destruction ➙ h. potter

By ughivy

727K 22.6K 46K

the boy who lived plus a girl of chaos equals destruction. "what could go wrong?" "my bets on the end of th... More

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an explanation + ending

15.4K 393 403
By ughivy

Hi guys!!

It's been a while.

I started this story around the end of 2016. I was in my sophomore year of high school and I was trying to cope with my mental illnesses while getting out of an abusive relationship.

It's been a long road. It's 2020 now, I just finished my freshman year of college and if I'm honest with you guys, I didn't think I'd make it this far.

I tried to kill myself in 2018, around the time I stopped writing this story, and I was diagnosed with derealization disorder on top of the other mental illnesses I already had.

I wanted to share this so you know that this story and you all helped me get through a really dark chapter of my life, but if I'm honest, I'm not going to be finishing the story.

Trying to immerse myself in this world again is too hard and brings me back to a place I never want to go again.

I love you all so much for you support and kind words, and if you are struggling with any mental illness or any sort of darkness, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm not perfect, but I'm learning and I'm coping and I'm getting better!

I'm 7 months clean, guys. I've learned that the number on the scale is not who I am. It's okay to have bad days, do what you can and don't beat yourself up. You can do whatever you set your mind to, no matter how anxious you feel.

Guys. I really hope you all take this to heart and know that there is a big world out there, bigger than us, full of people going through the same things, and people who have come out on the other side better for it.


Okay, so here's the deal.

I cannot finish this story. But I do want some closure, and I'm sure some of you do too.

I'm just gonna let you know how the story ends.

But if it's not your style, don't read it! You can make the story end however you want. Write your own ending! I don't care! You can decide how the last part of these characters lives go.

Honestly, if any of you feel inspired enough, you can literally write the last part, I would love that.

But if you want to know what I was going to for the ending:

Here you go:

• Harry and Isabel are officially a thing! They are so freaking cute and basically just the sweetest and healthiest relationship, we love to see it.
• After the group returns to Hogwarts there's a scene w Bailey apologizing profusely to Isabel, basically her growing as a person!
• the battle of Hogwarts!! Oh but guess who's here, HAYDEN.
• there's an epic battle scene between the two while the others are off fighting somewhere else, but, Hayden wins.
• Later after Hayden leaves to fight somewhere else, the trio stumble upon Isabel. But she's really dead this time.
• there's so much crying and pain, it's really awful. They're realizing that the prophecy is coming to pass.
• Voldemort tells Harry to give himself up, and after seeing Snape's memory, knowing what he had to do, he left to let Voldemort kill him.
• with the resurrection stone, he sees his parents, Sirius, and others and Isabel!
• it's so sad, but she reassures him that she's always with him and he's so brave for what he was doing. He tells her "I'll see you soon"
• Harry "dies"
• Ron and Hermione and torn, realizing their two best friends are gone.
•but Harry's alive!!!!!!
•more fighting, its all epic, and Harry ends up defeating Voldemort!!!!
• the trio rejoice in a moment before dealing w the aftermath.
• Hermione realizes that the prophecy actually didn't come to pass.
• they go back to the room where the left the dead Isabel to find Draco happy crying and apologizing to the now alive Isabel.
• they all celebrate together, Harry and Isabel share a beautiful moment and an adorable kiss
• move over Voldemort and Harry, Hayden and Isabel have an epic showdown.
• after a long fight and yelling, revealing the horrors Hayden had caused, she defeats him, killing him instantly.
• the group all deals with the aftermath of the war, dead friends and family.
• Harry consoles Isabel after killing her own brother, despite all he did, he was still family.
• the four friends stand on the destroyed bridge of their old school and destroy the elder wand.
• epilogue: the four move in together into a house while they each figure out what they want to do with their lives! The book ends at Ron and Hermione's wedding, and a pregnant Isabel reminiscing of their school years w her husband Harry.
• the end!!


I adore you all so much. The story may be over, but I'm still here if you need to talk.

And I have more books in the works, so follow me or check out the ones I have if they interest you.

I love you.

Thank you for sharing this world with me.


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