Partners In The End (Shidge...

By VoltronMoon

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Book 1. Its a Zombie apocalypse Au More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.

Chapter 33.

54 7 2
By VoltronMoon




Side Note

So, In the last chapter I missed counted.

I said there would be nine of them but their actually Eleven of them.

I said nine becuase there was nine of them but I've added people since then and just forgot to count them on.

Elven people will still fit between the car since the Jeep holds seven seats and the Honda holds Five Seats. Meaning they only have on chair left free in the jeep now.

Eleven people not Nine.


"Pidge, remembered how you found duck tape in the farm. Do we still have some left" Keith asked as he sat behind the passenger seat. His head leaning in the small gap beside the passenger seat and the doors letting him see Pidge face.

"Yep, its in the boot. Use as much as you need"  Pidge replied as she turned her head to look at Keith who nodded before sitting back in how own hair. Allura voice still feeling the car as she talked non stop within the last two hours of them leaving the camp while she sat behind the driver seat stealing Hunk place.

"Use it all" Lance groaned as he passed the duck tape to Keith, even he wanted to kill the women after her non stop talking. It was around two in the morning and non of them have had any sleep due to the sneaking out. Lance wondered if he was as bad as Allura was rethinking his life choices. 

Don't get the others wrong, they were happy for Hunk to sit beside Shay after all they the cute couple. Plus Allura didn't give him much choice, she just sat behind Shiro in the jeep and started to raise her voice whenever someone tried to move her almost getting them all caught by the night guards. Hence, She was in the jeep making everyone trying their best to not murder her in their drained sleepily annoyed state. 

"Got any Glue" Matt asked as he sat in the middle seat on the back row, sitting between Keith and Allura but clearly enjoying the Idea of jumping threw the front screen before him or jumping into the boot to sit in the spare boot jeep. 

"I wished" Shiro muttered as he focused on driving, it was the middle of the night, non of them have slept since they woke up the morning before, It was dark making it hard to see anything even with the car head lights on high beam. The Honda was driving behind them, their head lights on low beam.

"Why would we need the tape" Allura asked as she turned her head to look at as many as she could but everyone jus stared at her, even shiro just looked at her threw the rear view mirror. 

"Please tell me we can pull over soon and sleep becuase murder is looking rather good right now" Matt asked with a slightly begging tone as he leaned forward, his head popping between the driver and passenger seats. 

"We only be on the road for just over a couple hours, lets push on a little further to make sure we safe" Keith sighed as he looked to his boyfriend, holding his hand giving in a slight squeeze.

"No, we need to pull over and sleep. We all tried and we all barely keeping our eyes open. Its not safe to keep driving like this, a small pull over is up head. We spend the rest of the night there" Pidge sighed as everyone needed some sleep and they did take the old road instead of the main one. 

"Pidge is right, I can barely keep my eyes open and I'm sure it worse for our two drivers. We just pull over in the pit stop. We need to sleep" Lance mumbled as he glanced back to the Honda seeing Krollia driving and Coran seemed fast asleep in the passenger seat. 

"Wait, we gonna sleep on the side of a road. We be sitting ducks if someone pass by" Allura whispered yelled.

"We not being chased, we just getting some distance from the camp since we not sure where the other not so friendly camp is hiding. But we should be alright for now and they right we all need sleep. I might end up crashing soon" Shiro replied and started to turn in the pit stop where a sos phone that clearly wouldnt work anymore.

Krollia soon followed his lead and pulled in behind him, parking up before the Jeep with the sos phone box behind them. Everyone who was still awake all jumped out of their cars, stretching their legs and glancing round to the slight bush beside the pit side that would soon become their toilet for the night. 

Krollia, Shiro, Pidge, Keith, Matt, Lance, Hunk, Shay and Allura was the only ones still awake leaving Coran and Romelle fast asleep in the Honda. 

"Should we set up the tents" Hunk asked as he stood with his arm around Shay who was clearly a little cold but then so was everyone on this chilly night.

"Tents" Allura asked unsure and no one was in the right mind set to explain anything right now.

"We don't have enough tents for everyone, even with the three we have we already sharing. We have no choice but to just sleep in the cars" Shay spoke up as she rubbed her eye a little.

"Shay right, even with the tents we got we won't fit eleven people in. I mean me, you and Lance are already not enjoying the shared tent. Hunk and Shay packed into their own tent and soon they be sharing it with a baby. Pidge tent in a single tent that most wouldnt be able to fit in anyway. We need to get some more or find a place to camp out for awhile" Keith sighed as he rubbed his neck a little.

"Iverson, before we left he told me that an old camping store in the next city near the edge. He was thinking of sending some men to get supplies before the garrison walked on but never did since the garrison had to leave in a hurry. Maybe we can check it out and get more tents for us all" Krollia spoke up with her hands on her hips remembering what her fellow soldier told her about before they left. She hoped the older man would be ok back on camp but he was so sure on staying and helping Kolivan with protecting the last numbers of people. 

"Sounds like a plan but for now lets all get some sleep" Shiro smiled as Pidge sleepily nodded beside him while yawning.

"Wait hang on, Keith shares a tent with Shiro and Lance. Should I be jealous, feel bad for Shiro or laugh" Matt quickly asked as he looked to his boyfriend.

"Can we not talk about the tent sharing, I'm sure we can change it around when we getting more tents. Just lets sleep" Lance mumbled as he walked to the car.

"Sleep" Pidge cheered making the others laugh before they all climbed back into the cars, throwing sleeping bags around to keep them warm. Thankfully Krollia, Allura, Coran, Romelle and Matt was able to bring their sleeping bags from Kolivan camp so everyone had something to keep them warm for now.

Morning slowly came along but no one was going to be an early riser not after the little sleep so far. All just suffering around in their seats to hide from the sun, all thankful they took their seatbelts off when sleeping. Lance and Keith was unsure over falling asleep without their seatbelts after the sharp break wake up call by Shiro last time but they knew he be too tired to get embarrassed again. 

It was around lunch time when everyone started to wake up, a good nine hours of sleep earning them to all be a little happy over sleeping half the day. Krollia, Keith and Shiro was the first lot awake and wondering if they should wake the others or give them another couple minutes. But it seemed the others answered for them as everyone was waking up just seconds apart their bodies deciding nine hours was long enough. All throwing the sleeping bags back in the boots, leaving the rolling up to the more serious members in the group. 

"Oh my, he a kicker alright" Coran spoke in surprise as he hand a hand on Shay stomach feeling the child kick, he sat in the seat behind the driver seat leaving Shay sitting in the middle and Hunk beside her while Romelle sat in the passenger seat.

"It seems so" Shay smiled contently as she held Hunk hand giving a slight squeeze as the baby kicked again. 

"But I'm sure he or she gonna be a lover not a fighter" Romelle smiled brightly as she turned in the seat to look at the soon to be mother. 

"I hope so, there already way too many scary people in our group. I mean have you seen Pidge in the mornings" Hunk replied with a worried smile as the others laughed.

"Yes, The holts truly are something else when mad" Krollia joked as she glanced in the wear view mirror, the Honda was leading today leaving the jeep behind them. 

"Agreed but they are also very smart it seems, I just hope to never get on Pidge bad side ... Again" Coran smiled slightly as he looked out the window. beside him.

"Again" Romelle asked unsure and Coran tensed a little.

"Its a rather scary story that non of would like to remember" Hunk explained trying to think of the right words. 

"I don't know, I found it to be rather sad then scary but also a joyful moment. I mean Keith told us about his boyfriend and mother. Lance talked about his family, while we told them about how we first met. Pidge well she just broke down in a right mess but it was nice to see, she was already guarded and hardly show any emotion unless it was just her and Shiro. It was nice seeing her break down trusting us to look after her in such a state. Plus when Pidge finally reached Shiro, they might not have a movie meeting but the look in her eyes was worth almost dying" Shay smiled sweetly and Hunk couldn't help but give a slight nod. 

"You all must have been threw a lot, I'm glad you could all become a mini family during such times" Krollia smiled and glanced back to the keep threw the rear view mirror.

"I wonder what the others are talking about, I miss phones or working radios but I bet they talking about something rather nice" Romelle mumbled as she looked out to the road.

"I mean if you did push someone of a roof then it couldn't count as murder after all gravity was the one to kill them" Pidge mutter as she looked out to the door window. 

"Yes but your the one who pushed them" Lance argue backed from his seat in the jeep boot. 

"No hang on, Pidge is onto something that might be really good. A way to kill without being blamed, I like it" Keith spoke up waving his hand slightly at Lance to shut up.

"But gravity didnt kill them the impact of hitting the ground killed them" Matt replied as he looked up from his book, his head on Keith shoulder as he was sit sitting in the middle to stop Keith from pushing Allura out of the car.

"Exactly, so if we did push someone of a roof then we not the ones to kill them. Its a win-win, the person we wanted dies without us being blamed for it" Shiro answered with a slight grin.

"I should have stuck with the Honda" Allura whispered to herself as she glanced at the others with worry.

"Matt help me out here, tell them that its still murder even if science kills them or something" Lance huffed as he poked the older man shoulder. 

"Its still murder" Matt smiled and Lance gave a breath of relief.

"but with it being the end of the world, no laws" Pidge smirked making Lance frowned.

"She not wrong, I mean zombies eating us alive is murderous and yet the cops haven't locked them up. We living without laws, so its not murder" Shiro spoke up and Matt just laughed.

"See so murder is ok becuase the zombies are doing it and you don't see the cops going around arresting them" Keith smirked as Lance started to bang his head on the back chair. 

"You all need help" Allura frowned as she looked to her lap.

"I wouldnt say that to those who just found a loop hole in killing someone" Shiro warned with a slight smirk on his lips that thankfully Pidge couldn't see. 

"Yeah, we might end up staying somewhere with a roof one day" Pidge grinned cheekily. 

"And with no cops around it means we law free" Keith smirked crossing his arms.

"Wha" Allura squeaked.

"Just try not to come back as a zombie, we already have enough of them to deal with" Matt teased as Allura huffed beside him.

"But then if we kill a zombie does that count as murder becuase they no longer human .. would it be animal slaughter" Lance mumbled and the group started talking about another case of murder.

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