Perfectly Fragile

By GingeAsh22

103K 4.7K 271

"Apparently being in isolation for all these years, stirred up a painful anxiety. Every set of eyes on me mad... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty one
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
A/N Important

Chapter Thirty Three

1.4K 65 5
By GingeAsh22

Beta colby pv

Rage, disgust and various other emotions had swarmed me at some point today. The one emotion that t I couldn't shake or get away from was guilt.

I knew Larsen was a monster beyond words,but to subject our own pups to a life with rouges and humans as lab rats was beyond any evil I'd known. I desperately wanted to  rip his head from his body and rid the world of his disturb soul my wolf grumbled  in complete agreement with me. I don't know if I had the patience to do this the right way.

I'd spent most of the day talking with members of the pack. All seemingly ignorant to the fact their alpha was selling of pups, supplying rouges with questionable numbers and causing havoc amoing packs he was supposedly allied with.

It angered me more each time I spoke to a member who was sinfully as blind as the one before. It angered me further when I'd ask about Breya. All of them more than willing to tell me what a burden she is to their pack, how they wish alpha Larsen would dispose of her.

My wolf would growl venting out his own frustration about the blissfully awful wolves in this pack. How had they fallen so far that they'd accept witnesseing abuse towards a human girl.

I hadn't yet spoken to the people Breya named as involved so far. I was never one to allow emotions to rule, I understood the importance of emotions but usually I could control them. Today just proved to much for myseld and wolf to handle. The truth behind Larsens misguided ways was beginning to unravel. I was thankful he was locked away in his alphas wing I couldn't be held accountable for my actions right now.

The frustration had grown to much and I knew I needed a release to blow of the ever growing steam building inside of me. I couldn't wait until I made my way to the forest as soon as the fresh air hit my skin I called my wolf forward.

Fueld by his own anger and disapproval I felt him snarl in anticipation of shifting. Breaking out into a run I'd made it half way down the steps of the pack house before I felt the power of my wolf surge forward.

My bones quickly shifting into my wolfs form as his sandy fur sprouted from the time I'd landed I was in my wolves true form. Fleeing towards the forest.

I embraced the feeling of my paws hitting the ground of the dirt covered floor, as the icey wind hit my burning fur. I needed this, I needed to let out the anger and frustration enough that I could handle the days to come.

We had all worked to hard for it to end with a vengeful slaughter. As much as I'd like to allow my wolfs teeth to sink into the flesh of Larsen it wouldn't be right. The pups and Breya deserved more even this lowly pack deserved more.

Larsen definitely deserved a life time of punishment and misery. With thst thought in mind I was finally able to calm my restless mind for a moment. My wolf skidded to a stop in the open space encircled with the bare trees.

The familiar powerful aura surrounded us, wolf was in the shadows of the trees somewhere. He knew there was a possibility for me to be followed so he is remaining hidden. His aura alone calmed me and my beast that bit more I would trust him with my life.

"Who informed you?"

For the first time today my voice was calm and collected.

"Jamie,we knew it was bad colbey we need to keep our heads together he will be brought to justice"

I felt the familiar feeling of frustration bubble all over again at his words.

"how do you know? Our only willing witness is Breya, the council won't allow her to testify nor will they except her statement . He has already gotten away with to much the longer...

The sharp growl of the beast I respected more than any other cut my rant of. My wolf instantly bowed our head in submission.

"don't you think I know that! But if we don't do this the right way then more lives will be lost from a war that isn't needed, more pups, more wolves even more humans. I will deal with the council I won't allow for the crimes against Breya to be disregarded just because she isnt a child of the moon.  we will find other witnesses and we will give Larsen the punishment he deserves! I won't rest until then! "

Although he was practically raging through my head, his word provided me with confidence knowing he meant every word. My wolf lifted his head with pride and a new sense of ambition.

" go back colbey find us witnesses, introduce the royal pack members to Breya and begin preparing for the challenge. We only have four more days before we have to lift the restrictions of the pack"

Without another word I fled back through the forest. More determined than ever to find the evidence I needed to support Breyas claims. The sun was setting over the mountains telling me the day was at and end. Perfect.

"jamie gather everyone including Breya you have ten minutes to meet me at the orphanage.. Bring some pants"

Within minutes if arrived outside the outdated building. Just looking at it gave me an eerie feelings. The white door was discoloured with chips and splinters scattered across it. The discoloured panels caused by years of rain and neglect looked frial ready to fall at any given moment.

The large windows were lined with cracks and old dirty brown window frames. Holes between the windows and walls of the house. Old vines thst looked as dead as this entire building spread across the outside adding to its delaric look. It was a miracle it was still standing.

How had they gotten away with leaving pups here. The sound of quiet voices and footsteps sounded behind me. Turning my gaze from the old shabby building I found my pack walking towards me with curiosity in their eyes. Breyas small body was trailing next to finn and Jamie her head down whilst she played with her small hands.

The sound of my bones breaking and shifting sounded around us in only seconds I was stood on my own two feet. Jamie quickly throwing a pair of light grey sweat pants towards me.

"Breya these are some of the royal pack wolves, here to help us. You've already met Jamie and finn. You will be properly introduced to everyone tomorrow. For right now we need to talk with Mrs creed"

I couldn't help the growl that mixed into my words as I spoke her name. Breya only nodded in response as we all began to approach the rotting door. Firmly I fisted my hand and allowed my knuckles to rasp against the door.

To my surprise the door creeked open as soon as I made contact. All that stood before me was a dark empty hallway "

" hello? "

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