered, wishing he didn't push her out of the way. She let her tears fall freely when his breathing slowed. "Get Denver, please." She asked Ibiza without turing around, hearing his footsteps fade away.

When Denver entered all he could focus on was his fathers bloodied body, Barcelona clinging to his hand. He slowly walked to Barcelona's outstretched hand, taking it and squeezing hard. She placed Denver's hand in his fathers, taking a step back to move behind him.

"I'm here, papa." Denver smiled at Moscú. "You just have to hold on for a little bit longer, we're almost there."

"It's okay," he whispered to his distraught son.

"Papa." Denver whispered. "That thing I said, about hating you-" Denver swallows hard, letting out a soft sob while Barcelona rubbed his back. "I could never feel that towards you, I'd never hate you."

"It's okay." Denver ignored him and told him how he felt. "You did what you had to do with mom." Denver squeezed his hand gently. "I couldn't hate you."

"Lona." Moscú called, turning his head slightly. "I'm here, Mossí." She used his nickname. "I'm here."

"I'll give you three million to take him off my hands."  She laughed softly. "He's a real pain in the ass, but he's all I got. I know you'll take care of him."

She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "He'll be safe, I promise."

Barcelona held her breath as she heard his breathing get deeper and deeper as it slows down. "My friends, I haven't introduced myself." He looked to everyone gathered around. "Agustín Ramos. It's been a pleasure." He turned to Denver and studied his face. "I love you."

Denver sniffled. "I love you, too, papa. So much. I'm not letting you go like this." He looked to Rio. "Get all the explosives we have, we need to blow it up."

"Denver." Lona grabbed his arm gently as Moscú began to voice his protest. "No, if you blow the tunnel, you'll kill us all."

"B-but papa-"

"Remember. No regrets." Moscú kept eye contact with his son for as long as he could, wanting Denver to be all he saw. "I love you."

"I love you too, papa." Barcelona bit her lip and turned her head as she saw Moscú's eyes roll to the back of his head.

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