[โœ“] ๐’๐”๐๐…๐‹๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘, ๐š‘๐šŽ๏ฟฝ...


172K 6.4K 4.7K

๐’๐”๐๐…๐‹๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘, zachary herron โคท ๐€ ๐’๐“๐Ž๐‘๐˜ ๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ a positive girl h... More

one โ˜† please take it
two โ˜† first day
three โ˜† a fourth one
four โ˜† sharing our dance
five โ˜† i think you're talented
six โ˜† request
seven โ˜† meaningful hug
eight โ˜† oakland or pineland?
nine โ˜† you're beautiful
ten โ˜† i still can't believe she's gone
eleven โ˜† we're friends?
twelve โ˜† across town
thirteen โ˜† you have to go to the dance
fourteen โ˜† olive garden
fifteen โ˜† my darling, alayna jayne eastman
sixteen โ˜† two worlds have just combined
seventeen โ˜† you guys are done
eighteen โ˜† so you're elena?
nineteen โ˜† bulldogs v. terriers
twenty โ˜† empty seat
twenty-one โ˜† i have to tell you something
twenty-two โ˜† we both lost someone
twenty-three โ˜† presley and jack
twenty-four โ˜† senior trip
twenty-five โ˜† sweet and sour chicken
twenty-six โ˜† anatomy project
twenty-seven โ˜† you're being weird
twenty-eight โ˜† don't fall asleep
twenty-nine โ˜† i don't want to see you
thirty โ˜† official
thirty-one โ˜† revenge plan
thirty-two โ˜† the worst
thirty-three โ˜† permanently closed
thirty-four โ˜† allergic to walnuts
thirty-five โ˜† don't be ashamed
thirty-six โ˜† royal berry bowls
thirty-seven โ˜† why would rosie throw that out?
thirty-eight โ˜† the jonah side
thirty-nine โ˜† the rosie side
forty โ˜† a lot messier
forty-one โ˜† christmas memory
forty-two โ˜† meet at the cemetery
forty-three โ˜† tradition
forty-four โ˜† i'll never take it off
forty-six โ˜† corbyn's fist
forty-seven โ˜† snow day
forty-eight โ˜† over text
forty-nine โ˜† the most beautiful girl in the world
fifty โ˜† fifty dollars
fifty-one โ˜† how do you know if you love someone?
fifty-two โ˜† i don't know if i'm ready
fifty-three โ˜† this is my nana and poppy
fifty-four โ˜† project: dancing queen
fifty-five โ˜† did we miss something?
fifty-six โ˜† you can't keep doing this to me
fifty-seven โ˜† first date
fifty-eight โ˜† fake blond
fifty-nine โ˜† good luck at pineland
sixty โ˜† the three s's
sixty-one โ˜† landing in hawaii
sixty-two โ˜† the sun is about to set
sixty-three โ˜† start moving on
sixty-four โ˜† the truth
sixty-five โ˜† you never lost me
sixty-six โ˜† did you love him?
sixty-seven โ˜† easy elena and horny herron
sixty-eight โ˜† maybe it was a mistake
sixty-nine โ˜† this isn't like you
seventy โ˜† pear and raspberry
seventy-one โ˜† before you go
seventy-two โ˜† not delivered
seventy-three โ˜† plans for graduation
seventy-four โ˜† the ceremony
seventy-five โ˜† you lied to me
seventy-six โ˜† this drama is so exhausting
seventy-seven โ˜† snapped
seventy-eight โ˜† elena's car
seventy-nine โ˜† i need you to be strong for me
eighty โ˜† my precious sunflower
eighty-one โ˜† alana
the end โ˜† author's note

forty-five โ˜† i want pizza

1.7K 61 112

of twenty-twenty

narrator's pov.

winter break had ended, and school at oakland and pineland high returned for its regular session. elena and presley crowded around rosaline's locker, and watched her unpack her belongings from her book bag.

"alright, it's a new year, and a completely new decade," elena started, "how are we all feeling?"

"i have a lot of positivity for this new year," presley answered, "what about you, rosie?"

rosaline shrugged, "i'm still heated about jonah. plus, his friends basically hate me now."

"ugh, now that you bring it up, i'm mad," presley groaned, "i can't believe june is sticking up for that lying and heartless bi—"

"whoa, whoa, language," elena pointed out, "rose, don't you think you and jonah should talk things out? you know, try to see the entire situation eye-to-eye?"

"if i ever see him again, i might end up punching him in the face," rosaline declared, shutting her locker.

"you're bound to see him eventually, especially at the senior trip. you guys just can't avoid each other," elena added.

daniel and corbyn appeared, both of their backpacks hanging off one shoulder as they talked about the statistics homework they both procrastinated all of break to do the night prior. before heading to their lockers, they stopped at rosaline's.

"what're we talking about?" corbyn asked.

"rose and jonah," presley answered, "rose and i agree that jonah is a di— i mean, bad person. however, elena wants the two to makeup."

"ugh, this again?" daniel groaned, "can we just accept that jonah is terrible?"

"i second that," corbyn agreed, high-fiving daniel, "come on, elena. he did rose so dirty."

"yeah, but i still think they should talk things out because this breakup is just ruining all of our friendships," elena sighed, "june and presley don't agree, jack probably hates rose, and you all can't stand jonah. that's not healthy for any of our friendships with them, and that's probably not good for any of the relationships like june and corbyn, and jack and presley."

"well, if jonah didn't act the way he did, then this entire situation wouldn't have happened," daniel declared, "anyways, i want pizza."

"pizza at seven-thirty in the morning?" rosaline asked, "you're weird."

"no, i mean later," daniel responded.

"you want the school pizza for lunch? that's disgusting, bro," corbyn groaned, pretending to vomit.

daniel rolled his eyes, "no, i meant i want pizza after school. let's go to full moon pizza when school is over."

"i don't know, i'm probably going to have a ton of homework," rosaline disagreed.

"come on, rosie, just come with us," elena urged, "maybe it'll help take your mind off jonah?"

"yeah," daniel agreed, "plus, it'll be just like old times from sophomore year. just us five hanging out at full moon pizza."

"alright, fine, i'll go," rosaline gave in.


"is anyone else craving full moon pizza, or is it just me?" june asked, walking down the hallway between third and fourth period with zach, jack, and jonah.

"do you guys want to leave school during lunch or just go after?" jack asked back.

"definitely after," jonah answered, "there's more of a chance of me running into a hot girl."

"hot girl?" zach questioned, "you're already planning on replacing rosie?"

"i need to distract myself from rosie because every time i think about her, i get so mad," jonah replied, walking toward the locker room, "alright, i have gym, i'll catch up with you guys later."

zach, jack, and june continued to walk down the corridor to get to their calculus classroom. zach asked, "do you guys think jonah should start dating again?"

june nodded, "i don't blame him for wanting to forget that snake. the entire situation makes me mad too."

"yeah, rose is the one who started posting shade on social media," jack agreed, "it's only fair that jonah did the same."

"i don't know, i think that they should make up," zach disagreed.


the final bell of the day rang, and the oakland group hopped into corbyn's car to head to the pizzeria, and the pineland group rode in jonah's car. jonah, jack, june, and zach arrived first since full moon pizza is located in pineland, and jack and zach headed into a booth while june and jonah headed toward the ordering station.

"so... how are you and presley?" zach asked jack.

"pretty good," jack replied, "how about you and elena?"

"huh?" zach questioned.

"aren't you two dating?" jack inquired, "i always thought you guys were."

"psssh, no way," zach scoffed, "we're just... really good friends."

"i think you guys would be good together. i see a ton of chemistry," jack pointed out.

"wait, really?" zach queried.

jack nodded, "yeah, you guys are always holding hands and acting all lovey-dovey. i'm seriously surprised you're not a thing yet."

the store doorbell rang, and the oakland group headed inside the pizzeria. elena was first to walk in, and stopped in her steps when she saw june and jonah by the ordering station, "oh god."

june and jonah turned around, and jonah's eyes immediately squinted as he recognized who the five people were, "what are you guys doing here?"

"the real question is... what are you guys doing here?" daniel questioned, crossing his arms.

"this is our turf," june declared, "we're in pineland if you couldn't tell."

"okay, but why are you complaining?" presley scoffed, "we don't make it a big deal when all of you are in oakland."

jack and zach headed over to the ordering station to see what was going on. elena rolled her eyes at the continuous bickering, and stood in between the two groups, "guys, can we not make a big deal out of this? we're all just trying to eat pizza. and can we stop with all this oakland turf and pineland turf? it's really dumb. it's not like we're bikers and surfers from teen beach movie."

"alright, whatever," jonah reluctantly agreed, pressing his lips together to show his annoyance at the oakland group, "just don't talk to us, okay?"

"as if," daniel scoffed, walking to a booth on the opposite side of the pizzeria.

daniel and presley sat on one side of the booth, and elena, rosaline, and corbyn sat on the other side. rosaline pointed out, "uh, we didn't even order our food."

"but we already walked away and had the last sentence," daniel groaned, "we can't just go back there."

"let's send elena to get our food since they probably think she's chill," corbyn suggested.

"what?" elena asked, "you guys are going to make me do it?"

"hey, you're the only person here that doesn't seem to completely hate jonah," presley reminded, "just order a half-cheese, half-pepperoni.

elena nodded, and began to walk toward the ordering station. daniel called out, "oh, don't forget mozzarella sticks!"

meanwhile, at the booth where the pineland group was seated at, jonah had received a text alert through the full moon pizza app that his order was ready.

"who's going to get the food?" jonah asked, "i definitely can't."

"me either," june agreed.

jack groaned, "i'm feeling lazy."

the three turned their heads to face zach, who was watching an episode of victorious on his phone. when he felt eyes on him, he lifted his head up, and jumped to see jonah, june, and jack staring at him, "why are you all watching me?"

"we think you should get the food for us," june declared, "you're the only one that seems fine with them."

"yeah," jonah agreed, "and look, elena is at the ordering station."

"alright, i'll go," zach replied.

he walked toward where elena was to pick up the food, and the two smiled once they saw each other. elena wrapped her arms around zach's torso, and zach had his wrapped around elena's shoulders as he rested his chin on top of her head.

"this sucks," elena sighed, releasing from the hug, "i hate that everyone's mad at each other."

"at least we see eye-to-eye, right?" zach asked, "we both think that..."

"jonah and rosie should talk things out," elena answered, "i'm just happy that we're cool, and this doesn't affect us."

"me too, ellie," zach agreed, grabbing the tray with his food, "i'll facetime you later, okay?"

elena nodded, and zach walked back to his booth. once the oakland group's food was ready, elena brought it over to them.

"god bless," daniel remarked, rubbing his hands against each other as elena placed down the food, "i've been wanting these mozzarella sticks for days."

as they started pulling out slices of pizza, presley received a text from jack.


jack 🦦:

jack 🦦:
we're good, right?

presley 🧸:
well yeah why
wouldnt we be?

jack 🦦:
idk i just thought
rose and jonah's
situation would
cause some problems

presley 🧸:
well my opinion
on jonah doesn't change
how i feel about you

jack 🦦:
my opinion on rose
doesn't change how
i feel about you either

jack 🦦:
regardless of the
fact she's a liar

presley 🧸:
okay see that's
where you cross
the line

presley 🧸:
please don't
talk about rose
like that

presley 🧸:
you are aware
that shes my best
friend right?

jack 🦦:
well obviously
i know pres

jack 🦦:
you have opinions
on jonah that i
don't agree with

presley 🧸:
okay but i'm not
going to talk crap
about him to you
because i know
ur friends

presley 🧸:
u see the difference
there jack?

jack 🦦:

jack 🦦:
i'm sorry
read at 2:47pm


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