Transmigration: Face slap th...

Oleh Chil_lexx

330K 8.7K 660

What do you do when you find out your Aunt is your father's mistress? Your lovely sweet cousin is actually yo... Lebih Banyak

Author's note
Arc 1
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.2
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.3
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.4
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.5
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.6
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.8
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.10
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.11
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.12
My Overbearing Ceo- 1.13
Arc 2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.3
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.4
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.6
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7
The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.8
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9
The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10
Arc 3
Coffee to go - 3.2
Coffee to go - 3.3
Coffee to go - 3.4
Coffee to go- 3.5
Coffee to go- 3.6
Coffee to go- 3.7
Coffee to go- 3.8
Coffee to go- 3.9
Coffee to go- 3.11
Coffee to go- 3.12
Coffee to go- 3.13
Coffee to go- 3.14
Coffee to go- 3.15
Coffee to go- 3.16
Coffee to go- 3.17
Coffee to go- 3.18
Coffee to go- 3.19
Coffee to go- 3.20
Coffee to go- 3.21
Arc 4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.3
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.4
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.6
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.8
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.10
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 11
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.12
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.14
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.16
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.19
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.20
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.21
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.23
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.24
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.25
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.26
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.33
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.35
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36
Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37
Arc 5
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2
Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotten Flesh- 5.3
Dun Dun Dun

Coffee to go- 3.10

4K 123 3
Oleh Chil_lexx

Carter rushed inside the manor, "..Young Master what happened?.." Greta shockingly exclaimed seeing the unconscious Cheng Bi Yu in his arms, "..Heat up some warm water," he quickly brushed past her heading upstairs.

Celine rushed in afterwards with a distraught Melina consoling an overly anxious Elene and a frantic pacing Simon. "..Ms. Celine what happened?.." Greta witnessed the unhinged youth's her anxious tone reached their ears, "..I'll tell you later," Celine proclaimed her expression neutral she brushed past Greta bolting upstairs the others behind.

Pushing open the door Carter gently placed the unconscious pale looking youth on his bed he pulls off her boots tossing them to the side he brought his palm to her forehead the peculiar youth frowned, "You're burning up.." the door burst open the four intruders almost tripping over each other.

Celine angrily gripped her phone in her hand, "I can't reach that damned doctor! He should be here already. That phono he could've at least pretended he wants my money!.."

Carter glared at the intruders, "..How is she?.." Simon asked stepping closer, "..She has an high fever," he reluctantly replied to his cousin.

"..Excuse me," Greta brushed past the four placing the basin of hot water securely on the nightstand along with a white towel.

"..Thanks Greta. Leave everyone!-" Carter exhaled, "Why!.." Simon blurts out sour faced Celine grabs his ear, "Waiting  to see the free show you idiot! Come on before you have no ear left!.." she harshly pulled him by the ear, "Ouch!!.." Simon unpleasant whines echoed throughout the hall.

The door was closed. Carter turns back to Cheng Bi Yu grabbing the fresh towel he dipped it in the basin to soak once wet he wrung it out. His hand moved to her face tenderly damping it Cheng Bi Yu looked less pale and more red as her fever climbed.

Carter deeply exhaled his nervous fingers trembled at the ends of her shirt, "..I can do this." He quickly lifts her shirt he panicked turning away. Carter's ear reddened, "..Come on Carter stop acting like a school girl!-" he mentally battled with himself, "..I'll just apologize when she wakes,"

Steeling is giddy beating heart Carter slight lifted her shirt reaching forth the cloth he carefully wiped her delicate skin making sure to rub her arms as well.

Carter squeezed out the towel he felt her forehead before placing it on her head. Standing from the bed he pulls the covers over her, "Mhmm.." the feverish Cheng Bi Yu moaned.

Carter grabbed the basin heading outside with one last glance at Cheng Bi Yu he carefully closed the door behind him. "How's her condition son?.." Christopher approached his grandson. Carter firmly gripped the basin, "..Her fever has gone down a little. You know I've never seen Ominous lash out like this. Something feels strange about Emerson's accident-" Carter couldn't help but voice his suspicion.

Christopher rubbed his chin, "I'm quite puzzled," he then pats Carter's shoulder, "Don't worry about that I'll do an investigation meanwhile just focus on taking care of Emerson," Christopher left his Italian leather shoe heel clicked on the marble tailed floor.

Carter heads downstairs discarding the basin, "..Would Young Master like something to eat?.." Greta asked spotting the sweating youth it was almost dinner time. Carter response was, "-I'll eat when I'm finished taking care of Emerson,"

"So what did you find?-" Christopher asked Dr. Joel Kim his old friend who is a certified veterinarian by profession.

Dr. Joel Kim scratched head adjusting his thick black frames, "..It's strange Chris! From the drug screening," Dr. Joel Kim flipped his report chart, "Ominous seemed to have been injected with 400cc's of insulin," he further explained, "..An empty bottle of that capacity has been found dumped not too far from Ominous' stable,"

Dr. Joel Kim closed the chart. Christopher creases his brows, "..But shouldn't this amount kill her?-" the diligent doctor nods, "..This amount could kill forty cattle so there's no telling what it could do to a horse,.." with his index finger the doctor pushed up his glasses on his nose bridge.

Dr. Joel Kim clicked his pen placing it in his coat's top pocket, "..But it seems our Ominous here is quite strong for her breed," he creased his narrow eyebrows puzzled, "..Who would inject Ominous? What's their motive?-" hearing Dr. Joel Kim's words something clicked inside Christopher.

Christopher clicked his tongue, "..Thank you for coming again Joel." He placed his slightly wrinkled hands in his pocket, "..I think I already know the answer to your questions. I'll get going now-" the old matriarch angrily strides away.

"..Where's he going to so fast?
.." Dr. Joel Kim adjusted his coat the keen doctor fished in his pocket pulling out his buzzing phone, "Un, Dr. Wang I'll be there right away-"

Christopher stood before a certain someone's door he angrily knocks. Esther was busily lotioning her long legs when she heard loud knocks to her door, "..Who is it!.." she asked irritated, "..Who the hell is it?!-" she barks spotting the shadow underneath her door.

Esther grits her teeth getting up from her bed she throws open the door, "Say something goddamnit!.." her eyes widened tremendously, "..G-grandfather?" Her breath got caught in her throat.

"Un." Christopher bites down his anger, "..It's me. Can I come in?
..." His eyes dart past her, "..Y-yes g-grandfather," she bowed stepping back she quickly grabbed her robe pulling it over her nightgown, "What brings you here Grandfather?..."

"..I've met many women but none as mischievous and scrupulous as you," Esther gasped taken back by his words that she asked her arms folded, "However do you mean Grandfather?.."

"...Because your father and I are good friends I'll let you off with a warning never you dare try to harm Emerson in that way again. She is my grandson's girlfriend and hopefully she'll be my future Granddaughter-in-law so you can demolish the hope you have of being this family's daughter-in-law," Christopher exclaimed pointing sternly, "..Just remember one thing if harm comes to Emerson I'll forget my good friend and you'll be reprimanded severely-"

He dangerously smiled a dark glint in his eyes, "..Don't let your sins bite dear beware of your Karma," with that he stormed off slamming the door behind.

Esther fends her anger by punching her pillow as she curses Emerson a thousand times. Meanwhile back in Carter's room Cheng Bi Yu sleeps away her soft breathing echoing through Carter's ear.

Cheng Bi Yu who opens her eyes is greeted by blackness, "..Why can't I see anything?.." her voice echoed through the empty void like magic a bright white light appeared reflecting a path, "Hello!.." she called out walking forward, "..Hello any one there?.."

Cheng Bi Yu trembled, "..God it's freezing in here!.." she wrapped her arms around her vigorously rubbing her goosebumps from the cold weather.

Cheng Bi Yu noticed something ahead nearing she discovers a yellow haired, red robed wearing silhouette with their back turned. The figure turned causing Cheng Bi Yu to cock her brows, "..Wait a minute I know you..." her frozen breath left her mouth,  "..Who are you? Why do you always appear to me?.." the yellow haired woman took graceful steps forward once close enough she suddenly reached out her porcelain hand.

Cheng Bi Yu instinctively stepped back the divine woman's hand stilled she stood still with her palm stretched out. Cheng Bi Yu eyed her confused, "Do you want me to take your hand?.." she asked put of curiosity.

The woman nods, "Okay.." was Cheng Bi Yu simple reply she reached out her frozen palm placing it against her's. A massive electric shock poured through her palm sending her falling back harshly landing on her butt Cheng Bi Yu hissed, "What the hell was that!.." she held her bruised elbow, "What the heck did you just do to me!.." she crunched using the back of her hand she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

The woman reminds silent she turned running away, "Wait! You still haven't told me who you are!.." Cheng Bi Yu voice echoed, "-Don't go yet!.." gathering herself Cheng Bi Yu scraps herself off the ground clutching her elbow she ran behind the figure, "Wait up!.." she paths, "..Time out!-" she exclaim exhausted she hurled over catching her breath, "Damn! How can she run so fast?.." she watched the bolting figure Cheng Bi Yu straightened, "..Fine keep running!.." she exclaimed her hands flared at her waist, "..I should be thinking of a way to get put of this place," Cheng Bi Yu walked ahead.

"Just where the heck am I?..." she pursed her lips frustrated after seeing pure nothingness for what felt like hours, "Ah there you are..." her hands firmed on her waist she nudged her head, "Will you tell me how to get out of this place huh?.."

Another mysterious figure appeared beside the woman it was the same masked blacked robed youth she boldly walks towards them, "..Hey big shot!.." his eyes sharply narrowed, "Wah! No need to look so scary!.."

"..So do you or don't you know how to get out of here?.." the mysterious masked youth stepped forward Cheng Bi Yu eyes widened, "..What are you doing? Stay back!-" she took cautious steps back but the relentless youth continued forward.

"..Argh!..." Cheng Bi Yu almost tripped over her feet a solid arm wrapped around her waist he leaned dangerous close his cold breath fanned against her ear, "Die.."

Her eyes widened, "What?.." she exclaimed confused thinking she had heard him wrong, "I said die!.." her eyes bulged even wider as a blade pierced her stomach, "Why!.." she staggered back clutching her abdomen.

"No!.." Cheng Bi Yu jolted up breathing heavily cold sweat soaked her forehead and neck, "Easy.." Carter grasped her arm, "Relax. Did you have a nightmare?.." he worriedly grasped her cheek, "It's nothing," Her hand instinctively grasped her abdomen witnessing the fear in her eyes Carter asked, "Are you hurt? Does your stomach hurt?.."

"..No-" Cheng Bi Yu shook her head she said in relief, "..So I'm not dead after all-" she dryly laughed Carter palm reached for her forehead, "..That's good your fever's gone," he exclaimed relief.

"..I had a fever?-" Cheng Bi Yu mouths confused, "Un." Carter replied with a nod, "A pretty high one-"

"..No wonder I felt delirious. So I'm really no dead?.." she pursed her lips Carter gently flicked her forehead, "What are you going on about being dead? When you're still kicking and screaming you silly girl,"

Carter flicked her forward again. Cheng Bi Yu frowns rubbing her forehead she narrowed her eyes pouting she looked like a wronged child,"..You silly woman gave everyone a fright yesterday..." Carter explains his actions against her.

"..I'm sorry to worry everyone..." She slightly bowed apologizing. Carter then says, "Everyone's outside waiting to see you but if you're not feeling up to it I could tell them to come back-"

Cheng Bi Yu interjects, "I'm fine as I can be, See-" she reassures giving a warm smile whilst flexing her muscle, "..Is Ominous alright?-" she asked.

"..You were almost killed and you're worried about a horse..." Carter exclaimed flabbergasted. Cheng Bi Yu bit her lip, "..So is she okay or not?-"

Carter rested his hand down on the bed beside her, "..I don't know if she's okay I've been by your side ever since the accident so I haven't gotten around to ask," Carter grasps her hands tenderly looking into her green abyss, "...You scared me. If something happened to you I'd-"

Cheng Bi Yu interrupted, "..You'd hire another employee," she joked. He flicked her forehead, "Not funny!.." he released her hands, "..Just forget it-"

Carter abruptly stands, "..I'll go let everyone in," Cheng Bi Yu grabbed his hand, "..Thank you for taking care of me," Carter gave a faint smile Cheng Bi Yu released his hand.

Carter goes to open thr door. Celine strides over she dramatically seats down beside Cheng Bi Yu grasping her hand Celine rambled, "..I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking about you, are you okay? Do you feel hurt anywhere? Is your head hurting? Can I get you anything? Water? Juice? Tea?-"

"Ummm?.." Cheng Bi Yu felt her mind was going to  explode any second with the constant questions thrown her way. Cheng Bi Yu signaled Carter using her eyes to ask for help but another hero stepped in saving the day.

Willis rests his hand on Celine's shoulder, "...I think you should calm down with the train of questions babe," he exhaled, "-Look at the poor girl she's exhausted-" Celine keen eyes darted back to Cheng Bi Yu scanning her face.

Cheng Bi Yu beamed smiling widely she reassured, "..I'm okay I didn't mean to let you worry yesterday...."

"..Nonsense I must worry anyways if you're feeling better why don't you join me and the girls for brunch later?-" Celine was completely petrified and worried about what happened yesterday but seeing her cousin's sweet girlfriend's cheery attitude her mind was at ease.

"..I'd love to. I think sunlight will do me some good," she replied scratching her neck.

"Great!-" Celine excitedly claps standing to her feet, "-I'll let you freshen up I'll come to pick you later then we can walk to the garden together," Cheng Bi Yu nods in agreement.

Celine eyes landed on her gorgeous fiance she spoke, "..Come Willis!..." she leaves tugging Willis  who wondered behind her like a lost puppy.

Christopher takes the initiative to come over and also sit by her bed, "Are you truly okay Ms. Emerson?.."

Cheng Bi Yu awkwardly shifts clearing her throat, "I think you as my elder calling me Ms. Emerson is too much it makes uncomfortable. Just call me Emerson please," she averted her eyes.

Christopher chuckled, "..I never knew you fault that way," the old matriarch rubbed his palms together , "..If that's the case then I'll address you as just Emerson,"

"Un." She lifted her eyes.  "..Then what about my question? Are you okay? -" Cheng Bi Yu found that the old matriarch reminded her of her grandfather when she was still alive a warm smile plastered her slightly chapped lips, "I'm okay. Carter made sure I was well taken care of,"

Christopher chuckles, "It's good to hear that my grandson takes good care of his girlfriend. Well I won't keep you long I know you have to get ready..." Christopher stood up, "Stay healthy," he left.

Cheng Bi Yu throws off the sheets standing to her feet she exclaims cracking her neck, "..I better take a shower," she brought her sweaty blouse to her nose she scrunched her nostrils in disgust, "Barf!.."

Carter clears his throat, "Then I'll go wait outside...." Carter steps out. Cheng Bi Yu pulls her sweaty t-shirt over her head she flung a towel over her shoulder.

Meanwhile outside Christopher approached Carter which got Carter asking, "..Are you okay Grandpa? You seem stressed-" Christopher's face did seem less playful the old matriarch sighed, "..There's something important I need to discuss with you son,"

"..What's it about?" Carter asked curiously he removed his hand from the knob. "...We'll talk but not here meet me in my study later when you get the chance," Christopher strode off his hands in his pockets.

Celine came to pick Cheng Bi Yu hooking their arms together they walked on the path to the garden, "You didn't start without me did you?-" Celine jokes approaching.

"As if..." Elene clicked her tongue  then complimented upon spotting Cheng Bi Yu, "..Your dress looks great Emerson it really brings out your simple beauty...." Melina also complimented as the two girls took a seat, "..You're truly a beauty especially with that red hair of yours no wonder   Carter's smitten with you...." Esther of course swallowed vinegar grinding her teeth.

Celine pursed her lips, "No compliment for the host?.." Melina pinched her best friend's thigh, "..Ouch," she rubbed the spot, "..You! Why ask if you always look gorgeous?.."

"Ehem!-" Celine cleared her throat resting her clasped hands on the table she turned to the simply enchanting Cheng Bi Yu, "..So I never got around to ask you how did you and Carter meet," Celine's hands extended as she grabbed the porcelain leaf decorated  teapot pouring out a cup of tea.

"..Yeah how did you two meet?-" Elene curious leans in. Elene normally indulged herself in romance novels and even one day wants to be a author of such novels in the future but Elene lacking inspiration has had a hard time.

"..Yes please tell us I would love to hear..." Esther leaned forward her fingers circling the rim of the teacup. Carter's ex strongly believed their relationship was nothing but a hoax to fool her so she'd give up on him.

Esther brings the cup of tea to her lips her bold red signature lipstick staining the edge.

Cheng Bi Yu stilled blinking she ranked through her brain her clear as water voice reached their ears, "..Carter is actually my boss," she joked a faint smile displayed on her glossed lips, "-Who would've believed  nothing good could come from a boss-employee relationship-"

Elene interjects a little too excited, "-Readers today can't get enough of workplace romance," Elene whipped out her notepad, "..Please continue," she encouraged flipping to an empty page.

"..Where was I oh-" Cheng Bi Yu bit her tongue, "..Carter strongly was against our relationship so after months of chasing him and leaving little hints here and there he finally came around,"

"So you chased him..." Elene wasn't surprised her cousin was a tough cookie to crack and didn't do the whole thing of chasing girls like her brother did. "..This will make an interesting idea in a book instead of the other way around the male lead chasing the female lead is too predictable now...."

"..What about your first date?-" Celine asks, "Where did you go? What kind of flowers did you get? Did you get flowers?.."

Cheng Bi Yu gulped, "..For our first date he took me to a fancy restaurant we conversed over wine and found that we had much in common. As for flowers I didn't get any until our second date,"

"..Did you kiss?-" Elene wrote away in her notepad. "Eh?.." Cheng Bi Yu arched her brows, "Did you kiss on your first date?.." Elene looked up from her notepad her eyes seriously trained on Cheng Bi Yu's face.

"..Well we-" Cheng Bi Yu was interrupted by the sudden chants of the girls, "Did you kiss! Did you kiss! Did you kiss!-" the clapped, "..Come on tell us don't be shy Emerson," Celine teased smiling like a fool, "Come on. Did you kiss!-"

"..Well we-" before she could finish Esther abruptly stood interrupting, "..Did we just come to talk or did we come to drink tea? Drink up the tea is getting cold!-" Esther bit her tongue she tightly gripped the handle of her teacup.

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